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    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + Pensant in What about a limit for the number of a topic a person can create a day?   
    You've completely missed the point of my response. Imagine what things would be like here if the 50-60 active users decided to open 30 new inane threads a day just to make a point. If it's acceptable for one person to do that then it is acceptable for everyone to do that. My new suggested senseless thread topics would be:
    1. Do you prefer Key West or Catalina Island?
    2. Should I buy new copper cookware?
    3. Would you rather go to Mars or Arkansas?
    4. Burial or Cremation?
    5. Is Hell more fun than Heaven?
    6. Ever put a toothbrush into your penis?
    7. I want to chew glass....should I?
    8. Is Sarah Palin a she-bot?
    9. How much would you pay to be straight?
    10. Is Blythe Danner actually a man?
    11. Who was the first transgender US President?
    12. Can a Playdoh figure be mayor of Carmel California?
    13. What if they moved Argentina into the Bering Sea?
    14. Should France ban all incoming travelers from Northern Ireland?
    15. What if penguins invaded the Taj Mahal?
    16. I think I just farted. Should I do something about it?
    17. For how many months have I been screwing over this discussion forum?
    18. Are the Munsters and Adams Family real?
    19. Will Barrow Alaska host the Summer Olympics tomorrow?
    20. Where did I leave my car keys?
    21. If I have blackhead on my nose, what should I do?
    22. I'm thinking about piercing my liver...should I?
    23. Yams or Sweet Potatoes?
    24. Sand or Diamonds?
    25. How much can aloe talk?
    26. Is shoe leather worth it?
    27. Where is Mickey Rooney when you need him?
    28. Will Forest run off the planet?
    29. What a dumb thread this is.
    30. Is Amy Winehouse back from the dead?
  2. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from topmanram in What about a limit for the number of a topic a person can create a day?   
    So just because someone has a supposed unfulfilling home life, one gets carte blanche to run amok on this forum and do as he pleases and say as he pleases without repercussions? That's a acceptable reason to allow someone to start 30 new threads a day on ridiculous topics that don't belong here? That's a good enough explanation for allowing said person to infect virtually every discussion thread with his whining and whimpering....not to mention his racist and extremist views? So said person gets a complete pass? Rules apply for everyone else but not to him? No wonder the trolls are winning the war in discussion forums around the world. Abusive and disruptive posting behavior gets tacit approval providing you display your pity pass card.
    I am not generally in favor of censorship either, but discussion forums need some guidelines enforced from time to time or things spin out of control. Trolls emerge quickly when they see a vacuum. What would happen if starting tomorrow, all relatively active posters here in Daddy's World began opening 30 new threads a day on topics that have nothing to do with the hobby at hand? Imagine. How many new threads a day would that be? Would the administrators sit idly by and allow that to occur on a daily basis?
  3. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + pitman in What about a limit for the number of a topic a person can create a day?   
    You've completely missed the point of my response. Imagine what things would be like here if the 50-60 active users decided to open 30 new inane threads a day just to make a point. If it's acceptable for one person to do that then it is acceptable for everyone to do that. My new suggested senseless thread topics would be:
    1. Do you prefer Key West or Catalina Island?
    2. Should I buy new copper cookware?
    3. Would you rather go to Mars or Arkansas?
    4. Burial or Cremation?
    5. Is Hell more fun than Heaven?
    6. Ever put a toothbrush into your penis?
    7. I want to chew glass....should I?
    8. Is Sarah Palin a she-bot?
    9. How much would you pay to be straight?
    10. Is Blythe Danner actually a man?
    11. Who was the first transgender US President?
    12. Can a Playdoh figure be mayor of Carmel California?
    13. What if they moved Argentina into the Bering Sea?
    14. Should France ban all incoming travelers from Northern Ireland?
    15. What if penguins invaded the Taj Mahal?
    16. I think I just farted. Should I do something about it?
    17. For how many months have I been screwing over this discussion forum?
    18. Are the Munsters and Adams Family real?
    19. Will Barrow Alaska host the Summer Olympics tomorrow?
    20. Where did I leave my car keys?
    21. If I have blackhead on my nose, what should I do?
    22. I'm thinking about piercing my liver...should I?
    23. Yams or Sweet Potatoes?
    24. Sand or Diamonds?
    25. How much can aloe talk?
    26. Is shoe leather worth it?
    27. Where is Mickey Rooney when you need him?
    28. Will Forest run off the planet?
    29. What a dumb thread this is.
    30. Is Amy Winehouse back from the dead?
  4. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Moondance in What about a limit for the number of a topic a person can create a day?   
    I understand that inclination, but assume you are aware that The Management does exercise a measure of "editorial control." As do all print publications and, I would guess, many, if not most, social media sites.

    Completely agree. If only SELF-restraint was a a possibility. No evidence of that so far.

    For the record, A WHOLE LOT OF COMPASSION (and actual effort to HELP) has been extended to the poster who has BEGGED for attention and feedback while showing exactly ZERO consideration for others here.
  5. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from twinkboylover28 in Club Gold Coast April 12 and 13.....Awful!!   
    Thanks for the info poolboy. Very helpful. I'm curious if you heard anything about the police raid that another poster mentioned. Let us know if you know something about that.
    Anyway....Club Gold Coast needs a serious recharge. Whatever they are doing now is not working at all.
  6. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from twinkboylover28 in Club Gold Coast April 12 and 13.....Awful!!   
    I've been back living in Michigan for almost two years now. I just finally ventured back to Club Gold Coast on Thursday and Friday nights. I hadn't been in 2-3 years. The dancer quality was dreadful. Not a single hot masculine guy dancing on either night.
    Thursday had around 10 dancers. All of them were white guys with the exception of one black and one Hispanic guy. All were somewhat or very effeminate. Not my cup of tea at all. Only one of them had a fairly tight worked out body. Kind of an Adam Rippon look. Very few patrons....maybe 10 paying customers. I left before midnight. There was no point in my staying there as there was no-one I was remotely interested in for a lapdance.
    I decided to return on Friday night to see if a weekend night would be any better. It was actually worse. Fewer dancers. Only about 6 guys dancing. Five of them were repeats from Thursday plus one different guy. The club was fairly busy when I arrived around 9:30pm. There was a group of 20-25 people (male & female) there that were part of a "party bus". They stayed for about 40 minutes and then left to move onto the next bar on their schedule I guess. That thinned the ranks at the club. It stayed busier than on Thursday....but still nothing like it used to be. I was gone by 11:30pm.
    I've been an off and on patron of Club Gold Coast for more than 30 years. Whilst it was never close to Montreal/Miami/Atlanta in overall dancer quality, you could always count on there being at least 2-3 hot studs dancing there that were worth taking a private dance with....especially on the weekend. Not any more.
    I seriously doubt this is a viable business as it currently stands. I hope someone steps in to shake things up and improve the dancer quality substantially. Otherwise, I doubt they can last till 2019.
  7. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from PDR in 411 on Christian Power, now in Palm Springs/San Diego   
    I remember him from Campus some years ago. Very nice guy. Looked great. Very good lapdance. Very average penis size....which frankly didn't interest me very much. If size doesn't matter to you but you want a really interactive nice guy....he will be good for you.
  8. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from twinkboylover28 in Club Gold Coast April 12 and 13.....Awful!!   
    I'm curious if you thought either of the two dancers you saw were attractive or not? The 10 or so dancers I saw on Thursday and Friday last week were not of interest to me at all. Even if they were offering totally free lap-dances, I would have declined. It was that bad.
    I hadn't heard anything about a police raid.
  9. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from fedssocr1 in Quick Weekend Visit to Montreal   
    I did a quick weekend visit to Montreal. Just got back to home today. I visited Stock on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Very busy on Saturday night....it was SRO. Quite a few new dancers since I was last there. Stock is going for more of a mix of dancer types now. I don't think they want muscle guys exclusively. There are quite a few swimmer body types now. Anyway it was a fun night. Nonstop shows. Handsome dancers.
    Sunday was a bit quieter at Stock but still busy. Between the two nights, I spent time enjoying the company of Franco, Milton, and new dancer Tyler. All great guys, smart, and lots of fun.
    Its worth mentioning that on Saturday night, I left Stock Bar at 1:15am and headed over to Campus to see what was happening there. Stock was still very busy when I left. Campus was completely dead. No dancers on stage and only about 15 customers in the club. Quite surprising for a Saturday night. I'm not sure what that was all about. I had half a beer and left.
    The weather in Montreal was still warm and summer-like. It was in the 80's both days and mid 60's at night. Perfect. I was told they had a very warm summer and no hint of autumn yet. I'm sure that will change soon. October is only two weeks away now.
  10. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from bigvalboy in Quick Weekend Visit to Montreal   
    I did a quick weekend visit to Montreal. Just got back to home today. I visited Stock on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Very busy on Saturday night....it was SRO. Quite a few new dancers since I was last there. Stock is going for more of a mix of dancer types now. I don't think they want muscle guys exclusively. There are quite a few swimmer body types now. Anyway it was a fun night. Nonstop shows. Handsome dancers.
    Sunday was a bit quieter at Stock but still busy. Between the two nights, I spent time enjoying the company of Franco, Milton, and new dancer Tyler. All great guys, smart, and lots of fun.
    Its worth mentioning that on Saturday night, I left Stock Bar at 1:15am and headed over to Campus to see what was happening there. Stock was still very busy when I left. Campus was completely dead. No dancers on stage and only about 15 customers in the club. Quite surprising for a Saturday night. I'm not sure what that was all about. I had half a beer and left.
    The weather in Montreal was still warm and summer-like. It was in the 80's both days and mid 60's at night. Perfect. I was told they had a very warm summer and no hint of autumn yet. I'm sure that will change soon. October is only two weeks away now.
  11. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in Happy Birthday Steven Kesslar   
    All the best Steven!!
  12. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to Txpaytoplay in Quick Weekend Visit to Montreal   
    Nice Post...I was there two weeks ago. Great weather and pretty much spot on, on your assessment of the two clubs there. Thanks for your update...I won't have to write mine now.
  13. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from LD19847 in Quick Weekend Visit to Montreal   
    I did a quick weekend visit to Montreal. Just got back to home today. I visited Stock on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Very busy on Saturday night....it was SRO. Quite a few new dancers since I was last there. Stock is going for more of a mix of dancer types now. I don't think they want muscle guys exclusively. There are quite a few swimmer body types now. Anyway it was a fun night. Nonstop shows. Handsome dancers.
    Sunday was a bit quieter at Stock but still busy. Between the two nights, I spent time enjoying the company of Franco, Milton, and new dancer Tyler. All great guys, smart, and lots of fun.
    Its worth mentioning that on Saturday night, I left Stock Bar at 1:15am and headed over to Campus to see what was happening there. Stock was still very busy when I left. Campus was completely dead. No dancers on stage and only about 15 customers in the club. Quite surprising for a Saturday night. I'm not sure what that was all about. I had half a beer and left.
    The weather in Montreal was still warm and summer-like. It was in the 80's both days and mid 60's at night. Perfect. I was told they had a very warm summer and no hint of autumn yet. I'm sure that will change soon. October is only two weeks away now.
  14. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from Txpaytoplay in Quick Weekend Visit to Montreal   
    I did a quick weekend visit to Montreal. Just got back to home today. I visited Stock on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Very busy on Saturday night....it was SRO. Quite a few new dancers since I was last there. Stock is going for more of a mix of dancer types now. I don't think they want muscle guys exclusively. There are quite a few swimmer body types now. Anyway it was a fun night. Nonstop shows. Handsome dancers.
    Sunday was a bit quieter at Stock but still busy. Between the two nights, I spent time enjoying the company of Franco, Milton, and new dancer Tyler. All great guys, smart, and lots of fun.
    Its worth mentioning that on Saturday night, I left Stock Bar at 1:15am and headed over to Campus to see what was happening there. Stock was still very busy when I left. Campus was completely dead. No dancers on stage and only about 15 customers in the club. Quite surprising for a Saturday night. I'm not sure what that was all about. I had half a beer and left.
    The weather in Montreal was still warm and summer-like. It was in the 80's both days and mid 60's at night. Perfect. I was told they had a very warm summer and no hint of autumn yet. I'm sure that will change soon. October is only two weeks away now.
  15. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from ScottLMT in Quick Weekend Visit to Montreal   
    I did a quick weekend visit to Montreal. Just got back to home today. I visited Stock on both Saturday and Sunday nights. Very busy on Saturday night....it was SRO. Quite a few new dancers since I was last there. Stock is going for more of a mix of dancer types now. I don't think they want muscle guys exclusively. There are quite a few swimmer body types now. Anyway it was a fun night. Nonstop shows. Handsome dancers.
    Sunday was a bit quieter at Stock but still busy. Between the two nights, I spent time enjoying the company of Franco, Milton, and new dancer Tyler. All great guys, smart, and lots of fun.
    Its worth mentioning that on Saturday night, I left Stock Bar at 1:15am and headed over to Campus to see what was happening there. Stock was still very busy when I left. Campus was completely dead. No dancers on stage and only about 15 customers in the club. Quite surprising for a Saturday night. I'm not sure what that was all about. I had half a beer and left.
    The weather in Montreal was still warm and summer-like. It was in the 80's both days and mid 60's at night. Perfect. I was told they had a very warm summer and no hint of autumn yet. I'm sure that will change soon. October is only two weeks away now.
  16. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + ArVaGuy in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Recent posts in this thread remind me that all good things do most certainly come to an end. Sigh.
  17. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to MikeBiDude in My 5,000th Post!!!   
  18. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + VictorPowers in How do you manage your money/investments?   
    What are the pluses to you regarding USAA ? Do you manage the portfolio yourself? Do you choose the investments yourself within the USAA account?
  19. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + azdr0710 in How do you manage your money/investments?   
    I give it all to USAA and sleep well at night......
    yes, avoid annuities......though safe and "feel-good", the commission thing is a well-established, legendary racket.....
    long term care insurance is good, I suppose, but gets pricey.....I dunno, if it gets to that point, just put me on an iceberg and shove me out to sea like the Eskimos do......
    no expert here at all, but sticking with well-known, low-cost groups like Vanguard or USAA seems the way to go......don't get into weird stuff......
    I don't even have a "broker" that calls me......and I'm happy about that......
  20. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + pitman in Here Are The Nominees For The 2nd Annual Str8UpGayPorn Awards   
    Learn. Think. Act.
    Listen to the advice being generously offered to you. Take it to heart and take responsible action regarding your annoying posting behavior. You have become a problem on this board. Only you can fix your posting activity.
    I'm finished with you and will scold you no longer. From here on, I'm leaving that to others and the Admin of this site should you choose to continue to abuse your posting privileges.
  21. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + pitman in Here Are The Nominees For The 2nd Annual Str8UpGayPorn Awards   
    Well said. No-one's personal situation can be an excuse for becoming an annoying internet troll and flooding this forum (or any other) with countless nonsensical threads and polls. Posters need to remember that this forum is about the broader community that participates not just one person tying to reach his/her own posting goals with zero consideration of how their abusive behavior affects everyone else on the forum.
  22. Like
    EZEtoGRU reacted to + José Soplanucas in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    You are over estimating them. You are reading the results of their actions as their intentions.
    It is not intentional, they think they are doing good and making a positive contribution. They are delusional.
    And I stop here because I have better things to do with my time than wasting it on this.
    Good riddance, indeed. Enjoy it, because it is not going to last.
  23. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from MikeBiDude in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    Jerkwood has a very checkered history on here. Particularly his older persona which was bitchy, aggressive, and mean. Like a rabid dog. He was despised by the many forum members. A truly ugly troll poster. Eventually he had an exceedingly ugly tantrum...to the degree that he then disappeared for several years. How much of his time-away was a “time-out” versus how much was a voluntary absence...I don’t really know. He returned after several years away. A much more passive posting persona. I never bought any of it. I always felt it’s all a big game to him. People like Jerkwood and Marylander are nothing more than internet trolls that want to ruin the experience for everyone else. Good riddance I say.
  24. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + pitman in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    I thought things around here had become much more pleasant recently. Now I know why. It's strange how 2 or 3 incessant posters can virtually destroy a perfectly helpful discussion forum. The only goal seems to be to hear themselves talk (post) and achieve some meaningless posting record.....such as 5000 posts since September 2017. Zero thought given to how such incessant posting harms the health and well-being of the overall forum. As Aretha sang......"THINK"!
  25. Like
    EZEtoGRU got a reaction from + tassojunior in My 5,000th Post!!!   
    I thought things around here had become much more pleasant recently. Now I know why. It's strange how 2 or 3 incessant posters can virtually destroy a perfectly helpful discussion forum. The only goal seems to be to hear themselves talk (post) and achieve some meaningless posting record.....such as 5000 posts since September 2017. Zero thought given to how such incessant posting harms the health and well-being of the overall forum. As Aretha sang......"THINK"!
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