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  1. not really worried about the clients i may loose cuz of this. just wanted to make things right with david.
  2. honestly you are probably right about this. even if he doesnt want me to, i am going to try to. thank you. im still learning and need this type of advice.
  3. we came to a agreement and understanding that 100 was okay, but if he wants me to i will 100% find a way to.
  4. thank you for being so understanding. like i said, you were amazing to be around and this proves what a good person you are because of like others have said, not everyone would give as much grace as you have to me after doing what i did. i wish you nothing but the best, and hopefully find another boy to take care of you better than i did. ❤️
  5. hi everyone! “davidNY” blocked me, but the day before yesterday we did work out something privately about our misunderstanding that seemed okay with him, and he promised since we came up with a payment agreement he would leave me alone on the threads and move on. but then last night i got tons of text paragraphs from about how some sort of random comment of 🚮 and 💩emojjis on “mr number” (i dont even know what this is) was somehow from me. it wasnt. i have no intention to hurt him anhmore than i did during out argument and not returning the depopsit. it wasnt. the things on here of people revealing private conversations a about my personal family life, and revealing my real name im going to ignore but please remember these escorts keep your personal information private and confidentially there because thats part of the job, but that goes both ways. please for my safety and other escorts safety, keep that private. this is a dangerous business for everyone involved. as for DavidNY’s continuing comments about me on here, i dont know how to make it right with him anymore. he doesnt seem to want to, which honestly i understand cuz in the heat of the moment of our private conversation i said a lot of things i didnt mean. i apologized to him, i really went hard in the argument because i was freaked out and i can be really get emotional during confrontation. not making excuses, but i know i was wrong there. as for threats, he lowkey was threatening to ruin my only source of income on here and thought if i threatened him back it would make it stop but of course that was an immature decision. but i think his feelings are hurt so he probably will continue to say things about me on here, and honestly i understand. he gave me the deposit ahead of time to help pay for travel expenses, but i had just moved to la and money suddenly became extremly tight and i spent it and was hoping to make it back in order to afford my trip i was suppossed to go on with him. i wasnt able to make it back in time, and i freaked out and just ghosted cuz i was hoping to somehow make it back. it was an extremely poor choice, and i really do see how wrong that is now and am genuinely so sorry. i dont know why i decided to lie to myself and think what i did was okay, but i do think its work mentioning i am extremly gullible and ditsy sometime lol, and one of my friends who is also an escort on RM kind if helped me justify it. david had said he paid another escort twice (i think more actually but idk) as much as he did me for my overnight (which shouldnt have been my justification cuz i quoted the rate that i quoted and agreed on it), and also my friend on RM said i was charging way too little. so he was like “just take it, its pennies to him and if you really need it, that money is was more valuable to you than him and honestly take care of yourself first”, and i knew that was a wrong mentality but i decided to go with his because i really did need it and decided to just be like “ya whatever he doesnt need it and he’ll be fine, i might not be tho if i give it back”. that was so wrong and i knew it but i lied to myself, and now karma is biting me in the butt extremley hard because as i can see in here, i have lost so many potential clients, hurt and burned DavidNY, and have ruined my reputation. i am not asking for anyone to trust me again, and thats not why im sending this. i am just letting you all know, especially DavidNY know that i am truley so sorry. i have no idea what im doing being an escort, i just joined in july and honestly this has taught me a huge lesson not just as an escort but in life. im 23 living by myself in a city thousands of miles away from my family, and working a job that can be extremely dangerous and risky. the amount of anxiety i have every day because of this new life is insane. its a really scary time for me, and it obviously is a time for me to learn important lessons. i am really sorry for DavidNY that he had to be apart of this big learning lesson in my life. DavidNY, i know you blocked me but if theres anything i can do to continue to right what i wronged, ill do it. not to save my reputation to get more clients, i want to right it because i wouldnt ever want someone to treat me the way i treated you, and im learning how you treat others is how you will be treated. also, you were so kind and sweet to me when we had our first date. i really did have an amazing time with you, and you treated me amazing. i dont know why i decided it was okay to treat you that way. i know you had a really bad experience with another escort, and how it hurt you, it was honestly so wrong to do it to you again. the reason im doing all this here is because number one you blocked me, but also i want everyone else to see that you really wernt the bad guy in this situation i was, and they can all see that now. also for the DC user name saying i flaked, i dont really remember that at all but again im ditsy, if you want to message me privately to remind me who you are and what happened i would love to be able to make things right for you. (maybe a sexy video or something hehe) but please feel free to reach out. also DavidNY, if you want a sexy video of me doing whateverrrr you want me to do (you know how much if a sub i can be hehe) please, feel free to ask. id love to. i hope everyone has a great day and none of you experience what David did, and find boys that are honest and are able to take care of you the way you deserve to be taken care of. again, so so so sorry to everyone.
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