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Cock Eyed Optimist

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    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to + pdxleo in Ft lauderdale - resorts   
    Plus one on the hot tub- a single guy can have a good time by having an open attitude and pushing yourself a bit outside your shell. I'll be there in a few days myself, but with my Phoenix guy, for our three-year anniversary - looking forward to meeting a new, varied assortment of like-minded men. Beware, the W can be habit-forming!!
  2. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to Karl-G in Wow! TABOO Was Fantastic!   
    This is only for those who enjoy twinks.
    Last Saturday, I enjoyed one of the best evenings ever in the past 20 years at Taboo. There were twelve dancers, eight of them stunning and the most beautiful and handsome dancers Taboo has ever had. The other four were OK, but not stunning. I could still enjoy watching them perform.
    On Wednesday night I stopped in at 9:00, and there were three customers at the bar and no dancers in sight. So I left and assumed Taboo was going trough another bad period. On Thursday night, I tried again, and I was blown over. There were eight dancers, four of them absolutely outstanding. The other four, on the other hand, were really bad, including one guy with long straggly hair, long shaggy beard, and with a very hairy ass. But the good four made up for it. They were all perfect twinks, young, cute, smooth, and with swimmers' builds - no skinny guys at all. Lap dances with all of them were absolute delights. I had not been so elated with dancers in many years.
    MARCO - was gorgeous, 24 years old, sandy hair, golden pubes, beautiful smooth torso and legs and fine ass. He said he was skinny as a teenager, but has since put on the perfect weight. He is tall and splendid, cooperative and interactive, humorous and warm.
    DRAKE - was 19, alabaster white, sweet round ass, long straight legs, nice torso, cute face and nice hair, smooth, fairly new to this but having fun. Great laugh, gentle, cooperative, flexible, giving.
    JOEY - was 24 and the most active guy in the back room; I think he was there all night going from one customer to the next. And worth it. Cute face, very nice smooth body, round firm ass, very nice cock, absolutely smooth and soft. He was passionate and affectionate and did everything possible to please clients.
    FRANKIE - was an Arab boy from Lebanon, sweet and smooth and exotic and delicious. He had dark short hair and eyes, a beautiful torso, a full round ass, nice straight legs, well endowed, great smile, olive skin rather than white, and enjoyed performing on stage ad pleasing you in back.
    There were no (or almost none) tattoos on these boys, they were smooth shave, had nice haircuts, and were breathtaking.
    But then on Saturday, there was the incredible show. Eight perfect beautiful dancers with continuous performances, no music interludes, all night long. (Campus is in a very bad period; one or two songs between each dance by a reject from Stock.) Unfortunately, no one actually dances nude. Yes, during the slow dance, they lower their briefs for 15-20 seconds and show front and aft, but then they pull them up again. Bad Stock practices have spread. So I decided not to bother with the performances, but enjoy lap dances all night long. At $15 each, you can enjoy a great deal for a long time. Especially after two hotel no-shows, I had money to burn.
    NICK - was 24 and incredible, looked like the college quarterback you wanted, gorgeous body, ripe full ass, firm straight cock, smooth as silk and soft to the touch, great abs, delicious legs, handsome face, sweet and gentle in personality. He turned around, bent over, and winked his jewel for me. So sweet. He played soccer, rugby, skateboarded and snowboarded.
    JIMMIE - was only 18, had his birthday in June and started working last month. He was as cute and handsome and beautiful as an 18 year old male can be. Sandy hair, blue eyes, swimmer's body, utterly smooth and silky and soft to the touch, a beautiful round young ass, lovely legs, not a pimple or mark on him, affectionate, willing, cooperative, eager to please but still a little shy.
    MARCO, JOEY, and FRANKIE were also there.
    EMILIO - was the handsomest boy, 24 years old and the much better-looking brother of Timothee Chalemet. His family is from Colombia, but he was born in Montreal. His family speaks French at home. His English is excellent, learned only from English language music. Black, luxuriant hair, jet black eyes, slightly brown skin, and the perfect body - stunning face, beautiful torso, sweet round firm ass, long straight legs, he's a grower and it becomes very nice. Sweetest pink pucker, great smile, sense of humor, affectionate, warm, ready to please and happy to do so. If I could take one home, it would have been Emilio. Or maybe Nick.
    JAMES - could be good, but currently has no ass; he has got to work on it. Nice face and hair, great abs and torso, nice legs, likes performing, but flat rear end.
    QUINN - could be good. Nice face and body, good ass and legs, smiles, smooth, handsome. Somehow, he did not excite me.
    DARREN - a little shorter, beard stubble (bad), good performance on stage, did shower show, well equipped when he stripped, a little chunky.
    ALEX - tall slender, olive skinned, dark hair, smooth. If I had more time, I might have tried him.
    JAYCE - handsome smooth black dancer.
    PENCE (?) - skinny guy who was there last year and was wearing the same baseball shirt.
    I don't know how often Taboo can put on a show like this, certainly not every night. But when the stars align, as they did last Saturday, the fireworks were spectacular. No other bar on earth can offer such an array.
  3. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to bud001 in Johnson's   
    Do not leave your car in the Alibi lot. the owner of that strip is an aggressive tow-caller and they would tow your car to soem remote location and charge you out the nose to get it back. They have towed cars from people who are IN the strip mall. Last i heard there is some kind of lawsuit.
    One of your better bets for parking, aside from street, is the lot down the street to your right, behind Bona Italian restaurant. There is another lot down the street near the loft building. Both are metered.
  4. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Any LeBoy updates?   
    Thanks for the update, Karl-G!!! That Champagne Room was always wasted space. And the new rates for lap dances is a plus.
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    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to Dallas Jayson in Any LeBoy updates?   
    Curious about the place, any feedback?
    Late Sunmer 2019
    What is the VIP situation?
    Please feel free to message me, if that is easier. Thanks!
  6. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to rvwnsd in Using NEWtumblr - Techie HELP !   
    It is actually called newTumbl (no r). www.newtumbl.com
  7. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to Doe Be Doe in Jake Gyllenhaal's and Tom Sturrbridge's Very Sad Double Bill is Comming To Broadway   
    I saw Jake in Sunday in the Park. I was pleasantly startled at how well he sang. He was very good.
  8. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from rvwnsd in A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum   
    Keep us posted as to what happens when you see him again!
  9. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from Dallas Jayson in Update on Tin Room Dallas   
    This was a trend at LeBoy in Ft. Lauderdale over a year ago. The dancers would huddle together in a corner and play with their phones instead of the customers, but this year, when I was down for the winter, I saw none of that. In fact, I didn't see any dancer on the floor with his phone. Maybe a new policy is in effect? If so, it works!!
  10. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to + ArVaGuy in Tumblr’s new policy relating to adult content   
    Reports indicate Tumblr was sold for $3 million that’s an incredible plunge in value from the $1.1 billion Yahoo paid in 2013. Neither Yahoo or Verizon had a clue on how to manage this platform. It will be interesting to see what the WordPress parent company does with this asset.
  11. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from Beancounter in Local sayings, now in the time of COVID19 :(   
    From southern Illinois:
    ...can't tell shit from Shinola!
    ...Dumb as goose shit!
    ...Built like a brick shithouse!
  12. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to + VictorPowers in A poll regarding your phone   
    Personal phone with number provided by carrier
  13. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to Kevin Slate in Las Vegas   
    Has the new club opened up yet? Anyone been there yet?
  14. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from Cooper in Happy Birthday Cooper!   
    Enjoy your day!!
  15. Sad
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to 66dewey66 in The Floppy Rooster Returns!   
    The scuttlebutt I got the other night from a well placed strip club insider, Floppy Rooster will not be nude. This is one time I hope my contacts are wrong. He also gave me info on new club opening in Atlanta, but I need that info to mature.
  16. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to 66dewey66 in Ft.Lauderdale leboy and Boardwalk what happened?   
    I was there for the grand re-opening, and the place was packed, just like the old days. Dancers are starting get better looking compared to what was being presented a few months ago.
    The place looks great, tiki bar is a nice addition and the restaurant was actually busy.
    The only draw backs are they still allow smoking inside and the lap dance rooms and pricing need to be addressed. Half the rooms have no lighting so it's the sexy glow of the dancer's phone and the rooms are the size of high school gym locker. Also, their pricing for use of rooms is $25 for one time dance or $35 for all night. If they followed Johnson's lead, $10 for all night would bring in hotter dancers who could make actual money.
  17. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from mikefl81 in Ft.Lauderdale leboy and Boardwalk what happened?   
    Even though the "new" Boardwalk has been open for a while, the official Grand Opening is tonight, July 13th. They are actually offering free admission tonight which is a first!!
    They list "Full Menu" on their FB ad, so perhaps the outdoor cafe is open?
    If anyone attends, please give an update.
  18. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to + nycman in 2019 - Coming to Broadway "Epic Gay Play"   
    Can’t we make a queer play...that isn't 7 fucking hours long for Christ’s sake?
    I don’t want to sit through 7 hours of ANYTHING....even an amazing 7 hour blow job....is too long!
  19. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to mike carey in Donate   
    The cheque's in the mail. (Well, the green stuff, to be accurate.)
  20. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to rvwnsd in Donate   
    Want to relieve the embarrassment associated with posting 100 times a day and not contributing one red cent? You can alleviate that embarrassment by donating. Simply click here
  21. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from + WilliamM in A Day in Hollywood, a Night in the Ukraine   
    Wow BostonMan! That was great! I learned a lot! Thanks!
  22. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from + WilliamM in A Day in Hollywood, a Night in the Ukraine   
    After WilliamM's post about reviving a show, I remembered one of my favorites that I have never seen revived or even produced by any small theatres here in Chicago. https://www.ibdb.com/broadway-production/a-day-in-hollywood--a-night-in-the-ukraine-3950
    I saw it on Broadway in the 80's and went back the next day to see it again to hear again the catchy lyrics in the first act.
    Has anyone else ever seen this show?
  23. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist got a reaction from + WilliamM in "I Do! I Do!" Revival?   
    Wow! I hadn't thought about that musical in years! After it closed on Broadway, it was popular in the dinner-theatre circuit here in Chicago, then disappeared.
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    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to + WilliamM in "High Spirits," 1964, with Tammy Grimes   
    Tammy Grimes was wonderful in "The Unsinkable Molly Brown." I still remember her almost stopping the show with "I ain't down yet." Glad she toured after Broadway; I saw the musical in Boston.
  25. Like
    + Cock Eyed Optimist reacted to + purplekow in Daddy Get Well Soon   
    For the readers of Daddy's reviews, there is a posted default suggesting that Daddy is likely in the hospital. I do not have a way of personally contacting Daddy, but I do wish him well IF he is indeed in the hospital. If there are those with means of contacting Daddy personally, please let us know if there is anything we can do to help IF he is indeed ill.
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