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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. hi guys, a friend of mine just came back from here; has anyone else been there? here's the link: https://www.coppercactusranch.com
  2. yes! he rather transcends time
  3. I follow Jake on Instagram and he is living in St Louis with his husband
  4. he's a columnist for The Advocate and writes a blog; here's a link: https://www.advocate.com/books/2020/8/11/advocates-queer-sex-columnist-lands-book-deal-sluthood; he's a thoughtful guy
  5. I follow him on Instagram; @gymleaderleon
  6. I really like the fabric design of his swimsuit!
  7. Last weekend was my first Palm Springs weekend; I told Oliver that it reminded me of my college fraternity gatherings, only with touch!! I thought all events were great fun; if I could tweak anything, it would be to have more time to mix and mingle at the Saturday dinner before sitting down to eat; I look forward to being there in 2022!
  8. I don't know, guys; i thought the deviled eggs were pretty damn good!
  9. saw him last night; I liked his technique--good, firm strokes; and some fun moves too!
  10. I'd go slowly; I saw him and would not repeat
  11. I saw him a couple of years ago when he lived in Los Angeles; there are past threads on him here; I just tried to quickly find them, but was unable to do so
  12. bump; any recent experience with Stephen?
  13. rest in peace, Daddy/Guy; and thank you for being the convener of this community
  14. Anthony (left) or Gabe (right); heck, why choose; I think they are both sexy as hell!
  15. I've been reading The New Yorker since my junior year of high school; I have been meaning to write David Remnick, the editor, to thank him for the outstanding political reporting during the Trump years; this quality of writing and reporting costs money, and I am happy to support this kind of journalism. On the other hand, I have subscribed to the Wall Street Journal for over 30 years, and when it renews this summer, I will cancel my subscription with a letter indicating my reason: I believe Fox News has greatly contributed to the political polarization we now have in this country, and I cannot support that with my subscription dollars.
  16. hey guys, at the two official events, do we wear name tags with our forum names? Just askin'
  17. Clark County has a public guardian's office: https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/government/departments/public_guardian_s_office/index.php If no one is able to handle his financial affairs, the court will most likely appoint the public guardian's office to do so.
  18. he's a nice guy; I predict you will have a wonderful time!
  19. @whipped guy, do you know who this gentleman is? I have seen other photos of him and he is wonderful to look at!
  20. @Whitman, where is this from? I feel like I should know!
  21. just asking for a friend....has anyone had a SA-style ongoing relationship with an escort?
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