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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. I always wanted to see him; good for you! it sounds like fun!
  2. oh! like this!!!!! thank you @Lucky!
  3. can someone who regularly posts photos in the gallery give tutorials on posting photos using both a Mac and a PC?
  4. Jason Branch and Blake Harper! thanks for posting this, @Just966!
  5. Just Sayin


    cross reference: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/411-on-paul-currently-in-san-francisco.159093/
  6. if you search "hairyandfriendly" in the upper right search box, there are a couple of threads; if I remember correctly, there were scheduling issues with some of the guys who tried to hire him; I saw him a couple of years ago and had a great time
  7. any recent experience? here's his link on RM: https://rent.men/TeddyHunter beautiful furry chest! and formerly known as "bigchrismatio" then just found this promising thread: https://www.companyofmen.org/threads/411-on-bigchrismatio.131068/ and this: https://daddysreviews.com/venue/usa/ohio
  8. Is that Christopher Daniels receiving ministrations?
  9. wow! I remember wanting to schedule a massage with him years ago; happy he is back in Chicago
  10. for me it's the resentment--those of us of a certain age are aware we have only so many good years left, and to have one, or maybe two, taken away from us is distressing; but then, this is where the discussion of resilience comes in.
  11. oh wow! you've made my day, @whipped guy! thanks!
  12. I want to hop on a plane and go see him! (post-pandemic, of course)
  13. anyone? https://rent.men/TiagoXCakes
  14. I watched "Tremors" last night on Dekkoo; it's about a 40-year old father who leaves his wife and children to live with his lover, Francisco; the family is evangelical Christian, and it plays an important role in the decisions the father makes between his family and the life he wants to lead; I enjoyed it but the term "religious abuse" comes to mind!
  15. he says he may come to Tucson some time
  16. As I read this, @mike carey, I couldn't help but think of Robert Herrick's poem that opens with "Gather Ye Rose-buds while ye may"; I have felt that way since I turned 70 and the pandemic has intensified that!
  17. his IG feed is roccosoar; search also under Travis Rocco
  18. Mike is wonderful; I look forward to seeing him on a future trip to LA
  19. thanks for the cross-reference; that helps a great deal!
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