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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. let's hope we can travel safely by then; I will contact Inndulge and move my reservations ahead
  2. there are a number of threads on Arturo/Carlos here for more information
  3. oh wow! I am not surprised that he headed in that direction; enjoyed my last session with him!
  4. wow! I've come back to this one multiple times; that back and ass hair is incredibly beautiful!
  5. me too; I thought it was him; I really enjoyed him a couple of years ago
  6. bump; this looks like Jake, Titanium Soul; does anyone recall if it's the same guy? https://rent.men/TheBodyWorker
  7. my post from 2018 was after my first visit; I did schedule a second session, and I had the same experience as @Pittlookalike; I haven't been back either
  8. I am not sure if this is a function of age or not, but I find as I get older, I much prefer hairy guys; just seems so much sexier to me know
  9. I am going a bit stir crazy even though I go to my office 4 days a week; my usual pattern is to get out of here once every 4 to 6 weeks, but that I've been here since mid-March; I am ready for a change of scenery!
  10. resurrecting an old thread! I just saw a clip featuring Allesio Romero; does anyone know if he is retired?
  11. I wish Jake Deckard would start scheduling massages in LA again; I had two sexy wonderful sessions with him in Silver Lake; and after the second one we had a chance to talk; I am a big fan!
  12. are these by Tom Bianchi?
  13. I'd say a bit older than that, but man, that fur!!
  14. here's his RM ad link: https://rent.men/Bozzy wow!! I would really be interested in meeting him
  15. I think I just missed one: connected with a guy on Growlr; said he had 15 years experience; gave me his address, which was in kind of an iffy neighborhood; when I got into the house, it was messy, disorganized and did not look particularly clean; he had a massage table set up in his bedroom, but it was covered in an old flannel sheet and the head cradle was uncovered; I'm thinking that I'm not so sure I want to do this; he goes to get me a glass of water and I am thinking to myself, I do not want to spend the next hour here; when he returns, I tell him I am not comfortable and would like to leave; he was fine with that, but sent me a message saying that if I am that paranoid, I should not contact him again; done!
  16. great photo; the old house backdrop adds interest, and he's an attractive man that it would be fun to sit down and have a beer with; thanks, @Whitman!
  17. ah, that Teddy Torres! one of my few regrets in life was cancelling an appointment with him a few years ago in Montreal when I felt I was coming down with a cold; he no longer has an ad up, drat!
  18. I got beaver fever 20 years ago; not sure if it was from water or food contamination or from rimming; but it was very difficult to get rid of; multiple treatments of antibiotics; not a fun situation!
  19. I remember buying a Soloflex just to look at the instruction manual!
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