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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. is this the Soloflex model?
  2. will you share your reasons? I have been thinking he might be fun to spend some time with during a trip to San Diego; a PM is fine, too, if you prefer
  3. is this Dani Robles? I always thought he was hot!
  4. I stopped running almost 30 years ago and became a walker; it is my time for thinking and often problem solving; I am usually out the door with the dog by 4 AM, bring him back and then I go work on my 10,000 steps and usually home before 6 (leaving some time for coffee at Starbucks); it's a very pleasant routine
  5. OK, guys, I am enjoying this thread so much that I will share: I was walking by a bookstore one evening in San Diego's Hillcrest neighborhood; it may have been June, because the window display had gay-themed books and I stopped to look; a young man walked by, and we started talking about one of the books; I don't recall what we talked about but somehow he ended up following me to my hotel where he spent the night; he was from Tijuana and it was one of the sweetest experiences I've had.
  6. he is moving to LA later in the summer; I really enjoyed him; I'd repeat
  7. I would not hesitate to seek counsel from a former sex worker; it demonstrates a certain level of humanity that I would appreciate
  8. that fur! I'd like to see what his torso looks like!
  9. I saw him last week; very nice massage with sensual elements; I would repeat
  10. I saw it last night too; great to see after seeing it from a theatre balcony in Chicago last summer; one advantage is that you could see the facial expressions of the performers; in the scene where Eliza and Alexander are grieving over the loss of their son, Lin-Manuel Miranda's facial expressions are haunting--one truly feels the horrible sorrow of losing a child; seeing this is about the only thing that cheered me up this 4th of July!
  11. @7829V, do you mind telling us how you met a FWB in his late 20s? I don't know about having someone stay over 4-5 nights a week, but occasionally might be fun!
  12. cross-referencing this: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/gotyourbackncali.154979/#post-1844069
  13. that's Sharok getting ready for a licking!
  14. I agree; he had scheduled a day here and then re-scheduled; he looks like a nice guy
  15. I read "Swimming in the Dark" this weekend; I cannot remember when I have been so moved by an author's writing; Jedrowski's Ludwik writes a letter to his former lover Janusz; politics does go to the heart, and the political differences between the lovers spells doom for the relationship.
  16. I've admired his ads too and was planning on scheduling with him last April; I think his ad copy is his way of saying "it depends on our chemistry"
  17. I think on the second (black-and-white photo) especially so; I saw him a few years ago in a WEHO restaurant and I thought he was extremely handsome
  18. I think on the second (black-and-white photo) especially so; I saw him a few years ago in a WEHO restaurant and I thought he was extremely handsome
  19. two of my favorites--David Chase and Bronson Gates; thank you for posting, @Whitman
  20. does anyone have any experience with this gentleman in Huntington Beach? https://rentmasseur.com/touchbyal I really like the daddy look!
  21. guys, I didn't know about the 2-hour requirement, but I am thinking that to have a proper tantric massage with all of the bells and whistles, that might be about right
  22. oh, @Charlie! that was wonderful! thank you for sharing that with us
  23. he looks interesting: https://rent.men/TravisBlack has anyone had any experience with him?
  24. I couldn't get enough of it since I was still in the process of coming out and was watching everything and reading everything gay; might be fun to watch it again
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