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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. @wsc thank you; it helps to begin the day with a little spark of wisdom!
  2. oh, thank you; I did not recognize him until I read your post and looked again!
  3. I am always hesitant to respond when an escort asks "what are you in to?" while either texting or on the RM website; I recommend you not discuss specific acts and just say something innocuous like "I love intimacy."
  4. This weekend I uncovered a book I bought 6 months ago: "A Beginner's Guide to the End;" I heard part of an NPR interview of one of the authors, an emergency room physician; has anyone read it?
  5. they have changed their names; here's a thread under "EricBen": https://m4m-forum.org/threads/ericben.145953/ I saw them last summer; and I'd repeat
  6. he has matured beautifully; I have been watching him on Wavey Davey's Himeros TV and I have really enjoyed seeing him
  7. oh wow! I am totally taken with him! thanks, @jjkrkwood!
  8. I don't look at all of them and agree with you about the majority; but occasionally you'll find one that is really enticing!
  9. wow! they are both handsome men!
  10. why didn't I know I was gay when I enjoyed George Michael so much?!!
  11. if you enjoy massages, I think you'd understand the appeal of these; and, of course, what attracts one man may not attract the next one
  12. I had a chance to look at all of the RM listings for LA a couple of days ago; they are down by 1/3 and of the other 2/3, a vast majority appear to be in business as usual; for those of us who are single, this has been quite a "dry spell:" the lack of intimacy has been VERY difficult and at some point that river of desire has to flow over the banks; just sayin'
  13. or even a comments on a few of them at a time!
  14. and I, quite frankly, like that he drinks Starbucks coffee; it tastes just fine, and its shares have been a great IRA investment for me
  15. Dylan Louis in Vancouver; https://www.dylanlouis.com
  16. Jasonodin; very nice https://rentmasseur.com/jasonodin
  17. Dylan is wonderful; I have not had his bath treatment, but I've had massages from him and it's an incredible experience!
  18. and after I posted, I checked the shoulder tattoo; it's him!
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