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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. most of these show a degree of intimacy between men--something many of us are missing right now!
  2. here's something to look at: [MEDIA=instagram]B-M8uiCBgU9[/MEDIA]
  3. I think the middle one is of Samuel Colt
  4. thanks for posting these; I think this one is from his younger years; after seeing this on AccidentalBear, I believe I'd like to schedule a massage with him! http://accidentalbear.com/oliver-kinley-kyle-kupres-create-fireworks-in-foxy-photoshoot-nsfw/
  5. @easygoingpal, he sort of looks like Logan Stevens; is it?
  6. if I've missed this, I apologize, but what happened to @Moondance?
  7. Ian Parks from "Where the Bears Are"; great to see these; thanks, @Whitman!
  8. this is terrible! all I can think about is whether he sanitized the rod (or whatever he's licking) before he started!
  9. he had a Rentmen ad up a little while ago; I just looked but did not see it, so he may have taken it down in light of the health crisis
  10. she used to be on our NPR stations; I really enjoyed her sense of humor!
  11. talk about inflaming my passions, @Just966! it's just not fair!
  12. now in Palm Springs with a new name: https://rent.men/Diosdelolimpo
  13. I remember using 1-800-XXX-STUDS (can't remember the missing digits!); and it was expensive too; but it was fun! it might be fun to try it again!
  14. As I mentioned, I usually make one tour of Campus and Stock Bar each visit; most of the guys are usually just not my type, so my time there is usually limited; there are numerous threads here in the forum--try searching "Montreal" "Campus" "Stockbar" and I think you'll find a wealth of information!
  15. I went to the drug store today, and used cash for a small purchase; I should have taken out my debit card; now I've got it!
  16. I saw him last month; nice guy, beautiful body; sexy; I believe I'd see him again
  17. Montreal is very cosmopolitan with European sensibilities; it's easy to navigate the public transit system; for me, the architecture is wonderful; museums, concerts, and great people-watching; I've had only college French, and it's quite rusty, but if you try with greetings and thank you, people quickly sense that you are not a local and switch to English automatically; and the men! I find the French Canadian men very attractive--the accent, dark features, friendliness and world views appeal to me; I usually go to the bars once each trip just for the fun of it, but I'd much rather go get a massage or hire an escort. I hope that helps; I was planning to go in May, but have cancelled; I will re-schedule though when this pandemic is over!
  18. @Whitman, I love this one; where did you find it? I looks like it was scanned from an original; great to see this!
  19. I am realizing that at the present time, I have no trips to look forward to! I haven't contacted Inndulge yet; I think I am hoping that in a month the situation will subside and we can start resuming normal activities; in that event, I'd go and work on my photography for the weekend
  20. he's here today; man, I'd really like to see him, but under the current circumstances....drat!
  21. yes, I'm a bit sad too; I was looking forward to meeting all of you, but with a little bit of luck we can all convene next year!
  22. sometimes I am enjoying these just because the photographs are awesome!
  23. has anyone tried to cancel a reservation at INNdulge yet? has it adopted a cancellation refund policy? I just checked the website and no mention of it as yet
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