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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. wonderful b&w architectural photo; thanks, @Whitman!
  2. I had planned on driving over on Thursday, the 16th, so I was going to take a wait-and-see approach about going; I just checked INNdulge's website, and it does not announce any cancellation policy as yet; I think in a couple of weeks we will have a better idea of where this is all heading
  3. that's not encouraging! he's coming here with not only the Masseurfinder ad, but also this RM one; https://rent.men/Valentino_Lopez anyone with more recent experience?
  4. @Just966 what a nice way to start the day--with a Teddy Torres series; there is something about French Canadian men!
  5. @Phil_musc, is there a link to that one on here? big Blake Harper fan here!
  6. be still my heart--Trent Locke!
  7. the last time I checked with him his hourly rate was $400, but it would be great to have you, whether or not Max is a part of the picture!
  8. I love him with his beard! thank you!
  9. @easygoingpal, do you have any idea who this handsome man is? wow!
  10. I'd encourage you to explore this; I've been to a couple of Body Electric workshops (also in the early 2000s) and found the guys there enjoyable and the workshops helpful; it looks like the Easton Mountain venue will be busy; not only are there BE workshops there, I just got an email that Wavey Davey's himeros.tv is having a workshop there in October: https://himeros.tv/members/events/
  11. that Jasonodin! I swear I could stare at his photos for awhile [https://rentmasseur.com/jasonodin]
  12. I believe many of us are at a point in our lives when this happens to friends and colleagues; and it does remind us to renew connections that have become attenuated; I was in a funk after attending a memorial service for a client I had known since the mid-70s who has been in and out of my life multiple times; as I was sitting in church, I was reviewing those times and it forced review of my own life during those times; it's all very sobering!
  13. I agree; part of the excitement of getting a massage from a new guy is the anticipation of where it will lead...is this strictly therapeutic? will it end happily? will there be mutual touch? even will he rim me! I've had good experiences, by and large, with traveling guys, and it does provide that adventure
  14. I saw him in May of last year; very nice guy; what endeared me to him was after we were done with our session, he just handed me a beer; I hope to see him again when I am there this spring; his ad is active on RM: https://rent.men/Mylo
  15. no; I've got it; this thread is a reminder that I should browse through it again!
  16. I don't think so, but I'll have to check!
  17. @7829V, I have recently been decluttering and happened upon a book by a guy who used to live here in Tucson; it's called Male Erotic Massage: a Guide to Sex and Spirit; it was published in 1999, but I remember it as being helpful; I am enjoying this thread immensely! here's the link: https://www.amazon.com/Male-Erotic-Massage-Guide-Spirit/dp/0939263165
  18. go with your instincts here; I've those experiences where I felt uncomfortable about the inquiry and just ignored it
  19. drat, Eric! I was really looking forward to meeting you!
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