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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. I've always loved this photo; it's of an escort who used to be based in Denver; there are several reviews of him on Daddysreviews under Eric of Denver, but I think he was moving to Paris
  2. model Gabe LaDuke from Montreal?
  3. this one has been posted before, but I enjoy it so much; I find Logan Stevens (a/k/a Spencer) extremely attractive, but the detail in this black-and-white shot is wonderfully gritty; did you determine who the photographer is? thanks!
  4. I believe you are really a kind soul
  5. go ahead and search for "Hugo Milano" https://m4m-forum.org/threads/hugo-milano-tucson-porn-star.126124/#post-1664257 I've seen him a couple of times; something seems off, so I would tread carefully; @azdr0710 may also comment too!
  6. besides erotic massages, I tend to read Amy Dickinson's column in my daily paper; I find it instructional!
  7. I think you need to have a chat with your partner about boundaries; it will clear the air for both of you
  8. strong pressure; luxuriant sensual touches; I'll repeat https://rentmasseur.com/StrongBlkCMT
  9. what happened? my experience is that he wants to do more extras than the client wishes, and although I have enjoyed seeing him several times over the years, I hesitate to do so at this point
  10. bump, please! I'm about to take one for the team; RM ad as Sexyfunguy: https://rent.men/Sexyfunguy/
  11. what a tonic for a rainy day: Trent Locke spreading his hairy arms and legs! thank you, @mattr!
  12. he caught my attention playing the often shirtless Tom Lopaka in "Hawaiian Eye" during the late 50s and early 60s; it's one of those things you remember and now think, oh man, even pre-teens, I was gay!
  13. here is his Rentmasseur link: https://rentmasseur.com/gron and the translation of the text from the German: The actual content of the massage is not predetermined, but results from a chat on your arrival, together with my findings x your reactions. This can include long, slow Swedish movements, deep tissue, fascia work and light stroking with special attention to problem areas and erogenous zones. Nudity, physical contact, mutual touch and a happy ending
  14. bump; anyone with recent experience to share?
  15. I've seen his photos before, but not sure where; will have to check further
  16. no kidding; between the male massage ads in the local alternative weekly and the M4M AOL chat rooms, I made those same discoveries and there was no looking back!
  17. there are threads on here; my experience in Palm Springs with him a couple of years ago was meh
  18. there is a thread or two on him here, but a quick search did not locate it; he flaked on me in Mpls a few years ago, and then moved to San Diego for awhile; I really like his look, but I'd proceed with caution
  19. I read Less a while ago and enjoyed it; I hadn't read many gay-themed books in awhile, and I'm happy I did; I guess Greer struck some chord with me!
  20. I've had wonderful experiences in Montreal
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