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Just Sayin

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Everything posted by Just Sayin

  1. JeffinLA: https://rentmasseur.com/JeffinLA https://www.masseurfinder.com/massage-therapists/1630/ quiet, handsome, excellent massage skills and sensual techniques; when I think about going to LA, I know I'd like to spend some time with him!
  2. not that I can find; but here is BabyBearLA, who is similar-looking: https://rent.men/BabyBearLA
  3. go for it; life is short; you do not want to have regrets!
  4. wow! he's stunning; but I understand you feeling skeptical
  5. has anyone had experience with this gentleman? https://rent.men/NWstud
  6. Jason Branch and Blake Harper! thank you, @Whitman
  7. is this Colby Keller? https://rentmasseur.com/MitchellG#rmotd
  8. I had a meeting with a provider last night; it was a fun encounter; afterwards, he suggested that we go out to dinner; we had a good time getting to know one another, laughing and talking; there was no tristesse (which is a new word for me!); I wonder if this is coming from a place of regret in missing the ongoing intimacy of a relationship?
  9. do you have the time and resources to schedule both? Rainer is very well reviewed but Joey looks great!
  10. I had a great massage from Dieter earlier this year; I'd repeat https://rentmasseur.com/DieterNY
  11. there used to be a website for massage exchanges; I found this article: http://wellfellow.com/gay-massage-exchanges/ has anyone had any experiences with any of the websites?
  12. I thought he looked familiar; says his home base is Kuala Lumpur and that he will be here for a month; hmmmm
  13. live in a city where the choices are not optimal!
  14. this is fascinating, [uSER=21009]@Calix_K[/uSER]; I've never given this much thought, but it is this human connection that maybe many of us are seeking; I'm interested in learning more
  15. I'm curious, guys: of the posters in this thread, I suspect we are all roughly about at the same stage of life, and facing the same changes; turning 70 hit me hard--can't round 70 to late 60s anymore!
  16. for me, it's been cyclical; local talent is limited so I'm less inclined to hire when I'm home; when I go to LA, though, I tend to make certain I have sufficient experiences with escorts and masseurs that will tide me over until the next trip!
  17. this is Tucson-based artist Alec Laughlin; here's his IG feed: https://www.instagram.com/philandry.men/
  18. I had a great time with him in Vancouver a few years ago; I believe he was a smoker, but he was not impaired; I'd enjoy see him and that furry body again!
  19. Pornstar Logan Spencer, also known as SpencerMasseur: https://rentmasseur.com/SpencerMasseur
  20. I saw him in September; sexy, beautiful man; I'd repeat
  21. I've seen him twice this year; both times I had a wonderful sensual massage with very happy endings; I would definitely re-schedule when in LA
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