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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. I should have added that Benjamin had the unconditional support of his parents throughout his ordeal. They are from a Mormon background in Utah, of which I know little except Mitt Romney was one. And the Mormons did practice polygamy at one time and some moved to Mexico to escape the censure. This is besides the point. Calling his mother an angel and father a hero says it all: compassionate folks.
  2. He does have good reviews. And a promising name which you infer he lived up to.
  3. I read his story. What a strong guy to be able to call up the inner resources he had to overcome so much pain and suffering and to emerge whole again.
  4. Hahaha. Well that ass did look a little tired.
  5. I can see that happening. Not everyone has a gorgeous tush like me:)
  6. It was actually one of my pickups at a local gay bar back in the '70s who was maybe 5 years younger than me who introduced me into the pleasures of watersports.
  7. I've been a client for many years now but before I was 40 I couldn't imagine hiring anyone for sex. There was just so much of it available, either in a one night stand or in quasi-relationships that might last months. Also I didn't have the disposable income at the time for such things as I was buying a house, car, and other things like travel. Free sex was just the icing on the cake from being young and footloose. If I could go back, I would do it all over again.
  8. Isn’t it though. I first visited Belgium in 1969. Later I would go there on business trips. But it’s been a long time since I went back. Loved the moules frits.
  9. As I understand the science, once you have had Covid19, the virus should be resolved and no longer be active in your body after about 2 weeks after symptoms disappear, although some people experience side effects long after. If you get another test after this time for the virus, which is relatively easy to get, you should be negative. You can also try to get an antibody test, which will show whether you have the antibodies to the disease. These are supposed to show that you will be immune to a reinfection but the science is not settled on how long this immunity could last, as we are dealing with a novel virus (ie not seen before in humans). Here in Canada the antibody test is not widely available but Covid19 teats are. All of which to say that if an escort had the disease but is now cured and has the tests to show it, I would be comfortable meeting him.
  10. Since the lockdown in mid-March the only major change in my life has been the new way of communicating and having meetings in the several groups I am involved with as a volunteer. Each of these groups are community organizations and I have executive functions in all of them, which keeps me almost as busy as before the lockdown. I now am familiar with Zoom meetings, but more recently we have been able to meet outdoors mostly but also indoors in spaces where we can physically distance (these latter meetings don’t involve more than 8 or so individuals). And so on the mental side I am keeping active and involved. On the physical side it was barren for the first two and a half months until May. At that point I decided i needed to get in touch with a trusted escort and had him visit me for the weekend. Making that human contact on an intimate level restored my sense of balance. Since then I have only been doing overnights mostly of two days but spaced at least 3 weeks apart. So far this has been a successful strategy. It helps that infection levels have been on a steady decline in Canada over the last 3 months and things generally are opening up. What is unknown is how the fall will roll out. Kids are going back to school and colleges and the colder weather means more people will need to be indoors. And the regular flu season will start up again. At this point I just don’t want to think about it too much and just enjoy the great weather we are currently having.
  11. I would forget him and move on.
  12. Many decades ago I used to ride (horses) with a business partner of Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon. He operated a major branch of the Revlon empire. One day he told me he wasn’t in the cosmetics business. Rather he was selling “romance”. I don’t think much has changed:).
  13. I don’t use any cosmetic products. I eat well, Exercise regularly, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and sex when I can. Keeps me youthful and looking younger than my 73 years. I should have added that I do use a body moisturizer after taking a shower or swimming. I’ve been doing this for about 10 years after my dermatologist recommended it for dry skin. It’s become second nature to me so forgot about mentioning it. I also use sunblock and wear a hat most of the summer to protect my head after developing AK, which can be a precursor to skin cancer.
  14. I never ask an escort to rim me but am happy when they just do it. OTOH I do ask if I can rim them sometimes, not always, and most are happy to oblige. Those I ask I usually know will say yes because of their profile on RM.
  15. I take it Lucas has done rather well financially with his company. I can only judge by the photos I saw of the inside of his apartment in NYC which an escort who works for him showed me last year. The escort was staying there while Michael was away. He was sharing it with another escort also in the employ of Lucas.
  16. He’s got a great deep voice. Like a verbal top who tells you when he’s coming. You can share in his pleasure even more intensely.
  17. Antwerp is not in the same league as Brussels, the capital and only major metropolis in Belgium with all the international organizations headquartered there, such as NATO and the EU. With all the delegations that visit Brussels, escorts must do very well there. But Antwerp is charming with some great art, if you are into Rubens, Rembrandt etc.
  18. I was with a black escort in Toronto a few weeks ago, Sir_zzy, who is listed on RM, and he has the same stats at 6’6, and 8”. Charged me $1200 overnight and I paid dinner. 12 hours. Very nice,
  19. Just reading this thread now and while I have no medical advice to offer you, I want to wish you all the best in these difficult circumstances you find yourself in.
  20. Here in Canada I think overall bookings are down. Some of the usual ads on RM are suspended with time out signs. With my usual handful of regulars, they seem to be keeping themselves busy, but I don’t ask them specifically. The goverment started paying most non-essential workers $2000 a month to stay at home starting last March and these payments are still taking place so that has probably eased the financial strain, particularly for providers who are in a relationship.
  21. I understand your anxiety but I think we need to keep some perspective here. For most people who do get Covid19, they will recover with no lasting ill effects. It does cause serious illness and even death for a minority of people. A very small minority, but somewhat larger if you are over 70, have co-morbities like compromised immune systems, conditions like diabietes, servere obesity, lung conditions like COPD etc. This is not proving to be like SARS which had a much higher death rate. If you have already had it and it was mild, the evidence is starting to show that you will be immune from contracting it again (this was reported in today’s NYTimes). You might want to consider getting an antibodies test when it becomes available to you. It would certainly ease your mind. I’m pretty sure I have not had it so not getting treated but taking precautions where I can. That does not include giving up on sex though I am pacing myself carefully. Don’t have contacts anytime less than 3 weeks apart so if I do get infected I will not spread it to another. The virus does leave your body usually within 14 days, some say a few days shorter. Switzerland, which is notoriously conservative about these matters, has decreed 10 days of quarantine for people expected to have been exposed.
  22. I know how you feel. I kept Lucky’s collar and tags, and the hundreds of photos of him, a couple on my fridge door and others stored away in old cigar boxes. Every once in a while I will look at them and remember the good times with that dog. He was one of only three I have had over thirty years, and Storm is still with me. Sammy, my Labrador retriever, was my first, thirty years ago. My best memories of her were paddling my canoe with her in the bow, on a quiet summer morning at my cottage at a lake north of Ottawa. That and her swimming with me, she was just crazy about the water and totally at ease putting her head under water to look for frogs. In my case I have never given toys to my dogs as they seem to be happy without them.
  23. As they are 85 minutes north of NYC, they are about 5 hours from the Canadian border. Unfortunately that border is closed to non-essential travel for the indeterminate future. So they will be at the bottom of my bucket list, unfortunately.
  24. Luv2play


    OMG can he cum!
  25. I would never loan my house or country property with someone with an attitude like yours (no offence but really).$$ can’t always replace things that are lost in a fire. Over the years I’ve had two different vacation homes and only loaned them out a couple of times. A few small things got broken like garden chairs, no big deal. But no-one offered to replace them. Actually soiled sheets wouldn’t bother me, as long as they had been tossed in a clothes hamper, or better yet, washed before I got back.
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