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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. First time I have come across this escort. His ad now says he is a top. He is very good looking and if in my neck of the woods, I would be tempted as I am a bottom. But he looks to be pretty vanilla in his offerings which would weigh against him in my book. Still....
  2. Actually if I were to be using a friend’s beach house, I would ask in advance if it was ok to have a guest with me. Unexpected things can happen whenever you loan out your home or vacation property to a friend anyway. You tend to be less forgiving if the “accident” whatever it is, was caused by someone you weren’t aware was also going to be using your property.
  3. On their ad on RM. I am a premium client so have access to the semi-private Photos and vids.
  4. I would love an overnight or even weekend with a couple like that in the woods. Their videos give a good idea of what they do. My only reservation would be that they don’t have poison ivy or oak on the property. We had it on our country property in the woods, not around the house, and once I ran into it. The drive back to town was horrible as it started breaking out all over my legs.
  5. Coffee stains and skid marks are two entirely different things and easy to distinguish.
  6. I agree that there are cases when it is obvious an escort is getting a bum rap in a fake review. When all the other reviewers are giving glowing reviews, you know something is amiss with the 1* review. Some escorts reply to a fake review with a response but it is a tricky thing and can go wrong if the tone is not right. IMO a response by the escort that lays out the facts in a dispassionate way and doesn’t get heated is the classy way to handle it.
  7. It’s too bad there doesn’t seem a way to get these scammers thrown off of RM’s site.
  8. Also I wouldn’t get the bag type, too much trouble getting it over the mattress. I got the fitted sheet type which just slips over each corner of the mattress and keeps it in place as you you playing around. Doesn’t get dislodged.
  9. I went to a local Walmart recently to replace a bed protector that I had thrown out. They had different sizes, I chose the double for around $12. It wasn’t too durable and after one use had a slight tear in it. They’re great if you are having watersports in bed as they save the mattress. You can always put a beach towel on top if you are at a friend’s beach house. At home I use a sheet on top as it is more comfortable and the sheet is easy to wash.
  10. One thing I do is look at the client profiles of providers‘ reviews on RM. Even if I don’t get in touch with the clients to check out their experiences (and if I do, some reply, others don’t), their prefs are listed usually and also other escorts they have met (not always a complete list) but still, all these factors can be taken into account. Also some reviews are very detailed (at least here in Canada) where RM doesn’t censor them as in the US.
  11. I was going through this old thread and thought I would provide an update on my two dogs, 9 years later. After a long and great life, Lucky passed away a year ago January. While I did not know his exact age, he had lived about two years beyond the Belgian Shepherd‘s average of 11 years. He never had a sick day after our move in 2010 from Montreal. His clock just wound down over a period of about 6 months and in the end I had to have him put down, a decision I had to steel myself for but I was with him holding him at the end. Storm will be 10 this month, I guess, as I don’t know his exact age either, being a rescue dog. I finally got him trained and he has been the best buddy for 9 years. Right now he is sitting at my feet. He sleeps at the end of my bed. Shadow might have been a more appropriate name for him, as he follows me everywhere most of the time except when he is sleeping under a bush in the back yard during the hot summer days.
  12. My understanding is that the ads for escorts on RM are fairly expensive and can be taken down or resurrected fairly easily. It might make sense to take it down if the upcoming month(s) are fairly booked in advance.
  13. The reason I ask is I have found the offerings on RM in the last few months haVe been pretty slim. Last year many of my go-to’s were visiting Montreal from elsewhere but that is almost disappeared now because of the closures to borders.
  14. Who is your best go-to-guy in Montreal? If you don’t mind me asking?
  15. I find the RM reviews and general info on escorts very helpful in figuring out who does what. If the ad piques my interest I follow up with RM first and then switch to WhatsApp or texting. I haven’t been let down with this approach yet except maybe for some misleading pics, but not too often.
  16. I just checked my old agenda and Pride Weekend last year ended with the parade on August 18th, not the 11th. So they must have shifted it back a week this year, for all that matters with no parade. My weekend fun was on the 16 and 17th.
  17. That’s a sad outcome to a life lived in the public view. For some reason, I am reminded of Marilyn Monroe who lived at a much higher level but ended up the same at about the same age, give or take a couple of years.
  18. This is Pride Week in Montreal but from what I know the city cancelled this year’s parade. I ws at last year’s event on this weekend and had a wonderful time over the weekend, and I didn’t even see the parade. The whole Gay Village was alive day and night and I was staying at Le Gouverneur Hotel right in the middle of it. I had two escorts booked for the weekend so for me the fireworks were mostly going off in my suite:).
  19. This is bad news for the stripper clubs in Montreal. Americans are their best customers, particularly in the warmer weather during the summer. Given the exchange rate where the US$ goes much farther that the Canadian$, the free wheeling spending is severely curtailed. I imagine many strippers were able to take advantage of the government supports although have no way of knowing that personally. A basic $2000 plus extra $1000 eligible earnings (reportable) mean that at least the rent and car payments are met. Many strippers have girlfriends who, if unemployed as a result of the pandemic, are also collecting $2000 per month. Of course, all of this government largess is coming to an end soon so things may change. Where the bars lose out though is in fewer clients buying drinks and supporting the wait staff. If I get down to Montreal soon, I will definitely check out Stock and Campus.
  20. I think in these situations, where the unexpected happens before the anticipated arrival of the escort, one has to make every effort to try to retrieve the situation. In some cases this may be possible but in others it clearly doesn’t work out. For me as a client, if the changes that happen beyond either of our control, such as a car breakdown or a train that gets cancelled, one looks to whether the escort is willing to work out a solution that meets the essential wants of the client. If there has been good communication beforehand, so the escort knows what is expected out of the date, he should try to come up with an idea that solves the problem. In some cases, this may involve offering to come back at a date in the near future that would meet the expectations of the client, such as a date involving a dinner, a performance at a theatre or other event, or something that is time sensitive and can’t be accommodated by a delay of several hours in an evening and overnight session. In the final result, the client is paying not just for time but for an experience. Simply moving a 12 hour period by several hours may skew the whole evening and not be satisfactory to the client. The escort may only see it as 12 hours of time, like punching in a clock to work. But that is not the way most clients see it, unless they are just looking for 12 hours of non-stop sex!! And what escort would be happy with that? After all, in an overnight, the escort should be able to expect to get some sleep in and as a client, I also love the prospect of cuddling up and going to sleep with my partner after a great dinner, some relaxing talk and a great toss in the sheets.
  21. Well as I said I am practising social distancing with all strangers I meet and even those I know and interact with on a daily basis by keeping 6 feet and wearing a mask any time I am indoors in public places. I don’t have any symptoms like coughing or temperatures so my risk of spreading is low under these circumstances. The particular town I live in has had no known cases of the illness or any deaths. The larger surrounding area of three counties has had no cases in over 4 weeks now. Previously most cases were in long term care homes and medical workers attached to them. I am fortunate not to live in a larger urban centre where cases are higher. Also I am here in Canada, and while our governments at all levels were slow to react initially, they then went all out to contain the virus by closing most work places and paying workers to stay home. This is starting to relax now. I have been going to my gym for 6 weeks now only using the pool, which is restricted to 4 people at a time. If I were to cut myself off from seeing escorts, and I did for the first 3 months of the shutdown, life would become pretty miserable and not good for my mental health. Even the schools here are reopening in 5 weeks mainly because of the mental health aspects of what isolation is doing to kids. You are entitled to your approach and it may be suitable in your area of the world but it doesn’t apply across the board.
  22. To fully understand my motivations, you should also know that from my previous date with him, he throws a mean fuck and I mean that in the nicest sense of the term. So I would like to see him again at some point.
  23. After more than 6 months of the pandemic, how many people do you personally know who have contracted the disease? Of course it will depend on where you live to some extent but I don’t know any and when I ask my family and friends who live elsewhere in the country they don’t know anyone either. I’m not saying it isn’t serious but one has to keep a certain perspective on the numbers and what they mean In reality to one’s own life. Certainly I have changed my behaviours when out in public spaces and washing my hands, wearing a mask when inside stores and other public places etc. IMO it’s going to be a long time until a vaccine is perfected and even then the virus will be around.Look at the flu vaccine, which I take every year. It doesn’t guarantee I won’t get the flu but if I did the symptoms may be milder. We don’t know how a future vaccine for Covid19 will operate. Meanwhile life must go on.
  24. I actually ended up thinking there was no real way for him to compensate for the unfortunate change in the timing of his arrival, which was no fault of his. I briefly considered asking him to reduce his fee, which was quite generous, but then thought the three hour delay in getting started would throw everything off by too much. By the time we got through a leisurely dinner and relaxing after, we would not get to bed before midnight and I would be too exhausted to enjoy it very much. I do enjoy playtime in the morning before breakfast, which is a key feature for me in an overnight date, but the added time after breakfast of one hour did not appeal to me much since going straight back to bed again was something I couldn’t get my head around. I’ve paid cancellation fees before when I thought it appropriate and did so this time un begrudgingly. I’m still on good terms with this escort and I am sure we will get together in the future.
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