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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. He had already bought the new tickets, which had no refund feature, before advising me of the change. The original train was cancelled. I know this to be the case as it didn’t show up in town later. I have been with the escort before and he is a nice guy. He would have been out of pocket for the tickets he ended up not using which cost him $200. So I covered the cost. We both ended up losing.
  2. Just checked his image. Wasn’t’t him but another who performed in Coral Sands at that time.
  3. I think I was paying about. $150 then for some top notch escorts in NYC And Miami. But memories dim.
  4. I haven’t heard the lube scenario before this. Quite disturbing. I always offer mine but accept the escort’s too if he prefers his.
  5. Am I right in thinking Bobby had a PA in his cock? I seem to remember sucking it very carefully so I wouldn’t break a tooth. I remember him as being very sweet too.
  6. I was supposed to have an o/n tonight but it fell through at 3pm, 2 hours before he was supposed to show up. There were problems with the train he was to take but in the end it meant we would lose 3 hours of playtime in the evening which he offered to make up with one extra hour in the morning. I declined as sex after breakfast does not really do it for me. He didn’t offer a fee reduction but I paid him a $200 cancellation fee. Such goes life.
  7. This is good news. May be a time to visit Montreal again. It’s been a long time.
  8. I also bottomed for the famous Claude, a Belgian in Miami during the 1990’s. His cock was the thickest of any man I have ever taken, at least 8 inches around, except for Jay Dymel, who was maybe a bit thicker.
  9. Years ago I was with a black escort in Miami and he had a 12 inch cock. I think his name was Masters but it was over 20 years ago. He used to dance at the sauna in Coral Sands. At that time I also met Bobby Blake and a couple of other black dancers who escorted on the side. I was younger then and could take a cock that size but today I’ve scaled back a couple of inches.
  10. Oh I truly feel for you. This is one issue I could not overlook in a physical relationship with another person. Oral hygiene is as important as any other aspect of one’s physical health. Since I am a very passionate kisser, I could not bring myself to kiss someone as you described. I’m 73 and have perfect teeth, but I go to a dentist 4 times a year and also have an excellent diet. Still have all my teeth except for the molars which were taken out when I was 25. I know its expensive to keep up with one’s teeth and I am fortunate in that my parents started me at an early age to have regular checkups. I think I can still remember every dentist visit I have ever made and the names of all my dentists down through the years. I was in touch with my dentist this week to start resuming visits and was shocked that I will have to wait 3 months to see him. I put myself on his cancellation list in case someone has to cancel.
  11. This is a great idea right now. It will be a year this Sept. since I was in NYC and saw a couple of escorts. One is now in Spain the last I heard a couple of months ago and the other I wouldn’t recommend, altho he is highly rated on RM. I left an only slightly critical review of him on RM and took off one star because of his outdated photos and he went berserk and had RM Take off the review. Other than that there are some escorts in NY I would love to see, based on their reviews and profiles on RM.
  12. Thanks for your explanation. I hadn’t realized cock and dick had that different connotation. I use both interchangeably and have never had a black escort or any other Black I have had sex with over the years bring it up. The last black escort I saw was 3 weeks ago so I try to keep up with the times. If he doesn’t want his dick fetishized perhaps a bit less emphasis should be placed in the pics in his RM ad where virtually all emphasis the phenomenal size of his (ahem) member.
  13. I read in the NYTimes the other day that many restaurants will be shuttering their places in the near term in Manhattan including some popular chains which intend to keep their places open in Florida and other states. They simply don’t see a way forward in paying the kind of rents in NY for locations where they will have to reduce seating. Presumably a vaccine would change this equation but when is that likely to be available. Once the eatries (and bars) go, the tourist draw and business trips, conventions, etc are going to be impacted. If the virus impact lasts into 2021, there could be a seismic shift in population movements, which will inevitably affect rents and property values in high priced cities.
  14. Sort of like not saying Elephant when there is one in the room!
  15. Hi ad on RM is amusing. For a guy with a twelve inch cock, he has an aversion to anyone saying Cock to him.
  16. Also try to take in Lake Moraine. Near Banff but on a dead end road so you won't see it unless you take the detour in. Has a small inn there which is absolutely gorgeous. Nearby is the Kickinghorse Pass where they have white water rafting. Suitable for newbies and lots of fun. I hope these kinds of entertainments survive the pandemic.
  17. He’s my type too but I would never go for his structured pricing with payments up front for future ? services. Too much control in his hands. Interesting that he is currently travelling and staying 3 nights per city. Can’t have too many “structured “ clients right now,
  18. Terminology becomes important here. Pornstars as opposed to guys who have appeared in some pornflics are two different beasts. I find it hard to imagine a true pornstar offering rates of $225, even in these distressed times. Care to offer an example?
  19. Thanks Boomer. The info has whetted my interest.
  20. Thanks for posting the link to France_Rocks RM page. But the other link to the forum threads didn’t work.
  21. I’ve been hiring for over 40 years but in the first 20 only sporadically when I saw someone I wanted and he happened to be an escort. No Internet in those days. In the last 20 years have had lots of experiences with escorts and only recently hired for overnights. Since the pandemic, that’s all I do now. I do my research and here in Canada, where infection rates are relatively low after the initial outbreak, which affected mostly the elderly in long term care, and now the migrant workers working in farms for the summer, I feel relatively comfortable meeting with guys who are local, since travelling escorts are not visiting Canada because of the border closure. The Canadian escorts are not lowering their rates, and why should they? People like me are still hiring because it helps with keeping our mental balance. Need that human contact.
  22. Luv2play


    Anyone have an experience with this Frenchman? His reviews on RM are mostly positive. Sorry I can’t post the link but he is on RM.
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