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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. Hi ad on RM is amusing. For a guy with a twelve inch cock, he has an aversion to anyone saying Cock to him.
  2. Also try to take in Lake Moraine. Near Banff but on a dead end road so you won't see it unless you take the detour in. Has a small inn there which is absolutely gorgeous. Nearby is the Kickinghorse Pass where they have white water rafting. Suitable for newbies and lots of fun. I hope these kinds of entertainments survive the pandemic.
  3. He’s my type too but I would never go for his structured pricing with payments up front for future ? services. Too much control in his hands. Interesting that he is currently travelling and staying 3 nights per city. Can’t have too many “structured “ clients right now,
  4. Terminology becomes important here. Pornstars as opposed to guys who have appeared in some pornflics are two different beasts. I find it hard to imagine a true pornstar offering rates of $225, even in these distressed times. Care to offer an example?
  5. Thanks Boomer. The info has whetted my interest.
  6. Thanks for posting the link to France_Rocks RM page. But the other link to the forum threads didn’t work.
  7. I’ve been hiring for over 40 years but in the first 20 only sporadically when I saw someone I wanted and he happened to be an escort. No Internet in those days. In the last 20 years have had lots of experiences with escorts and only recently hired for overnights. Since the pandemic, that’s all I do now. I do my research and here in Canada, where infection rates are relatively low after the initial outbreak, which affected mostly the elderly in long term care, and now the migrant workers working in farms for the summer, I feel relatively comfortable meeting with guys who are local, since travelling escorts are not visiting Canada because of the border closure. The Canadian escorts are not lowering their rates, and why should they? People like me are still hiring because it helps with keeping our mental balance. Need that human contact.
  8. Luv2play


    Anyone have an experience with this Frenchman? His reviews on RM are mostly positive. Sorry I can’t post the link but he is on RM.
  9. I like his ad and his philosophy.
  10. I’ve been with escorts (some did porn too) who at some point dyed their hair blond and were not in the least bit effeminate. They might have bottomed for some but were all tops for me. Of course some effeminate guys do dye their hair blond. I guess you just have to look at the overall package.
  11. I would pay that. $$ for value, IMO.
  12. 1919 attended a bullfight in Mexico City in 1904 and he told my grandmother it was the bloodiest thing he ever witnessed. The horses then did not wear padding and were gored to death quite frequently. Their carcasses had to be dragged out by other horses.
  13. My grandfather whom I never met as he died in 19
  14. Another book you may want to read is entitled “Or I’ll Dress you in Mourning” by Dominique Lapierre. (There may have been a co-author) It is the story of Spanish bullfighters including the great El Cordobes. I only saw one bull fight in my life in Spain in 1969 on my first visit there. It was definitely on my bucket list at the time but once was enough. I can still remember the gore and death on a sunny afternoon. Really quite barbaric when all is said and done. But I greatly admire Hemingway’s obsession with it and he also wrote so movingly and knowledgeably about that subculture. I believe he tried his hand at it at least once.
  15. I’ve only met one escort who charged an exorbitant fee for an overnight at his place and that was because he told me that he didn’t really want someone staying overnight with him. I hired him for 2 hours and was very pleased. He had a very nice condo worth over $1million in Toronto’s overheated real estate market and had a separate play room apart from his own bedroom. It all made sense when I saw his setup.
  16. True enough but if what you say comes true, the foreign escorts visiting will be facing some new price competition. OTOH, we’re not talking about fungible assets here, we’re talking about individuals and their unique characteristics. If we’re comparing apples and oranges, and someone really wants the orange, they will pay more for it. Economics 101.
  17. Sort of like the distinction between masseur and masseuse. The latter frequently misused.
  18. There are 3 face pics of him. Not bad looking.
  19. I have found with high end European escorts the rates in Cdn$ are above $2000 plus dinner, breakfast.
  20. I’ve hired overnights here in Canada and once last fall in NYC. The rates here average from $1000 to $1500 plus dinner and breakfast plus travel if that is involved. In NYC the rate I paid was at the higher end for a pornstar but I did 2 nights where he had other things to do in the day. We did dinners and breakfasts which ran into some serious money too as the breakfast itself was $30 each at the hotel we were staying in. The dinners ran upwards of $300 each night. The most I have paid for travel was to fly an escort in from SF. But that was for 2 nights and days spent with me. Again add in $$ for eating well.
  21. I’ve done a number of threesomes and the way I go about it is to hire one escort I have been with at least once or more and like. Then I select another and run it past my escort to see how he feels. Usually the only assessment on both our parts is the reviews on RM. It has usually worked out fine but only because I do a lot of preps including extensive communication with the newbie. The odd time I have hired a couple and that has worked too because they know each other. One thing to check is whether the escort indicates they play well with others or groups. I understand your desire to do a threesome. It is an extraordinary experience. All the senses get stimulated, touch, sight, sounds, and taste. It does cost a little more but well worth it in my book.
  22. Several years ago I leaned toward clean shaven escorts but since the pandemic I grew my own beard and rather like it. I had one in the 70s but it was brown then. Now it’s almost white with a little pepper thrown in. So now I’ve adjusted my sights and hire bearded along with clean shaven. Sometimes together in a threesome. Then I get the best of both worlds!
  23. I contacted this escort just before the pandemic to ask if he was truly a top as in a couple of the vids it wasn’t clear. He answered with just “I am a top“. That turned me off. Thanks for the additional info which confirms my feeling about him.
  24. I would second that. I once spent 10 days in Berlin basically a sex vacation with a little sightseeing thrown in during the day light hours. German gay men range the gamut and you will find them out in the bars and saunas. This was two decades ago but I actually stayed in a gay b&b where the owner had a stable of escorts (this was pre-smart phones) with a nice photo album type book with details on each one. One could order in. It wasn’t cheap then and I imagine much more expensive now so I’m glad I did it when I did.
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