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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. In the last decade of my working life I got a dog and was living in the house I had bought twenty years earlier. For most of that time I had lived alone but on getting the dog I felt I needed a roommate to have someone around when I wasn’t there. So I offered a room to rent. This was shortly after I had given a room to a dancer I met at a strip club who said he knew my nephew and was looking for a temporary place to stay. This arrangement only lasted a couple of months as there was no sex after the first night and I started to feel like his uncle. One night he borrowed my best sweater without asking me, got something on it and washed in and then threw it in the dryer. This was a Shetland wool sweater from Harrod’s in London. Needless to say when I found it it would have fit a doll. I gave him bus money the next day to return to Toronto, his home town. The roommates I rented my spare room to turned out to be fine. One was an escort (he came in my room one night early on but I told him I didn’t want to alter our relationship) and the others were young guys with jobs (all gay). I on;y had sex with one of them (sort of a spontaneous thing) since he had a boyfriend. The last roommate was learning to be a masseur and would practice on me which was nice as he was the cutest of all. After I retired I sold the house and moved away so no more roommates.
  2. Hot looking but the pnp sort of ruins it for me.
  3. It helps having a decent cock:)
  4. For me an escort that can squirt at least four times or more and I mean a real squirt goes onto my repeat list.
  5. It wouldn’t have worked anyway as he is no longer listed on RM. At least he has himself to date if business dropped off for him because of the pandemic.
  6. There is an escort in Toronto who can Self-suck and has the pics to show it. I corresponded with him on RM once but haven’t yet had the opportunity to meet him. Sorry I can’t post a link but am challenged that way.
  7. There is a third option-sharing.
  8. I assume the thumbs down I received for my post was from someone who couldn’t suck his own dick. LOL.
  9. Thanks for that. I had a blast knowing these two men for a period over 8 years until their passing. We travelled a fair bit together after I met them in 1998. We each had places in Montreal and Florida at the time which made it convenient to get together at various times of the year. We shared similar interests in Montreal strippers, escorts from all over, fine food and travel. Ill health finally overtook them both when they were in their mid to late 70’s. Which only reinforced my personal motto of carpe diem.
  10. Luv2play

    Ace Quinn.

    Sure. I reviewed him on RM. He's in Toronto and goes by Sir_zzy.
  11. I’ve always felt this goes both ways. Both for client and escort. Over the years I have striven to maintain my looks, such as they are. This means eating well, exercising well, getting enough sleep, not taking drugs and drinking moderately. Sticking with this regime over many decades, I have been able to maintain my weight in a narrow range, avoided looking older than my years and in fact feel pretty good about my looks at 73. I look for the same in an escort. As I age, the age of escorts I will hire has kept pace. I still want someone younger than myself but anywhere between late 20’s to late 40’s is fine with me, depending on their looks of course. I feel you can read a lot in a person’s face, rather than just their body. If they have abused their bodies, the face will usually tell. Minding of course whether they have had recourse to cosmetic surgery .
  12. T That was not in the cards. We were simply good friends and had no mutual attraction of a physical sort. We were all interested in guys many years our junior, although I was more than twenty years younger than the two brothers, who have sadly both passed away in the intervening years.
  13. Me too. I especially look for escorts who are watersports tops. That and other stuff too, of course. But watersports is always something I enjoy as part of the action. I always tell them to drink lots of water before our appointment. And then I make sure to have some on hand to keep things going.
  14. I found myself in a weird situation on a trip with two male gay friends who were brothers a couple of decades ago. We took a side trip from Prague, where we had been for 5 days, to Warsaw for a weekend which we had planned before leaving home. When we arrived at the airport in Warsaw on the Saturday at around 11am, they would not let me pass immigration because I did not have the necessary visa. My two friends didn’t need one because they were Americans. I did because I was Canadian. When we had bought the airline tickets in Montreal at the airline office downtown, they had checked our three passports but assumed we were all Americans because mine was on the bottom and they all looked alike. So what to do? The flight back to Prague was late Sunday afternoon and there was no sooner flight. I was told I could stay in the customs control area of the airport and sleep on a bench. There were no restaurants in the restricted area. The closest city I could fly to was Paris because there were no flights to closer cities such as Berlin. So I bought a ticket and flew to Paris, a two hour flight but a different time zone. I arrived around 6pm and went to the Marais district, which I knew well. I looked into getting a hotel room but there were none available during this high tourist season in the three or four hotels I checked out. I gave up that idea and decided I would stay at a gay sauna for the night, but only check in after dinner and an evening at the bars, which were very active. At the back of my mind I was hoping I might meet someone to go home with but no such luck. So I ended up at the baths around 1am. After getting a room and checking out the place I discovered there were no hot guys at all, and it wasn’t very busy. The few who checked me out I wouldn’t go with if I was on a desert isle. So I tried to go to sleep but was awoken several times by someone trying to come in my room. After a fitful night of trying to sleep I decided to check out around 5am. The bus back to the airport was leaving around 8am so I had a few hours to kill. I just started off walking and found a bakery shop open with fresh croissants so had a couple for my breakfast. You.re probably asking yourself at this point, where’s the sex? So this is when it happened. Walking down a side street around 6:30 I saw a hunky guy walking in my direction. As our paths crossed we exchanged glances, which is all we needed to establish we were both horny. Without exchanging so much as a bonjour, we found a little alleyway just off the street and pulled down our flies. We gave each other blowjobs but I forget now who went first. His cum was delicious, just what I needed to complement the warm croissants in my belly. It was a very uneventful flight back to Warsaw where I met my friends to return to Prague.
  15. The first cum I tasted was my own at the age of 15 when I discovered I could suck myself off. I was very flexible at that age and was able to do this until I was 25. Now it’s enough effort to tie my shoes. But yes, I love swallowing a top’s cum and the whole snowball thing too if they are into it. Yum.
  16. Confusing ad on RM. States he practices safe sex at all times in his description but has “Anything goes” in his stats. Something doesn’t jive.
  17. Luv2play

    Ace Quinn.

    I think the comment about loss of muscle during the Covid19 crisis is warranted. I recently met with an escort who had lost 30 pounds in the last 5 months since his gym was closed. For me he was just perfect as he still weighed 240 pounds and stood 6’6” and was still all muscle. Also his dick hadn’t shrunken at all.
  18. I use RM and rely on their reviews to a considerable extent. However I am always mindful that some reviewers may be fake or may not have the same critical faculties I have, for instance first time experiences, different expectations etc. On RM one can pm the reviewers and ask questions about their experiences with the escort in question You don’t always get a reply but in the genuine reviews, you usually do. And then I check the reviewer’s other reviews to make my on assessment of the escort in question and whether we would be a good fit. Takes some work and patience but if you are investing $1k or more for a session, worth it IMO.
  19. A lot of good advice here. In the last two years I have gravitated to overnights and weekends. My weeks tend to be chock-a-block full of activities and daytime and early evening business, all in the volunteer sector. I have been retired for eons but enjoy keeping involved with my community. But the weekends can be quiet. A date with an escort for an overnight or the entire weekend is something I always set up several weeks in advance, sometimes with repeats and sometimes with new ones to keep things interesting. It is something to look forward to, something to relish for the moment, and something to reflect on with a certain glow if all has gone well, which it usually does. Your lifestyle may be different so my experience may not apply in your case. However I can still remember the first weekend I did over thirty-five years ago. Looking back it was only so-so. But I learned from that experience. Up until then he had only been a one or two hour engagement and was a hot experience each time, probably a dozen such dates. The weekend didn’t translate into the same experience multiplied by 24. LOL
  20. I haven’t really studied Canova’s art, especially his bronzes, but I know he did copies of sculptures from the ancient times of Greece and Rome. I once had the opportunity to buy a Canova bronze of the famous Roman sculpture in marble of athletes wrestling. Highly homoerotic. But the dealer wanted $3000 for it and this was 45 years ago when that was a lot of money. I could have also bought an Andy Warhol silkscreen of flowers that same year for $3000 in a gallery in SOHO that sold his work. That was a real lost opportunity:(
  21. BTW I also vote in favour of getting a dog IF you consider all aspects of the commitment; emotional, time, financial, proper care and feeding, exercise and all the other things a dog requires to be healthy and happy. An unhappy dog will take it out on you and your house and furnishings. I got my first dog at the height of the AIDS epidemic before effective treatments were developed. Friends of mine were dropping like flies but I took the step as a bet on my future. Twenty five years later I got another dog after I had been diagnosed with prostate cancer and before I had entered treatment. Again an affirmation of my future. For insurance I called him Lucky. Four years later I found another dog and adopted him to be Lucky’s pal. Lucky died of old age a year and a half ago and my other dog keeps me healthy, emotionally and physically (those walks every day, rain or shine or snow, do wonders for me as well). If something were to happen to me, I have a family that is dog crazy and he would be well taken care of if I were gone. You only have one life to live and putting something off that you want and think would add to your life means foregoing your happiness today and in the future, something you can never get back.
  22. My female Labrador had to wear one of those “muzzles” because she was an inveterate poop eater. Apparently female dogs are more prone to this as they have the instinct to clean up their litter. In any case, as she got older her appetite grew to the point I got a muzzle for her. She was the friendliest of dogs and I know her muzzle stigmatized her but I had little choice.
  23. I lived in Geneva for 4 years back in the 80s and had a very fulfilling gay life including a live in Swiss lover. Worked there occasionally during the 90s and haven’t been back since. I guess I should pay it a visit again as soon as travel permits to see what changes have occurred.
  24. My guess would be that when the pandemic struck, Seattle was one of the first to be hit in the US. Since then of course, the virus has moved on but initial impressions may have made escorts leary of visiting your city. I don’t know how the pandemic has affected business in other major cities you cite and the same goes for here in Canada. I have resumed hiring the last three months but the pandemic is quieting down in Canada unlike in the US.
  25. Not too long ago just before the pandemic struck I had an erotic massage in Ottawa that was just perfect.on a table, the masseur nude, great technique and ambience with soft music and lights low. He also got on the table and rubbed his oiled body on my back and front. No penetration but lots of mutual touching. 90 minutes of bliss. $130.
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