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Everything posted by Luv2play

  1. Here are Lucky and Storm playing in the backyard (Storm on right).
  2. Yes it is. I knew Lucky was mine really from the day I found him as he was so comfortable with me from the moment I untied him from that fence. But it was 3 months later that it was really confirmed. One cold rainy October night Lucky started to whine at the door and I took him out and we had only gone a few dozen feet when he had an attack of diahorea in the parking lot of my condo. I cleaned it up and we went back inside. I went to bed and about 2 hours later he was whining at the bedroom door again. Again I took him outside and we went down to an empty lot at the end of the parking lot about 100 feet away and he did his business there in the tall grass. We went back in and again I went to bed. A while later he was whining again. This time I opened the door, turned on the lights on the patio and let him go. I watched him run down the parking lot into the dark rainy night and he disappeared for a minute or two. I held my breath. Then out of the darkness I saw this blond dog running towards me and in he came. He went to sleep and that was it. The next morning he was as good as new. It must have been something he ate and he has never been sick again. I felt later that we had really bonded that night as I trusted him to return and he trusted me to be waiting at the door.
  3. Four years ago I found a dog in a Montreal park, abandoned and left tied to a fence. I took him home and have had him ever since and he has been a wonderful companion and great dog. I named him Lucky. We have since moved and now live in a small Ontario town in an old stone house close to the St Lawrence River. We love it here. Three and a half weeks ago we were taking a walk at 10pm and came across a stray dog with no tags and seemingly abandoned. I took him home, thinking I would call the animal control people in the morning. There was a big storm that night and he jumped into bed with me. I decided to call him Storm. The next day I took him to the vets and they called the SPCA to see if any dog had been reported missing. They looked him over and pronounced him a healthy, mixed breed, and fully intact male. The check with the SPCA turned up nothing. A week later I took him in for his shots and we again checked to see if anyone had been looking for him. Nothing. I took him up to my cottage with Lucky and the two had a great time in the lake and running around. He never strayed and gets along well with Lucky. Storm is a loveable dog, likes to cuddle, is full of energy and gets along well with the neighbourhood children and other dogs. He is only about 8 months old and weighs 55 pounds and needs training which I am giving to him. I made one final check with the SPCA 3 weeks after finding him and they said that no dogs had been reported missing for the last month in my town and I could consider him mine, which I do now. I happen to believe in serendipity and things happen in life which are wonderful if you just open your heart and life to the good things that come along. There are lots of awful things that go on too but one must not let those drag you down or make you hardened and cynical. Life is too precious to waste it on the negatives. There are lots of good things around, just like my little puppy, waiting to be appreciated.
  4. I remember as a teenager being over at my friend's cottage one fine summer day when the news came over the radio that an Air Canada jet had crashed apparently due to engine failure with great loss of life. Her uncle happened to be visiting and I saw his reaction when he heard the news. He turned white and said "I hope to God those weren't Rolls Royce engines". He was the president of Rolls Royce. I realized then that airplanes are special creations, not like trains or cars or ships, that transport us to and fro. When they suffer some sort of calamitous failure, people question the manufacturers almost instantaneously. I wouldn't want to be in that business. (And no, the engines weren't RR, but either GE or Pratt and Whitney, I don't recall.)
  5. I agree that the website is very well done. Everything is clear up front describing the level of service you might want. And the pics show a cute guy.
  6. I wonder what Cornelius Vanderbilt would have thought about one of his descendants living in a converted firehouse!
  7. I find it in appallingly poor taste but then as PT Barnum said, you can never underestimate the stupidity/bad taste/gullibility of the American people. Tiger and Nike are just following that dictum.
  8. Does anyone here have any idea how treatment for "sex addiction" works? What does the treatment consist of in terms of specific measures? Group therapy? One on one with a trained pyschologist? Is abstinence de riguer during the treatment phase? Can one masturbate as an alternative? Are "boys nights out" permitted? We all know that alcoholics are generally treated by turning off the booze spigot entirely. This is not the goal of treating sex addicts, I imagine, but rather to channel the sex drive into a narrow and acceptable channel, ie the sex addict's wife/husband or significant other. What happens if the sex addict is no longer turned on by their partner? Does the therapist advise divorce? We all know that alcoholics who are treated have a huge recividism rate. Does the same apply to sex addiction treatment? Has anyone actually studied the issue? I had never even heard of sex addiction until I was middle aged, which seems like only yesterday but actually was a couple of decades ago. In a way I feel sorry for Tiger. With his high profile he will not be able to return to his previous behaviour without it getting out. He is going to live in a fishbowl if he returns to golf, which seems likely given the huge losses being incurred by the profession/industry in his absence. His insistence on privacy that he exerted in the past will be viewed suspiciously in the future. Will he rename his yacht? So many questions.
  9. Perhaps most eyes are on the Olympics. I read that Woods is having his "press conference" on the day that Accenture is hosting its golf tournament. You will recall that Accenture dumped Woods in the most humiliating way, stating that his values did not reflect the companies'. It is interesting that the PGA is offering their venue for the meeting with selected members of the media, who will be permitted no questions. Talk about trying to manipulate the message! Good luck!
  10. Well, I totally disagree with you too! I think I understand something of the advertising world, which apparantly, many do not. Advertising is meant to heighten the public's awareness of a product or service by people who may purchase such an item. This need is particularly acute when the thing being advertised is new or when it is a commodity that needs to be differentiated from its peers. This where a personality like Tiger Woods comes in; he can pitch these endorsements and people will respond by buying them if they buy into Tiger's personal appeal. I have noticed over the years that products which sell themselves don't use public figures to promote the product. Take Mercedes Benz, a fine car that sells well in good times and bad. I have never seen an ad for Mercedes that features anything but the car itself. GM, on the other hand, with its struggling brands like Buick, needs all the help it can get from Tiger (until now that is). Saying Gillette offers a superior product is bulls**t. Schick or any other razor blade will do the job just as well. It is a commodity, costing a fraction of its retail price, which is bloated by the advertising costs that go into selling it. Soap detergent is another classic example that requires personalities to move the stuff. Most people don't realize they are being manipulated by the advertisers. This is what Madison Avenue strives for and largely, succeeds in doing. This is what makes for the (great?) consumer society that is North America today.
  11. Well, for starters. he owes an apology to all the people who bought products and services which he advertised to them. Basically, when celebrities promote goods and services for money (in his case a great deal of money), they are asking the public to buy into their image. In Woods' case, his image, which he fully exploited, was a squeeky clean, married, family man who just happened to be the world's greatest golfer. He has now sullied his image and by extension, the products and services he is associated with, which is why none of those ads are running anymore and will probably never be run again. He is the butt of humour now on late night TV and on the Internet. People now think of him as a guy with gargantuan sexual appetites. Nothing wrong with that, unless you're tryng to sell a family car such as the Buicks he promoted. (He should have opted for racier cars, perhaps Porsches.) I don't follow golfing very closely but I have come to have new respect for John Daly, who is who he is, no apologies for warts and all. He is the real thing, Tiger turns out to be a complete phoney. He's still the greatest golfer but given his personal proclivities, he should have stuck with that and foregone the endorsements.
  12. As I posted several days ago, the perception of Tiger's lifestyle is all-important and now that his brand is seriously tarnished, the wheels are starting to fall off the $100 million a year Tiger Woods enterprise. Today Gatorade announced it is dropping Tiger's name from a drink that it markets and will no longer use Woods as a spokesman. This is the first company to publically drop Tiger but it was also noted by some media outlet that no TV ads featuring Tiger have been aired since November 29, 2 days after the accident. Before that, his face appeared daily somewhere in the US media. Perhaps this is just companies exercising caution and waiting to see how the story develops. His popularity is dropping like a stone and if the story gets messier than it already is, I predict Tiger's days as a supersalesman are OVER!
  13. Before he became president, JFK was in a similar position with Jackie. She threatened to leave him over his philandering and old man Joe cut a cheque for $1million to keep Jackie at her husband's side. Today that would represent probably $35 to $50 million, considering what inflation has been. So what's the diff? Was Jackie a "hooker"? After JFK's death she went on to marry the world's richest man. Did that make her a highly paid courtesan? These are questions that seem to recur from time to time.
  14. There was another famous libel case where the entertainer, Liberace, sued a British tabloid for saying he was gay. He won a 6 figure damage claim which in those days was the equivalent of well over half a million dollars today. When Liberace died of AIDs, the magazine sued his estate and, if I am not wrong in my recollection, they won back their money because Liberace had commited perjury. In Tiger's situation, whether or not these ladies had affairs with him while he was married, the sordidness of the situation is quickly tarnishing his billion dollar brand. If things continue to cascade, watch out for the cancellation of endorsement contracts, particularly by companies that identify with a squeaky clean image. It might already be too late to stop this from happening. IMO, Tiger has only himself to blame. In the media world, which he has participated in to his personal enrichment, image is EVERYTHING! American corporations in particular, are susceptible to pressure from the American public which is not very tolerant to extramarital affairs. In France, it wouldn't be the same. They expect the rich and powerful to have mistresses.
  15. Sorry, but the experts don't agree with you.To quote an expert, Phil Hall, president of London-based firm PHA, which handles communications and crisis management for sports figures and others, "If you take money for commercial deals which basically say "look, I'm a good guy, and I'm a decent clean-living citizen...the public buy into that..you forfeit the right to your private life because the public is buying a product, buying an image". He went on to say that Woods has a limited time to explain events, or risk staining both his own brand and those of his sponsors. He added "people accept that sometimes human beings err, but when they fan the flames by lying...people aren't so forgiving. It's never the mistake that brings the politician down, it's the cover-up afterwards".
  16. I'm with purplekow on this one. Once a public figure starts to sign contracts to push products and services that are sold to the public, he/she has become beholding to the public in terms of his/her comportment both in public and in private when that spills over into the public sphere. That's just the way it is and when they f**k up, they can't start to complain that they are private citizens. They gave that up when they signed those contracts and asked us (explicitedly or implied) that we should trust their judgment about things that impact our lives (whether they are flogging life insurance, banking services, airlines, cars, what have you. So in Tiger's case, if there is more to the story that what he has allowed to be put out to date, we all want to know. And if he doesn't want to come clean, well then, he is free to give up his billion dollar endorsements and just go back to being a private citizen. How many have done that willingly?
  17. I used to live in Geneva and watched as they constructed the installation known as CERN. This was many years ago and it has taken a long time to come to fruition. What always fascinated me was the fact that they were building this contraption which, at the extreme, might possibly create a black hole of some undetermined size that could suck things into it. This conjured up the image of all the hidden deposits in Swiss banks held on behalf of corrupt politicians abroad and other assorted criminals being sucked into oblivion. What a PR disaster for the Swiss banks! I imagine they must have sent out letters to their faithful depositors assuring them that all would go well with this historic experiment! :7
  18. Luv2play

    Jason Markus

    Well Charlie, we seem to have something (and someone) in common!
  19. Luv2play

    Jason Markus

    You are a first time poster so welcome to this board. Your interest in Jason Markus is understandable as I consider him to be one of NYC's finest male escorts. But if you search under his name you will find his reviews still listed, I just checked and they are there. If you are looking for a big dicked top with a pleasing personality and a desire to please his clients, you won't find any better.
  20. I feel for your loss. I still hope you get out to see some of the other dancers and find some fun in their antics. I know it's a lie to say time heals everything but there are still things to enjoy in life no matter what your loss. Keep a stiff upper lip!
  21. Luv2play


    Kevin, this is an interesting subject and although I am not into foot fetish activities, I agree it can be pleasurable for someone to suck your toes.I appreciate your main attraction may continue to be in the inches department rather than feet (and if you ever get to Montreal be sure to post in the travel section), but as you have experienced there are guys out there who may be interested in your feet primarily. I would say yes to the pedicure but that's just me and I'm not particularly into feet. I would guess that some guys are into rank feet, just as some are into ripe dicks! Each to his own. }(
  22. How about the ventriloquist and his dummy MASTER BATES and HUGO BLIND
  23. I've had the same experience recently. Drugs are just ruining those bois!:-(
  24. This is early 80's: High Energy (can't remember the artist)
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