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  1. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Sort of like not saying Elephant when there is one in the room!
  2. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to Walker1 in Egyptian Police Academy Graduates Parade   
    Does one volunteer to get arrested by these police?
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from leeper in Clutter Me Not   
    I have come to realize that I will never willingly get rid of my life time accumulation of stuff. A lot of it is quite valuable or was at one point. I realize antiques have gone way down in value as younger people don't collect them any more. If I eventually go to a retirement home I will be forced to call in the auctioneer. My siblings and their children are not interested. If I croak in my home, my heirs will have to deal with it.
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Lucky in Clutter Me Not   
    I have come to realize that I will never willingly get rid of my life time accumulation of stuff. A lot of it is quite valuable or was at one point. I realize antiques have gone way down in value as younger people don't collect them any more. If I eventually go to a retirement home I will be forced to call in the auctioneer. My siblings and their children are not interested. If I croak in my home, my heirs will have to deal with it.
  5. Sad
    Luv2play got a reaction from Cure69 in Has a porn star been anyone's first ever top or bottom?   
    It wasn't my first man but early in my career as a gay man, having only initiated myself at 25, I met an aspiring actor who was doing live theatre. He topped me and really knew how to toss the salad. 7 years later he was a star on an American prime time tv series that went to the top. I heard later he had married a woman in Hollywood to satisfy his career ambitions. He still lives there.
  6. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    I'm incredibly offended by your compliment
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Charlie in Clutter Me Not   
    The problem with living with a partner is that all of his stuff that I would throw in a dumpster without regret is stuff that he couldn't bear to part with, and the same is probably true of my stuff. I still have all sorts of things I have saved from my childhood and youth, not to mention a forty year accumulation of paperwork connected to my professional career, which I will never need again, but still....😟? At the beginning of the pandemic lockdown, I started to go through a box of things from my college days that sat in the back of my bedroom closet (and had sat  unlooked-at for a number of years before that on a shelf in the garage), expecting to finally winnow the wheat from the chaff and throw the latter away.  After two days, the box was as full as when I started--all I had accomplished was to make myself mushily sentimental.
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to foxy in Clutter Me Not   
    I have a lot of stuff. Some is valuable and a lot is not. Some are things I’ve inherited from my family. I love all of it. I’ve never had a cleaning person. I actually like to clean because I get to play with my stuff. It’s all carefully arranged. No cleaning person could deal with it. I’m a clean freak. You won’t find any dust in my house. Much of it is from international travels I did with my late husband. It all has meaning to me. As I hold some little trinket I’m transported back to a little market in Tunisia or a walk through Rome or Paris. It will mean nothing to my heirs or those who have to get rid of it all. I’ve had to clean out a few family households. It’s not that bad. My heirs will inherit a nice bit of cash. Let them call Got Junk. Or as I recommend in my papers an auction house. I could downsize to a little apartment or continue to live in the house that I shared with my husband for 35 mostly happy years. It’s not “just stuff” it’s a record of my life. 
  9. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + Charlie in Clutter Me Not   
    We have psychological difficulty getting rid of books we have read, so it was a relief when we discovered how easy it was to use the local library. Severalweeks ago, however, I saw that we had no more space left on our bookshelves, because our public library closed down when the pandemic lockdown started, so we had begun buying books again. I went through the shelves and removed about two dozen books that I thought we could give away to the library or to our favorite thrift store, and piled them up. As soon as my spouse saw the pile, he picked up a book and said, "This looks interesting," and began to read it. Eventually he decided that every book on the pile was worth reading again, so now I have spaces on the shelves, but a permanent pile of books on the floor.
  10. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to MikeBiDude in Has a porn star been anyone's first ever top or bottom?   
    This topic takes me way back! 15-20 years back? 
    Str8 porn performer Kris Slater quietly advertised as an escort for men. We met, and had multiple visits. After we became somewhat regular, he asked me to top him for his first time…” I want to try it with you..” he murmured one meeting. We discussed and the next time we met I satisfied his curiousity 😉
  11. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to Islesguy in Has a porn star been anyone's first ever top or bottom?   
    A porn star will give me my first experience with anal sex. Does that count?
  12. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to + Bryan Dube in Potential encounter?   
    I am living for this thread. thanks for sharing haha. 
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + nycman in Potential encounter?   
    You think too much.
    Sometimes you need to think with your "little head"……
    And that’s coming from a man who usually counsels thinking more with the "big head".
    Remember…..this is supposed to be fun!
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    From my June 3 post:
    I am taking some wise counsel and doing a wee bit of background checking before I go too far. He appears to be legit in everything he’s told me, I.e. his alma mater, fraternity, and even some reviews from satisfied auto purchasers. I still have some connections in the judicial system, but I don’t want to cross any ethical bounds. 
    Appreciate your concern, truly. I’ve been through a lot of self-defense training over the years, and while I’m no expert, I think I could do okay if needed. I’m not worried about anything physical, I just don’t want to get into something that would be confrontational. We tease the hell out of each other at the gym and some of it has been a little rough. I’ve never seen even a hint of anything that would suggest a problem. He really is a sweet guy, probably more mushy than I am all around. Several people have asked privately what he’s like - personality. The closest I can come to is a more energetic “Jim/John Krasinski” from The Office. Always smiling, just more open, funny, guy you want to go have a beer with and suck his dick.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + azdr0710 in Potential encounter?   
    since you express some very minor concern, I forgot or didn't see if you do know his real full name yet......if so, do what I occasionally do if meeting an unknown or not-so-well-known: put the dude's full real name and number on a big piece of paper and leave it on the floor in the middle of your living room......that way, when your friends break down your door after you don't reply to texts for a few days, they'll have a name to give the police!....... 😁

  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Chapter 423.5
    Have been through the checklist again and so far, so good. No gym today, but HD has been texting frequently. Planning ahead - he’s asked a couple of times where we’re going and I’m not saying. You may think I’m a little crazy here, but there’s a terrific seafood place right across the street from the gym. Upscale, fine dining . Why so close? Honestly, if something were to happen, my car is nearby. Do I expect it? Hell no, but, I also don’t want to even remotely take a chance on any awkward moments. Yeah, my paranoia is setting in a little. But I’ve had a few scary moments in my “career” and yes, I know we slept together and anything could have happened. Besides, I think he will think it’s funny that we could actually walk to dinner. And we might just do that.
    I’ve been rehearsing how I think it’ll go. I want to go back to square one and sort this out. He needs to explain some shit, and I am fully prepared to accept responsibility if I fucked it up as well. Maybe it was a huge misunderstanding. But I also think our mutual attraction got in the way and the lust short-circuited the business deal. 
    I may not add any more chapters until tomorrow. Depends on what unfolds. Again, many thanks for the comments, etc. The popcorn gif was hilarious.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in I Had No Idea...   
    Years ago I had a roommate who was an escort. I had advertised hoping to get a student to take care of my dog when I was traveling for work and had had several students previously but they always were moving on. 
    Anyway this guy hung around for a couple of years. He was unhappy with his nose which had a ski jump shape, turned up at the end.
    So he had a rhinoplasty and it really improved his looks for he was quite handsome and the turned up nose sort of made him look feminine.
    I drove him to the hospital and picked him up 6 hours later. When the bandages came off it was a complete transformation. Worth the $3500 at the time, around 1995.
    The last time I saw him he had moved in with a really old guy who was going to leave everything to him. 
  18. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to MikeBiDude in Will it ever fly?   
    Cheated the grim reaper once again.
    Frankly, for short hops I never pay attention to airline equipment. The info card was sticking up in a pocket in front of me at eye level and i noticed. As we were safely landing.
  19. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to Storm4U in What is a request you had to decline?   
    A client offered me a ton of money to do cocaine with him. I declined and got in my car and left. I don’t even drink alcohol, and I live an extremely clean, organic, non-toxic lifestyle, so that was definitely not happening. 
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Chapter 276
    HD and I show up this morning at the gym. He’s cheerful, joking, ‘sup, stud, etc. Cool. We do our thing, small talk, and then he wants to know if I still want to grab dinner. Sure. So we are “on” for tomorrow night - meet at gym and he’ll drive. Sound familiar? He says it’s his treat. Okay, I’ll be extra hungry. That’s it. He punches me on the arm, grins and he’s gone. 
    So, men of the forum, you have provided some great ideas which I am strongly considering. Last night I visited my bookcase and pulled out some old probation officer materials - the Reid interview process for one. It’s time for some “motivational intrinsic interviewing” and stop fucking around. I think there’s some shit under the surface that he’s hiding or denying and I need to know where he’s coming from. So we’re gonna play some “getting to know you” games and see what bubbles up. 
    I have to admit that I’m crushing really hard on him. Like maybe decades since I’ve been drawn to someone like this. Fuck, the sex was mind-blowing ... am I experiencing some weird middle-age crisis? Maybe.
    He wants me to pick the restaurant; there’s a great seafood place with 2-person booths, quiet - that might work. 
    Okay, men, later.
  21. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + DERRIK in Potential encounter?   
    At least send us a post from your honeymoon 😉
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from LoadsOfun in Questions for first time hiring   
    I think the question of offering a shower should be played by ear. If he arrives at your hotel or home looking wilted and sweaty, then offer the shower. I would say, would you like to take a quick shower?
    If you only have an hour appointment, you don't want him lingering there for 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, if he is still in there, join him there and say something like you must be having fun, can I join in?
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Iceland for Pride   
    He may be because Icelanders live a long time, longer than Americans, and you’re still around (whether you are available is another question). Lol.
  24. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + nycman in Hungmatt NYC   
    Maybe he thought you were poor.
  25. Confused
    Luv2play reacted to lonely_john in 27 Hotel “Secrets” As Told By Employees   
    Politicians are bigger assholes when they’re with their families. Saw lots of sex, drugs, underage drinking, escorts, the usual.
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