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  1. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Islesguy in 27 Hotel “Secrets” As Told By Employees   
    Number 22, regarding maids stealing, is something I tell people all the time. Maids aren't going to risk jail for a twenty laying around even in a casino hotel. Never once had any money I left in room "disappeared." I mark tips with a note under the cash so they know it's theirs and that is all they ever take. The problem now is I have remember to keep paper on hand because they have removed the pads due to the pandemic.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from LoadsOfun in Questions for first time hiring   
    I think the question of offering a shower should be played by ear. If he arrives at your hotel or home looking wilted and sweaty, then offer the shower. I would say, would you like to take a quick shower?
    If you only have an hour appointment, you don't want him lingering there for 15 minutes. After 5 minutes, if he is still in there, join him there and say something like you must be having fun, can I join in?
  3. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + DERRIK in Potential encounter?   
    At least send us a post from your honeymoon 😉
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in I Had No Idea...   
    Years ago I had a roommate who was an escort. I had advertised hoping to get a student to take care of my dog when I was traveling for work and had had several students previously but they always were moving on. 
    Anyway this guy hung around for a couple of years. He was unhappy with his nose which had a ski jump shape, turned up at the end.
    So he had a rhinoplasty and it really improved his looks for he was quite handsome and the turned up nose sort of made him look feminine.
    I drove him to the hospital and picked him up 6 hours later. When the bandages came off it was a complete transformation. Worth the $3500 at the time, around 1995.
    The last time I saw him he had moved in with a really old guy who was going to leave everything to him. 
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in What are you old enough to remember?   
    Along the same lines, I remember my sister's godmother taking all four of us kids in the family to the T Eaton's Department Store in Montreal for lunch. They had a nice dining room on the top floor with white tablecloths and real cutlery. What I remember most is the dessert, an icecream cone turned upside down on the plate with a clowns face on the ball of icecream made with candies. This was around 1955.
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in What are you old enough to remember?   
    Along the same lines, I remember my sister's godmother taking all four of us kids in the family to the T Eaton's Department Store in Montreal for lunch. They had a nice dining room on the top floor with white tablecloths and real cutlery. What I remember most is the dessert, an icecream cone turned upside down on the plate with a clowns face on the ball of icecream made with candies. This was around 1955.
  7. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in Potential encounter?   
    At least send us a post from your honeymoon 😉
  8. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in Potential encounter?   
    At least send us a post from your honeymoon 😉
  9. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to arnie in What are you old enough to remember?   
    Marching up and down the school yard arms linked chanting "I like Ike"   Being in the mass Salk polio vaccine trial.  They chose my entire elementary school for the study.  I was so happy that I got the vaccine, not the placebo because I did not have to get the initial 3 shots over, just needed the booster.  The dinosaurs!!!!!!
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to MiamiLooker in What are you old enough to remember?   
    What made me recall the S&H stamps was that I still have an ugly lamp that I'm pretty sure I got with stamps. I was thinking about spray painting it until I found it on ebay for $250...

  11. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + SundayZip in Potential encounter?   
    I somehow overlooked this thread until today. Wow @KrisParr, I want to be in your situation! Discovering that a major stud from the gym is available for sexy fun and games is a fantasy dream. It's unfortunate that your one date turned out to be a mindf—k, but for me, that would not be a reason to write him off altogether. Forgive me for using your situation to indulge my own wishful thinking, but here goes.
    If it were me in your situation, I'd consider two possible courses of action.
    1) Don't try to avoid him at the gym. Treat him like a casual friend. Be friendly but not solicitous. If he wants to advance a friendship, whether it be platonic or sexual without pay, let him do so. From what you've told us, he won't be shy about it if that’s what he wants. The fact that he's already asked you to have dinner means he wants to advance something. Maybe he wants something that doesn't involve compensation.  Or he may still view you as a potential client and dinner is another opportunity to tempt you with the merchandise. 
    2) Decide if you want to hire him. If you do, tell him you’re interested and would like to discuss the terms.  If you can arrive at mutually agreeable terms, then go for it!  Why not indulge yourself as long as it's on agreeable terms?
    Personally, I'd love for you to go with option #2 and then read about here! 
  12. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Well, it’s been a week since this adventure began and I want to thank everyone for their support, advice, comments and encouragement. Just got back from the gym, and HD wasn’t there. So I texted him - he’s with a client in Buckhead and said he’d probably see me tomorrow. He followed up with a “how about dinner soon?” And I replied sure. So will see where the goes. Have lots of “real work” mounting, and I think the marathon updates are about over. I’ve processed a lot of shit  and feel somewhat content.  Still - unanswered questions, though. Time will tell. At least the horniness level has been significantly lowered. For now.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in I Had No Idea...   
    Wow.  This thread got bitter, fast.  Yet somehow I'm not shocked by that.
    As with many threads here, the anonymous judgement is quick and sharp, but until you've walked a mile in an escort's shoes, don't be an asshole.  The OP describes this guy as open and honest.  It was clearly an eye-opening conversation.
    Self-care is a real thing.  It's not just vanity...  It's self respect.  

    Whether you're in a looks-based biz or not, giving a shit about how you look is not a bad thing.  Eat right.  Stay in shape.  Skincare.  This isn't rocket science, however, it's something that most of America doesn't practice. 
    We treat symptoms...  We don't do preventative care.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in I Had No Idea...   
    Years ago I had a roommate who was an escort. I had advertised hoping to get a student to take care of my dog when I was traveling for work and had had several students previously but they always were moving on. 
    Anyway this guy hung around for a couple of years. He was unhappy with his nose which had a ski jump shape, turned up at the end.
    So he had a rhinoplasty and it really improved his looks for he was quite handsome and the turned up nose sort of made him look feminine.
    I drove him to the hospital and picked him up 6 hours later. When the bandages came off it was a complete transformation. Worth the $3500 at the time, around 1995.
    The last time I saw him he had moved in with a really old guy who was going to leave everything to him. 
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Holy shit, I never made the connection with the car-sales approach. That’s exactly how it unfolded. Until a month or so ago, our interactions were brief; he’d be lifting, I’d be on the machines; we’d cross paths, shoot the breeze and move on. Then we’d sometimes swim together - really not that much. But then, let’s play ball, and grab a brew had never happened before. I’ll admit he is a head turner. There’s an air about him that’s hard to describe. Confident and a little cocky, and a killer smile with textbook teeth. So, yeah, I think I was being set up in some manner. Maybe a fishing trip to see if I was potentially a client.
    Showing me the picture occurred during the awkward speech about joining the cadre. That was so wrong now that I think about it. As far as I know, he didn’t take any pics during our date. 
    I think maybe the sequence was something like this:
    HD and K are gym acquaintances 
    K enjoys the eye candy and goes out of his way to cross paths 
    HD remains neutral but doesn’t shy away
    Pandemic hits  - a year goes by
    HD and K meet up again
    Path crossing increases, much to K’s delight
    HD reciprocates and sends clear vibes of interest
    HD speculates K may be a potential client
    Let’s play ball and drink beer!
    And you know the rest.
    As of now, I’m going to suggest we grab a coffee (don’t need any alcohol) and just talk. I’m open. Friends with benefits- fuck buddy- gym bro- maybe marriage. LOL - Gotcha. 
  16. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from mike carey in Not So Common Gay Terms   
    Good point. Straights might do that too. But maybe gays coined he phrase. I learned something new from this post but not sure how useful it is.
    If someone in the unlikely event offered me a Kentucky Klondike Bar or some treats at the Panamanian Zoo at least I would know how to respond without sounding stupid.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Potential encounter?   
    I wouldn't cut him off. If he still wants to see you at the gym, that is safe ground to let things develop naturally if Kris keeps the conversation low-key. The date they had could be just left in the background.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Total Members: 9466 Yeah, sure!   
    Like any social media site, the numbers are one of the most important factors driving its success . And what attracts numbers is the content of the site, and how the content keeps refreshing itself. People want to read the latest and we, the active members, provide that input on an almost daily basis. 
    Without this activity, people would tend to drop off making as many visits and the site would wither away. 
    That being said, there are various reasons people lose interest and become inactive. I was once one myself, which I have mentioned. But as long as there is the possibility they may return or inform others of our existence, I see  usefulness in retaining them if in a separate category at least.
  19. Thanks
    Luv2play got a reaction from twinkboylover28 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Thanks for the new videos. Will check in tomorrow to see the latest being posted tonight. The recent one shows a very quiet street scene in broad daylight and the place seems devoid of colours I am used to seeing, having lived there from 1997 to 2010. 
    I was also a frequent visitor up until COVID struck so it looks rather desolate, I have to say.
  20. Applause
    Luv2play got a reaction from twinkboylover28 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Hopefully that and the stripper bars reopening will liven things up.
  21. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Potential encounter?   
    If we're looking for a title for this incredible saga, I would suggest "Take me out to the ball game".
  22. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Not So Common Gay Terms   
    Good point. Straights might do that too. But maybe gays coined he phrase. I learned something new from this post but not sure how useful it is.
    If someone in the unlikely event offered me a Kentucky Klondike Bar or some treats at the Panamanian Zoo at least I would know how to respond without sounding stupid.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + MysticMenace in Not So Common Gay Terms   
    Good point. Straights might do that too. But maybe gays coined he phrase. I learned something new from this post but not sure how useful it is.
    If someone in the unlikely event offered me a Kentucky Klondike Bar or some treats at the Panamanian Zoo at least I would know how to respond without sounding stupid.
  24. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to + nycman in Potential encounter?   
    Yeah, so quit yer bitching Mary!
    Most of us would kill for a “date" like yours…….grin
    Just kidding, it was a fun rollercoaster ride of an essay to read. 
    Don’t overthink it and take the pitches as they come. 
    Oh lord, I think I just made a baseball reference….it’s time to stop.
    Have fun and keep us posted!
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Total Members: 9466 Yeah, sure!   
    Like any social media site, the numbers are one of the most important factors driving its success . And what attracts numbers is the content of the site, and how the content keeps refreshing itself. People want to read the latest and we, the active members, provide that input on an almost daily basis. 
    Without this activity, people would tend to drop off making as many visits and the site would wither away. 
    That being said, there are various reasons people lose interest and become inactive. I was once one myself, which I have mentioned. But as long as there is the possibility they may return or inform others of our existence, I see  usefulness in retaining them if in a separate category at least.
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