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  1. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Potential encounter?   
    I would settle for being a fly on the wall. Lol
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + keroscenefire in June 2: Happy International Whore's Day   
    The only time I recall seeing the word to describe a provider in a Rentmen review was one that gave a five star rating. In the comments section the client sang the praises of the escort and said that he was a "whore" in the best sense of the word. It was interesting that the escort was French.
  3. Verbose
    Luv2play got a reaction from Deadlift1 in Potential encounter?   
    I think Kris is playing this very well. There is no script for a scenario like this and one has to improvise as one goes along.
     The hotel room was a good idea and I’m not in a position to advise when Kris might bring this up. My own inclination would be at some point during the game. Maybe at the end of the game would be a better time. Kris will be better able to judge the timing.
    The suggestion of a change of clothes was a great line to use. I wouldn’t have thought of that. I would have thought of inviting him home to my place after the game, but as Kris says they haven’t even exchanged addresses yet. The hotel room is a nice neutral setting for a first encounter between the sheets, if it comes to that.
    The one thing I would do is take a bunch of 100s with me, so that if the deal is a discounted rate, I would still aim high not knowing what he charges his other male clients. I wouldn’t want to be caught short and have to try to find an ATM in the hotel. That would disrupt the flow of events.
    Of course, maybe the outcome will be a real BFE with no bill at the end. Wouldn’t that be something.
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to soberguy in Palm Springs Resorts?   
    I've stayed at Hacienda and Santiago many times.  In my opinion, they are both great resorts.  Hacienda is a bit on the pricey side but the upkeep and service are not comparable.  So if you have the means and are looking for a beautiful place to stay, I can definitely recommend it.   In terms of cruisiness, it goes under the radar but I have had very pleasant physical encounters with other guests every time I've been; it's a behind closed doors sort of thing.  Santiago is also nice, though not on the same scale.   And in my experience the price is significantly less than the Hacienda.  I've always had a great time at Santiago; beautiful open pool and super friendly guests.  It does seem to get a bit cruisy at night with guys wandering around peaking where they can but it's fun and manageable - not sex clubish.  Another place to consider is La Dolce Vida which is my favorite.  They've recently done a renovation in most of their rooms so it's got a fresh feel.  It has two pools which is fun.  Originally it was two separate resorts and the transitioning element between the two sides adds a bit to the sex vibe for some reason but like Santiago it's never been too over the top.  And similarly, the other guests have always been super engaging. I have a great time whenever I stay there.  I hope that helps and have a great visit.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Danny-Darko in Pissing   
    Two Recycled Beers? 

  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in Potential encounter?   
    I think Kris is playing this very well. There is no script for a scenario like this and one has to improvise as one goes along.
     The hotel room was a good idea and I’m not in a position to advise when Kris might bring this up. My own inclination would be at some point during the game. Maybe at the end of the game would be a better time. Kris will be better able to judge the timing.
    The suggestion of a change of clothes was a great line to use. I wouldn’t have thought of that. I would have thought of inviting him home to my place after the game, but as Kris says they haven’t even exchanged addresses yet. The hotel room is a nice neutral setting for a first encounter between the sheets, if it comes to that.
    The one thing I would do is take a bunch of 100s with me, so that if the deal is a discounted rate, I would still aim high not knowing what he charges his other male clients. I wouldn’t want to be caught short and have to try to find an ATM in the hotel. That would disrupt the flow of events.
    Of course, maybe the outcome will be a real BFE with no bill at the end. Wouldn’t that be something.
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to EastCoastBtm in 411 on WellEquipped?   
    Profile has expired.  Has been on my short big dick list to visit after COVID/my return to the Northeast.  Hope he cums back!
    Anyone ever had the pleasure?
  8. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Yes, the tickets are his treat. What he doesn’t know yet is that I have a room for us at the Omni next door to the ball park. It’s non-refundable so who knows at this point. I might be pushing it, but hell, he’s been making all the “moves” - guess it’s my turn. The saga continues- keeping me awake at night. He said he’d contact me later today with details. Game on.
  9. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in Potential encounter?   
    The game tomorrow begins at 4:20 p.m. Is that a hint for everyone to toke up first?
    That seems to be a time translated into West Coast time though, so maybe only Dodger fans can hit it.
  10. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to RadioRob in Potential encounter?   
    My tech updates can’t compete with this!
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Potential encounter?   
    The plot thickens!
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from kingsley88 in Potential encounter?   
    The plot thickens!
  13. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in June 2: Happy International Whore's Day   
    Years ago there was a thread on the forum where I mentioned the infamous French whore Arlety who slept with the Germans during the occupation in WWII. At her trial after the war she declared " I am French but my ass is international."
  14. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + MysticMenace in About to make an emotional purchase. Midlife crisis?   
    Not nuts at all...but as some folks said, depends on what you'd wanna use it for and how frequently...leasing / rental cars are fantastic options too.
    Speaking of nuts, can't wait for my mid-life crisis to come. I am thinking private island resort, 20 of my top providers, gang-bang. 2 weeks. Probably won't need a car to drive after that...might struggle to walk for a while...lol.
  15. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from rvwnsd in June 2: Happy International Whore's Day   
    Years ago there was a thread on the forum where I mentioned the infamous French whore Arlety who slept with the Germans during the occupation in WWII. At her trial after the war she declared " I am French but my ass is international."
  16. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    The response from our community to this thread has been overwhelming and very much appreciated. I am taking some wise counsel and doing a wee bit of background checking before I go too far. He appears to be legit in everything he’s told me, I.e. his alma mater, fraternity, and even some reviews from satisfied auto purchasers. I still have some connections in the judicial system, but I don’t want to cross any ethical bounds. For right now, it’s slow and steady. Our encounters to date have always been “in” the gym with small talk, which all totaled might be shy of just a few hours. He’s so fucking easy to talk to - what my dad calls a Renaissance man - he knows music (even opera, go figure), sports, computers, cars, history, and claims he can recite the entire script of the Blues Brothers flick. And those grey-green eyes ... sigh.  Stay tuned. Hell, he’s probably an alien.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from HotWhiteThirties in Potential encounter?   
    The plot thickens!
  18. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + Charlie in Jeffrey Sanker has died.   
    Do you mean Oliver'sGarden?
  19. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + MysticMenace in Potential encounter?   
    The back seat of a Bentley is much more commodious. Lol.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to down_to_business in It’s just How I do things   
    In my very early days of hiring I used to be willing to hire without seeing a face pic.  Unfortunately, I had to stop doing this because it always ended in disappointment for me.  I think this was mostly because I couldn't prevent myself from projecting via fantasy of what the faceless provider looked like and the cold reality when actually seeing the escort of how off I really was to the real thing.  The funny thing about it is I likely would have been ok in many of the cases if I was able to see the real thing before having to use my imagination.
    Put me in the category of someone who will not hire without seeing your face.
    I definitely appreciate those providers saving us both time and problems by being upfront about refusing to provide a face pic- instead of providing a fake one!
  21. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + Charlie in Potential encounter?   
    I came to this thread late, and my first impulse was to ask whether the discount included the GPS option, but as the story went on, I began to feel that this was getting too emotionally serious for you for me to make this into a joke. I wonder how much truth there is in his "just messin' with ya" statement. He seems to be quite aware of how strongly you are attracted to him, and is enjoying his power. Maybe my usual suspicion of car salesmen is showing, but my fear is that the deal will not be quite as straightforward as it sounds in the showroom. I hope I am wrong.
  22. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to Smurof in Unread Content   
    Sometimes I think of legally changing my name to Unread Content due the extremely high volume of unanswered private messages!
  23. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Not sure if this counts as a vicarious thrill, but here goes:
    So “hot dude” texts me and says he’ll be late – he’s with a client. Anyhow, he does show up at the pizza joint again next to the gym. We shoot the shit for a while, quaff a few beers and finally I just had to say something about the “discount offer”. His response was, “I was just messin’ with ya” and started laughing. But the evil grin and half-wink still overpowered what he was saying. Fuck. I’m more confused than ever. He changes the subject and we start talking about sports. He asks me when was the last time I saw the Braves play in person.  (The stadium in not that far from us). I said, “like never” and again, got the smirky laugh.  I left for a few minutes to take a piss and when I get back, he hands me his phone. It’s a confirmation from Stubhub for two dugout tickets to Friday night’s Braves-Dodgers game – like for $600 total. Holy mother … I said, “Damn” – and he says he hopes I have Friday night free.  Tongue-tied again.  I mumbled something like “hell yes” – and I’m shaking my head. Where is this going?  So we finish the brews and head out to the cars (it was pushing midnight) and we’re standing in kind of in a dark place and we’re just talking and next thing I know, his tongue is in my mouth. Didn’t last too long, but long enough to awake old one-eye.  He pulls back and the only thing I can think of to say is, “Are we like dating now?” And he says, “what do you think?” and gets in his car and away he goes.  Okay, let’s clarify – I am twenty years older than him, I’m not that attractive, though in damn good shape right now. He’s hot, he’s hip, he’s “with it” and I’m just your average 52 year old horny dude who’s been around the block many, many times.  He said he has a quick trip to Macon for a couple of days but will be back late Thursday and we can work out details of our “date”.  My brain can’t compute all this – but that’s where we are.
  24. Applause
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Potential encounter?   
    Thanks, gentlemen, for the kinds words of advice and the reactions. Update: so I went to the gym this morning as hot-dude was leaving. We had a quick chat with him saying, “You okay?”  I muttered something like, yeah, sure and went on in.  About 10 minutes later I got a text from him and he wants to know if we can meet for a drink later tonight. I replied that I’d love to, so we will see what unfolds. I’ve decided to pursue him and go with the flow.  Will keep the thread updated if anything happens.  Again, many thanks for the encouragement.
  25. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in Jeffrey Sanker has died.   
    No, no, you bring circuit breakers and see who can pop theirs first!
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