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  1. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Lucky in Will 'Scort Be Replaced by "Rovider?   
    No pee in providers, no deal.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Yellowrod in Can You Tell his Orientation by the Way he Kisses?   
    As the pandemic has worn on, I am reordering my priorities concerning the list of "intos" to place greater emphasis on kissing for my first hire coming out of the third wave restrictions. 
    For me it ranks high on the feeling of connectiveness I have been missing the last 5 months.
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    It's a good question. My answer would be that she presided over a period when Britain became the undisputed superpower in the world. She was the first monarch in Britain's 1000 year monarchical history to become the Empress as well as Queen, a title bestowed on her by her favorite Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli. 
    She ruled an empire greater than even the Roman Empire, and greater than any before or since. As was the saying, the sun never set on the British Empire, meaning at any time in the 24 hour day, the sun was shining on a British flag waving above a British territory.
    Of course, the sun did set eventually, but not in her time or her son's or grandson's time.
    The American Empire, although not officially acknowledged, started after WWII. We will have to see whether it still functions in 2045.
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in Can You Tell his Orientation by the Way he Kisses?   
    As the pandemic has worn on, I am reordering my priorities concerning the list of "intos" to place greater emphasis on kissing for my first hire coming out of the third wave restrictions. 
    For me it ranks high on the feeling of connectiveness I have been missing the last 5 months.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RadioRob in Can You Tell his Orientation by the Way he Kisses?   
    Gay...straight...  don't matter to me.  As long as I'm happy and get mine, orientation is just a status.  
    I was with a "straight" escort before that could curl my toes as we kissed.  As long as he's an "A-class" actor, he can identify whatever way he wanted.  🙂
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to lonely_john in Can You Tell his Orientation by the Way he Kisses?   
    I took it from lip-lock. What I meant is that straight guys are less prone to a long, continuous deep kiss for several minutes.
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + José Soplanucas in Can You Tell his Orientation by the Way he Kisses?   
    In my times learning Acting I French kissed countless straight men. Believe me, you cannot tell. Good kissing has not gender/sexuality.
    Perhaps you can use it to comb away homophobes, but not Straight men.
  8. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to lonely_john in Can You Tell his Orientation by the Way he Kisses?   
    When there is weed and booze even the straight guys enjoy more the kissing. 😛
  9. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from rvwnsd in Will 'Scort Be Replaced by "Rovider?   
    No pee in providers, no deal.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Thanks. It’s a quiet weekend this year because of the lockdown we are still undergoing. Quite a departure from previous years when I could celebrate with others. Last year I had a blast and hired an escort for the whole weekend. While the pandemic was already underway, it wasn’t so bad in terms of numbers here and took a chance, which worked out well.
    He was a real sweetie and sent me a message today with a pic of him working out naked in his home gym he has set up. We stay in regular touch and I met with him three times last summer and fall, until the pandemic got too tough. Hope to see him again when things open up.
  11. Thanks
    Luv2play reacted to Mustang in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    Oh gosh - I 'm not sure I have the energy or the crayons to respond to this, but here we go. 
    Contracting COVID is not "essential 0" for vaccinated people. mRNA vaccines provides a 95% risk reduction, less with J&J, and less against any of these variants. None of these are = 0. This has been widely published. 
    About 38,000 died in car accidents last, about 500,000 died of Covid-19. 38k is not less than 500k. Not that these two are events are even comparable equivalents. See "false equivalents". 
    Just because you can't mitigate all risk doesn't mean you can't practice risk reduction (or a modicum of common sense). First remove the threat then remove the protection. 
    Not sure what you were a [preppy] student of, but I'm guessing it wasn't math, science, or stats. TV/VCR repair, maybe? 😉
  12. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to preppystudent in Please, please, please STAY HOME - that massage is STILL not worth your life   
    If you are vaccinated, who cares if other people are vaccinated or not??  The chance of you being vaccinated, getting Covid, AND having significant illness as a result is essentially zero - you are more likely to die in a car crash driving to the massage.  And the chance of you being vaccinated, getting Covid AND passing Covid on to someone who isn't vaccinated (for a reason other than just their personal choice) is also basically zero.  This is all a risk allocation issue - you can't completely eliminate all risk in life.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from tony in St. Petersburg/Tampa area gay scene beaches, nightlife suggestion PLEASE   
    I would take issue with a couple of points in the preceding post. The warmest Ocean water to swim in during the winter months from New Years till Easter is on the Atlantic side of south Florida, and Miami in particular. This is because of the Atlantic Gulf Stream, which brushes the East Florida coast on its way from Cuba to Bermuda and beyond To Europe. And the beaches are gorgeous (As are the men who populate them).
    Having lived in Miami Beach for 5 winters 2 decades ago, I could swim every day if I wanted to and it was delightful. I had friends on the West Coast and would visit a couple of times each winter. Very few people were in the water although they congregated on the beach. The water temperature was generally below 62 degrees and even more chilly sometimes.
    The other point concerns culture. Miami had a vibrant cultural scene although my interests were mostly in the art scene, not music or theatre, and of course the gay scene which was very hot from Miami up to Ft. Lauderdale, all within an easy half hour drive.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Jury Duty   
    I’ve never been called myself but I have a law degree and always assumed I wouldn’t qualify. If called I would love to serve.
  15. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Vaccinated or not   
    Fully vexed sounds problematic

  16. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Will 'Scort Be Replaced by "Rovider?   
    No pee in providers, no deal.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    Now that we are near the end of May, it still seems it will be quite some time before indoor bars and clubs will reopen. Outdoor terraces may open in a month or so. 
    Quebec has got a better control on the numbers of cases so is reopening sooner but Ontario is taking a more cautious approach. 
    What goes for the reopening of the US border is anyone's guess but not this summer I believe.
    The latest wrinkle that developed this weekend is the abrupt closure of the main bridge linking Montreal to Ontario. That is the one I take when driving to Montreal. With only the older smaller bridge open on highway 20, traffic will be snarled for the foreseeable future. That is also going to affect Trudeau Airport for passengers from Ontario but in the short term not an issue as noone is flying out of Canada for leisure.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Thanks. It’s a quiet weekend this year because of the lockdown we are still undergoing. Quite a departure from previous years when I could celebrate with others. Last year I had a blast and hired an escort for the whole weekend. While the pandemic was already underway, it wasn’t so bad in terms of numbers here and took a chance, which worked out well.
    He was a real sweetie and sent me a message today with a pic of him working out naked in his home gym he has set up. We stay in regular touch and I met with him three times last summer and fall, until the pandemic got too tough. Hope to see him again when things open up.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Here in Canada we celebrate the holiday known as Victoria Day, named in honour of Queen Victoria, whose birthday was the 24th of May. It also happens to be my birthday and as a result I always got a school holiday on my birthday.
    November 11th is our “Memorial Day”,  to remember soldiers lost in the various wars Canada has participated in with distinction, I might add. We always responded with our blood and fortune to defend democracy when it was threatened from abroad.
    I operate a small cemetery and in the spring the two big holidays for remembrance are Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day. Flowers are left on the graves of dearly departed family members. Something I was brought up to do and continue to this day.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + bigjoey in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I would imagine that masseurs are faced with more laundry if they see more clients per day when they are working than escorts do. My guess is that masseurs do more incalls and hence are left with the linens they use.
    When escorts do incalls, there is also a need to change the linens if they are in their own homes. But clients may not have as much need for towels unless showering is involved. 
    As a client, I go through a lot of linens during a session, particularly if it's a multihour or overnight. If I am at an escort's home, I often bring at least a small towel in my backpack or valise. This is as much for my own convenience as out of consideration for the escort.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I always take some towels to hotels I am driving to where I intend to see escorts. Obviously not if flying. I take a whole shopping bag with towels, face clothes and sometimes a cover sheet. I like to engage in watersports so things can get messy and I don't want to bother the hotel staff too much. But I do often seek out the chambermaids in the halls in the morning to get extra towels.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + tassojunior in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I always take some towels to hotels I am driving to where I intend to see escorts. Obviously not if flying. I take a whole shopping bag with towels, face clothes and sometimes a cover sheet. I like to engage in watersports so things can get messy and I don't want to bother the hotel staff too much. But I do often seek out the chambermaids in the halls in the morning to get extra towels.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + tassojunior in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I would imagine that masseurs are faced with more laundry if they see more clients per day when they are working than escorts do. My guess is that masseurs do more incalls and hence are left with the linens they use.
    When escorts do incalls, there is also a need to change the linens if they are in their own homes. But clients may not have as much need for towels unless showering is involved. 
    As a client, I go through a lot of linens during a session, particularly if it's a multihour or overnight. If I am at an escort's home, I often bring at least a small towel in my backpack or valise. This is as much for my own convenience as out of consideration for the escort.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I would imagine that masseurs are faced with more laundry if they see more clients per day when they are working than escorts do. My guess is that masseurs do more incalls and hence are left with the linens they use.
    When escorts do incalls, there is also a need to change the linens if they are in their own homes. But clients may not have as much need for towels unless showering is involved. 
    As a client, I go through a lot of linens during a session, particularly if it's a multihour or overnight. If I am at an escort's home, I often bring at least a small towel in my backpack or valise. This is as much for my own convenience as out of consideration for the escort.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I would imagine that masseurs are faced with more laundry if they see more clients per day when they are working than escorts do. My guess is that masseurs do more incalls and hence are left with the linens they use.
    When escorts do incalls, there is also a need to change the linens if they are in their own homes. But clients may not have as much need for towels unless showering is involved. 
    As a client, I go through a lot of linens during a session, particularly if it's a multihour or overnight. If I am at an escort's home, I often bring at least a small towel in my backpack or valise. This is as much for my own convenience as out of consideration for the escort.
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