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    Luv2play got a reaction from + bigjoey in Who Spends More in Laundry, Masseurs or Escorts?   
    I would imagine that masseurs are faced with more laundry if they see more clients per day when they are working than escorts do. My guess is that masseurs do more incalls and hence are left with the linens they use.
    When escorts do incalls, there is also a need to change the linens if they are in their own homes. But clients may not have as much need for towels unless showering is involved. 
    As a client, I go through a lot of linens during a session, particularly if it's a multihour or overnight. If I am at an escort's home, I often bring at least a small towel in my backpack or valise. This is as much for my own convenience as out of consideration for the escort.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Here in Canada we celebrate the holiday known as Victoria Day, named in honour of Queen Victoria, whose birthday was the 24th of May. It also happens to be my birthday and as a result I always got a school holiday on my birthday.
    November 11th is our “Memorial Day”,  to remember soldiers lost in the various wars Canada has participated in with distinction, I might add. We always responded with our blood and fortune to defend democracy when it was threatened from abroad.
    I operate a small cemetery and in the spring the two big holidays for remembrance are Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day. Flowers are left on the graves of dearly departed family members. Something I was brought up to do and continue to this day.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Whitman in face sitting session   
  4. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to Gymowner in 411 Modelzane   
    Oh God! Not another hot as fuck breeder that's fucked in the head...sigh
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Thanks. It’s a quiet weekend this year because of the lockdown we are still undergoing. Quite a departure from previous years when I could celebrate with others. Last year I had a blast and hired an escort for the whole weekend. While the pandemic was already underway, it wasn’t so bad in terms of numbers here and took a chance, which worked out well.
    He was a real sweetie and sent me a message today with a pic of him working out naked in his home gym he has set up. We stay in regular touch and I met with him three times last summer and fall, until the pandemic got too tough. Hope to see him again when things open up.
  6. Thanks
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Here in Canada we celebrate the holiday known as Victoria Day, named in honour of Queen Victoria, whose birthday was the 24th of May. It also happens to be my birthday and as a result I always got a school holiday on my birthday.
    November 11th is our “Memorial Day”,  to remember soldiers lost in the various wars Canada has participated in with distinction, I might add. We always responded with our blood and fortune to defend democracy when it was threatened from abroad.
    I operate a small cemetery and in the spring the two big holidays for remembrance are Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day. Flowers are left on the graves of dearly departed family members. Something I was brought up to do and continue to this day.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + easygoingpal in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Thanks. It’s a quiet weekend this year because of the lockdown we are still undergoing. Quite a departure from previous years when I could celebrate with others. Last year I had a blast and hired an escort for the whole weekend. While the pandemic was already underway, it wasn’t so bad in terms of numbers here and took a chance, which worked out well.
    He was a real sweetie and sent me a message today with a pic of him working out naked in his home gym he has set up. We stay in regular touch and I met with him three times last summer and fall, until the pandemic got too tough. Hope to see him again when things open up.
  8. Thanks
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Memorial Day Weekend...   
    Here in Canada we celebrate the holiday known as Victoria Day, named in honour of Queen Victoria, whose birthday was the 24th of May. It also happens to be my birthday and as a result I always got a school holiday on my birthday.
    November 11th is our “Memorial Day”,  to remember soldiers lost in the various wars Canada has participated in with distinction, I might add. We always responded with our blood and fortune to defend democracy when it was threatened from abroad.
    I operate a small cemetery and in the spring the two big holidays for remembrance are Mothers’ and Fathers’ Day. Flowers are left on the graves of dearly departed family members. Something I was brought up to do and continue to this day.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in How do you like your olives stuffed?   
    The olives stuffed with almonds that I buy are Greek olives imported by Polaris into Canada in 1 litre glass jars. They last me about a month or so as I usually have a few each day.
    I also like black olives with the pits and whole Kalamata olives with pits. The latter are also from Greece. 
    I eat salads for lunch almost every day so olives form a part of my daily diet. I just pop in three or four with all the other things that go to making a tasty and nutritious meal 
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in How do you like your olives stuffed?   
    The olives stuffed with almonds that I buy are Greek olives imported by Polaris into Canada in 1 litre glass jars. They last me about a month or so as I usually have a few each day.
    I also like black olives with the pits and whole Kalamata olives with pits. The latter are also from Greece. 
    I eat salads for lunch almost every day so olives form a part of my daily diet. I just pop in three or four with all the other things that go to making a tasty and nutritious meal 
  11. Thanks
    Luv2play reacted to Jamie21 in Masseur best practices...   
    All of this advice is great, especially about the high levels of professionalism required to do it properly. I’ve been doing sensual massage for 5 years now and am always learning new things about the work.
    However the single most important tip I would give is to treat each client as if he is the most beautiful and sexy guy in the world for the time that he is with you. Give him your total focus, pay attention to how he reacts to your touch (everyone has different areas of their body that get them going - often unusual areas, so explore them) and treat him like he’s your hottest date regardless of any attraction you may or may not have. I learned that not every client is who I’d go for if it was a dating situation but there’s always something you can find that is attractive about him. Some of the most erotic and sexy massages have been with guys I’d not normally be attracted to.
    You also need to decide what your limits are and stick to them. Only once did I have a client pressurise me into doing something I wasn’t happy doing and I decided after that to be really strict on what’s included and what isn’t. I do include fucking (as top) if the client wants it but I don’t charge extra for it because I say to them that it has to feel right for both of us. That way I’m not under pressure to perform if it’s the 4th client of the day for example. If they want me to bottom I do charge extra. I think it’s important to be clear in your offering what’s included (subject to any legal restrictions on what’s possible in your jurisdiction). And whilst the erotic and sexual parts of the massage are important don’t forget that you must give a great proper massage. Learn good effleurage strokes, learn head massage, have a speciality (head massage is good). Important to be a great masseur as well as able to bring a guy to climax.
    Doing naked sensual massage is a fantastic job, meeting new people and helping them explore their sexuality. I’m glad I’ve been able to open up new experiences for my clients.
  12. Applause
    Luv2play got a reaction from + JEC in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    I am rather attracted to Tim Krueger of Timtales. He's a hunky daddy type.
  13. Haha
    Luv2play reacted to WorthJayson in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    I feel that, I want Maksim Orlov to rearrange my insides haha 
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in How often do you get the "it's a surprise for my wife" calls?   
    Ah interesting link there lol. I can't help but think of the "bachelorette" though when it comes down to all the guys a woman would have to choose from.
    I'll stick with my gay 3 ways though. My last one was...something to recall. Even the dog tried to break up the party by plopping himself onto the bed lol.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Bootybuilder in How often do you get the "it's a surprise for my wife" calls?   
    I’ve had so many scammers for this it’s crazy. There’s definitely a market for this stuff but not through rentmen. Cowboys 4 angels is the site. I’m gonna post some straight porn on pornhub this year. I hope some legit couples hit me up! Lol
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Typical in Anyone investing in this Crypto?   
    Bernie Madoff kept his game alive for 20 years, so just about anything is possible I suppose. But when this crypto currency mania ends, and it will certainly end, it's going to be an amazing mess.
    A friend of mine swears cryptocurrency is here to stay and is taking over the world. To listen to him is like hearing an evangelical preacher certain of everlasting heaven. It's practically religion to a whole lot of people. They literally spend hours each day thinking or talking and/ or speculating in....cryptocurrency. Something that does nothing. And that's what makes it so crazy and ultimately dangerous.
    I own some cryptos. They aren't an investment, per se. They are gambling. I haven't bet the farm. I hope I recognize when to get off. We'll see!
    And of course big banks are getting involved. They are setting up funds (primarily or exclusively with other people's money, BTW) and trading operations that earn commissions. But are they holding the stuff in any sort of material amount on their own balance sheets? OF. COURSE. NOT.
    Yes, there is demand for alternative payment systems (a whole lot of it illegal). But who says that medium is going to remain cryptocurrency? And who in the hell says a unit of Bitcoin is worth $55k or will remain at $55k? The price is random depending on any recent waive of enthusiasm or pessimism.
    If Mercedes will sell you a low end model of their cars for one bitcoin today, which as a "value" of $55k, when bitcoin drops to $27.5k they are going to charge you two bitcoins for the same product. And that is because they immediately change the bitcoin they receive into real money and that is how they price their product.
    Crypto is a bubble like no other.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in Question for White (Or non-Black) clients and Black escorts: Do you think it matters?   
    I’ve hired a number of black escorts over the years, both in Canada and the USA. I realize that the two countries have a different social history and this comes through in meeting these guys one on one (Or one on two as the case may be). In the USA blacks have lived there in considerable numbers since the founding of the country and for the first 250 years were mostly slaves. Down to this time there has been a lot of racial discrimination and we are seeing it playing out today even as other forms of discrimination such as based on gender, religion and sexual identity have been addressed in major ways.
    In Canada most blacks are either first or second generation and have come from former British colonies (as Canada is) like Jamaica, Barbados and certain African countries. Discrimination is prevalent here too and has existed even predating the arrival of these more recent immigrants. The colour bar was practised in Canada just as in the States with blacks being excluded from hotels, restaurants and clubs well before WWII.
    I hire escorts based on my personal preferences as to type which includes not just physical attributes but personality as well. I don’t make distinctions between colour of skin. I’m looking for the person under the skin. Since most of my hires are for extended sessions, these will include dinner out at restaurants. I like an escort, whether, white, black or brown, who can be as much fun out of the bedroom as between the sheets.
    The last black escort I hired was for an overnight in Toronto and he met the bill in every respect for me, a well educated, professional guy with a regular job and escorting on the side. He had lots of interesting stuff to talk about when we weren’t kissing or my mouth was otherwise filled. LOL
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Ivy League Escort   
    p Maybe I didn’t phrase that very well. I guess I meant to say he is not classically “handsome” or “pretty” if you can say that for a male but he does have nice features and certainly would appeal to some with his looks. In my case I would hire him if he was closer to where I live. In the end we tend to be subjective about what looks attract us and for me, I am open to many different types.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in The scene in Fort Lauderdale Friday   
    Love that view. I used to love eating there back when I spent my winters in Florida. It had such a nice vibe.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + tassojunior in The scene in Fort Lauderdale Friday   
    Love that view. I used to love eating there back when I spent my winters in Florida. It had such a nice vibe.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + robear in Straight gay scorts   
    I used to enjoy the hustler bars years ago knowing many of the trade were straight and just in it for the money. Many just received bj's but some would fuck as well. Usually my face would be in the pillow. LOL.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in No mask!   
    The federal government said a couple of days ago that 75 per cent of people need to get at least one dose and 20 percent two doses before restrictions should start to be eased. Of course the provinces decide for themselves but I don’t think Toronto gets to decide for themselves. Premier Ford could overrule Mayor Tory.
    Of course, local municipalities decide when and where to cancel local events but letting them proceed needs provincial approval.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + stevenkesslar in No mask!   
    So apart from all that, what's wrong with his 3 messages?
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from mike carey in No mask!   
    Interesting segment of Ira Glass and David Kastenbaum with Frank Luntz, who I had never heard about before this thread. One of my brothers is a political pollster so I do know quite a bit about the trade. He’s written two books about his experiences with polling and focus groups in real life political terms.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from EZEtoGRU in Porn Performer Alex Riley Dies at Age 22   
    I agree with you that the gay scene has evolved everywhere, which I attribute to the Internet as well as other social factors. Of course, I have evolved as well (i.e. aged) so the changes haven't bothered me so much as they might have if I hadn't changed. Twenty years ago when I was 53, I could walk into a bar and be pretty sure I could find someone to have sex with. Today I don't even bother trying since I am not physically attracted to someone my age today. If I could find a 50 YO today who was attracted to me that would be another matter! But then, it had to be a 30 YO.
    I was never into drugs but saw up close how they affected people in the Gay Village. I never saw it to the same extent in Miami (and FT. Lauderdale) where I spent my winters at that time. But having a condo in the Village in Montreal, I saw it on a daily basis. I would see the syringes in the morning on the sidewalks and in the parks in the morning. In Miami, I didn't live in a gay area so didn't wake up to that reality on a daily basis.
    I found the dancers at Campus were a little older on average than at Stock and maybe a little more mature in their habits. I knew most had girlfriends and were perhaps a little more grounded. They still let me blow them, which was fun. What they did with the money I gave them I didn't know for the most part although some would tell me in general terms what they did outside the clubs. A few I got to know better and it was a mixed bag. Some were sensible, others not.
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