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    Luv2play got a reaction from + azdr0710 in 411 On TailorReignXXX CockyBoys Model.   
    His ad says "there's a difference between discrete and anonymous". Someone should tell him there's a difference between discrete and discreet. lol
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to AlexanderRF in Falling in love with a scort   
    oh god, this topic is so relevant. Had it more than often that a client fell in love with me. And just one advice: don't fall in love with an escort. What they said before, when they do like they love you, its mostly for the wrong reasons. Money. For me it's always clear, and in Munich I have mostly guys that I meet every (other) week. But it is a clear friends-with-benefits relation kind of thing. Besides that we go also out for dinner, a visit to some place (besides my bedroom) and that is unpaid. And that is normal in my opinion. But falling in love with an escort: nah. Don't go there.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + stevenkesslar in UPDATE: Daddy's Review Website   
    I'm going to keep posting escorting stuff about decriminalization and child sex trafficking and stuff like FOSTA/SESTA here. It touches on politics. But more importantly it touches on the core purposes and potential pitfalls for Bill's two websites. So to me all of this is basic and critical information about our future. That means everything from short term: does an escort review website continue? And how? To long term. Like are we swimming in this coalition stream of groups like HRC and the ACLU that would like to see prostitution decriminalized?
    Eventually I think it would make sense to have a forum specifically for all these issues and laws relating to Escorting Health And Safety, including decriminalization. But now is not the time.
    One thing I am convinced of is that escort review site should not be viewed as a "fun hobby." I actually think "fun hobby" captures the spirit of THIS website. For most people, this should be and is a "fun hobby." But running that escort review website is anything but. I know Bill viewed it as a potential reason to go to jail if he wasn't careful. We should do the same, I think.
    I've been doing deep dives to bring myself up to date. I know several years ago I reached my own decision that we were going to be in defense mode for a while. So anything other than that didn't make much sense. Bill's own website offers reminders that he felt the same way. This is from 2017:

    Bill's libertarianism wasn't a great match for coalition building. Although he was intrigued by the idea of reaching out to HRC and what I describe as "the Gay mafia." They are political donors behind LGBTQ issues and groups like HRC and I'm pretty sure many of them hire escorts. Not that I would know anything about that sort of thing.
    Bill had coalitions he was part of, if you check out the right hand side of his front page. The Free Speech Coalition is the porn industry, basically, and the political statement is "Leave Us Alone." The RTA logo (Restricted To Adults) is thoughtful and forward looking, and we should take that one and run with it. It's part of ASACP, which is the Association of Sites Advocating Child Protection.
    I think that plays heavily into our future. It's estimated that about 20 % of kids on gaming platforms - gaming platforms! - are sexually propositioned. COVID has actually driven more child trafficking online. Polaris, which is seen as the best source of national sex trafficking data, said trafficking rose about 20 % in 2019, the year after FOSTA/SESTA passed. Anecdotally, it looks like 2020 and COVID was great times for traffickers. Meanwhile, federal prosecutions of trafficking declined in both 2019 and 2020. Can any of you guys who are good at math explain this to me? More trafficking, and fewer prosecutions. How well does that suggest FOSTA/SESTA is working?
    This suggests to me that if we tried to open up that review website for new reviews without adequate systems in place some asshole who trafficks 17 year old Honduran boys crossing the border in 2021 would be more than happy to posts reviews about "Marco" or something like that. So this is something for us as a community to think through and plan carefully, I think.
    If you have 45 minutes I'd recommend listening to
    against FOSTA/SESTA in 2018. He was right about almost everything. And it is a blueprint for the future, I think. He mentions that HRC and ACLU and the CATO Institute are all aligned on this issue, in defense of internet freedoms. I think that's a good coalition to be in. That's opposing FOSTA/SESTA. The decriminalization coalition includes HRC and the ACLU but not CATO. 
    The one thing Wyden was wrong on is we didn't have the explosion of lawsuits. Thankfully. There was an immediate chilling effect, like the loss of Craig's List ads. My own view is it castrated the review website. But I don't begrudge Bill for not wanting to risk slammer time. I think if they really wanted to nail Bill, they could have. I've been reading reviews from 2021 that state what rate someone paid for an overnight and vague things about what went on in a bedroom. Does anyone think a judge or jury or a smart guy like Wyden would not figure that out? I think Bill was protected in part by being a non-profit, in reality if not in law. And if anybody ever took the time to figure it out a Gay men and former drag queen who would have been an awful political target. In fact, I think a new and revitalized website should profile him and others as one our community's heroes. Michael is another obvious one, although it sounds like his family could have problems with that.
    Another good reason to not have gone after either of Bill's websites is that trafficking is up, and prosecutions are down. So if more and more actual sex traffickers are getting away with it, why pick on websites that have nothing to do with sex trafficking? It was one of the weakest parts of the government's case against Rentboy in the public eye. And now the facts are even more on our side. That is part of HRC's message. Why pick on Gay men when we don't have a sex trafficking problem? In fact, we should do the opposite. We should actively make sure we DO NOT have a sex trafficking problem.
    Wyden was right about almost everything else. FOSTA/SESTA did NOT "Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers", as the law purported it would. At least anecdotal information suggests it made life harder for sex workers, up to and including murder. His proposed solution in 2018 was provide more money for federal agents who have the best skills to prosecute sex traffickers to do so. Does what has happened since suggest he might have actually been right?
    If you read that Polaris report above most sex trafficking happens in places like cheap hotels and underground strip joints and adult massage parlors. This story suggests underage refugee girls are being held in Queens and driven to up to 20 "appointments" a night by sex traffickers. I think the anti-trafficking crowd throw out lots of unvetted "facts" that sound extreme, and may be wild exaggerations. But the overwhelming evidence is that Wyden was right. There's more trafficking, not less. Prosecutors don't have the tools to handle it. A lot of it is happening on gaming platforms and Instagram and Grinder. Is anybody surprised?
    Polaris says "escort services" are a major venue for sex trafficking. But they don't provide any data to back that up. I'm curious which services they might be referring to. It may or may not be "escort websites."
    I think we need to understand the situation we are in before we plan how to move forward.
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    Luv2play reacted to Redwine56 in Server Migration Complete   
    Good Luck @RadioRob - I hope all goes as planned. Thanks much!
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    Luv2play reacted to RadioRob in Server Migration Complete   
    Our new permanent home is ready and I'll be migrating this site and the review archive later tonight sometime after 12:01 AM Eastern. During that migration process, I will need to disable the forums in order to prevent posts that are made during the migration from being lost. (I will need to export all of the data, and if you're busy adding more content, anything new from the moment I start the export will not make it over to our new home.)
    There is nothing that you need to do once the forums are locked. Once the migration is complete, I'll update DNS to point users to the new server and unlock the boards on that new server. So you'll know you've reached the new location when you see the forums online again.
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + robear in Straight gay scorts   
    I used to enjoy the hustler bars years ago knowing many of the trade were straight and just in it for the money. Many just received bj's but some would fuck as well. Usually my face would be in the pillow. LOL.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in Straight gay scorts   
    I used to enjoy the hustler bars years ago knowing many of the trade were straight and just in it for the money. Many just received bj's but some would fuck as well. Usually my face would be in the pillow. LOL.
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to AlexanderRF in Number of clients per day when traveling?   
    To reply the initial question of this topic, I always get only one client a day. When I meet a guy, I wanna go for it the full 100%. When I am not in the mood, I don't meet. Even when travelling. Sometimes I am just so fucking horny that I meet two people a day. It happened that I met 3 a day. But it was summer, working out a lot and full of testosterone. ?? Most important is to recharge and have enough stamina for the next client.
    Besides that, it is always better to meet an escort in the late afternoon or early evening.
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    Luv2play reacted to marylander1940 in Number of clients per day when traveling?   
    I was replying to @Benjamin_Nicholas and I think you meant to reply the OP @davebk who originally asked the question
    I think we all know the answer will be a polite "is not of your business".

    As pointed earlier if you must get a load or two from your hire maybe you should consider an overnight and get him off before going to bed and early in the morning.
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    Luv2play reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Number of clients per day when traveling?   
    ?? Hi,I’m back (feel like it’s been like a couple of months lol).
    I might have said something along the lines of that. I also have 3 type of sessions that I offer, and I probably meant that I would prefer orgasms for the sessions that typically go beyond the hour.
    But as everyone in the biz knows, few experiments in the biz are ever permanent lol. I mean, most appointments in certain markets tend to only be an hour, and there’s only so much one can do about it.
    However, at the end of the day: I think some clients OVER think the idea. And then make assumptions. For example, the OP says he’s hesitant to see the provider at night because he probably has been cumming all day/already? That’s quite assumptive (not a bad assumption, just a variable assumption). I would actually be MORE willing to cum at the end of the night, than in the morning or afternoon, where it could potentially zap testosterone and energy to do a workout, see a client, or cruise for a personal hookup.
    The best time to get me to cum, is before I go to bed, but that doesn’t mean I’m not able to in the morning or afternoon. At the same time: clients shouldn’t assume anything. Remember: many “clients” tend to postpone or have change of plans anyway. The other morning, I had 2 clients wanting to see me. I was strategizing how I was going to be able to cum for both, if I needed to. Or cum for 1 and not the other.
    Turns out, the 2nd client couldn’t make it due to a valid reason...so I decided to just blow my load for the 1st one b/c he is a long time regular. Then later in the evening, in a different city...I had a client, but he was just like, “you can cum if you want to”. But since there was no sucking or fucking involved, and he came 1st...I decided to save the testosterone for my gym workout today.
    After many years, I think a provider will know how to pace himself. If he’s gone a week or 2 without work, he may be able to cum 2 or 3 FULL loads in a day/night. I’ve done it before. Some days I can cum twice in one night. Other days, I may not. Maybe it’s a busy week or a slow week. There have been times where a guy does something or turns me on to where I can cum twice within a few minutes lol.
    However, I’m not privy to clients who say outright, “how many times can you cum” or “I want you to cum twice, one in my mouth and one in my ass”. I’m not a dairy cow. I’m not going to promise ANYTHING when it comes to cumming more than once. You get ONE load during your hour, anything more...will need to be booked 2 hours, the evening or an overnight.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from EZEtoGRU in Straight gay scorts   
    I used to enjoy the hustler bars years ago knowing many of the trade were straight and just in it for the money. Many just received bj's but some would fuck as well. Usually my face would be in the pillow. LOL.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Straight gay scorts   
    I knew two couples like that in Montreal. The girlfriends/wives would strip or escort, as would the guys. I went with one and he was hot and would do a lot.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Peter Eater in Straight gay scorts   
    I've seen Sherman Maus in gay and bi porn and he seems the real deal for a bisexual. I seem to recall him getting fisted in one video. Also a great top. The whole package, it would seem, although I have yet to meet him. We have corresponded though.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to lonely_john in 411 AndrewSilvabik from Barcelona, coming to US   
    They're all just listing cities in an attempt to drive traffic to their websites and rank higher on their local RM page.
    Unless the schedule looks realistic, it's just naive to believe these guys are really coming over.
    Unless they are already in the country, I don't believe in the travel dates of any provider anymore, especially right now.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to marylander1940 in Straight gay scorts   
    I'd rather hiring a masculine gay man too but some posters prefer "gay-per-pay" escorts and a frequent poster only hires them because he's afraid a gay escort will tape the encounter and blackmailed him later...
    Some truly straight guys might escort for gay men because they're very sexual or they just like to do it, others might do it as an act desperation because is their only choice of fast money. It's a fact that most of the times a client is hurt or blackmailed by an escort s very likely to be a straight guy who is secretly homophobic and ungrateful with the community that hires him.
    Btw if you post a link to his ad I'm sure he'll get plenty of promotion here, many guys hire men others can't have for free and the fantasy of a straight guy is rooted among gay men.
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to liubit in Are Twinks preferred by clients?   
    Good points here, @Luv2play. A very good cock sucker once told me that one of the secrets of a good bj is not to swallow your saliva while sucking: that way, your mouth gets wetter and wetter, allowing the dick to slide more and more smoothly, increasing your partner’s pleasure. As for taking the full load in your mouth, it is a must for me. Then you can share it in deep, wet, full-of-tongue passionate kisses (snowballing). Priceless. ????
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    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in Are Twinks preferred by clients?   
    As an ardent bottom, I find giving a good blowjob requires a lot of effort on my part. And my tops like to take part in the effort by giving their all.
    For instance, deep throating especially a large dick takes some practice to get good, not just being ably to swallow it all but to do the breathing exercises so that you can prolong the time the cock is nestled in your throat.
    And then there is the question of swallowing the results of your efforts. What will be your policy? Some tops will prefer that you do.
    I would advise watching some good porn featuring bjs to see how it is done.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + bigjoey in Today marks my birthday and the biggest risk I have taken.   
    I'm so old I remember before Chelsea was a gay mecca and was rather a dangerous place for gays to hang out. That was when Christopher Street was at its zenith as a gay mecca.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + bigjoey in Today marks my birthday and the biggest risk I have taken.   
    I'm so old I remember before Chelsea was a gay mecca and was rather a dangerous place for gays to hang out. That was when Christopher Street was at its zenith as a gay mecca.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to AlexanderRF in Cash or credit?   
    haha, I get the question sometimes. Mostly from Americans. Like: Do you accept credit-card.... I mean, does it look like I am carrying around a payment terminal? XD
    But what other guys say; you can reverse payments with PayPal. And that is the main reason why I never will accept PayPal. And often when they pay in a different current USD/EUR, you have to pay (as receiver) a hefty fee. 200 gbp is already easily 26 euro fee.
    The only digital payment system I use is Revolut. You can receive in all kinds of currencies and exchange right away with the actual exchange-rate. You can make several currency-accounts in your wallet. For example, EUR, USD, AED, GBP. Sadly enough not many guys know yet about this application since its quite new.
    Tho, cash is always preferred. No drama and for the client it means just a simple trip to the ATM.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to AlexanderRF in Asking them to bring a "friend "   
    I get this question from time to time. Done it quite often. I always like to have another guy to play with. Never had any problems. And I have mostly some friends/escorts around that I can text. Just last minute its hard to organize. So mostly when you wanna get two guys or more at the same time u need to do that a bit in advance. to give your boy the time to organize.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RadioRob in New Forum Organization   
    As posted in New Forum Organization thread, I have completed the reorganization of the forums. I hope this change will help make it a little easier to navigate the site!
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RadioRob in New Forum Organization   
    As posted in New Forum Organization thread, I have completed the reorganization of the forums. I hope this change will help make it a little easier to navigate the site!
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Michelin restaurant list for NYC   
    This post resonates with me. Some of the best meals I've had in Manhattan were in small. out of the way restaurants, where I was taken by locals.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Michelin restaurant list for NYC   
    This post resonates with me. Some of the best meals I've had in Manhattan were in small. out of the way restaurants, where I was taken by locals.
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