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    Luv2play reacted to thedanNYC in hot sex during Covid   
    Just to say it, that distinction is not very relevant outside the US.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Astorplace in What's the best time to hire a horny scort?   
    I don’t know when the best time is,
    But i know it’s definitely not between the hours of 2am - 10am
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Cooper in The SPORTS DESK   
    In the long distant past I engaged in fox hunting and jumping. And won a few ribbons. I always considered my mount as the better part of the team. I just tried to make him (or her) shine and not f**k it up on my part.
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Islesguy in Grocery Shopping   
    I do love the first person quoted in the article is named Marnie. Marnie is a the name of a character played by Tippi Hedron who got her big break in "The Birds". ?
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in The SPORTS DESK   
    In the long distant past I engaged in fox hunting and jumping. And won a few ribbons. I always considered my mount as the better part of the team. I just tried to make him (or her) shine and not f**k it up on my part.
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + azdr0710 in The SPORTS DESK   
    ha!....the music made it even campier......thanks......
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to BonVivant in Mark Parker   
    send me a DM for more.
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    Luv2play reacted to Poincare in Mark Parker   
    No sarcasm or hidden meanings. He is incredible to spend time with. Nothing fake or misleading. Just an incredibly hot guy who aims to please. Bright, engaging and sexy. My comment on him being Russian is that I compared him to a Belami boy and I just wanted to cutely acknowledge that was not Czech. Not meant as a slight in any way to Russians. My grandmother is from Russia for Gods sake, Long live the motherland!
  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to mattr in Are you rich?   
    I consider myself solidly middleclass. My goal has been to retire with 25x my last salary saved and invested. I travel, taking at least 2 trips per year although my last trip was early February of 2020 and I probably won't travel again until Q4 of this year or Q1 of next year. I'm about to turn 62 and have always lived below my means. I own my own modest home in a NYC suburb home, have no debt, and have saved almost 30x my current salary. I am basically working for health insurance right now and my goal is to work another 20 months. At that point, I can stay on my companies health insurance plan through COBRA until I am 65 and eligible for medicare. I will move out of NY before I turn 72 and must start taking RMDs from my tax deferred investments (two 401Ks and an IRA). I plan to defer SS until I turn 70, at which point I should get about $3900/month. No one relies on me for money and I don't see that changing. My mother is in her late 80's, in good health, owns her own home, and has enough money to maintain her lifestyle for the foreseeable future. My brother and sister-in-law are both professionals and also live comfortably below their means. I have been contributing to a 529 plan for my niece since she was born and expect to be able to fund half of her undergrad degree by the time she is ready to go to college.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Are you rich?   
    I retired at 50 because 1) I was able to financially, and 2) while there were many things about my job I liked, such as international travel and working with interesting people in a high pressure environment, there were things I didn't like such as 1) having to be discreet about being gay and having not enough time to myself to enjoy things I like such as reading ,travel on my own account to places I wanted to go to and doing other things with my time in fields I enjoy.
    23 years later I have absolutely no regrets. My life after retiring from a job I had for 25 years has opened so many perspectives and experiences I never would have had had I stayed working. I could live where I wanted, which I took advantage of, join organizations I could give time to on a volunteer basis and thereby meet people of similar interests, and do things like collect art and books, which takes time to do.
    Every day I wake up with a list of things to do, projects I am involved in that will culminate in something worthwhile and lasting, and a sense that I belong to a community that does not just have the common interest of receiving a pay cheque.
    Oh, and I have a wonderful pension, fully indexed to inflation. So no complaints here. I realize I am a lucky guy and therefore try to share the good things I enjoy.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Wanderoz in A thoughtful note   
    I get similar texts from a handful of providers who are my faves. These are the ones I stay in touch with and have multiple encounters in some cases. I agree, a nice touch.
  12. Like
    Luv2play reacted to MscleLovr in Dubai   
    I think @NohoDudeNYC that all the cautionary remarks are justified.
    In a place where an unmarried heterosexual couple can be arrested and held in jail for exchanging a kiss on the beach, homosexual men have to be very careful to ‘fly beneath the radar’. You do not want to end up in a local prison cell.
    The only 2 experiences I can relate date from 18years ago. First, a young BelAmi type (sexually versatile, ripped muscled body) working in London was lured there for an all-expenses paid vacation and $7000 a week. I warned him but he was so tempted he didn’t think clearly. As it happened, he got stiffed…not in a good way.
    Second, my venereologist (now dead) was highly renowned in London and he told me of having to repair a couple of the girls who were badly hurt (by a member of one of the ruling families in the UAE) - he told me that usually the women were hired after dinner and when they left in the early morning, the gay male escorts arrived to take their place.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to BuffaloKyle in Rentmen only taking Bitcoin?   
    Send the webmaster a message about it. They usually are pretty good at helping out with any issues.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Cooper in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    I’ve been feeling the same way since the site went off my screen. I only tried it this evening after 2 days being blank and it was back as if it had never been away, except for Orin’s explanation. All I had to do was login again and my email and password sufficed.
    Great to see everyone is still around.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Lean Physique vs. Meth Physique   
    Yup. It takes very little equipment to get incredibly fit.
    What it really takes is eating clean, getting sleep, drinking water and having the discipline to not make excuses for yourself.
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RadioRob in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    The tech side won’t be too hard to maintain long term. I don’t mind helping on that front as it’s not a lot of effort required once things are stable. I think the bigger thing is thinking through succession planning. How do you document everything, and have details on what tools are used, where those tools are, passwords etc and have it stored in a way that does not compromise security?
    For example I could put all of the info in a safety deposit box, and list a few folks as authorized to access it. It could be stored in an escrow account. I could put the details in the server itself. It could just be given to a few trusted people with the hope they never abuse the contents of that file. There are MANY ways of doing this, but what is the BEST way is what still needs to be determined. (Again, it would be 100 percent the keys to the kingdom.)
    My goal is to think through how to make the community as self-sustaining from a physical access process as possible, but also not opening the community to unnecessary risk.
  17. Like
    Luv2play reacted to watexaggie in WTF - are you kidding me!   
    Just be warned, I’m not naming names.
    Having said that, I’ve been looking for escorts to have a threesome for quite some time. I’ve never had a threesome and really want one.
    I found an escort who said he could provide services with a partner. Great! I asked for the rate and said $4k for an entire weekend. Ok steep but it is an entire weekend and they would travel to see me. I asked if they were a top or bottom or vers. They replied they are not into anal. WTF is the $4k for then!!! Just to look at you! Granted they look good but $4k for no anal!! It just doesn’t seem right!!!
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Lookin in From hire to permanent (but open) relationship   
    I hope your surgery goes well and you recover so that you can continue to care for your cat. And to continue winding your grandfather clock. Good luck.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in From hire to permanent (but open) relationship   
    I’ve been on the board of directors of a local theatre company for the last 10 years and many of the young actors we engage wait tables in between acting gig’s. It’s a time honoured tradition even in such exalted places as Hollywood. Some of our greatest stars started out doing that. So it would be no big surprise if “Ben” worked occasionally at a place like Starbucks.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + SundayZip in From hire to permanent (but open) relationship   
    Yeah, my friend Richard was in LA on business and hired Jules to stay with him for the weekend. Jules was kind-of rough trade but Richard gave him his credit card to buy some new clothes and helped him blend into a more upscale crowd. They ended up falling in love and have been together every since.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Scott Virginian in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I don't know what his own desires, preferences, thoughts are, but he's been a huge asset to this community, an admirable alter ego to Guy (as in someone who seemed to genuinely understand what Guy was trying to accomplish here), and an amazingly patient and even-handed source of adult supervision to our sometimes unruly little gaggle, LOL. I hope he'll be here in a leadership role.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Oliver in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    Unfortunately, covid restrictions prevented that this year. I much prefer that also.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Epigonos in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    Trio has a private room with its own bar. In 2020 we were scheduled to use that room which would have allowed for much more mingling prior to sitting down to dinner. Unfortunately the 2020 Weekend was canceled and the room isn't currently in use. Hopefully it will be a possibility again in 2022.
  24. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Just Sayin in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    Last weekend was my first Palm Springs weekend; I told Oliver that it reminded me of my college fraternity gatherings, only with touch!! I thought all events were great fun; if I could tweak anything, it would be to have more time to mix and mingle at the Saturday dinner before sitting down to eat; I look forward to being there in 2022!
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + jrhoutex in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    I began attending this event in 2014 missing only 2020, so I’ve attended 7 events now. Even though there are some familiar faces each year there is always a new crop of attendees. I enjoy talking and meeting both providers and clients who share similar interests. My thanks go out to @Oliver for hosting the event, @Epigonos for all of the wonderful tasty hors d’oevures, @David-SF for hosting a pre-event with a special memorial to Guy/Daddy who created a website for like-minded participants to engage in discussion on some many different topics. I’m looking forward to next year as well.
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