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  1. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Penn7 in Better things at higher prices   
    I love my set of Le Creuset. They are the kind of utensils you leave to someone in your will, as they will never wear out. Needless to say, they don't come cheap.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in Better things at higher prices   
    Oh, they must be lovely. I enjoy having art books as well. To save money, I have bought many in the second hand market and as a result have more than I could otherwise afford to spend the money on.
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Lucky in Michael Alig Dead Of Overdose at 54   
    I’m not sure we disagree. That drugs seem to hAve ended his life does seem fitting, in a sense.
    The list of celebrities, both big and minor, is endless in this regard. Huge number in music realm, which of course is tied in with clubbing.
    Stars with a lot more to lose than Alig, ended their lives prematurely with hard drugs.
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from DallasClient in Better things at higher prices   
    Beluga caviar and good French champagne.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to alrajee in Better things at higher prices   
    Basically, you buy a dutch oven from Le Creuset for $300 and you’ll never have to buy another one ever again.
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from m4same in New York   
    Haha, I learned to drive in a car like that, a 1963 Olds. My mother would ask me to get it out of the garage and down our twisting driveway. That one depicted is 1959. My mother’s was white too.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from m4same in New York   
    Regretfully, on the last trip I had to forego the pleasure as my engagements with escorts for the first two nights were 15 hours each and on the third night all I could summon up the energy for was a quiet dinner in a nice little restaurant not too far from the hotel. I got quite a bit of theatre at home last summer however, unlike this summer.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from m4same in New York   
    In the alternate universe where COVID didn’t happen, I would have visited NYCity this fall and spent a whole bunch of cash on good dining and great escorts, like I did last fall. We have all been losers this year in so many ways. Except by surviving, which I hope all of us did and will continue to do so so that we can play another day.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from harlow in Better things at higher prices   
    I love my set of Le Creuset. They are the kind of utensils you leave to someone in your will, as they will never wear out. Needless to say, they don't come cheap.
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to MikeBiDude in STDs   
    If you are going to babble/post constantly at least do your research, please. Don’t pass along information you’re clearly not qualified to comment on.
  11. Like
    Luv2play reacted to maninsoma in Do you ever ponder as to why certain men attract you?   
    One's tastes can also broaden by actually having sex with different guys. I think when I was a teen/young adult, I really did go for the tall, blond "surfer type." As I grew older and had enjoyable sexual encounters with a variety of men, I started noticing the attractiveness of a much wider variety of "types."
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Do you ever ponder as to why certain men attract you?   
    I know this is nit-picking but it's a quiet day. Men are blond and women are blonde. Of course they both must have yellow hair to qualify. LOL
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    I had a 72 Ford Cougar, which was a lovely little car but impossible to drive with the pollution controls, which screwed up the carburetor, and it was forever stalling. I only kept it a year.
    14 years later I bought a 72 Cutlass convertible, (same year as the Cougar) which was a beautiful car to drive in the summer and had no drivability issues with whatever pollution controls GM had put on it. I did manage to drive it into the ground however, with the rough mountain roads to my cottage. LOL
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from TruthBTold in watching escorts be with one another while you watch   
    My threesomes with two other escorts often involve one fucking the other so I
    need to clear it in advance as you suggest so they know what they are getting into. Everyone has always been more than satisfied with their regular fees even when I participate. I find it like being on a porno site, altho I never have been, where I become the camera and it’s all up close and personal.
    In a couple of cases, I have had an escort turn down the opportunity based on their having interacted with the other previously so I went on to suggest another which was acceptable. Communication is key to having a great event.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + sync in Better things at higher prices   
    In my younger days, when "happy hour" was my world, I ordered only from the top shelf, which is probably the loan reason I still have my original liver.
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from TruthBTold in Better things at higher prices   
    Generally speaking, quality always commands higher prices. Including escorts!
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Coolwave35 in "Hold me, David. I'm scared."   
    I accept your explanation. It was the sad sign at the end that made me think you were serious.
  18. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Coolwave35 in "Hold me, David. I'm scared."   
    Never go for a man’s dog! I’d sooner insult a man’s wife than a puppy.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + honcho in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    I think that’s right. Our family cars never lasted more than 5 years. But we were rough on them as they had to navigate gravel roads to our cottage that lasted well into the 1950s. And the car would be loaded down with four kids, a dog, food to last at least a week, and luggage. Then in the winter, the salt on the roads in Montreal would eat away at them from the bottom.
    Even so cars are much better built today and last longer.
    My Mercedes turned 20 this year and is still going strong! Lol
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + honcho in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    When I think of it, my mother wanted a new kitchen in 1955 after her dad died and left her some money. So she got all new appliances to go with her dream kitchen. And those appliances lasted forever.
    The refrigerator, a Frigidaire, was still doing duty in the basement of our cottage in 2013 when we sold the place.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from mike carey in Michael Alig Dead Of Overdose at 54   
    What I was trying to say in perhaps a hamfisted way was that my friends were victims of AIDS who unknowingly contracted the virus in the late 70s just by having good old sex and not seeing the dire consequences as no-one did at the time.
    Those who died of drug overdoses knew what danger they were courting when they engaged in such risky behaviour.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Epigonos in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    Getting back to the original Palm Springs Weekend. I was supposed to have sinus surgery on the 23rd. My pre-surgery covid test came back positive. and the surgery center where the procedure was to take place canceled it. At the insistence of my primary physician I had a second covid test which came back negative. Until Monday when I will be able to speak with my primary physician and my ears, nose, and throat physician I am in limbo. Now to the point, based on the original positive test I received a call yesterday from a nurse at the Orange County Health Department. After I explained the situation, including the fact that I am totally asymptomatic, she agreed with me that the first test was most likely a "false" positive. She further explained the "false" positives are quite common. We had a very pleasant conversation during which she stated that she now assumed that my mid-June 2121 everybody in Orange County would have had the vaccine available. Now I'm 80 so I assume that by the time of the Palm Springs Weekend I will have had the vaccine. Thus, I plan to be there, deviled eggs and all, with bells on my toes, ready to party.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    When I think of it, my mother wanted a new kitchen in 1955 after her dad died and left her some money. So she got all new appliances to go with her dream kitchen. And those appliances lasted forever.
    The refrigerator, a Frigidaire, was still doing duty in the basement of our cottage in 2013 when we sold the place.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Just Sayin in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    To me, mid-century modern, as an architectural and design style, has now entered the realm of deserving protection as historically significant. Also, I consider that Frank Lloyd Wright, is the godfather of the style that became mid-century around the time of his death in 1959.
    Many of his buildings are now protected by law. I’m of the view that other buildings of that period, if pure in design, should also merit protection. The Europeans are so much better than we are in protecting their heritage structures. We should follow their example and preserve our buildings or neighbourhoods that are culturally rich and stand as resentative of an age and time that our descendants will also treasure.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from TruHart1 in 411 on Tyler Roberts?   
    It might still cost you his usual fee.lol
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