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    Luv2play got a reaction from Penn7 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    I’m not sure this is the case in other parts of Canada, where English is the majority language spoken. Interest in the vaccine is high and is seen by most as the only way we are going to get out of this pandemic in a realistic fashion. The alternative, achieving herd immunity, would be too devastating to the population and health care system.
    I grew up in Montreal and lived there after my retirement for over a decade but am having trouble understanding why the French speaking population, who are the vast majority today, would be resistant to accepting a vaccine to protect themselves and their loved ones.
    I am old enough to remember when my oldest brother got polio but mercifully recovered and is today 78 years old And healthy. By the mid fifties, we got the polio vaccine and were spared the ravages that that disease can inflict, if you just remember FDR, who contracted polio as a relatively young man, ironically in Canada at Campobello, the Roosevelt summer home. My brother also contracted polio at our summer home, which was north of Montreal.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Hoover42 in What do we know about when and how Montreal clubs will reopen?   
    I’m not sure this is the case in other parts of Canada, where English is the majority language spoken. Interest in the vaccine is high and is seen by most as the only way we are going to get out of this pandemic in a realistic fashion. The alternative, achieving herd immunity, would be too devastating to the population and health care system.
    I grew up in Montreal and lived there after my retirement for over a decade but am having trouble understanding why the French speaking population, who are the vast majority today, would be resistant to accepting a vaccine to protect themselves and their loved ones.
    I am old enough to remember when my oldest brother got polio but mercifully recovered and is today 78 years old And healthy. By the mid fifties, we got the polio vaccine and were spared the ravages that that disease can inflict, if you just remember FDR, who contracted polio as a relatively young man, ironically in Canada at Campobello, the Roosevelt summer home. My brother also contracted polio at our summer home, which was north of Montreal.
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in LucasTalloneXXX in DC   
    Good question. Since I mostly do overnights and always pay in cash, I often fork over between $1000 and $2000 to the escort in the morning after a one or two night session. I’ve been hiring for over 20 years and never had a theft of any sort, and I have an extensive collection of art and precious antiques in my home, where I have had escorts stay with me.
    The only 2 times I got robbed was years ago with pickups in bars. Not professional escorts, who I regard as honourable people (until proven otherwise, which I have never come across).
    Sorry to hear this escort allegedly took $1000 from Muscle Lover but personally, I would never leave this kind of cash lying around. I always put my fee in an envelope with the escort’s name on it. With a new escort I leave it in sight, with my regulars, at the breakfast table. I find that is a relaxed way to deal with the business end of things.
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    Luv2play reacted to marylander1940 in Dead Gay Porn Stars Memorial   
    Casey Jacks, Kyle Dean and Jay Dymel also died this year. RIP!
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in New York Times or Washington Post   
    You have summarized in a very comprehensive fashion everything I like and take advantage of in the NYT digital version. It costs me around $32 CDN a month after exchange rate is taken into account. A real bargain for information and entertainment all in one format that is easy to use.
    I have a digital subscription to Toronto’s Globe & Mail newspaper but the format is not half as good and is difficult to read easily and costs more. Go figure.
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + bigjoey in New York Times or Washington Post   
    I like the Wall Street Journal for the news as well. They cover many stories I do not see elsewhere. Their business news is very good.
    I glance at the editorials and columnists to get a full range of opinions that contrast to other outlets. In addition they run op/Ed’s that do not match the paper’s editorial views.
    Reading a wide variety of sources keeps one from being in an echo chamber.
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in New York Times or Washington Post   
    I like the reporting of the Wall Street Journal, but I cringe every time I see the editorial and opinion pages.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in New York Times or Washington Post   
    As a Canadian, the only US publication I read daily is the NYT.
    20 years ago, when I was spending my winters in Miami, I also read the WSJ daily and other US publications Like the Miami Herald. After the financial meltdown in 2008, I lost interest in the WSJ as an apologist for Wall St.
    To balance my reading. I also listened to NPR on a daily basis. Today I only listen to it a few times a week.
    My political leanings are liberal but I do try to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity sometimes, just to hear what the other side is saying undiluted.
    My television viewing has ended as on March as my old TV set died during the pandemic and when the shops were open again I had lost interest in the endless news about Trump’s latest outrages.
    I’ve never detected anti-semitism in the NYT, as opposed to criticism of the government of Israel and its policies, which is fair game and should not be conflated with anti-semitism. Of course, there may have been specific articles that contained an anti-Semitic tone but forgive me if I do not read every article. There is simply not enough time in my otherwise busy days.
    I grew up in a WASP family but became familiar with Jewish people at university, law school, and in my professional life. I made friends with them as easily as with other people of different backgrounds than my own.
    Here in Canada we live in a multi-cultural society and strive to be open to everyone. Of course there is intolerance here too, as in the US. The important thing is to keep people accountable for what they say and do and to speak up when it crosses the line.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from CheckCar in Who will inherit your porn collection?   
    I likewise destroyed my collection as I went along. First the Super 8 films from the 70’s along with getting rid of the screen and projector, then the Video cassettes of the ‘80’s and that machine is probably still in my garage, then the DVD’s of the ‘90’s. Kept that machine for viewing home films from the ‘60’s which have been converted to DVD’s. Most of the DVD’s I rented at the time so nothing to dispose of.
    Now I subscribe to pornhub and get all the stuff I want at the click of the mouse.
    The one thing that was hard to throw out was the cassette I commissioned with a filmmaker and an escort more than 20 years ago. They came to my home and we made a film, full length, with me as a supporting actor (the bottom). The top was the star. I kept it for the longest time but rarely watched it. So out it went.
    Of course I still have my homoerotic art, which I paid substantial amounts of money to acquire over the years. It’s all good stuff, oil paintings, bronzes etc and I have it on display in my house. So family and friends see it. I recently gave a beautiful large oil painting by a good artist from Montreal to an escort friend to decorate his apartment and I helped him install it. It looks great as you enter his place.
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to jeezifonly in What’s the most uncommon fetish requested from a client?   
    Maybe the client had very specific columnists face up on the pages open to receive the provider’s ...comments.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in 2 Escorts @ Same Time?   
    I once had a three way with Jason Markus, whom the old timers here might remember, and a hot Cuban he picked in South Beach, where Jason had a southern retreat from his NYC homebase. It was a delightful encounter and I got serviced at both ends simultaneously, spit roasting I believe it is called.?
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in New York Times or Washington Post   
    As a Canadian, the only US publication I read daily is the NYT.
    20 years ago, when I was spending my winters in Miami, I also read the WSJ daily and other US publications Like the Miami Herald. After the financial meltdown in 2008, I lost interest in the WSJ as an apologist for Wall St.
    To balance my reading. I also listened to NPR on a daily basis. Today I only listen to it a few times a week.
    My political leanings are liberal but I do try to listen to Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity sometimes, just to hear what the other side is saying undiluted.
    My television viewing has ended as on March as my old TV set died during the pandemic and when the shops were open again I had lost interest in the endless news about Trump’s latest outrages.
    I’ve never detected anti-semitism in the NYT, as opposed to criticism of the government of Israel and its policies, which is fair game and should not be conflated with anti-semitism. Of course, there may have been specific articles that contained an anti-Semitic tone but forgive me if I do not read every article. There is simply not enough time in my otherwise busy days.
    I grew up in a WASP family but became familiar with Jewish people at university, law school, and in my professional life. I made friends with them as easily as with other people of different backgrounds than my own.
    Here in Canada we live in a multi-cultural society and strive to be open to everyone. Of course there is intolerance here too, as in the US. The important thing is to keep people accountable for what they say and do and to speak up when it crosses the line.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in New York Times or Washington Post   
    The idea that the NY Times is antisemitic is ludicrous. Many of their reporters are Jewish and they have a huge following among New York Jews. Granted, over time errors can be made, but again, over time, it's clear that the paper is fair to Jews.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to jeezifonly in New York Times or Washington Post   
    The NYT has more easily accessible online content, imo, especially relating to arts, style food. WaPo has some political reporting and commentary I like and trust, but if I needed to eliminate one, I’d keep the Times.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Rod Hagen in New York Times or Washington Post   
    Every article is good, every one, and books are my priority, therefore short flights are the only time I can get through the Economist, so unless consistently I'm flying 3 or 4 times a month, which has not been the case for years, it's just not worth the expense and frustration, they pile up making it impossible to fuck guys on the edge of my desk. Priorities.
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from mike carey in Will it ever fly?   
    We’ll see how that works out. Knowing what to do and actually reacting in time when alarms are going off and the recording “Pull up pull up” is yelling in your ears can induce a panic in some individuals, despite all the training in the world.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in Your favorite escort that doesn’t advertise...   
    I hope you swallowed.
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    Luv2play reacted to orville in 411 on BRYANTOPXXL   
    Leaving Politics aside, the 70s were a much better time party-wise.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Longtime Forum Member 'Bigvalboy' Has Died   
    Thanks for this news. It brings closure when knowing why a voice has gone silent in a forum such as this. I remember his posts too In a general sense. That pic of the intercostal in FLD brings back memories of when my niece was engaged to a guy whose parents had a house pictured in the centre left on the North east corner. They also had a boat that we would take to a restaurant further downtown on the same side of the canal and it was valet parking. Needless to say we always got a great table.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + sync in Expressions your parents used   
    That reminds me of my mother’s expression, slow as molasses in January.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to former lurker in Grab your passport... and a blood test????   
    With each post you continue to wow me. Your thinking and approach makes you all the sexier.
    About the clinics, in Massachusetts we're experiencing a tsunami of people seeking tests leading up to the holidays. We have drive up clinics with 9 lanes that have had to halt operations from time to time because traffic spilled out of the lot, down the street, around a corner and into another intersection causing concerns about potential automobile accidents. There is some concern that the onrush is because people think once they test negative they can have large indoor gatherings, something local health officials are trying to dispel.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in 411 on BRYANTOPXXL   
    It’s such a vague memory but I think it took place in Munich. I had lost a contact lens in my hotel room and went out wearing only one. So the experience was a bit off kilter. Especially in a disco place with the strobe lights and crystal ball reflecting light everywhere. Twenty years later I got the laser surgery to fix my eyesight so no more contacts.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from whipped guy in Longtime Forum Member 'Bigvalboy' Has Died   
    Rereading your post, I’m thinking about BVB’s comments on the California he knew as a child, which I’m guessing must have been in the post-war period of the 40’s and 50’s, if he was of my generation. He characterized it as a “paradise then”.
    It reminds me of Linda Ronstad’s song, Adios. She recorded it in the 80’s, after I had made several visits in the ‘70s, and she sang of the “Paradise Lost” that was California In that song. I did go back in the 80’s and 90’s but could see hints of the rot that had set in.
    Since that time many have moved there or visited and think it’s a great place. I haven’t been back in over 2 decades.
    BVB then moved to south Florida and found happiness there. I’m glad as I have also spent some wonderful time there. It’s over a decade since I have been back so don’t have personal experience how it is now. But looking back through rose tinted glasses, I had a blast in my time in both California and Florida.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Your Favorite After Sex Food   
    After I’ve been stuffed with cock, I have no appetite for food. Just kisses and hugs.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Expressions your parents used   
    The Real McCoy (as in not a cheap knockoff)
    elbow grease (hard work)
    mucky muck (pretentious)
    floozy (loose woman)
    confirmed bachelor (I ended up that way and I never heard her say it again)
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