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  1. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from samhexum in The end to COVID?   
    I read the Moderna doesn’t need extreme refrigeration like the Pfizer does. That could make it more accessible.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from SirBillybob in The end to COVID?   
    I read the Moderna doesn’t need extreme refrigeration like the Pfizer does. That could make it more accessible.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Skip in Any info on MuscleFernXXL   
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to builder boy in 411 on PiperLongg   
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + IronMaus in Do escorts hire other escorts?   
    I hire escorts for the same reasons my clients hire me. But because of how it can seem to other people, I don't talk about who and I won't review them. However, I will show them a good time!
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + IronMaus in Do escorts hire other escorts?   
    I hire escorts for the same reasons my clients hire me. But because of how it can seem to other people, I don't talk about who and I won't review them. However, I will show them a good time!
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Do escorts hire other escorts?   
    Your hoop skirt is showing. I'm hoping to catch a passing glance of a bare ankle.
    I'm getting the vapors.
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Aaron_Bauder in Do escorts hire other escorts?   
    I've inquired with other escorts about off-clock play, and gotten a yes because they found me mutually attractive
    Hired other escorts (not often, a few times when traveling)
    I've asked escorts for off-clock play, and been turned down (no more upsetting than being turned down anywhere else)
    Played off-clock with other escorts I first connected with via a client who put together a group session (so, so hot)
    Turned down escorts I've met in a client-organized group, who were convinced by my in-session acting/performance that I was super duper into them when I wasn't really (awkward)
    I've been contacted by other escorts for off-clock play, and turned them down because they're not my type (some get really offended I'm not automatically into them, which is hilarious)
    Hooked up with guys, then later found out they escort, then worked together

    All sorts of scenarios happen. I would love to date another escort, active or retired, because sex work is a barrier to dating the kind of Ivy League/military "I work a desk job" boy next door type I'm drawn to. But I wouldn't date someone who's not my type just because he escorts too.
    Very few would turn down a free hookup with a guy they find really hot.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + IronMaus in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    You sound like the voice of reason. But will there be a receptive audience. The NYT showed a map of the US today showing where masks are mandatory and it almost replicates which states elected Biden. The states in the middle of the country and the south have no requirements, all states that elected Trump (when I say elected I mean whose electors will vote for Trump in December).
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + IronMaus in The end to COVID?   
    I would take issue with the title of the post containing the word lockdown. It suggests we are currently living under an order to stay quarantined at home in isolation. There are many restrictions worldwide that vary according to local conditions. A Relatively small number of people worldwide have been totally locked down. The rest of us are navigating limitations on what we do and what we can’t do. I see this lasting for several years, at varying levels of restraints.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Your Favorite After Sex Food   
    Well, two weeks ago I did an overnight with an escort in Toronto and he whipped up a beautiful breakfast in the morning (we were at his house). It really went above and beyond. Not only that, we lingered on his patio for several hours in the sun. His scrambled eggs were the most scrumptious I have ever eaten. And he had bought a special brand of expresso coffee just for me. The perfect pick-me-up after 12 hours of wild sex. The date lasted from 6pm to 12 noon.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from jeezifonly in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    In the 22 days since you posted this, the cases in the US have risen to over 130,000 daily.
    Also there has been news a vaccine that is 90 percent effective may be available by some time early next year to begin to rollout.
    Meaning 10 percent, over 10,000 new cases daily. Early in the pandemic, that would have been regarded as horrendous. So where is all the good news in this?
    And the assumption is that everyone will take the vaccine. Really?? Where is the evidence for that, given all the antivaccers.
    I ill stick with my view that we are no-where near the end of this pandemic.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Geriatric Otter in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    He's the consummate professsional and is the most proficient top I've met. When iz saw him 15 years ago he was wearing a huge PA. Gulp.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from rhicks408 in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    In the 22 days since you posted this, the cases in the US have risen to over 130,000 daily.
    Also there has been news a vaccine that is 90 percent effective may be available by some time early next year to begin to rollout.
    Meaning 10 percent, over 10,000 new cases daily. Early in the pandemic, that would have been regarded as horrendous. So where is all the good news in this?
    And the assumption is that everyone will take the vaccine. Really?? Where is the evidence for that, given all the antivaccers.
    I ill stick with my view that we are no-where near the end of this pandemic.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to TruHart1 in Any 411 on Straight Escorts ?   
    One of the men I was seeing regularly before the pandemic is Ricky Decker: https://rent.men/RickyDecker
    His RM ad shows him as bi, but we have discussed his orientation many, many times and he identifies as straight, even going so far as to brag about the women he's found on Tinder and had sex with when visiting my area. Yet with me, he's always been very open to EVERYTHING I've wanted to do.
    Though he is versatile and has fewer limits than many straight guys, I do not doubt he'd ever object to being serviced, if that's what they desire!
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Hoover42 in Alternate ways to advertise   
    Yes, Twitter does have a private message feature; You can send private messages to anyone who has enabled it
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from m4same in New York   
    What is it like in your city these days? Is there anything much to do except indoor sports, which of course are not to be dis missed.
  18. Like
    Luv2play reacted to former lurker in LucasTalloneXXX in DC   
    How did he "rob" you? Details would be helpful and you should provide them if you're going to level the accusation.
  19. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Lee_jeff in Acaccio in Los Angeles   
    looks so cute...
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Alternate ways to advertise   
    The tricky thing about a site like Twitter is that you actually need to be able to craft a tweet to make it truly work.
    Bad social media is much worse than no social media at all.
    'It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt' --- Mark Twain
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Lazarus in Alternate ways to advertise   
    Yes....be sure to post a picture of yourself on every comment you make on this site.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Yellowrod in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    In the 22 days since you posted this, the cases in the US have risen to over 130,000 daily.
    Also there has been news a vaccine that is 90 percent effective may be available by some time early next year to begin to rollout.
    Meaning 10 percent, over 10,000 new cases daily. Early in the pandemic, that would have been regarded as horrendous. So where is all the good news in this?
    And the assumption is that everyone will take the vaccine. Really?? Where is the evidence for that, given all the antivaccers.
    I ill stick with my view that we are no-where near the end of this pandemic.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Stefcho in Dario Owen   
    According to his website he has been escorting since 2012 and has travelled extensively every year, mostly in
    Europe, the Middle East and seldom in the US, relatively speaking.
    Currently he is in Spain, according to RM. I would love to meet him but he has never deigned to visit Canada. Sigh
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Grab your passport... and a blood test????   
    There are treatments for both herpes and HIV. There are cures for many other stds. Just nitpicking I know but words are important.
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Grab your passport... and a blood test????   
    Bingo. Works both ways.
    If a client made me jump through those hoops, I'd expect the exact same paperwork in return.
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