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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Instant Pot   
    I make them except I just crack an egg directly into the hot water. When I take it out with a slotted spatula, I press the spatula with the egg still on it on a paper towel to remove the excess water, otherwise it can cause the toast to get soggy.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from jeezifonly in Los Angeles "go-to" guys?   
    In the 22 days since you posted this, the cases in the US have risen to over 130,000 daily.
    Also there has been news a vaccine that is 90 percent effective may be available by some time early next year to begin to rollout.
    Meaning 10 percent, over 10,000 new cases daily. Early in the pandemic, that would have been regarded as horrendous. So where is all the good news in this?
    And the assumption is that everyone will take the vaccine. Really?? Where is the evidence for that, given all the antivaccers.
    I ill stick with my view that we are no-where near the end of this pandemic.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RuffLeatherPig in Escorts, How Do You Maintain Stamina?   
    I feel it is really a mental game. For me I look at, why am I hear? It is to provide a service and do my job. There is a desire to be good at and really perform. There is financial motivation as well but you are really entering as a service provider.
    As long as I am not being pressured/forced into something I am dud not agree to or in an unsafe situation I am glad to play the role of the Happy Hooker
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Wanderoz in This Amir of WeHo in DC   
    Actually from all his pics and stats, I would say he is height and weight proportionate. Definitely doesn’t appear chubby To my eyes. Of course, firmness can only be judged by touching.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from BaronArtz in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    One thing I do is look at the client profiles of providers‘ reviews on RM. Even if I don’t get in touch with the clients to check out their experiences (and if I do, some reply, others don’t), their prefs are listed usually and also other escorts they have met (not always a complete list) but still, all these factors can be taken into account. Also some reviews are very detailed (at least here in Canada) where RM doesn’t censor them as in the US.
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    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    I think escorting is really as simple as A) do I enjoy it and B) can I make a viable living doing it.
    If the answer is a 'yes,' then you keep seeing clients. Eventually, you make the judgement call as to when you need or want to retire.
    Oddly enough, I actually think escorting was more competitive back when I was first out there: You had guys who were known commodities, characters with actual names, some coming in as 'porn stars' when that really meant something.
    The business today doesn't breed 'names' like it used to. Newer guys aren't willing to put the work into building a reputation, a portfolio of reviews and a sort-of 'personality' that can be followed and engaged with. It's unexciting in a lot of ways.
    We've never had more avenues to connect, but it feels like we've gotten increasingly less personal in how this all works.
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    Luv2play reacted to orville in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    No, I didn't. In my case, I'm the bottom so I swallow. ?
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    Luv2play reacted to orville in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    Well, to be honest I also like "basic sex" very much. Kissing, rimming, being pounded, and why not taking a big load from my top. You see @marylander1940 it seems like basic sex is a Canadian thing, or as some would say: "Notre Joie de Vivre". ?
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    Luv2play reacted to Geriatric Otter in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    Seriously? I've been with Mike for overnights and days at a time probably 20+ times. NEVER disappointed. And I've been with the best.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from Oscar Not Wilde in Hot tv doctors   
    That looks like a baby otter. So cute. When I think that my mother had an otter fur coat. Oh god.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Yellowrod in Drawing A Blank On Porn Star Listing Site   
    I agree. I looked at the profiles of some of my favourite pornstars and escorts (a few being one in the same) and found out some interesting details I never knew. Their real names, real ages (with birth dates and places), real stats (eg. Size of dick, height) and other interesting facts (their fetishes, as demonstrated in their films).
    One surprising thing overall was the size of dicks on some of these pornstars. They look much bigger in the films than they are in real life. Clever use of closeups and camera angles, I suppose.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    “Glory in the flower” is usually overlooked In any précis of the poem. But it deserves equal emphasis.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in This Amir of WeHo in DC   
    Actually from all his pics and stats, I would say he is height and weight proportionate. Definitely doesn’t appear chubby To my eyes. Of course, firmness can only be judged by touching.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from alexslaveboy in Drawing A Blank On Porn Star Listing Site   
    I agree. I looked at the profiles of some of my favourite pornstars and escorts (a few being one in the same) and found out some interesting details I never knew. Their real names, real ages (with birth dates and places), real stats (eg. Size of dick, height) and other interesting facts (their fetishes, as demonstrated in their films).
    One surprising thing overall was the size of dicks on some of these pornstars. They look much bigger in the films than they are in real life. Clever use of closeups and camera angles, I suppose.
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Joelblu in NY   
    Maybe I didn’t explain that well. I was in another city staying at a hotel. I had arranged a date with an escort but he left me totally unsatisfied. So I called up another at a very late hour and he answered and said he could come over in less than an hour. I said it was very important that he could cum in what was only going to be a one hour session, since he said he had to leave that morning for NYC.
    He said, no problem. But as it turned out, it was a big problem. After the hour was up, without him cumming, he said he had to leave. I paid him his regular fee, not the bonus I had said I would pay if he was able to cum. So that was the reduction, not from his usual rate for an hour but his rate plus an extra hundred.
    I didn’t give him a bad review. In the comments I complimented him on his looks. And I did recommend him. But I only gave him 4 stars and all his previous reviews were 5 stars. So that is the whole story. He wanted to keep his 5 stars across the board. For me it wasn’t a big deal so I agreed to ask the webmaster to remove the review.
  16. Sad
    Luv2play got a reaction from dbar123 in THE ANSWER IS... Alex Trebek   
    Who the heck was Art Fleming
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Mjonis in Hot tv doctors   
    That looks like a baby otter. So cute. When I think that my mother had an otter fur coat. Oh god.
  18. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + MysticMenace in Hot tv doctors   
    Not quite TV, but crushing on Dr. Mike Varshavsky

    Dr. Travis Stork from The Doctors is also pretty hot.

    Would want to get a daily prostate exam from either or both of them (at the same time) ?
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    Luv2play reacted to marylander1940 in This Amir of WeHo in DC   
    I prefer our @Amir

    You think in America he's chubby...?
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    Luv2play reacted to + harey in This Amir of WeHo in DC   
    That’s a fair comment about your opinion and relevant considering that some clients are looking for hardbodies. I have a good impression from him because his pics look real and not false advertising.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    “...take strength in what remains behind.”
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from beachboy in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    Did she also say “ I’ve been rich and I’ve been poor, and trust me, rich is better.”
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    Luv2play got a reaction from sydneyboy in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    That was the quote given to me in my high school yearbook. Did I have some splaining to do with my parents!
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    Luv2play reacted to sydneyboy in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    On ocean cruises:
    “Jail with the option of drowning.”
    -Sir Billy Connolly
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to sydneyboy in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    “The war between the sexes is the only one in which both sides regularly sleep with the enemy.”
    -Quentin Crisp
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