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    Luv2play reacted to sydneyboy in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    Many years ago I was listening to Federal Parliament on the radio with then leader of the Labor Party Arthur Caldwell was making a speech. A political opponent was constantly interjecting and the Speaker finally called this member to order. To which Arthur Caldwell responded "Don't worry Mr Speaker, the honourable gentleman was born a fool and has been losing ground ever since.''
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + poolboy48220 in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    President Calvin Coolidge was known for not being very talkative. A young woman sitting next to him at a dinner party confided to him she had bet she could get at least three words of conversation from him. Without looking at her he quietly retorted, “You lose.”
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + g56whiz in Quotes from literature (or other sources)   
    82 posts over 5 pages and no Winston Churchill?
    “The fear of dying is not so much the fear of death so much as the fear of not having lived.”
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + 7829V in Who will inherit your porn collection?   
    Can you imagine how much money that amounted to spent on porn over the years? I winced when I threw my stuff out.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to PetetKsfo in Birthday Blues   
    First, Happy Birthday to everyone about who mentioned he is having a bithday.
    I know it is a pretty unusual period of time right now.
    Doing someting nice for yourself though is always important, especially for a birthday, and especially now.
    I would of course say to treat yourself to a massage/escort appointment if you're comfortable doing that now.
    But even something like a walk to a beautiful place, treating yourself to a nice dinner (even if it is takeout) or buying yourself someting special. You always deserve a moment to celebrate yourself.
    Please feel free to message me as well to chat
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Reisr30 in Birthday Blues   
    My birthday was back in late May and like everyone, I am not getting any younger. In my case, I’m in my 8th decade so the urgency of celebrating while I can is strong.
    I took stock of my own circumstances then and decided to ge ahead with having an escort visit me for the weekend, two overnights in all. It was wonderful, we did so much and the weather was glorious to boot.
    We took precautions about how we were dealing with the virus before we met and these things are continuing, as I have seen him three more times for weekends or single overnights.
    I realize this is not for everyone as our respective circumstances vary widely. Still, for me life is to be lived, not deferred. That vision on the horizon may just be that, a mirage.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Yellowrod in Who will inherit your porn collection?   
    Can you imagine how much money that amounted to spent on porn over the years? I winced when I threw my stuff out.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Philadelphia   
    As a kid, I used to love those moments in American films on TV when the criminals crossed the county line with a sheriff and posse in hot pursuit. (These were mostly Westerns or comedies like Laurel and Hardy.) Once in the next county, the bad guys would turn and thumb their noses at their pursuers. I always knew this had a legal significance in the American context, whereas it did not in Canada, where criminal violations fall within federal or provincial jurisdictions.
    The way we distinguished counties in Canada back in the 50's was whether the roads were paved or not. When you crossed a county line and went from pavement to dirt road, you knew you had entered the territory of a member of the government opposition party (roads were a provincial responsibility and political boundaries were generally drawn along county lines in the countryside). Unpaved roads were a way to remind electors that they should switch party allegiance in the next provincial election. I think this mostly applied in Quebec, where politics were pretty hard-knuckle.
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    Luv2play reacted to Wanderoz in Joelblu in NY   
    If I had his hole, I wouldn’t want to share it. Lol.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Mjonis in Who will inherit your porn collection?   
    Can you imagine how much money that amounted to spent on porn over the years? I winced when I threw my stuff out.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in 411 on JPHadley new in NYC   
    I beg to differ. I had a SB when I was in my late 30’s. He was in his early 20’s. I moved him to Canada, paid all his considerable debts before he came, bought him a car, put him in college so he could stay in the country (today would be different, I could just marry him), gave him an allowance, and we took vacations 2 or 3 times a year to exotic destinations (Hawaii, Caribbean Mexico, Spain, Italy) all to keep him happy.
    But he was a party boy at heart and I had a serious job, so the relationship soured in 3 years. I don’t blame him a bit because at his age I was a party animal as well.
    Today, 35 years later, if I was in a position to be a SD, which I’m not, I would have a 35 to 45 yo SB. For me, the ideal age for sexual energy, experience and maturity of outlook.
    And, if necessary, he could pass as my nephew LOL.
  12. Like
    Luv2play reacted to wsc in Philadelphia   
    To provide a different perspective on Cromwell and the Interregnum -
    Under the rules and customs in effect at the time, when the head of Charles I fell off his shoulders, his son and heir immediately became king. Such a transition occurs in an instant of time. Hence the shout., "The king is dead; long live the king!"
    Charles II status in exile obviously denied him the ability to rule in England during the period of the Commonwealth, but he could still claim the king's title, and do so legitimately. Any act made and approved by the Commonwealth parliament that would alter the government of England could not be considered as valid without the Crown's assent, which was neither sought nor received.
    Had the Commonwealth continued, all the foregoing would be entirely irrelevant, but the Restoration of 1660 gives it credence. After 11 years of Roundhead rule in the Interregnum, Parliament invited Charles II to return to England and take the throne. His absence during those 11 years, then, could be considered a reign in absentia.
    Contrast that absentia, forced on Charles, with the later one of his brother and heir, James II, who hastily and willingly fled England in the Glorious Revolution of 1688, to be replaced on the throne by his eldest daughter Mary and her husband, William of Orange, after Parliament declared James II's abandonment of the throne as equivalent to abdication.
    The significance of these events culminated in the Act of Settlement of 1701, wherein Parliament firmly established that it, not the Crown, shall say who sits on the throne of the kingdom. The trappings of power would be retained by the monarchy, but real power would now be with the people and their parliament.
    BTW, the motive underlying all this drama of the Glorious Revolution and the later Act of Settlement was to prevent a Catholic from ever again wearing the crown. James II was the last Catholic king of England, and even in this 21st century, he likely always will be.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Snbrd in THE ANSWER IS... Alex Trebek   
    Has anyone ever aged better? What a good looking 80 year old!
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + sync in 411 on JPHadley new in NYC   
    Tell me about it.I could have bought an Andy Warhol canvas for $3500 in 1976 in a SOHO gallery but it wouldn’t fit in my car to bring back to Canada. Boo Hoo.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Autumnal in Birthday Blues   
    It was my 70th a few weeks ago. It was depressing partly because of Covid-19 - no party or visitors - but mostly because a number of friends in their early 70's have recently died (not covid). I came out of the worst of it in a couple of days, and the current events have pulled me back to the top. Hang in there!
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RuffLeatherPig in Birthday Blues   
    Always happy to offer a birthday cam show to the Birthday boys:) just hit me up
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Your youngest and oldest client...   
    Last fall I was contemplating a trip to London and made a few advance enquiries to see if I could line up some prospects. I usually do this before I hit the ground in another city. One escort I was interested in had a line in his RM ad that he wouldn’t accept clients over 70.
    I asked him about it and he told me he had had a terrible experience with a client over 70 who had a serious heart attack during a session In the escort’s home. He had to go with the man to the hospital in the ambulance. He found the episode very stressful and didn’t want to repeat it.
    I didn’t bother to argue the point that many men have heart attacks as early as their 40’s and more commonly in the 50’s and 60’s.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in 411 on JPHadley new in NYC   
    Picasso used to pay his tailor with a canvas for a suit in exchange, early in his career. He stopped when his canvasses started to skyrocket in value. There was a 95 year old artist in Vancouver a couple of years ago who witnessed an auction sale of a work he sold for $200 over 60 years ago , that went for $1.6million. Good old supply and demand at work.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in 411 on JPHadley new in NYC   
    Wasn’t Clark Gable married to Carole Lombard who died tragically in a plane crash during the war, trying to sell government bonds in the war effort. Surely he wouldn’t have cheated on her.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Chris Eisenhower in Your youngest and oldest client...   
    ANNNNNNDDDDD now it's time to play "Chris Eisenhower Answers Your Most Pressing Questions and Then Disappears For A While!"
    Because I'm sick of watching the news. So...
    Youngest: 19 (at least I hope he was 19)
    Oldest: 80+
    Younger (pro): strokes my inner daddy ego side.
    Younger (con): completely disinterested in the BFE
    Older (pro): 99.5% respectful, courteous, interesting, engaged, generous, experienced, hot in bed ?
    Older (con): all of my truly bad (and I do mean BAD) experiences were made up of that remaining .5%
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + IronMaus in The end to COVID?   
    I would take issue with the title of the post containing the word lockdown. It suggests we are currently living under an order to stay quarantined at home in isolation. There are many restrictions worldwide that vary according to local conditions. A Relatively small number of people worldwide have been totally locked down. The rest of us are navigating limitations on what we do and what we can’t do. I see this lasting for several years, at varying levels of restraints.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from CheckCar in Who will inherit your porn collection?   
    I likewise destroyed my collection as I went along. First the Super 8 films from the 70’s along with getting rid of the screen and projector, then the Video cassettes of the ‘80’s and that machine is probably still in my garage, then the DVD’s of the ‘90’s. Kept that machine for viewing home films from the ‘60’s which have been converted to DVD’s. Most of the DVD’s I rented at the time so nothing to dispose of.
    Now I subscribe to pornhub and get all the stuff I want at the click of the mouse.
    The one thing that was hard to throw out was the cassette I commissioned with a filmmaker and an escort more than 20 years ago. They came to my home and we made a film, full length, with me as a supporting actor (the bottom). The top was the star. I kept it for the longest time but rarely watched it. So out it went.
    Of course I still have my homoerotic art, which I paid substantial amounts of money to acquire over the years. It’s all good stuff, oil paintings, bronzes etc and I have it on display in my house. So family and friends see it. I recently gave a beautiful large oil painting by a good artist from Montreal to an escort friend to decorate his apartment and I helped him install it. It looks great as you enter his place.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + robear in The end to COVID?   
    I would take issue with the title of the post containing the word lockdown. It suggests we are currently living under an order to stay quarantined at home in isolation. There are many restrictions worldwide that vary according to local conditions. A Relatively small number of people worldwide have been totally locked down. The rest of us are navigating limitations on what we do and what we can’t do. I see this lasting for several years, at varying levels of restraints.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in The end to COVID?   
    I would take issue with the title of the post containing the word lockdown. It suggests we are currently living under an order to stay quarantined at home in isolation. There are many restrictions worldwide that vary according to local conditions. A Relatively small number of people worldwide have been totally locked down. The rest of us are navigating limitations on what we do and what we can’t do. I see this lasting for several years, at varying levels of restraints.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from HoseMaster in The end to COVID?   
    I would take issue with the title of the post containing the word lockdown. It suggests we are currently living under an order to stay quarantined at home in isolation. There are many restrictions worldwide that vary according to local conditions. A Relatively small number of people worldwide have been totally locked down. The rest of us are navigating limitations on what we do and what we can’t do. I see this lasting for several years, at varying levels of restraints.
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