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    Luv2play got a reaction from TruthBTold in Sean Connery has died   
    About Connery as James Bond, he was my favourite actor in the role. But I only saw 4 or 5 of the films, two with Connery.
    I’ve read several of the Fleming Bond novels and they are not as glitzy as the films. But then Ian Fleming was a real intelligence officer in the Second World War and he knew what the real life of a spy was like, not the movie screen version.
    Of course, it was the glamour that made the franchise such a success. It was in stark contrast to what had befallen Britain after WWII, when it was reduced to being a second rate world power and impoverished by their wartime efforts.
    This Super hero British spy James Bond on the celluloid films gave Britons a reason to chear up despite their reduced standing in the world. And for Sean Connery, who grew up in the slums of Edinburgh, he achieved the Bond dream. Not bad.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to TruthBTold in Sean Connery has died   
    Thanks. I think he was better off going into acting.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + keroscenefire in YourGuySteven in DC 411   
    Yeah that's why I said "personally." Sorry you didn't have a good experience with him. My experience was good overall, though I would say we didn't connect on our personalities very well. I think it can be tricky with some escorts because if you don't have good chemistry, it kind of ends up being disappointing. I just recently had a massage that was supposed to be erotic, but I guess the guy wasn't feeling it so it ended up being a regular (but relaxing) therapeutic massage. I definitely was disappointed but at the same time I am not going to knock the guy too much because he still gave me something that I enjoyed overall. Though am I going to hire that masseur again? Definitely not.
    I think being an escort is hard...they are not always going to connect with a client and vice versa. I've kind of learned that myself over the years and if I find a guy I do connect with he becomes a regular. If not, then oh well..it's a one-off. But for another client, that same kind could be an amazing connection completely worth spending the time and money on.
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in Suits me fine   
    Suits/ties were a requirement for 20+ years of my career, so often I would go to a “date” after work. One escort in particular used to comment on my choice of ties, etc. - said I really looked hot. I wanted to believe him. ?
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + ButchAtl in Parliament House CLOSING!   
    I was not surprised to hear about this but it does mark another closing of an era, not just an individual enterprise, and so I feel a little bit nostalgic. But as others have noted, many of these places have outlived their usefulness or relevance.
    The younger gays probably don’t value these places as they live their lives differently now, for many reasons. The old ones like myself don’t patronize them either, for different reasons. I stayed at Parliament House back in the 90’s and 00’s. It was a lot of fun but I was much younger and loved raunchy places. Now I just like raunchy men!
    I prefer more luxurious places to stay and dine. Of course, meeting up with providers is so much easier today and more predictable in who you are engaging to have some fun with. I haven’t picked up someone in a bar or gay resort for about 20 years or when the Internet really took off.
    As the saying goes, Sic transit Gloria.
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Parliament House CLOSING!   
    I was not surprised to hear about this but it does mark another closing of an era, not just an individual enterprise, and so I feel a little bit nostalgic. But as others have noted, many of these places have outlived their usefulness or relevance.
    The younger gays probably don’t value these places as they live their lives differently now, for many reasons. The old ones like myself don’t patronize them either, for different reasons. I stayed at Parliament House back in the 90’s and 00’s. It was a lot of fun but I was much younger and loved raunchy places. Now I just like raunchy men!
    I prefer more luxurious places to stay and dine. Of course, meeting up with providers is so much easier today and more predictable in who you are engaging to have some fun with. I haven’t picked up someone in a bar or gay resort for about 20 years or when the Internet really took off.
    As the saying goes, Sic transit Gloria.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Grow this site?   
    Yes, that’s how I joined. When Hooboy ran the review section, the forum as linked directly.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Parliament House CLOSING!   
    I was not surprised to hear about this but it does mark another closing of an era, not just an individual enterprise, and so I feel a little bit nostalgic. But as others have noted, many of these places have outlived their usefulness or relevance.
    The younger gays probably don’t value these places as they live their lives differently now, for many reasons. The old ones like myself don’t patronize them either, for different reasons. I stayed at Parliament House back in the 90’s and 00’s. It was a lot of fun but I was much younger and loved raunchy places. Now I just like raunchy men!
    I prefer more luxurious places to stay and dine. Of course, meeting up with providers is so much easier today and more predictable in who you are engaging to have some fun with. I haven’t picked up someone in a bar or gay resort for about 20 years or when the Internet really took off.
    As the saying goes, Sic transit Gloria.
  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to surfinnatlanta in NYC top   
    I've hired Alencar several times over the last few years and each time was amazing. The man has incredible stamina....and can pound the hell out of you for hours on end...that is if you can handle it which I couldn't so several breaks were needed. It was during these breaks that I happily discovered Rafael is a really cool guy....absolutely zero attitude, very intelligent and as you can imagine in his line of work he has some hillarious stories. He's in my top 3 of all my hires. Highly recommended!
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to dutchal in Asking the masseur to shower with you...   
    I've done it once with a masseur, but it was an after the massage shower. It was like you described, mutual lathering and some sensual touches, there might have also been some kissing but am not sure now.
    Another time, it was a post-coitus shower at an escort's. I got hard again. He said: "Well, we can't let you leave like this!". And we ended up doing it all over again in the shower. He wasn't a clock watcher, needless to say.
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    Luv2play reacted to + 7829V in Asking the masseur to shower with you...   
    I've asked 3 masseurs so far, and all were open to shower together before the session.
    Of course time showering is part of the session. I usually hire for 90 min so it works out fine.
    So far no upcharges, just one offered a discount first (before asking about the shower) and when I asked about shower together he said it would be his normal rate. Which was fine with me.
    Usually is a quick shower, 5-10 min maximum. Lathering each other bodies. And some sensual touches, but nothing too extreme. And that's it.
    With one masseur it was my second time seeing him, the other two were my first time.
    It is easier when is your second or third time seeing someone.
    Has anyone else asked the masseur to shower together? Any input or advice?
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from sydneyboy in What happens to twinks once they turn 30?   
    Definitely not Charle’s son.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + g56whiz in What’s your guilty pleasure?   
    If you’re in Texas (San Antonio, Austin, Houston and maybe Dallas) try Central Market on weekends. They have have a Mexican Eggs Benedict you might like: cornbread, chorizo, poached eggs, cumin laced hollandaise, sliced avocado and perhaps some squeezed lime. Yum!
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to LaffingBear in What’s your guilty pleasure?   
    Breads: a puff pasty. A cornbread loaf.. a cornbread hoe cake. A yeast doughnut (didnt like that) a puff pastry shell. My favorite... brioche, no crust, griddled in clarified butter.
    Protein accompaniment. I like but not wildly in love with bacon, ham, etc. Loved: Roasted wild mushrooms. Dungeness crab. Roasted cajun shrimp. Carnitas. Braised, shredded shortrib. But, the semi-traditional alternative remains my favorite: sliced smoked salmon
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    Luv2play reacted to jjkrkwood in What’s your guilty pleasure?   
    Anything less than the entire box is an "amuse bouche"...
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Funguy in What’s your guilty pleasure?   
    Sex, esp with a very erotic massage to start. And make it a 3-some and I'll be very guilty indeed!
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    Luv2play reacted to KeepItReal in What’s your guilty pleasure?   
    Valentine's day chocolates, purchased the day after at a steep discount. Thanks CVS!!
  18. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Lchnsf in Dream Job   
    I love my job as a personal trainer and enjoy and admire my clients who can afford my services. I look at what they do for work and think I am happy with what I do and wouldn’t chose anything else. I love flowers but would hate the bridezilla, I love to cook but want to keep it a hobby and close to me.
    If I couldn’t be a trainer I would chose to be a teacher which in my eyes has a lot of similarities. Especially since my clients act like children when with me ?
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from PetetKsfo in Hotel Recommendations in various cities   
    Last fall I stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel in mid-town and one night had two escorts to my room. We all went in together coming from dinner and the lobby is so vast and busy around 10pm that we didn’t stand out at all. My two guys were one white, one black and over 40 and 30 years younger than me respectively. We might have drawn attention in a smaller hotel with a quieter lobby. I think if I had had four escorts trailing me in, it wouldn’t have made any difference. Except my room wasn’t large enough to accommodate that sort of gangbang.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Asking who’s who in pic or video   
    Never assume anything about Rentmen escort videos. Always ask.
    I can't count the number of guys who state always safe or condoms only in their ads and then have video of them fucking or getting fucked bareback.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Porn stars I wish I could hire   
    That’s no exaggeration. Seen him in multiple videos taking it lik a champ!
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to jeezifonly in Some days, I just don’t know...   
    OMG You’re living a working actor’s life, Jarrod. Consider:
    Sometimes you are wanted desperately, sometimes you are invisible. Costs of living go up, work is unsteady, and often requires an additional source of income to make it possible
    (I hear some even do sexwork... )
    Most working actors are not stars - timing and the market you are in determines whether or not the career can sustain you now, let alone to middle age or beyond, and often relocation is not an option.
    It takes money to keep appearance and stamina up to form. Working in live theatre, you never see friends and family, as you work evenings and weekends.
    If you land a good Equity contract for 8 shows a week, it may be only for a couple months, perhaps in a city you hate. Or a really long run in a shitty role in a play you dislike, or you share a dressing-room with a pig... or an ex.. or both
    Critics are everywhere, brutal to the ego. Flakes and users abound. Promises get made and broken, and you must put lots of work and time into your own promotion.
    Benefits? They’re based on how often you work, if they exist at all. If better-paying on-camera work is offered while you are under contract in a play, hard choices crop up.
    Don’t forget an agent gets 10-15% of every buck you make!!
    A personal life of any sort is often tricky to balance along side the work - so many conflicts of presence and demand of focus.
    Why do actors go through all that - I mean, why act at all?
    Because they must. The process feeds their soul. The rush of getting it right (or wrong..) inspires them for the next performance, and all of it forms bonds with fellow cast and crew, to feel an intense kinship of purpose in telling a story for a short time. That’s the payoff.
    Is being a sex-worker what you must do to feed your soul?
    Find your payoff, Jarrod.
    You deserve it, and it may involve doing something else for income.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Hotel Recommendations in various cities   
    Last fall I stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel in mid-town and one night had two escorts to my room. We all went in together coming from dinner and the lobby is so vast and busy around 10pm that we didn’t stand out at all. My two guys were one white, one black and over 40 and 30 years younger than me respectively. We might have drawn attention in a smaller hotel with a quieter lobby. I think if I had had four escorts trailing me in, it wouldn’t have made any difference. Except my room wasn’t large enough to accommodate that sort of gangbang.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + nycman in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    I had the misfortune of having two older brothers who preceded me at a private school where sports and academics were equally emphasized, modelled on the English “public” schools like Eton and Rugby. Misfortune because my brothers were more gifted at organized sports than I was. I arrived in grade 7, the last year of junior school, with expectations that I would be like my older brothers. I quickly dispelled that notion by my absolute ineptitude in football, basketball, hockey and baseball. All of these sports were compulsory so there was no way of avoiding them. The poorer athletes like myself were relegated to the “house” teams, which only played within the school. The better athletes, like my brothers, played on the school teams which competed with other schools in the city.
    The picture was not altogether dismal, however, because in primary school I had spent a lot of time skipping rope with the girls in my class (Shades of things to come). However, what I didn’t realize at that formative age was that skipping rope is something many professional athletes do, such as boxers. So I became very agile and flexible, and built up stamina in my limbs. This was to help me in gym and later in life when I took up many sports such as tennis, horseback riding, downhill and cross country skiing and waterskiing. I got to be pretty good at most of these sports, at least an intermediate level. Along the way I have stopped doing most of these sports but it was a gradual casting aside of the skis and rackets etc.
    Today I swim at least once a week but usually more often and I spend a good 45 minutes doing laps. My two brothers are physical wrecks, having sustained many injuries through contact sports and putting on too much weight. I gave up going to a gym a decade ago but by then I had preserved my ideal weight throughout my life and now face old age fairly well equipped physically. I work equally hard on the mental part as well, another legacy of my school days.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Growing up: Sports ... yes or no?   
    I just realized I misspelt racquets, as I was thinking besides tennis, I have played squash and badminton (and racquets once) and my old friends are hanging up in the garden shed. I also loved sailing and once took my lover out on a two person catamaran in Hawaii and gave him a wild ride.
    In the 80’s I learned how to windsurf and had my own board at my cottage, which I could do when no-one else was around. I took up scuba diving briefly on three trips to the Caribbean and will never forget the night dives. I tried target shooting with rifles and once with a pistol but didn’t have good enough eyesight. And finally, I wasn’t a bad curler, a winter sport popular here in Canada but not so much in the US. I learned that in high school and was good enough to get on the school team to play against other schools.
    Thinking back, I guess I was jack of all trades and master of none, when it came to sports.
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