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    Luv2play got a reaction from PetetKsfo in Payment Method Madness - Pick Your Poison   
    I like cash because as you count out the 100 dollar bills, you appreciate just how much you are forking over and so does the provider. Nothing like seeing a stack of 100’s at breakfast after an overnight. So much more impressive than a few digits on a payment statement, whether credit card or PayPal or Venmo etc. To me it represents hard earned cash, by both sides of the transaction.?
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    Luv2play reacted to + FreshFluff in Reporter suspended for pulling c*ck out during Zoom call   
    The audio was bad. He thought it was an election stimulation.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in Payment Method Madness - Pick Your Poison   
    I like cash because as you count out the 100 dollar bills, you appreciate just how much you are forking over and so does the provider. Nothing like seeing a stack of 100’s at breakfast after an overnight. So much more impressive than a few digits on a payment statement, whether credit card or PayPal or Venmo etc. To me it represents hard earned cash, by both sides of the transaction.?
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to orville in Payment Method Madness - Pick Your Poison   
    From what I've read recently in some threads, with Payment Apps there are more chances of being scammed on either side.
    After the client has sent a payment, the provider will reply "I didn't get anything, can you try and send again?"
    A client can also say "Ok, I just sent the payment" and leave, while not really sending anything to the provider.
    Needless to say, I prefer good old untraceable CA$H than can be counted right there in front of you, so everything is clear for both parts.
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    Luv2play reacted to + FrankR in Payment Method Madness - Pick Your Poison   
    I value my privacy - I do not trust these payment providers. Too many of them have been hacked or screwed up in some way, shape or form. like @Beancounter I believe cash is king.

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    Luv2play reacted to Beancounter in Payment Method Madness - Pick Your Poison   
    I believe Venmo is owned by PayPal. A fact to use as you may.
    Personally I do not use any of these apps to pay providers. My payment method of choice is cash for a variety of reasons.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Nvr2thick4me in Marlon Brando was SEXY!   
    I will check that out. I have a copy of William’s diary.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from MscleLovr in TOP TEN PLACES to TRAVEL DURING COVID-19   
    BTW, I have no special sympathy for this or any other elite athlete who chooses to compete in tournaments in high risk countries like Russia during this pandemic. Here in Canada, where we have had lower rates of infection, college and high school athletes are being denied the opportunity to play the sports they love. They I have sympathy for, not the guys making millions$.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Bargara Leatherboy in Brothels   
    One escort i remember the owner sent me told me he was a policeman and did this as a side gig. I thought it a hoot getting fucked by the law.
  10. Love
    Luv2play got a reaction from Dr.Daddy in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I’m assuming your trip was a number of decades ago. You touched on a couple of spots where I too had some marvellous sexual experiences with European men. Just two I’ll relate. The first in Nice, where in 1982 I met a hot Corsican at a club and went back to his apartment. He was shorter than me, built like a stud muffin, with a huge appendage. I remember his being a physiotherapist and his clinic was in his apartment in the old town near the harbour. It was a night of carnal bliss and I walked back to my hotel in the early morning, smelling the damp salt sea air as I trod the cobblestones. We kept in touch for a short period by mail and I still have his letters. The other experience was in Rome in 1979. I spent a week and met a Swiss man about my age at a gay club. The club was boring but we repaired to my hotel where we spent the night. We dated several more times that week, always ending up at my hotel. He was living in Rome and had numerous Italian gay friends and one night I had dinner with them all at one of their apartments. It was a bit like Boys in the Band, without the bitchiness. On our last night together, we ate at this marvellous restaurant operated by nuns. We corresponded for over a year later and I still have his many letters. One day I am going to have to burn these letters, amongst many others.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Brothels   
    That’s around the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I’m assuming you were in the Western Sector. I visited Berlin 10 years later and stayed in a male brothel for a week which was really very nice, I had my own very large room in a large apartment and the owner was British. He kept a stable of Rentmen and had a large portfolio which you could use to choose escorts from. They would come to my room. There was no pressure to rent as the room rate was already high and most nights I went out to the clubs and found enough to satisfy my urges.
  12. Like
    Luv2play reacted to orville in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    Fair but none of those replace science-backed professional advice from a DOCTOR which is taking your Flu shot every year. Suggesting or recommending otherwise is plainly irresponsible, even more, during the health crisis the world is going through right now.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to rvwnsd in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    I was sitting here thinking "wow - polio, diphtheria, and mumps season is almost here." And then I remembered that these diseases are no longer common in the US. How did we eradicate those diseases again? ?
    Of course, thanks to anti-vaxers, measles has reared its ugly head again in the last 15 years.
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    Luv2play reacted to mike carey in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    There's a very good chance that it will, if a huge experiment that's been conducted in the southern hemisphere over the last six months is any guide. You're welcome!
    I had commented in the past about a huge reduction in respiratory disease in general and in the incidence of influenza in particular in Australia this winter. Covid-19 precautionary measures seem to have reduced other diseases as well. I've had colds every year of my life, until this year. The Economist crunched WHO data from the six southern hemisphere countries for which it was available (Chile, Argentina, Paraguay, South Africa, Australia and New Zealand), and in the article it published it noted:

    Data from Australia tell a remarkable tale. From May to mid-August of 2015-19, an average of 86,000 Australians tested positive for the flu each year, and around 130 died of it. This winter the government has registered only 627 influenza infections and just a single death.
    Tests were only down 20%. It's the second of three items in this podcast. https://play.acast.com/s/theintelligencepodcast/homework-thefutureoftheoffice There is even a chance that there will be a minimal flu season in the northern hemisphere because it has to come from somewhere, and the south is far less a source this year than usual, and travel, by which much of its spread occurs is minimal.
    That is not to say that influenza won't be an issue this northern winter, so it's no reason not to have the shot.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to former lurker in 411 on IvyLeagueHungVrs   
    Not all readers are swayed by the opinions of posters who haven't met the escort. The ones who have met him have good things to say, although Joe M has a mixed response based on post meeting requests for a review that suggested an overnight when he didn't do an overnight with him.
    Let's face it, much of the shade thrown at the guy is based on his rates. For that reason, most of the negative comments are from people who didn't see him because they consider him overpriced. None of the people who have seen him say he's misrepresented himself or failed to deliver what he agreed to do.
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    Luv2play reacted to orville in STI “in the butt”   
    @Unicorn please don't. Just post the external link to the picture. PLEASE ?
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    Luv2play reacted to orville in STI “in the butt”   
    I totally get your POV but not many feel comfortable or reach a good level of performance using condoms, and no, for some it's not a matter of selfish seek for pleasure. I must agree with @Luv2play that while not desirable, and different from HIV, most STIs are easier to get rid of in a shorter period of time and as long as one is selective when choosing sex partners (i.e. avoiding people into riskier sex practices) one is at low risk now that PrEP is on the market. My Dr told me that the spike in STIs when PrEP was launched wasn't correlated to PrEP itself but more with Drug Abuse, and that more safety is achieved when having an honest upfront conversation with your partner.
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    Luv2play reacted to Monarchy79 in STI “in the butt”   
    Just apply the understanding with the straight “birth control pill”, bareback crowd, and it will possibly give you a better understanding.
    It’s a human form of rationalization, where one is willing to take one “gamble”, since the other major “gamble”, is no longer a factor.
    So just like straight people go bareback and risk contracting “cureable”, STDs, because the “pill”, eliminates the risk of pregnancy, gays go bareback and risk contracting those same STDs because the PrEP pill eliminates the risk of HIV transmission.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in STI “in the butt”   
    I got the clap once in my ass back in the 1970’s before gays used condoms. HIV/Aids was still in the future. I was alerted to it when I saw a pus-like discharge on my bm’s. No pain or discomfort, unlike penile clap when you piss. I remember my doctor prescribing a course of tetracycline antibiotics which I took for 10 days. That cleared it up. And yes, sex not advised until you are cured.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in STI “in the butt”   
    I got the clap once in my ass back in the 1970’s before gays used condoms. HIV/Aids was still in the future. I was alerted to it when I saw a pus-like discharge on my bm’s. No pain or discomfort, unlike penile clap when you piss. I remember my doctor prescribing a course of tetracycline antibiotics which I took for 10 days. That cleared it up. And yes, sex not advised until you are cured.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in STI “in the butt”   
    I don’t think you can equate the clap with HIV. There is a simple cure for one but no cure, only treatment, for the other.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + robear in STI “in the butt”   
    I don’t think you can equate the clap with HIV. There is a simple cure for one but no cure, only treatment, for the other.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from NikoLeto in STI “in the butt”   
    You’re putting words in my mouth. I’m only stating facts, not opinions, unlike you.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from thedanNYC in TOP TEN PLACES to TRAVEL DURING COVID-19   
    I would have done the same thing were I in his place. The Russians have been very opaque concerning the pandemic in their country. I wouldn’t trust a thing their president says about it.
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    Luv2play reacted to guru68 in Any update on Alam Wernik in Las Vegas?   
    It's a fair point. It wasn't my intention to be judgmental, but perhaps I was being so. Mea culpa.
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