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    Luv2play reacted to Travelguy368 in This may be stupid question, but....   
    I love it when a guy is just as vocal as I am with wants and desires. If I'm in a toppy mood, hell yeah give me a power bottom.
  2. Love
    Luv2play got a reaction from Dr.Daddy in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I’m assuming your trip was a number of decades ago. You touched on a couple of spots where I too had some marvellous sexual experiences with European men. Just two I’ll relate. The first in Nice, where in 1982 I met a hot Corsican at a club and went back to his apartment. He was shorter than me, built like a stud muffin, with a huge appendage. I remember his being a physiotherapist and his clinic was in his apartment in the old town near the harbour. It was a night of carnal bliss and I walked back to my hotel in the early morning, smelling the damp salt sea air as I trod the cobblestones. We kept in touch for a short period by mail and I still have his letters. The other experience was in Rome in 1979. I spent a week and met a Swiss man about my age at a gay club. The club was boring but we repaired to my hotel where we spent the night. We dated several more times that week, always ending up at my hotel. He was living in Rome and had numerous Italian gay friends and one night I had dinner with them all at one of their apartments. It was a bit like Boys in the Band, without the bitchiness. On our last night together, we ate at this marvellous restaurant operated by nuns. We corresponded for over a year later and I still have his many letters. One day I am going to have to burn these letters, amongst many others.
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + easygoingpal in This may be stupid question, but....   
    I consider a power bottom to be one who is fully involved in directing the action, if we are talking about anal., but could apply to oral as well as other activities. He is not content in just bending over or lying inert on the bed as the top has his way. He is inclined to suggest positions, request a change of positions to vary it up, suggest pacing, request kissing or other forms of body contact, try to set the length of time (although the top has a lot to say about when or if he will climax) and generally help guide the entire session. Needless to say a power bottom is usually quite vocal in expressing his desires and feelings during the encounter. Could you guess I count myself as one??
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from CuriousByNature in This may be stupid question, but....   
    I consider a power bottom to be one who is fully involved in directing the action, if we are talking about anal., but could apply to oral as well as other activities. He is not content in just bending over or lying inert on the bed as the top has his way. He is inclined to suggest positions, request a change of positions to vary it up, suggest pacing, request kissing or other forms of body contact, try to set the length of time (although the top has a lot to say about when or if he will climax) and generally help guide the entire session. Needless to say a power bottom is usually quite vocal in expressing his desires and feelings during the encounter. Could you guess I count myself as one??
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in This may be stupid question, but....   
    I consider a power bottom to be one who is fully involved in directing the action, if we are talking about anal., but could apply to oral as well as other activities. He is not content in just bending over or lying inert on the bed as the top has his way. He is inclined to suggest positions, request a change of positions to vary it up, suggest pacing, request kissing or other forms of body contact, try to set the length of time (although the top has a lot to say about when or if he will climax) and generally help guide the entire session. Needless to say a power bottom is usually quite vocal in expressing his desires and feelings during the encounter. Could you guess I count myself as one??
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in ANACONDAHUNGA - I'm in heaven!   
    I have only had one escort in Toronto ask for the donation up front and in that case I did show him his donation which I had already placed in an envelope and was sitting on the bedside table in the hotel room. That was for a two hour session. I may benefit from the fact escorts can access my profile on RM since that is where I found them and contacted them in the first place. Also the fact I have extensive communications prior to the date over several weeks since in many cases I am booking an overnight. Also being a premium client on RM gives me some creds, I suppose as I am in a group that is not known to stiff their providers. All of which is to say ymmv.?
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + sniper in Grow this site?   
    By the nature of its subject matter this may not be a board that wants to become TOO prominent lest it attract unwanted scrutiny for persons and establishments discussed therein. Let's not kill the goose.
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Trick in Hair touching?   
    If I had to ask about hair touching, I wonder if I will have to ask about everything else. Goodbye spontaneity
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Reisr30 in Gray sweatpants?   
    Whoever wrote that article doesn’t have a clue about grammar.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in Pic Potpourri? HUNGMULTIPLECUMM   
    I like his nice full lips as well. Very kissable.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from xavier32 in Pic Potpourri? HUNGMULTIPLECUMM   
    I like his nice full lips as well. Very kissable.
  12. Like
    Luv2play reacted to liubit in 2 Escorts @ Same Time?   
    I have had quite a number of 3-ways in my hiring career, most of them great, some of them disappointing, but no fiascos. The most successful method was to ask an escort I knew well to bring a partner with whom he felt comfortable. Many times, the third party subsequently became one of my regulars.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in Pic Potpourri? HUNGMULTIPLECUMM   
    He does have good reviews. And a promising name which you infer he lived up to.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to littlenut in New handsome muscle top in NYC JayNYCHung   
    Met with him. Do NOT hire him, because Jay and I will be getting married and living our years out naked on an island in the South Pacific.
    He was great, and my only hesitation in saying that is I don’t want to share him with anyone else. ?
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to LOLO in Massages that unexpectedly turned into something more   
    There was a similar thread to this one before: https://m4m-forum.org/threads/mutual.148468/
    My contribution to that thread was the following unexpected massage experience:
    "This once happened to me too, and it was pretty surprising and serendipitous and hot.
    A couple years ago, I was in Maui for work. I had an afternoon off one day, and thought I'd get a massage because I was super sore from work and travel and stress and all that. My hotel had a spa/massage service, so I booked a massage for my room, with the sole goal of relaxing. I didn't even specify if I wanted a male or female therapist -- just had them send over whoever was available on short notice.
    I hear a knock, and open the door, and there's this attractive blond guy wearing a blue polo and white shorts -- probably 6'1, wiry like a bicyclist, mid to late 30s. I idly thought "he's kinda hot," but was distracted by how sore I was, so nothing more. He set up his table, I got undressed, lay down on my front, and he put a blanket over me and started massaging.
    It's a really good and deep massage, especially on my neck and shoulders, and I start to relax. To stretch me out, he keeps having me rest my hands on his outer thigh while pushing on my shoulder, but this doesn't strike me as unusual, especially since I'm still covered in a blanket. And then, one time he switches my hand position from his outer thigh to his inner thigh, and I notice he actually has placed my hand on his bare skin, just underneath his shorts. I kinda start to wonder if there's something going on, but it's still tough to be sure. He then goes back to massaging my neck and shoulders, and then goes to my other side. This time, when he stretches out my arm, he places it pretty high in between his two (muscular) thighs, and squeezes them together, making sure my forearm rubs against his crotch. I involuntarily moan a little, and then he lets go, and this time, as he goes around the table near my legs, I hear the unmistakable noise of his clothes hitting the floor, and the rest is pretty much history.
    The hottest part of it was how completely unexpected it was."
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from chadLA in Cade Maddox - does he screen clients?   
    It’s also been my experience about the length of time he takes to respond, if ever. He’s here for another week so I might get lucky. We’ll see.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in 2 Escorts @ Same Time?   
    I’ve had a number of sessions with two escorts and me over the years. I alway set it up myself and usually I knew at least one of the hires. It was always something I discussed with botH extensively beforehand to ensure compatibility and “terms of engagement”, so to speak. Always worked out well, even the one a few weeks ago.
  18. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + keroscenefire in 2 Escorts @ Same Time?   
    Haha..I used my COVID stimulus check for it. I figured it might as well be used for my stimulus. Haha.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + nycman in Anal Sex   
    Small hole openings are known to dilate, if given the opportunity and gentle persuasion. All of the other advice above is also useful. It’s also a mental game, you need to want it.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from bendable2019 in Anal Sex   
    Small hole openings are known to dilate, if given the opportunity and gentle persuasion. All of the other advice above is also useful. It’s also a mental game, you need to want it.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I’m assuming your trip was a number of decades ago. You touched on a couple of spots where I too had some marvellous sexual experiences with European men. Just two I’ll relate. The first in Nice, where in 1982 I met a hot Corsican at a club and went back to his apartment. He was shorter than me, built like a stud muffin, with a huge appendage. I remember his being a physiotherapist and his clinic was in his apartment in the old town near the harbour. It was a night of carnal bliss and I walked back to my hotel in the early morning, smelling the damp salt sea air as I trod the cobblestones. We kept in touch for a short period by mail and I still have his letters. The other experience was in Rome in 1979. I spent a week and met a Swiss man about my age at a gay club. The club was boring but we repaired to my hotel where we spent the night. We dated several more times that week, always ending up at my hotel. He was living in Rome and had numerous Italian gay friends and one night I had dinner with them all at one of their apartments. It was a bit like Boys in the Band, without the bitchiness. On our last night together, we ate at this marvellous restaurant operated by nuns. We corresponded for over a year later and I still have his many letters. One day I am going to have to burn these letters, amongst many others.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to guru68 in Clients/Providers: Have either side ever "fallen" for someone?   
    I'm a fan of the BFE, but I'm not sure i want the Husband Experience.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Would you take this deal?   
    But here's the statement I want to seriously address:
    If you have so much to lose that you can't ask an escort to leave your hotel room or, better yet, take a gander at them through the peep hole and make a quick, private judgement call, then perhaps this isn't the hobby for you.
    There's a certain level of risk you take in scheduling time with an unknown/untested product. You have to be realistic with yourself that there will be an indeterminate amount of what mass retail calls shrinkage. Wasted money. Loss.
    I agree that my response was a little flip, but then again, I have worked smart in this business to afford a bit of that now and then. However, I stand by there being multiple ways to vet an escort before meeting. You don't need to offer them a tit-for-tat, what's behind door number two. Be straight forward and just ask for updated photos, photos with him holding a written date (or three-fingered selfie, or whatever the young'uns are now doing), Facetime chat, etc.
    Offering cash for integrity is putting the cart before the horse.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Walker1 in Boys from the East, Russia, Ukraine...   
    I had a Russian boyfriend for a short time in the 1970’s. He was just gorgeous and had a humongous dick. He moved to New York City in the early 80s and I ran into him jogging on one of the avenues one day. Never saw him again. His name was Igor.
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Caliboy95 in 2 Escorts @ Same Time?   
    This is something on my bucket list. I wouldn’t mind engaging in action or watching the action unfold. ?
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