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    Luv2play got a reaction from Dr.Daddy in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I’m assuming your trip was a number of decades ago. You touched on a couple of spots where I too had some marvellous sexual experiences with European men. Just two I’ll relate. The first in Nice, where in 1982 I met a hot Corsican at a club and went back to his apartment. He was shorter than me, built like a stud muffin, with a huge appendage. I remember his being a physiotherapist and his clinic was in his apartment in the old town near the harbour. It was a night of carnal bliss and I walked back to my hotel in the early morning, smelling the damp salt sea air as I trod the cobblestones. We kept in touch for a short period by mail and I still have his letters. The other experience was in Rome in 1979. I spent a week and met a Swiss man about my age at a gay club. The club was boring but we repaired to my hotel where we spent the night. We dated several more times that week, always ending up at my hotel. He was living in Rome and had numerous Italian gay friends and one night I had dinner with them all at one of their apartments. It was a bit like Boys in the Band, without the bitchiness. On our last night together, we ate at this marvellous restaurant operated by nuns. We corresponded for over a year later and I still have his many letters. One day I am going to have to burn these letters, amongst many others.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I’m assuming your trip was a number of decades ago. You touched on a couple of spots where I too had some marvellous sexual experiences with European men. Just two I’ll relate. The first in Nice, where in 1982 I met a hot Corsican at a club and went back to his apartment. He was shorter than me, built like a stud muffin, with a huge appendage. I remember his being a physiotherapist and his clinic was in his apartment in the old town near the harbour. It was a night of carnal bliss and I walked back to my hotel in the early morning, smelling the damp salt sea air as I trod the cobblestones. We kept in touch for a short period by mail and I still have his letters. The other experience was in Rome in 1979. I spent a week and met a Swiss man about my age at a gay club. The club was boring but we repaired to my hotel where we spent the night. We dated several more times that week, always ending up at my hotel. He was living in Rome and had numerous Italian gay friends and one night I had dinner with them all at one of their apartments. It was a bit like Boys in the Band, without the bitchiness. On our last night together, we ate at this marvellous restaurant operated by nuns. We corresponded for over a year later and I still have his many letters. One day I am going to have to burn these letters, amongst many others.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to NikoLeto in Escorts, How Do You Maintain Stamina?   
    I take Cialis, but I do that for for-fun hookups, as well. No one likes it when their dick doesn't work due to pressure to perform, or other stressors.
    Largely, I focus on the sensations that I feel. And as the top, it's pretty rare that I don't get to guide the experience by picking the position that provides the best sensations. Outside of that, if the guy is doing something that almost feels right, I guide him to what really gets me going. If they're doing something that is distracting, I explain that as well.
    Spoiler alert: getting rimmed and fucking are my favorite sensations (followed by having my balls played with and getting fucked), though there's something to be said for jerking off into a guy's waiting mouth. ?‍♂️
    I think it's most about having fun. I can have fun regardless of what the guy looks like or my physical attraction to him. I mean, I could jerk off next to anyone and I'd eventually get off.
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to marylander1940 in Anal Sex   
    I have been telling that to self declared top only on here for years... ? ?
    one more thing, best tops are the ones who occasionally bottom.
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + nycman in Anal Sex   
    Small hole openings are known to dilate, if given the opportunity and gentle persuasion. All of the other advice above is also useful. It’s also a mental game, you need to want it.
  6. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from Dr.Daddy in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    You obviously overpaid. Lol.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Yellowrod in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    It goes a long way being Canadian with the older generation of Dutch. Not sure if it would cut it today since memories of WWII are rapidly fading. Sometime around 35 years ago I was heading out to the airport at Amsterdam on a Sunday morning to fly back to Canada and was the only person on the airport shuttle. So I sat up beside the driver. When I told him I was flying home to Canada, did he ever get enthusiastic, telling me of how the Canadians had liberated his town, etc. I didn’t mention I had been having sex with one of his fellow citizens the night before. The war hadn’t come up in our conversations but the guy was at least half the age of the bus driver.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + newatthis in The Virus and me   
    There is anecdotal and then there are statistics. And there is history, which is only useful if people are aware of it. Unfortunately, most people are not schooled in history. I always think there is something to learn from other peoples’ experiences, or anecdotal evidence. But then there are the cold, hard facts of history, as much as we can trust the sources. Reading accounts of the black plague in Europe, where populations in large centres such as London were reduced by one third or more, COVID19 doesn’t even rank in the same league. Nor will it, I dare to say, given modern scientific knowledge, assuming the politicians don’t screw it up.
    Covid19 will not even compare to the Spanish flu, which killed at least 60 million worldwide. Just over 1 million so far. And the world is at last 3 or 4 times more populous. If I had to make a comparison, I would not say Covid19 is “nothing” in terms of previous plagues, but it is certainly not the mass killer that those earlier pandemics were. On the other hand, the economic impacts have probably been the worst, since we are so interconnected globally today, as never before, even 100 years ago.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Just Sayin in The Virus and me   
    There is anecdotal and then there are statistics. And there is history, which is only useful if people are aware of it. Unfortunately, most people are not schooled in history. I always think there is something to learn from other peoples’ experiences, or anecdotal evidence. But then there are the cold, hard facts of history, as much as we can trust the sources. Reading accounts of the black plague in Europe, where populations in large centres such as London were reduced by one third or more, COVID19 doesn’t even rank in the same league. Nor will it, I dare to say, given modern scientific knowledge, assuming the politicians don’t screw it up.
    Covid19 will not even compare to the Spanish flu, which killed at least 60 million worldwide. Just over 1 million so far. And the world is at last 3 or 4 times more populous. If I had to make a comparison, I would not say Covid19 is “nothing” in terms of previous plagues, but it is certainly not the mass killer that those earlier pandemics were. On the other hand, the economic impacts have probably been the worst, since we are so interconnected globally today, as never before, even 100 years ago.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from MscleLovr in The Virus and me   
    There is anecdotal and then there are statistics. And there is history, which is only useful if people are aware of it. Unfortunately, most people are not schooled in history. I always think there is something to learn from other peoples’ experiences, or anecdotal evidence. But then there are the cold, hard facts of history, as much as we can trust the sources. Reading accounts of the black plague in Europe, where populations in large centres such as London were reduced by one third or more, COVID19 doesn’t even rank in the same league. Nor will it, I dare to say, given modern scientific knowledge, assuming the politicians don’t screw it up.
    Covid19 will not even compare to the Spanish flu, which killed at least 60 million worldwide. Just over 1 million so far. And the world is at last 3 or 4 times more populous. If I had to make a comparison, I would not say Covid19 is “nothing” in terms of previous plagues, but it is certainly not the mass killer that those earlier pandemics were. On the other hand, the economic impacts have probably been the worst, since we are so interconnected globally today, as never before, even 100 years ago.
  11. Like
    Luv2play reacted to JayCeeKy in Strange Facebook friend request?   
    Do you have some Variable Interest in him?
    If not, you should tell him: "Leave me a loan."
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Milo Farnsworth in 411 Zheniastrong (newer escort)   
    Before electricity, they had scrub boards for doing your laundry. His abs remind me of those.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Epigonos in The Virus and me   
    There is anecdotal and then there are statistics. And there is history, which is only useful if people are aware of it. Unfortunately, most people are not schooled in history. I always think there is something to learn from other peoples’ experiences, or anecdotal evidence. But then there are the cold, hard facts of history, as much as we can trust the sources. Reading accounts of the black plague in Europe, where populations in large centres such as London were reduced by one third or more, COVID19 doesn’t even rank in the same league. Nor will it, I dare to say, given modern scientific knowledge, assuming the politicians don’t screw it up.
    Covid19 will not even compare to the Spanish flu, which killed at least 60 million worldwide. Just over 1 million so far. And the world is at last 3 or 4 times more populous. If I had to make a comparison, I would not say Covid19 is “nothing” in terms of previous plagues, but it is certainly not the mass killer that those earlier pandemics were. On the other hand, the economic impacts have probably been the worst, since we are so interconnected globally today, as never before, even 100 years ago.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in The Virus and me   
    There is anecdotal and then there are statistics. And there is history, which is only useful if people are aware of it. Unfortunately, most people are not schooled in history. I always think there is something to learn from other peoples’ experiences, or anecdotal evidence. But then there are the cold, hard facts of history, as much as we can trust the sources. Reading accounts of the black plague in Europe, where populations in large centres such as London were reduced by one third or more, COVID19 doesn’t even rank in the same league. Nor will it, I dare to say, given modern scientific knowledge, assuming the politicians don’t screw it up.
    Covid19 will not even compare to the Spanish flu, which killed at least 60 million worldwide. Just over 1 million so far. And the world is at last 3 or 4 times more populous. If I had to make a comparison, I would not say Covid19 is “nothing” in terms of previous plagues, but it is certainly not the mass killer that those earlier pandemics were. On the other hand, the economic impacts have probably been the worst, since we are so interconnected globally today, as never before, even 100 years ago.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Milo Farnsworth in Second Chances.....Hope Springs Eternal   
    I agree with Gymowner!
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Gymowner in Second Chances.....Hope Springs Eternal   
    i would go for the massage. you will get a lot from his vibes and get a massage (good or bad) for much less than swinging for the client session. bring enough for a escort session though if things go good. you may be able to negotiate a session right there and then.
  17. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Gymowner in Jake Daniel Pro   
    one other thing to remember guys... Jake is probably under age 26. at that age he is a MALE (thinks about sex all day long, totally into himself and HIS needs, doesnt care or think about others feelings and consequences) and hasnt become a MAN yet ( puts honor and doing the right thing above his own self, cares about others feelings and wants, focuses on others and their needs above his own). simplest way for that to happen is a hot passionate sexathon and 9 months later a little bundle of joy pops out of the oven. Most MALES become MEN real quick when that happens (or at least the decent ones do)! going from selfISH to selfLESS.
    the best escort i can think of that fits the description of a real man is the retired vegas diesel. he was the most honest, upfront escort that was on time, every time, never cancelled and always made sure he communicated with you your needs and desires. i saw him this past week for dinner to catch up. a new career and life. he looks fantastic! 20 pounds smaller with the most cut abs and best shape he says he has ever been in. cant say enough good things about this stud. i wish he taught a class to these males and made them into men. wait a minute.... i think the military does a pretty good job of that now that i come to think about it!
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Epigonos in The Virus and me   
    I’m glad I was able to enjoy the “riffraff” during its heyday. So much fun.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from MscleLovr in The Virus and me   
    I’m glad I was able to enjoy the “riffraff” during its heyday. So much fun.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + WilliamM in The Virus and me   
    My dad dropped dead from a heart attack at age 53 when he came home for lunch one day.
    I am very grateful to live to age 77, despite heart and prostate problems.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Epigonos in The Virus and me   
    To my way of thinking being of a “certain age” can and does mean, at least, two different things for me. We are constantly told/reminded that people of a “certain age” are more at risk to covid19. I certainly do not dispute that “fact”. However, there are those of a “certain age” between, let’s say’’ 50 and 70+ and then there are those of a “certain age” 80 or older. I am soon to be a member of the latter group.
    Over the last three years I have lost both my brother-in-law and my sister. They were married when I was fifteen and were married for 62 years. They lived within fifteen minutes of me and we were very close. My brother-in-law died at age 86 and my sister at 88. As I am soon to be 80 I would guess that, at best, I have ten to fifteen years more to live.
    With the above, in mind, I sincerely believe that my choices as an older person of a “certain age” are quite different than those of a younger person of a “certain age”. I recently attended the wedding of my great niece and upon returning home I self- quarantined for two weeks. The end of next month a friend and I are taking a two-day road trip to the Santa Barbara area of California. Upon my return I will self-quarantine for two weeks. On November 7th, a friend, from this site, and I will depart for a one-week vacation in Puerto Vallarta. Upon my return I will self-quarantine for two weeks. From the 22nd of December to the 26th I will be in Laguna Beach. I have always loved Christmas and have decorated my condo for the many parties I host during that time. Since those parties are no longer possible I’m fleeing the coop. Upon my return I will self-quarantine for two weeks. The point of all of this is that I’m not convinced I have the time to wait out this covid19 insanity thus I’m going to continue my life as I have lived it as best I can. If I should come down with covid19 and die well at least I will have lived a great life.
    I apologize for this very long winded epistle.
    P.S. Yes I do wear a mask when in public, wash my hands frequently, and social distance.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Gymowner in Jake Daniel Pro   
    He did a video where a "client" felt him up, oiled his body, ate his ass then sucked his cock. He also did a video where he was absolutely moaning in pleasure from pasting a didlo on a wall mirror and taking it deep... over and over. He seemed to love being fucked in an earlier vid so much so as to have to guy grab his throat while pounding him hard. Also had/has a scruff account.
    My guess and that's all it is, goes back to an original statement about hiring. It's an expensive sport. Many will do more and more as the sessions grow and the escorts comfort level increases with each session.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to tenderloin in 411 - Fetish Escort   
    Gee, I wish I knew when I was younger that getting someone else to pay my bills was a form of escort service. I missed my calling....
  24. Like
    Luv2play reacted to xyz48B in Grow this site?   
    Not that my opinion really matters for terribly much, but I don’t see any reason why we should go about soliciting new members, particularly clients. I could have a bit of understanding why we might want to have more escorts participate here, but I don’t see any real need to go about soliciting new membership. As people find it and believe it to be useful to them, they’ll join. There’s no impediment to that.
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Axiom2001 in Grow this site?   
    Have you checked the member board? There are a lot of members. The downside is that far too many of them haven't posted over the years.
    Personally, I am all right with the way that it's been going, and since most of the country is still in some sort of lockdown-- it has given those of us who are retired or otherwise to check-in as desired.
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