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    Luv2play reacted to nate_sf in Any of you with experience buying/selling houses?   
    Assuming you have an inspection condition in your offer and the timeline for that condition has not lapsed, this is negotiable. Based on what you've described, it sounds like an involved repair that could take several months if done properly and with permits. This is not to say it's not worth it, rather that it is probably not practical to expect the seller to make the repair within the timeframe of the escrow. I'd suggest you get an estimate from a qualified contractor to determine the expected cost of the repair, and use that to negotiate a credit before removing your inspection condition.
    This is assuming you are not in a competitive bidding situation. If it is competitive, it may not be worth it or able to be resolved.
    But replacing a retaining wall in a hillside area is not unusual. Over time as soils shift and moisture accumulates (or disappears), these structures fail. So it is not necessarily a cause for huge concern, but it is a significant construction project.
    In California most residential real estate transactions do not involve an attorney (unlike other states). However, your agent or broker should be able to help navigate this, including suggesting a contractor to get the estimate from, and devising a strategy for negotiating the removal of the inspection condition. That's what they get the big bucks for! But some agents are better with this kind of thing than others.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from former lurker in Any of you with experience buying/selling houses?   
    I would get another quote or two from firms that do municipal work and not a landscape architect or designer. In our town a few years ago when I was involved in a new park installation on an old industrial site that had been a storage area for road salt, we found on inspection that the tie rods holding up the adjacent metal sea wall had corroded (the new park was to be on the river going through town). The wall was some 500 feet long and we had to remove 5 feet of fill, thousands of tons, before the new rods could be anchored. Then refill. Total cost was $250,000. And about two months work.
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + RJD in Male models don't..... :)   
    What I love is that his $150 haircut (if not more) looked great every time after he had pulled off his t-shirt. My hair always looks a mess when I do that. Must be the $130 less that I pay.
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Daverwr in Do you like exposed pics of the rear?   
    The OP referenced massuers but I take it to mean escorts more generally. When I see the pics of asscheeks spread I take it to mean he’s a bottom or versatile perhaps, but definitely will grant access to the rear entrance!
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Caliboy95 in Do you like exposed pics of the rear?   
    I enjoy watching butt and hole pictures. Specially pictures of beautiful smooth butts and hole. I always like to see a picture of what I’m about to eat ?
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Caliboy95 in Do you like exposed pics of the rear?   
    I should add that as a bottom I don’t consider such a pic a major selling point but if the escort tops as well I might be interested in rimming him so the pic is of interest then.
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + sync in Do you like exposed pics of the rear?   
    I prefer to see the butt as a whole rather than the hole thing.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from mike carey in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    Hi there, didn’t mean to get you all in a snit. Just asked if you had any empirical evidence. You didn’t answer my question. Instead you alluded to “many” in the industry. I would ask, what proportion? Are you just referencing the high profile suicides and other cases such as run-ins with the law? This is just anecdotal evidence. Since you mentioned it, the weather was beautiful here today and I spent most of my time doing some touch-up painting on my 160 year old house. Things I had put off during the summer as the weather was too hot or humid. Today was just perfect, sunny and around 78F. And thanks for thinking about my pussy. It’s quite alright and anticipating a visit in 3 days from one of my regulars for an overnight. You stay well.
  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Lchnsf in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    Living in SF I have known many persons in adult entertainment who took their job seriously and did well with it, they also used it as a stepping stone to another career. I have also seen people get fucked up in other more “legitimate“ industries.
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to former lurker in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    As he explains it, porn has allowed him to focus on taking care of his body and health and to support himself financially, as well as enabling him to travel and to live in places where being gay is less difficult.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Question for White (Or non-Black) clients and Black escorts: Do you think it matters?   
    I think people are surprised because our history of slavery is largely a footnote since the numbers were so small. The French, who were the first European settlers in what became Canada and parts of the USA, did not engage in slavery to any appreciable extent since the mother country did not and the population mostly consisted of soldiers, administrators, priests and farmers on small land holdings. What they encountered here amongst the aboriginal population was a long practice of slavery, predating European contact, amongst the various tribes (today called nations) arising from conquests and subsequent enslavement of hostages. The native Indians, as they were called, even took white slaves, and particularly women, but these were relatively isolated instances. When the British arrived in 1759, they did not bring slaves with them. However, 40 years later, after the American Revolution, some British officers from the 13 colonies, like Virginia, brought some household slaves with them to what became the new province of Ontario. These only numbered in the hundreds and their offspring were granted their freedom. Upper Canada outlawed slavery even before Britain as the first governor of Upper Canada, later called Ontario, took the first steps to curtail it in the late 1700’s during his term of office. This is not meant to be an excuse for what happened here but just an explanation of what happened and to provide some historical context.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in Question for White (Or non-Black) clients and Black escorts: Do you think it matters?   
    I’ve hired a number of black escorts over the years, both in Canada and the USA. I realize that the two countries have a different social history and this comes through in meeting these guys one on one (Or one on two as the case may be). In the USA blacks have lived there in considerable numbers since the founding of the country and for the first 250 years were mostly slaves. Down to this time there has been a lot of racial discrimination and we are seeing it playing out today even as other forms of discrimination such as based on gender, religion and sexual identity have been addressed in major ways.
    In Canada most blacks are either first or second generation and have come from former British colonies (as Canada is) like Jamaica, Barbados and certain African countries. Discrimination is prevalent here too and has existed even predating the arrival of these more recent immigrants. The colour bar was practised in Canada just as in the States with blacks being excluded from hotels, restaurants and clubs well before WWII.
    I hire escorts based on my personal preferences as to type which includes not just physical attributes but personality as well. I don’t make distinctions between colour of skin. I’m looking for the person under the skin. Since most of my hires are for extended sessions, these will include dinner out at restaurants. I like an escort, whether, white, black or brown, who can be as much fun out of the bedroom as between the sheets.
    The last black escort I hired was for an overnight in Toronto and he met the bill in every respect for me, a well educated, professional guy with a regular job and escorting on the side. He had lots of interesting stuff to talk about when we weren’t kissing or my mouth was otherwise filled. LOL
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from CuriousByNature in Question for White (Or non-Black) clients and Black escorts: Do you think it matters?   
    I think people are surprised because our history of slavery is largely a footnote since the numbers were so small. The French, who were the first European settlers in what became Canada and parts of the USA, did not engage in slavery to any appreciable extent since the mother country did not and the population mostly consisted of soldiers, administrators, priests and farmers on small land holdings. What they encountered here amongst the aboriginal population was a long practice of slavery, predating European contact, amongst the various tribes (today called nations) arising from conquests and subsequent enslavement of hostages. The native Indians, as they were called, even took white slaves, and particularly women, but these were relatively isolated instances. When the British arrived in 1759, they did not bring slaves with them. However, 40 years later, after the American Revolution, some British officers from the 13 colonies, like Virginia, brought some household slaves with them to what became the new province of Ontario. These only numbered in the hundreds and their offspring were granted their freedom. Upper Canada outlawed slavery even before Britain as the first governor of Upper Canada, later called Ontario, took the first steps to curtail it in the late 1700’s during his term of office. This is not meant to be an excuse for what happened here but just an explanation of what happened and to provide some historical context.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Jamie21 in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    Yes definitely! I love kissing. If my client likes to kiss then I’m glad. Oral hygiene is important though. Not kissing someone with bad oral hygiene.
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Question for White (Or non-Black) clients and Black escorts: Do you think it matters?   
    I’ve hired a number of black escorts over the years, both in Canada and the USA. I realize that the two countries have a different social history and this comes through in meeting these guys one on one (Or one on two as the case may be). In the USA blacks have lived there in considerable numbers since the founding of the country and for the first 250 years were mostly slaves. Down to this time there has been a lot of racial discrimination and we are seeing it playing out today even as other forms of discrimination such as based on gender, religion and sexual identity have been addressed in major ways.
    In Canada most blacks are either first or second generation and have come from former British colonies (as Canada is) like Jamaica, Barbados and certain African countries. Discrimination is prevalent here too and has existed even predating the arrival of these more recent immigrants. The colour bar was practised in Canada just as in the States with blacks being excluded from hotels, restaurants and clubs well before WWII.
    I hire escorts based on my personal preferences as to type which includes not just physical attributes but personality as well. I don’t make distinctions between colour of skin. I’m looking for the person under the skin. Since most of my hires are for extended sessions, these will include dinner out at restaurants. I like an escort, whether, white, black or brown, who can be as much fun out of the bedroom as between the sheets.
    The last black escort I hired was for an overnight in Toronto and he met the bill in every respect for me, a well educated, professional guy with a regular job and escorting on the side. He had lots of interesting stuff to talk about when we weren’t kissing or my mouth was otherwise filled. LOL
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + SK in SD in Question for White (Or non-Black) clients and Black escorts: Do you think it matters?   
    I’ve hired a number of black escorts over the years, both in Canada and the USA. I realize that the two countries have a different social history and this comes through in meeting these guys one on one (Or one on two as the case may be). In the USA blacks have lived there in considerable numbers since the founding of the country and for the first 250 years were mostly slaves. Down to this time there has been a lot of racial discrimination and we are seeing it playing out today even as other forms of discrimination such as based on gender, religion and sexual identity have been addressed in major ways.
    In Canada most blacks are either first or second generation and have come from former British colonies (as Canada is) like Jamaica, Barbados and certain African countries. Discrimination is prevalent here too and has existed even predating the arrival of these more recent immigrants. The colour bar was practised in Canada just as in the States with blacks being excluded from hotels, restaurants and clubs well before WWII.
    I hire escorts based on my personal preferences as to type which includes not just physical attributes but personality as well. I don’t make distinctions between colour of skin. I’m looking for the person under the skin. Since most of my hires are for extended sessions, these will include dinner out at restaurants. I like an escort, whether, white, black or brown, who can be as much fun out of the bedroom as between the sheets.
    The last black escort I hired was for an overnight in Toronto and he met the bill in every respect for me, a well educated, professional guy with a regular job and escorting on the side. He had lots of interesting stuff to talk about when we weren’t kissing or my mouth was otherwise filled. LOL
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Mjonis in COVID 2nd Wave is Here, Wear a Mask!   
    Thank you. That is the chart that speaks to me the best in terms of my understanding the situation in the two countries that share the northern part of NorthAmerica and that have similar populations in term of education, wealth and access to good medical care overall although the last factor is more debatable. One can see clearly how we both started off with a rapidly rising rate of infections and then a flattening of the curve and then a bending downward as the effects of the shutdowns took place over April, May and June. It was around June and early July we started to hear of many US states start to reopen their economies (many said too quickly) and then the rates of the two countries started to diverge dramatically. I believe if you look at the North Eastern United States, who suffered the most in the early stages of the pandemic, their experience post July has been similar of ours in Canada. Canada took much longer overall in reopening our economy and this has been accelerated with the partial reopening of schools across the country In the last three weeks. We are now seeing here in Canada an uptick in infection rates but still no reason to press the panic button yet. Reading about what’s going on in other countries less mentioned here, I heard today that Israel is going into total lockdown tonight as a result of a huge spike in new cases. It seems the only public places that will remain open are the temples. LOL
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Mjonis in COVID 2nd Wave is Here, Wear a Mask!   
    This is a very misleading graph, visually speaking. The number of cases per million, depicted on the left side of the graph, are not scaled proportionately whereas the number of days counted along the bottom are. Therefore, on the right side, which is the most recent data, Canada appears to be about two thirds as high as the USA but is only about one fifth In reality (less than 30 per million versus much more than 100 per million for the States. Look at day 140, where Canada has fewer than 15 cases and the USA 200. It looks like Canada has about half the US number just looking at the chart.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from mike carey in Australia Day   
    Aren’t there any cute guys on that team that might attract your devotion?
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in Atlantis Cruises   
    I agree with @xyz48B. Sometimes the older threads are not exactly the same, or are stale. A fresh look can take a fresh thread.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to thedanNYC in Client with Skin Condition   
    Your friend's condition sounds like it looks like a severe skin condition. Based on that, I think your friend should flag his condition to the escort when making an appointment. That gives the escort time to research your friend's condition and decide whether to take the appointment.
    It would be unreasonable to expect a "more understanding and compassionate approach from a professional" on the spot if that professional is not given a heads up and a chance to educate himself. The escort is also a person with an innate sense of self preservation, so he has the right not to take a new client (essentially a stranger) at his word about whether a severe-looking skin condition is not contagious under any circumstances.
    Not giving the escort a heads up would at best set your friend and the escort up for an awkward interaction during the session. Does your friend want to spend his money on a sexual encounter with a person who will provide that service in a way that kills the mood (similar to what @keroscenefire unfortunately had to experience)? I doubt it. So your friend should focus on finding an escort who will not be bothered by your friend's condition and will treat your friend warmly, which will hopefully help build up your friend's confidence.
    Alternatively, if your friend simply does not want to bring up his condition before an appointment, maybe he can find an escort who is (or at least claims to be) a licensed massage therapist. They are the type of professional that one could maybe expect to be understanding on the spot because one can assume they have had enough structured training to understand those skin conditions.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Just Sayin in Meatball_Mike   
    As I read this, @mike carey, I couldn't help but think of Robert Herrick's poem that opens with "Gather Ye Rose-buds while ye may"; I have felt that way since I turned 70 and the pandemic has intensified that!
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    No, I guess my comment was based on the fact that one of his mugshots looked like him in his porn vids, with the same haircut. The others are less flattering and hard to judge how old they are. He looks quite different in some of them. But no, I have no other details on his run-ins with the law except what was listed under his profile on that mugshot site.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    Just search ‘Cade Maddox mugshot‘ and the post will come right up. It was in the Jeremy Walker thread.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    We were just discussing Cade in the thread about hiring pornstars the other day. His mug shots were included in the series of porn actors who have run afoul of the law.
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