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  1. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    His rates are attractive for someone who gets good reviews. Nice to see.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Dual thread: professional pics and lowered rates?   
    The times they are-a-changin'
    Pro photos are nice, but with mobile phone cameras, you can get great results when you combine with what are now very powerful editing apps. It's quick, kills the middleman and allows an escort to put out a ton of content at the drop of a hat. Just because you use an iPhone to take shots, doesn't mean they have to look like shit- You've just got to learn how to photograph yourself.
    As for a shift in rates, that's entirely up to the provider and always has been. If you won't accept $200 for an hour, then simply thank him for his communication and walk away from the negotiation. At some point, an escort has to stick to his guns if he wants people to recognize they're buying a premium product. As Hooboy once said to me, 'Benjamin, you don't go to a flea market when you're shopping for Prada.'
    Far be it from me to tell you how to sell your personal product, but in order to acclimate clients to a higher rate, you can't waver in what you charge. Sure, you might have some initial fall-off, but ultimately you will find a group of guys who will understand why they're paying more. And for you, that means less wear & tear, more income and hopefully with repeat guys you truly enjoy spending time with.
    From what I can see, you've got everything you need right now to be very successful
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in knock, knock   
    I’m the same. Rarely do less than 2 hours. That way there is time to socialize over a glass of wine or a beer if it is a new hire. If a repeat, a chat to get caught up on events since the last time. If I offer dinner after, I usually negotiate it beforehand and offer about $150 or roughly half the hourly rate on top of the two hour rate. And of course, a great meal at a fine restaurant. Most of those who accept actually drink very little at dinner and some only bottled water. These are guys who are watching their diet and fitness regimes, which of course I highly appreciate as the results show.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from NJ_hiker in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I made my own views known about Tony but I find your comments a bit too harsh, judgmental, and lacking in empathy. We’re all here to discuss what it is we enjoy about meeting with escorts, not passing judgments on them as individuals.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Pensant in knock, knock   
    That’s why I’ve never scheduled less than two hours. The chat with drinks beforehand lends a civilized ambience to the experience.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    Despite his recent travails with law enforcement, Cade would still be on my short list of potential hires if I were in Palm Springs right now.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in 411 on Cade Maddox   
    Despite his recent travails with law enforcement, Cade would still be on my short list of potential hires if I were in Palm Springs right now.
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    Luv2play reacted to Boink in Cade Maddox - does he screen clients?   
    If an escort ever asks me for my stats and pic, here it is...

  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Pensant in ? NYC New Standard Rates ?   
    While haggling can be off-putting, I have often countered $300 hourly with $500 for two and have never encountered any hard feelings; in fact, these sessions have led to subsequent meet-ups.
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Skip in ? NYC New Standard Rates ?   
    Personally I don't negotiate and I think it throws things into a negative situation. I ask the price, I either say yes or walk away. I suppose there are a lot of variables as to what I am willing to pay at any given time. Value is sometime overcome by desire, convenience and opportunity.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in ? NYC New Standard Rates ?   
    My late mother had an expression she often used to express her philosophy about health. “The money you give to the grocer, you don’t give to the doctor”. During this pandemic, more than ever before, I consider the money I give to escorts (or providers as some call them), is more than compensated by the human touch and emotions we share during our all too brief sessions from my point of view. Yes, these sessions are expensive, since most of mine are overnights or weekends because of my living distant from large urban centres, but after each date, my outlook on life and sense of well-being, fortify me for what is coming next. And by looking forward to another date in a month or so, my daily living is bearable. So many other aspects of normal life are restricted now that having the memories of recent pleasures and anticipating future ones not too distant gives me a reason to enjoy each day. BTW I don’t haggle over rates. But I take them into account in my hiring practices.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in ACRODAVE in vegas   
    The guy certainly is a talented performer from what I saw on the video clip above. Vegas will always need talent such as his. His profile on RM has a pretty restricted list of activities and none are overtly sexual. Maybe he is banking on that. Of course one explicit review would blow all that but if all he does is stripping modeling etc there likely will not be such a review.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RandyVue in Your enjoyment?   
    Sometimes escorts are enjoying it and sometimes escorts are not enjoying it, but if you get a really great escort, you’ll never know the difference.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Danny-Darko in Pissing   
    That warm wet feeling inside. ?? ?
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + easygoingpal in ? NYC New Standard Rates ?   
    My late mother had an expression she often used to express her philosophy about health. “The money you give to the grocer, you don’t give to the doctor”. During this pandemic, more than ever before, I consider the money I give to escorts (or providers as some call them), is more than compensated by the human touch and emotions we share during our all too brief sessions from my point of view. Yes, these sessions are expensive, since most of mine are overnights or weekends because of my living distant from large urban centres, but after each date, my outlook on life and sense of well-being, fortify me for what is coming next. And by looking forward to another date in a month or so, my daily living is bearable. So many other aspects of normal life are restricted now that having the memories of recent pleasures and anticipating future ones not too distant gives me a reason to enjoy each day. BTW I don’t haggle over rates. But I take them into account in my hiring practices.
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in ? NYC New Standard Rates ?   
    My late mother had an expression she often used to express her philosophy about health. “The money you give to the grocer, you don’t give to the doctor”. During this pandemic, more than ever before, I consider the money I give to escorts (or providers as some call them), is more than compensated by the human touch and emotions we share during our all too brief sessions from my point of view. Yes, these sessions are expensive, since most of mine are overnights or weekends because of my living distant from large urban centres, but after each date, my outlook on life and sense of well-being, fortify me for what is coming next. And by looking forward to another date in a month or so, my daily living is bearable. So many other aspects of normal life are restricted now that having the memories of recent pleasures and anticipating future ones not too distant gives me a reason to enjoy each day. BTW I don’t haggle over rates. But I take them into account in my hiring practices.
  17. Like
    Luv2play reacted to BluDay in Your enjoyment?   
    I'm a client as well. I know I've been with providers (some on here) who I am sure would have rather been in bed with someone else, but their professionalism was so great I could not tell. That is a mark of a great escort. He may not like his nipples done, but he'll seem to get into it. Yes, I want the escort I'm with to have the best time he can. But his job (and so many do this so very well) can convience the client they are having as much fun as the client.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from hsfe5 in Anyone know this top ???   
    I would have named the film “A trip to heaven on a Black rocket ship”.
  19. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Skip in ? NYC New Standard Rates ?   
    $350 is high.. you are more likely to hear 250 with a 2 hr minimum from the high end providers. I would rather pay a little more than have a clock watcher
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in Anyone know this top ???   
    I would have named the film “A trip to heaven on a Black rocket ship”.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in Does Anyone Here Pay For Print News? (Newspaper)   
    And I like Maggie Haberman's work a lot.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from dcman in Anyone know this top ???   
    I would have named the film “A trip to heaven on a Black rocket ship”.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Hoover42 in Your Favorite After Sex Food   
    Well, two weeks ago I did an overnight with an escort in Toronto and he whipped up a beautiful breakfast in the morning (we were at his house). It really went above and beyond. Not only that, we lingered on his patio for several hours in the sun. His scrambled eggs were the most scrumptious I have ever eaten. And he had bought a special brand of expresso coffee just for me. The perfect pick-me-up after 12 hours of wild sex. The date lasted from 6pm to 12 noon.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Your Favorite After Sex Food   
    After I’ve been stuffed with cock, I have no appetite for food. Just kisses and hugs.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in ? Get your Flu Shot ! ?   
    There was a big article in the Globe and Mail newspaper in Toronto today profiling Robert F Kennedy Jr. and how he has gone from being an environmentalist to an anti-vaccer today. He has a lot of followers it seems. I wish he had stuck with his first passionate cause.
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