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  1. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Epigonos in 411 RYANDREWSXL in la   
    The guy is HOT and he rings all my bells. I have just sent him a text and will see if he responds. Will keep you all posted.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BritSD in 411 RYANDREWSXL in la   
    We need to have a fund for an official vetter to vet these new guys with no reviews to give us a faster feedback.
    I volunteer to be a tribute to the cause and my Venmo is...???
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to hypothetically in Love this escort's ad text (6'6" tall and 8' dick)   
    I mean considering 8 is usually a hard 7 since the boys like to round up. I guess?
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to jeezifonly in Self-sucking provider in LA?   
    There’s not a (gay) man out there who at some point, probably age 13 or 14?- attempted to get his lips to meet his cock. Or get enough of it in his mouth to blow himself. Obviously, success takes a number of conditions to be aligned...I know there are grown adult men whose ‘conditions’ were aligned in their youth and they stayed with it (along with yoga...) but I don’t see anyone who makes that a drawing card in their ads. Anyone with intel on a SoCal (LA) provider who might not advertise it, but can and will show off his talent in person? I’m fascinated by the idea. He’s likely to be the only guy to emerge from lockdown with a satisfied smile...
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to EastbayMike in Waisting Cum   
    Good god reading all these posts is making me horny and desperate for this covid crap to end so I can suck a man dry and taste his cum.
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Kevin Slater in 411 Zack Slater NYC   
    There's already a Slater in NYC. This be my corner, bitch!
    Kevin Slater
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from m4same in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    Thanks for that. I had a blast knowing these two men for a period over 8 years until their passing. We travelled a fair bit together after I met them in 1998. We each had places in Montreal and Florida at the time which made it convenient to get together at various times of the year. We shared similar interests in Montreal strippers, escorts from all over, fine food and travel. Ill health finally overtook them both when they were in their mid to late 70’s. Which only reinforced my personal motto of carpe diem.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    Thanks for that. I had a blast knowing these two men for a period over 8 years until their passing. We travelled a fair bit together after I met them in 1998. We each had places in Montreal and Florida at the time which made it convenient to get together at various times of the year. We shared similar interests in Montreal strippers, escorts from all over, fine food and travel. Ill health finally overtook them both when they were in their mid to late 70’s. Which only reinforced my personal motto of carpe diem.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in Profile of a Timewaster   
    I’ve always felt this goes both ways. Both for client and escort. Over the years I have striven to maintain my looks, such as they are. This means eating well, exercising well, getting enough sleep, not taking drugs and drinking moderately. Sticking with this regime over many decades, I have been able to maintain my weight in a narrow range, avoided looking older than my years and in fact feel pretty good about my looks at 73. I look for the same in an escort. As I age, the age of escorts I will hire has kept pace. I still want someone younger than myself but anywhere between late 20’s to late 40’s is fine with me, depending on their looks of course. I feel you can read a lot in a person’s face, rather than just their body. If they have abused their bodies, the face will usually tell. Minding of course whether they have had recourse to cosmetic surgery .
  10. Love
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Waisting Cum   
    The first cum I tasted was my own at the age of 15 when I discovered I could suck myself off. I was very flexible at that age and was able to do this until I was 25. Now it’s enough effort to tie my shoes. But yes, I love swallowing a top’s cum and the whole snowball thing too if they are into it. Yum.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Strafe13 in Ace Quinn.   
    Sure. I reviewed him on RM. He's in Toronto and goes by Sir_zzy.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from m4same in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   

    That was not in the cards. We were simply good friends and had no mutual attraction of a physical sort. We were all interested in guys many years our junior, although I was more than twenty years younger than the two brothers, who have sadly both passed away in the intervening years.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to CuriousByNature in 411 Muscleadrianxxl - London   
    If he's a fat guy who thinks he's muscled I must be a muscled guy who thinks he's fat...lol
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to CuriousByNature in Your Best Friend ...   
    I imagine one answer may be respectful, considerate and dependable clients.
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to xyz48B in Profile of a Timewaster   
    Then there’s the providers who won’t consider an appointment booked until they see your picture beforehand. There seems to be no universal approach!
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + BenjaminNicholas in Profile of a Timewaster   
    I’ve always felt this goes both ways. Both for client and escort. Over the years I have striven to maintain my looks, such as they are. This means eating well, exercising well, getting enough sleep, not taking drugs and drinking moderately. Sticking with this regime over many decades, I have been able to maintain my weight in a narrow range, avoided looking older than my years and in fact feel pretty good about my looks at 73. I look for the same in an escort. As I age, the age of escorts I will hire has kept pace. I still want someone younger than myself but anywhere between late 20’s to late 40’s is fine with me, depending on their looks of course. I feel you can read a lot in a person’s face, rather than just their body. If they have abused their bodies, the face will usually tell. Minding of course whether they have had recourse to cosmetic surgery .
  17. Like
    Luv2play reacted to xyz48B in Profile of a Timewaster   
    @MrMattBig – a regular Emily Brontë there
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I found myself in a weird situation on a trip with two male gay friends who were brothers a couple of decades ago. We took a side trip from Prague, where we had been for 5 days, to Warsaw for a weekend which we had planned before leaving home. When we arrived at the airport in Warsaw on the Saturday at around 11am, they would not let me pass immigration because I did not have the necessary visa. My two friends didn’t need one because they were Americans. I did because I was Canadian. When we had bought the airline tickets in Montreal at the airline office downtown, they had checked our three passports but assumed we were all Americans because mine was on the bottom and they all looked alike. So what to do? The flight back to Prague was late Sunday afternoon and there was no sooner flight. I was told I could stay in the customs control area of the airport and sleep on a bench. There were no restaurants in the restricted area. The closest city I could fly to was Paris because there were no flights to closer cities such as Berlin. So I bought a ticket and flew to Paris, a two hour flight but a different time zone. I arrived around 6pm and went to the Marais district, which I knew well. I looked into getting a hotel room but there were none available during this high tourist season in the three or four hotels I checked out. I gave up that idea and decided I would stay at a gay sauna for the night, but only check in after dinner and an evening at the bars, which were very active. At the back of my mind I was hoping I might meet someone to go home with but no such luck. So I ended up at the baths around 1am. After getting a room and checking out the place I discovered there were no hot guys at all, and it wasn’t very busy. The few who checked me out I wouldn’t go with if I was on a desert isle. So I tried to go to sleep but was awoken several times by someone trying to come in my room. After a fitful night of trying to sleep I decided to check out around 5am. The bus back to the airport was leaving around 8am so I had a few hours to kill. I just started off walking and found a bakery shop open with fresh croissants so had a couple for my breakfast. You.re probably asking yourself at this point, where’s the sex? So this is when it happened. Walking down a side street around 6:30 I saw a hunky guy walking in my direction. As our paths crossed we exchanged glances, which is all we needed to establish we were both horny. Without exchanging so much as a bonjour, we found a little alleyway just off the street and pulled down our flies. We gave each other blowjobs but I forget now who went first. His cum was delicious, just what I needed to complement the warm croissants in my belly. It was a very uneventful flight back to Warsaw where I met my friends to return to Prague.
  19. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Profile of a Timewaster   
    Bottom line, it's not how old you are, but how old you LOOK.
    Self-care... It's a real thing. Especially when you're in a looks-based biz
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Profile of a Timewaster   
    Bottom line, it's not how old you are, but how old you LOOK.
    Self-care... It's a real thing. Especially when you're in a looks-based biz
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + DynamicUno in Profile of a Timewaster   
    This is insightful. I never use the tactic of using negatively affirming questions to disqualify a guy I haven't met before, it just seems a bit too passive aggressive to me. I'd rather ask a guy if he likes to top because I want to know if he's going to enjoy doing it, instead of just going through the motions. Or if discussing kinkier options, it seems more productive to be direct instead of expecting the other guy to read my mind. Again, it's more about determining if there is mutual interest in that direction or not. But I would ask first about availability and rates, that would seem to go a long way for assuring that I'm serious about setting something up and not just asking questions for fapping material.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to MrMattBig in Profile of a Timewaster   
    In terms of asking questions, I like when a client tells me what they are looking for, so in phrasing from the client " I am into/looking for xyz..." Preferred over from the client "what are into? Are you xyz?..." I am supposed to show you a good time so it's better that I know more from what you are looking for instead of just asking what I like. Additionally, in theme of the time waster subject of this thread some inquiring clients ask negatively affirming questions or use the omission for an interest by just forgetting to mention it as a disqualification. For example, some ask if I pnp, not because they are looking for it but because if you say yes it's a deal breaker...or asking if I bottom...not because they are looking for that but because they don't want someone who is willing to bottom and really want a top...or asking what I'm into and I'll list top, bottom, kissing, oral...a d they reply back "oh I was looking for rimming too, sorry I'm gonna pass" even tho I am into rimming as long as everything is clean.
    Keep asking questions, but don't be afraid to describe yourself out there too!
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to xyz48B in Profile of a Timewaster   
    When hiring for a BFE, I want to know that the experience is going to be compatible for me. That requires some level of communication. If a provider is unwilling to do that, that’s kind of sad. I don’t think asking some questions, especially if you’re asking for kink or role play components makes you a time waster. When I’m shelling out multiple thousands of dollars, I want to know what I’m getting. Anyone can post a pretty picture online...
  24. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Smurof in Profile of a Timewaster   
    There's no steadfast way to stereotype anything, including time wasters. The easy rule of thumb to go by is if a million inquiries are being thrown out there from the get-go from a client, THEY AREN'T GOING TO HIRE YOU. That's why so many providers specifically list "no time wasters" in their ad. Ask for the bare minimum to get your point across for a meet-up, then wear the bare minimum when you meet.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + nycman in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I found myself in a weird situation on a trip with two male gay friends who were brothers a couple of decades ago. We took a side trip from Prague, where we had been for 5 days, to Warsaw for a weekend which we had planned before leaving home. When we arrived at the airport in Warsaw on the Saturday at around 11am, they would not let me pass immigration because I did not have the necessary visa. My two friends didn’t need one because they were Americans. I did because I was Canadian. When we had bought the airline tickets in Montreal at the airline office downtown, they had checked our three passports but assumed we were all Americans because mine was on the bottom and they all looked alike. So what to do? The flight back to Prague was late Sunday afternoon and there was no sooner flight. I was told I could stay in the customs control area of the airport and sleep on a bench. There were no restaurants in the restricted area. The closest city I could fly to was Paris because there were no flights to closer cities such as Berlin. So I bought a ticket and flew to Paris, a two hour flight but a different time zone. I arrived around 6pm and went to the Marais district, which I knew well. I looked into getting a hotel room but there were none available during this high tourist season in the three or four hotels I checked out. I gave up that idea and decided I would stay at a gay sauna for the night, but only check in after dinner and an evening at the bars, which were very active. At the back of my mind I was hoping I might meet someone to go home with but no such luck. So I ended up at the baths around 1am. After getting a room and checking out the place I discovered there were no hot guys at all, and it wasn’t very busy. The few who checked me out I wouldn’t go with if I was on a desert isle. So I tried to go to sleep but was awoken several times by someone trying to come in my room. After a fitful night of trying to sleep I decided to check out around 5am. The bus back to the airport was leaving around 8am so I had a few hours to kill. I just started off walking and found a bakery shop open with fresh croissants so had a couple for my breakfast. You.re probably asking yourself at this point, where’s the sex? So this is when it happened. Walking down a side street around 6:30 I saw a hunky guy walking in my direction. As our paths crossed we exchanged glances, which is all we needed to establish we were both horny. Without exchanging so much as a bonjour, we found a little alleyway just off the street and pulled down our flies. We gave each other blowjobs but I forget now who went first. His cum was delicious, just what I needed to complement the warm croissants in my belly. It was a very uneventful flight back to Warsaw where I met my friends to return to Prague.
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