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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Waisting Cum   
    The first cum I tasted was my own at the age of 15 when I discovered I could suck myself off. I was very flexible at that age and was able to do this until I was 25. Now it’s enough effort to tie my shoes. But yes, I love swallowing a top’s cum and the whole snowball thing too if they are into it. Yum.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Keith30309 in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    I had a tangentially related serendipitous meet yesterday afternoon.
    I called for an Uber to take me from my office to my hotel and two different guys cancelled - I’ve never had this happen (especially standing on the sidewalk freezing my tits off.)
    The third guy popped up and called me to confirm my destination - a little unusual but I didn’t think anything about it.
    He pulled up, I got in and he looked vaguely familiar from the back... cute young guy. I chatted him up and he seemed really familiar but I couldn’t quite put my finger on it.
    We talked the whole way to my hotel and I was certain we’d met but just couldn’t remember where. When I got settled I started looking at RM profiles and spotted him - we had met for a couple of hours a few weeks prior. His Uber name was the same as that he’d shared with me.
    I texted him on his RM number “Hey, how’s it going... by any chance do you drive an Uber?”
    It was him... he dropped me off at my same hotel we had met at prior. I figured it was meant to be and asked him back over for another visit. We had a chuckle and good romp, followed by promises of discretion.
    Small world.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to ontheroad in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    I love this thread! Just discovered it.
    I’ve had a few experiences.. some better than others. The first time I was young and scared and the room service attendant was even more young and scared. I had an issue with the hotel and they deliver so,e free alcohol to my room. He came up and we sort of eyed each other. I then told him I was going to order room service to see if he would come back. He did and I answered with a full raging boner. He just watched me stroke but I never came. He was too nervous. But, that incident taught me a valuable lesson—these things happen and to be prepared to act!
    After that, I was a bit more aggressive and open. In one instance, I was at an airline club (international first class lounge). I left to use the bathroom in the terminal because I was tipsy and want to cruise the bathroom lol. The lounge attendant showed up and we started stroking. He said let’s go to my office and he sucked me at his office in the terminal. I asked him how he knew. He said, please, you have champagne in the lounge and a clean bathroom and you leave the lounge to go the bathroom? Clearly you are looking for action! I thought that was a riot.
    Another time, I was at a hotel in Dallas and the bellman insisted on taking my luggage. It was an ok hotel. He was Latino and cute. I got the hint. He rubbed his crotch on the elevator and when we got to my room he dropped to his knees and blew me. I was a bit in shock, but I booked that hotel 2 more times and it only happened again one other time and the other time he wasn’t there.
    Another time, I was checking in at a hotel in Mobile and the manager gave me his card and said call anytime like someone described I’m an earlier post. He was much older than me and a big belly and I was super horny. I went to the lobby restroom and he came in and said go to your room. I did as I was told and he blew me! Something sort of similar happened with the night manager at a hotel in Pittsburgh.
    Another time, a maintenance man in Boston was in the hallway and he was deaf. We exchanged glances. Longer than usual. I went into my room and sort of left the door ajar. He came in and blew me. It was hot!
    Recently, was at a very upscale hotel in South Beach. Got room service. He had braces like in an earlier post. He was super hot. I rubbed my crotch—the universal sign for I’m horny. He pulled his big cock out and I sucked it. Huge load. It was so hot. I was hoping he’d come back later but it didn’t happen.
    Two weeks ago, I was in Columbus. A mail maid was across the hall and I was leaving for a meeting and I immediately got the look. He started asking me where I was from, etc. I said I have to go but I’ll be back around 2. I got back earlier and had to check out and I couldn’t find him. He wasn’t that hot but the scene makes up for it lol.
    Does this make me a slut? Lol
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Drained Empty in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    This is a true story.
    I really get turned on by the thought of an encounter at a public restroom. But I'm not super hung and usually do a quick piss and zip.
    So I was recently at this corporate retreat with many other executives (I'm the youngest at my company). It was one of those secluded resorts in the middle of a forest.
    We had been there for a few days already and always ended the night at the resort bar. On the final night, I was a little buzzed from dinner. I went to the bar but didn't really feel like drinking. I did need to take a piss though so I went to the nearby restroom.
    I ended up at the urinal next to one of the cute Latino staffers (I could tell he worked there because he had a uniform on). We both were there longer than a normal piss would be. And we gave each other glances.
    His coworker came in and they started chatting so I zipped up. I couldn't shake the feeling so I sat outside on the coach. The coworker exited but the guy hadn't. I waited another minute or two and the guy still hadn't come out yet.
    So I went back in to see where he was. Unfortunately he was at the mirror checking out his teeth. So I was bummed out but went into the stall because I didn't want to look like a creep.
    Then I realized he moved back to urinals. I peeked out of the stall and he was stroking his dick. I motioned him over and we started stroking.
    My building was just one over so I told him to meet me at my room. I took the outside path and he took the hallway. I sucked his 7" cock to completion in my room. He was young -- maybe 21 or 22 -- and had braces (which why he was checking out his teeth). We decided it was best that he not suck me off lol. I wish it wasn't the last night.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    Well, clearly
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    Luv2play reacted to Racketjock in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    Interesting think just happened. Caveat: I am admittedly not young nor a looker. However, I just checked into a hotel here in the middle of nowhere Ohio. Guy who checked me in was very nice and welcoming. He wrote his name on the envelope with my room card and told me to call him directly if I had any issues with my room or during my stay. I called the front desk to inquire about where the ice machine was located. He volunteered to bring me some to my room. I had just changed into my PJ's and had taken a much needed and raging piss when he knocks at the door. I go to answer, and have a noticeable wet stain that garners his attention. He brought in the ice and a couple bottles of water. I thanked him and turned to pull a couple bucks from my wallet for a tip. When I turn back around, he drops to his knees, pulls out my cock, and nose dives all the way to my pubes. He had serious skills and I didn't last long. After taking my load in short order, he stands, says have a good evening, and walks out the door. Great end to the day!
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Keith30309 in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    Lol, too fun.
    I just chatted up “Manny” who brought a chicken Caesar salad to my room.
    Twenty-five’ish, tall, cute Latin room service guy. Really nice and chatty but no vibe whatsoever.
    When the conversation was running into the ground I asked if he wanted me to call him to get the tray when I was finished: “Just put it in the hall and call the front desk and they will send someone.”
    Tomorrow night I’m opening the door in a bathrobe.
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Racketjock in Any luck with hotel staff?   
    I've made one Freudian slip which had a surprising ending. Ordered room service at a Marriott in LA late in the evening, literally 5 minutes before they were to close service. I had just checked in, ordered, and then hopped into the shower. I ordered way too much food and a bottle of wine. My computer was up and on the desk, my bottle of lube sitting out on the nightstand in anticipation of a post dinner wank session. My screensaver was of a sexy half naked guy. I had just stepped out of the shower in a bathrobe when food arrived, I open the door, and tell this handsome young latino man to put the tray on the desk, of which my computer with said screensaver is taking up space. He moves the computer out of the way, turns to hand me the bill to sign, and I catch sight of what he saw. I was a tad embarrassed at my foolishness. He comments that I "just got in under the wire for room service, as the kitchen was closing and his shift was over." I decide to give him an additional tip and thanked him for squeezing my order in, mentioning I ordered too much food. He offered to open the bottle of wine which I then offer him a glass of as well as to stay and share in my meal. He was initially hesitant and comments that it looks like I was settling in for the night. In what was a very bold move for me, I told him the company would be welcomed. We shared the meal and the wine with conversation friendly and a bit playful. After we finished he thanks me for saving him from grabbing take out on the way home and helping him "unwind" after a long day. In it to win it at this point, I offered him the chance to take a shower also. He agrees, shyly removes his clothes and hops in while I clean up from dinner. I pop my head in to the bathroom and offer to wash his backside. He grins and tells me he appreciates me being so kind. Well, one long shower led to one long romp in the hay. After two orgasms on my part and working up a sweat requiring another shower for us both, we parted ways just after 3 in the morning. I slept with a smile on my face and missed my morning meeting the next day which was oh so worth it.
  9. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I found myself in a weird situation on a trip with two male gay friends who were brothers a couple of decades ago. We took a side trip from Prague, where we had been for 5 days, to Warsaw for a weekend which we had planned before leaving home. When we arrived at the airport in Warsaw on the Saturday at around 11am, they would not let me pass immigration because I did not have the necessary visa. My two friends didn’t need one because they were Americans. I did because I was Canadian. When we had bought the airline tickets in Montreal at the airline office downtown, they had checked our three passports but assumed we were all Americans because mine was on the bottom and they all looked alike. So what to do? The flight back to Prague was late Sunday afternoon and there was no sooner flight. I was told I could stay in the customs control area of the airport and sleep on a bench. There were no restaurants in the restricted area. The closest city I could fly to was Paris because there were no flights to closer cities such as Berlin. So I bought a ticket and flew to Paris, a two hour flight but a different time zone. I arrived around 6pm and went to the Marais district, which I knew well. I looked into getting a hotel room but there were none available during this high tourist season in the three or four hotels I checked out. I gave up that idea and decided I would stay at a gay sauna for the night, but only check in after dinner and an evening at the bars, which were very active. At the back of my mind I was hoping I might meet someone to go home with but no such luck. So I ended up at the baths around 1am. After getting a room and checking out the place I discovered there were no hot guys at all, and it wasn’t very busy. The few who checked me out I wouldn’t go with if I was on a desert isle. So I tried to go to sleep but was awoken several times by someone trying to come in my room. After a fitful night of trying to sleep I decided to check out around 5am. The bus back to the airport was leaving around 8am so I had a few hours to kill. I just started off walking and found a bakery shop open with fresh croissants so had a couple for my breakfast. You.re probably asking yourself at this point, where’s the sex? So this is when it happened. Walking down a side street around 6:30 I saw a hunky guy walking in my direction. As our paths crossed we exchanged glances, which is all we needed to establish we were both horny. Without exchanging so much as a bonjour, we found a little alleyway just off the street and pulled down our flies. We gave each other blowjobs but I forget now who went first. His cum was delicious, just what I needed to complement the warm croissants in my belly. It was a very uneventful flight back to Warsaw where I met my friends to return to Prague.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Water sports question   
    Me too. I especially look for escorts who are watersports tops. That and other stuff too, of course. But watersports is always something I enjoy as part of the action. I always tell them to drink lots of water before our appointment. And then I make sure to have some on hand to keep things going.
  11. Like
    Luv2play reacted to harlow in Water sports question   
    Definitely into water sports ?
  12. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Rudynate in Water sports question   

    It they're into drinking piss, of course they swallow. That's their fetish. It's a separate, but related, fetish from enjoying being peed on or peeing on others. And I would say that being a feeder is a different fetish from being a drinker.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Rudynate in Water sports question   
    I love to pee on guys and I love being peed on. I love to pee down a guys throat and its fun to pee in a glass and have your partner drink it. I think I would enjoy having a guy's pee trickle down my throat, but I haven't done it yet.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Yellowrod in Water sports question   
    How safe is watersports in the COVID age? Someone I know can shoot piss over 6 feet - social distancing?
  15. Like
    Luv2play reacted to KrisParr in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    A business trip took me to the Hyatt on Gay Street (seriously) in Knoxville, TN. The Rooftop Bar wasn’t busy at all, so I mostly drank my supper with some snacks. The hunky good-old-Southern-boy bartender was cute as could be and we struck up a nice chat while watching a ballgame - this was some time ago. Anyhow, it was getting late, and I was getting more intoxicated. The bartender actually suggested I slow down a bit, and said he’d be ending his shift soon if I needed anything. Hint, hint. There was definitely some chemistry and vibes which was odd since I was old enough to be his father. Fast forward, he’s telling me goodbye and I told him I’d walk out with him. We got near the elevator and he pushes the up button. I smiled and said, huh? The door opens, we get on and he pushes the 4 button. How’d you know that? Dude, you signed the bar tab. So we made it to my room, played a little grab-ass and the rest is sort of a memorable blur. I do remember a lot of wrestling around on the bed and he woke me up when he was leaving. Had two more nights of fun and games with him before I had to go home. Nice memories. Oh yeah, I do tip very well.
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Ganymede255 in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    In the mid 80s I found myself in Hawaii on business with my boss for a couple of days. I was still very much in the closest, but had begun to look for adventure whenever I was not at home. On this occasion, having done my research, I sat myself on one of the benches adjacent to the beach on Kalakaua Avenue in Waikiki around midnight. A cute guy much younger than I but to all appearances of age was sitting on the next bench. I had never picked someone up in this fashion and wasn't expecting the young'un to take an interest in a guy in his forties. Well, he did, and we started talking. He was visiting with his older brother from western Canada and, like me, had left his hotel looking for some fun. We clicked and were soon walking toward the very upscale beachfront hotel in which my employer and I were staying. My new friend was suitably impressed with the hotel and with my room, which featured an enormous poster bed complete with canopy. Clothes were quickly shed, and a night of amazingly hot sex ensued. We fell asleep in each other's arms, but in the morning I was so worn out that I had to feign a case of food poisoning to avoid having to meet my boss. As my friend was leaving, he asked me how I had enjoyed my night with an 18-year-old teenager. I told him it had been the best tryst I had ever had. We promised to stay in touch, but my subsequent travels never took me to western Canada and I never saw my Aloha friend again except in my half-waking dreams. Such is life.
  17. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Hayden4dlfun in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    Wow. Those are some hot stories. I was on a cruise about 4 years ago with my fiancé at the time. I always have had an attraction to guys, but always have had to keep it discreet. One night we were out in the deck partying and dancing when I noticed the DJ was smiling and enjoying watching me dance. He was a very attractive Romanian. So I went up to request a song and as I was trying to tell him, he put his hand on my shoulder and pulled me to his ear so I could speak. That made me so hard and I know he noticed. Then he whispered back into my ear.. “ok sexy, but I wanna watch you dance this dance for me.” So I kept on dancing all night. My fiancé was tired and went to bed and I stayed out. After the party was over around 3 am the Dj and I spoke a little. And the flirtation was strong. He suggested I meet him on the third deck aft and directed me to a certain door and he would be waiting. When I went it was the housekeeping closet. He had make a makeshift bed out of towels and sheets and he started giving me the most amazing BJ. I returned the favor. Very nervous if I was doing it right because this was the first time I had experienced an uncut dick. We went on for a bit and then i topped him. I didn’t last long, but there again neither did he. We both came at the same time and smiled and gave one big kiss. I still say hi to him from time to time on facebook. And, yes, we are trying to plan a trip so our travel itineraries match once again.
  18. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Charlie in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    My first trip to Europe was on Icelandic Airlines, because they had the cheapest fare: JFK to Luxembourg via Keflavik, for $270 roundtrip, an open-ended ticket good for six weeks. I arrived in Luxembourg City in early evening and checked into my hotel, then decided to go for a walk, because I was screwed up by jet lag and not ready to go to sleep. I had a map of the old town and was walking around, when I passed an attractive older man, who saw the map in my hand and asked if I needed help. I explained that I had just arrived, but the tourist sites had closed for the day, so I was just wandering around getting my bearings. He offered to show me around, and after some pleasant banter he led me under a dark bridge in a deserted area. I was young but far from innocent, and when he stopped and turned toward me, I was ready for the grope. The next thing I knew, we were on the ground behind bushes just off the walkway, with our pants partly pushed down, and grinding away. It was over in a few minutes; we pulled ourselves together, he gave me a quick handshake and pointed me the direction back to my hotel, and left me. I had been in Europe only a few hours, and already had my first sex there.
    My last hours on that trip were very similar. I had decided to spend the last night of my six week tour of Europe in Reykjavik at the Hotel Loftleider, which was owned by the airline. As I waited in the lobby to be taken to the airport for the flight to NY, I made eye contact with an attractive young man in an airline uniform. He got up and headed for the stairs down to the basement, where the hotel restrooms were located. Naturally, I followed him down there, and we had quick sex in a men's room stall. I got back up to the lobby just in time to get the shuttle bus to the airport, for a relaxed flight back to America.
  19. Like
    Luv2play reacted to muscmtl in Old gays are the best   
    Man I love old gay guys
    At the tracks, public spot for sex. 20 guys ( 20s and 30s) all looking for big dicks, each one ditching the other because small dick, totally clueless that the other guys are ditching them for the same reason. Then big-dick-guy shows up, barely lets anyone suck him, bored, jaded, also wanting a big dick...
    And then 2 hot 50+ yrs old studs show up. They spot me and 30 sec later we are full on kissing, another minute and we're sucking. Then one of them eats my ass, not bathing one eyelash that it's not cleaned. I put his ass up and I'm in, no waiting, no fuckking lube, just in. 5 more mins and I'm loading his ass, the other guy cums in his mouth while the bottom jerks and cum. We threeway kissed to close the deal, 100 % satisfied. We leave, passing all the other guys on their phones, still waiting for big dicks.
    Full on gay 5⭐pornhub sex in 10 mins, old gay guys rule.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Waisting Cum   
    If I'm getting verbal with a guy, he's already being told where my load is going. He knows.
    From there, he can direct me otherwise or let me do my thing.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + aeikaryoko in Waisting Cum   
    Like @liubit, I’ve tasted my own cum years ago and it tasted a little weird. I didn’t have any desire to try it again until I started hiring. Now if your going to cum, I’d much rather it be in my mouth than it being wasted. That tissue/toilet paper don’t deserve it. Besides, we gotta scale back on TP usage. It was selling like hot cakes during the beginning of the pandemic.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in Waisting Cum   
    Waisting cum? Huh? I thought that the thread was about cumming on someone's waist.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to liubit in Waisting Cum   
    I am a cum fan. Nothing hotter than having a guy cum in my mouth and then share his load with him in deep passionate kisses. And if he returns the favor, it is the best cherry on the cake.
    That said, I understand that the flavor of cum is definitely an acquired taste, not for everyone. My “cum love story” started as a teenager, when I first swallowed my load after masturbating. The taste was not really pleasant, but it wasn’t revolting either. I kept on trying (it was kind of fascinating, like a very kinky forbidden fruit) and, like they say, practice makes perfect. The rest is history.
  24. Like
    Luv2play reacted to liubit in Waisting Cum   
    It can sting like hell, yes.
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Bargara Leatherboy in Waisting Cum   
    I am a big fan of cum, so please deliver that Load with on me or you. That way I can lick it off u or scoop it up with my fingers and lick them clean, or you can and then feed it to me in a nice long slow Cum filled kiss
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