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    Luv2play got a reaction from + harey in Coral Sands Motel   
    I responded to your other post in the Deli section. Fond memories when the motel as sleezy as get out in 1980 when I stayed there for a week. As a Canadian I remember a British Columbia woman, who was a beautiful girl, was murdered in LA about the time I was there. Real Hollywood “noir”. I seem to remember her name was Dorothy Chandler but may be mistaken.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from NJ_hiker in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I made my own views known about Tony but I find your comments a bit too harsh, judgmental, and lacking in empathy. We’re all here to discuss what it is we enjoy about meeting with escorts, not passing judgments on them as individuals.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Danny-Darko in Pissing   
    Fetishes are like that. Either you get it or you don't. And just because you get one or some doesn't mean you get all. And if you don't it's probably not for you unless you're curiously attracted into maybe trying it?
    I worked a few times in the "Leather/Fetish Community" in my younger days and eventually was exposed to many things I would have never considered before. I remember my first day at work at my first job upon arrival in California in the early 90's. My coworkers all wanted to know what my fetishes were. I said I didn't think I had any. One asked "Well what gets your dick hard?" I thought for a minute and instantly knew I did indeed had a fetish! ? It was nothing big or super kinky but it was a fetish non the less. And since I have allowed myself to explore others. But just because I like something doesn't mean it's for everybody or do it with just anybody. And what other people might like my disgust me while I do understand and respect that they enjoy those things and they are just wired that way. Human sexuality is so very complex. I've tried things I thought I might like and realized they were not for me.
    My only advise for those willing to try kinky things is to agree on a "safe word" so you or partner can instantly stop and back out of a situation you don't want and also make sure you play with somebody known in the community to respect safe words! You'll be surprised that each fetish has people known in the community for being specialist in doing or initiating people into and some escorts also specialize in. Read between the lines of thier profiles and ask questions. ?
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Yukon21 in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    I totally agree. I once hired an escort who advertised that he was a top exclusively and no kissing. While I would have preferred he was into kissing, I hired him anyways because of his excellent reviews and other attributes. Anyway once we started in he started kissing me, first on various body parts and then on my mouth. And then he started with the tongue action and went full bore on French kissing (my favourite type of kissing). Afterwards I asked him why he didn’t advertise that he kisses and he said he wanted to keep the option to himself whether he would kiss a client, based on oral hygiene (mine is great) and chemistry (I guess I fit the bill in that regard as well). Some of the escorts I have hired who list kissing only go through the paces with rather lackluster kissing. Life is full of surprises, some good, others not so good.
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Yellowrod in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    I totally agree. I once hired an escort who advertised that he was a top exclusively and no kissing. While I would have preferred he was into kissing, I hired him anyways because of his excellent reviews and other attributes. Anyway once we started in he started kissing me, first on various body parts and then on my mouth. And then he started with the tongue action and went full bore on French kissing (my favourite type of kissing). Afterwards I asked him why he didn’t advertise that he kisses and he said he wanted to keep the option to himself whether he would kiss a client, based on oral hygiene (mine is great) and chemistry (I guess I fit the bill in that regard as well). Some of the escorts I have hired who list kissing only go through the paces with rather lackluster kissing. Life is full of surprises, some good, others not so good.
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Epigonos in What’s your favorite charity?   
    Up until the second half of the 20th Century many wealthy philanthropists supported traditional cultural institutions – museums, symphony orchestras, opera companies, ballet companies, etc. This has become less and less the case and many of these cultural heritage organization are rapidly disappearing. Ballet companies are closing all over the country and live ballet many soon become a thing of the past. Thus I donate to American Ballet Theater
  7. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + WilliamM in What’s your favorite charity?   
    Reporters Without Borders in honor of reporter Christopher Allen whom I met at the the University of Pennsylvania in 2012. His photo is my signature on this site (when he was reporting from Eastern Ukraine).
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to dbar123 in Donation on Arrival or After Service?   
    I had an escort physically count each dollar that I gave him before the session that I left on his dresser when I walked in. It was a stack of 10’s and 20’s held together with a binder clip. I thought it was really tacky on his part, especially since I had trusted him enough to leave the money before service.
    Needless to say I did not have a rematch with him nor did I leave any kind of review. If I have nothing nice to say then I just don’t bother
  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to NikoLeto in Donation on Arrival or After Service?   
    I've been burned as recently as a month ago for my policy, but like @Armann, I ask for payment at the end. I think this allows everything to run similar to the kind of encounter a client would experience during a regular hookup, minus the obviously necessary business at the end.
    I also avoid counting the money until I or the client has left. I once had a client get violent when I confronted him about the missing money. Not worth the scuffle. Even if you win, you're still likely to come out with a black eye or a bloody lip and that's not sexy.
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    I started to write one of my favorite travel experiences, but deleted it as I just don't those details online! It involved a guy at the Rio sauna who showed me what passion Brazilian men bring to sex. The next day I hired him to my hotel, where we had another great time. I walked him to the lobby, where his girlfriend was waiting. He introduced me, then kissed me goodbye right there in the lobby in front of the gf. They then took off, presumably to spend my money.
    I would have hired him every day that I was in Rio, but I never saw him again.
  11. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Bargara Leatherboy in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    Reminds me of the last time two hot Mormon boys knocked on my door, they wanted to come in and
    Talk about God.
    I said sure come in, but how about we practise my religion .
    They said what’s that.
    I said I praise god by having hot 3sums with hot Mormon missionaries, they ran down my driveway shouting we will pray for you brother.
    j have not had a door knock since
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Pensant in Do escorts ever kiss clients?   
    I totally agree. I once hired an escort who advertised that he was a top exclusively and no kissing. While I would have preferred he was into kissing, I hired him anyways because of his excellent reviews and other attributes. Anyway once we started in he started kissing me, first on various body parts and then on my mouth. And then he started with the tongue action and went full bore on French kissing (my favourite type of kissing). Afterwards I asked him why he didn’t advertise that he kisses and he said he wanted to keep the option to himself whether he would kiss a client, based on oral hygiene (mine is great) and chemistry (I guess I fit the bill in that regard as well). Some of the escorts I have hired who list kissing only go through the paces with rather lackluster kissing. Life is full of surprises, some good, others not so good.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from caliguy in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I made my own views known about Tony but I find your comments a bit too harsh, judgmental, and lacking in empathy. We’re all here to discuss what it is we enjoy about meeting with escorts, not passing judgments on them as individuals.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from thomas in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I thought we were to pass judgment on their services as professionals. Making ad hominem slurs don’t fall within that ambit, IMHO. But each to his own.
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Coolwave35 in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I made my own views known about Tony but I find your comments a bit too harsh, judgmental, and lacking in empathy. We’re all here to discuss what it is we enjoy about meeting with escorts, not passing judgments on them as individuals.
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in What’s your favorite charity?   
    There are so many worthy charities to support but one has to make decisions with one’s limited resources. These decisions are influenced by our upbringings, I believe, and certainly that is the case with me. My parents had 4 children and while relatively affluent for the time in the post war era, they still needed to make sacrifices to send us all to the best private schools and universities available in Canada. We were also indulged in pursuing artistic, cultural or athletic endeavours according to our interests. I benefited tremendously from these advantages, as did my siblings, and today I see my giving as paying it forward to help others perhaps less advantaged than I was.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in Have you ever met any celebrities?   
    I’ve knowingly crossed paths with only one celebrity in my life and that was in the early 1980’s in St.Tropez when Bridget Bardot was seated with 3 of her friends at a table near me and my friend in a tiny restaurant in the old town. We were the only 6 guests seated at that point and no-one else was allowed in to eat following her arrival. So we had the whole evening watching her, discreetly of course, from several feet away. I speak French but she spoke in such a low voice I couldn’t make out a word she said. Her tanned face was incredibly wrinkled and she wore her grey hair in a pony tail. The glamour had vanished. She was living the life of a semi-recluse in St. Tropez and was into animal rights. I can only imagine what she looks like now.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from seattlebottom in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I thought we were to pass judgment on their services as professionals. Making ad hominem slurs don’t fall within that ambit, IMHO. But each to his own.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I thought we were to pass judgment on their services as professionals. Making ad hominem slurs don’t fall within that ambit, IMHO. But each to his own.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from thomas in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    Good to know. I flatter myself on thinking that at a certain age past 70, I still am somewhat attractive since I strive to maintain myself physically and mentally. If I met Tony in the flesh, who knows what chemistry might occur.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to marylander1940 in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    xxxxx himself out of the business? Maybe he loves escorting (money, trips, people, knowledge, experience) and he wants to do it for as long as he can. Maybe he just doesn't want to work 9 to 5.

    Agreed, we can always use better expressions to refer to an escort.
    We wouldn't like escorts using that kind of language about men who hire them either.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from seattlebottom in Updated 411 on Tony Serrano   
    I made my own views known about Tony but I find your comments a bit too harsh, judgmental, and lacking in empathy. We’re all here to discuss what it is we enjoy about meeting with escorts, not passing judgments on them as individuals.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RuffLeatherPig in What does "Nasty" imply ?   
    For me...nasty implies the ability to engage in extreme fetishes. I use the word pig to imply WS, spit, and BB. All things I am open to but you as the client set the scene.
    I believe nasty is a way to convey that extreme services are available
  24. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Charlie in What’s your favorite charity?   
    I make monthly donations to two local foodbanks, and regular donations to a few local animal welfare organizations. I donate to a number of national charitable organizations, like the Red Cross, Amnesty International and POINT Foundation. I make occasional donations to other large organizations that solicit donations, though I always check them out first on Charity Navigator. There are a lot of organizations that I don't really consider charities, like Lambda Legal or the the ACLU, which I have supported for many years. And I make political donations, which I don't consider charitable.
    I would never have had the education and subsequent career that I had without the scholarships from the small private college I attended, and the fellowship from the Woodrow Wilson National Foundation that put me through graduate school, so I make generous financial donations to both of them each year; although the IRS considers that a charitable donation, I consider it payback.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + WilliamM in What’s your favorite charity?   
    I give between 5 and 10 percent of my after tax income to mostly local charities in my small town. Mostly in the arts and cultural fields (trying to address the starving artists syndrome which is real). Exceptions being my old school and university which are in Montreal since I am a strong advocate for education. With respect to the latter I earmark my donations for students who need financial assistance to attend these excellent learning centres.
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