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    Luv2play reacted to Typical in Influx to NYC of Miami masseurs   
    Then let's just call them grossly negligent.
    It's August and Florida is a COVID "hot spot". There are few visitors down there. They are moving to fertile economic ground.
    But they are breaking the law in a very flagrant manner.
    It's appalling and pretty stupid. Maybe they need a friendly quarantine reminder from the local sheriff.
  2. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from BGUptown in Influx to NYC of Miami masseurs   
    I personally dislike the term carriers wrt this disease. It suggests someone who has a chronic contagious condition like tuberculosis or HepC. They carry around this disease unless treated for years and can infect anyone they come in contact with depending on the disease and nature of the contact. Someone with Covid19 infection can only “carry“ the active disease for a couple of weeks. Then the body naturally overcomes it (unless you die of course) and you are no longer infectious. At least that is what the science is telling us now. You don’t call someone who has the regular flu a carrier. But they are also infectious during the active disease stage. The term vector to me is more accurate wrt all these diseases I have mentioned.
  3. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + g56whiz in RyanMitchell Detroit   
    Detroit! Of all the places in the US to be stuck with “car issues”!
  4. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Jimjaxon3 in RyanMitchell Detroit   
    I just found this post. Txted him and he Told me he was stuck in Cleveland (car was in the shop) and had a job starting in Pittsburgh Monday he needed to get back for needed 600$. I declined of course and he got mean “well I’ll never meet you if you won’t help me out now”
    for fun a couple days later I messaged on rm and asked if he was still in Cleveland. He messaged back no Detroit his car was in a shop there and he was trying to get back to Cleveland by Friday of that week because he had two job interviews he’d miss and he needs a job bad. Please help.. I told him well you need to get your story straight your car was stuck in Cleveland three days earlier.Got blocked a minute later?
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Love this escort's ad text (6'6" tall and 8' dick)   
    Isn’t it though. I first visited Belgium in 1969. Later I would go there on business trips. But it’s been a long time since I went back. Loved the moules frits.
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Slow Down in Booking?   
    Good question. The government announced today that about 3 million of the 4 million people who are receiving the $2000 per month payments will go onto a new program that will be an adaptation of the employment insurance program that applies to qualified workers. This will leave about 1 million people losing the current payments this month when the program ends. These are mostly gig workers and Certain other self employed people. I am speculating that escorts, if they received these payments which started last March, would fall under this latter category. I don’t know how closely the government looked at the nature of the self employment or gig work but it probably meant they would have to show some evidence of having declared their income to the tax authorities to qualify.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Kevin Slater in Slow Down in Booking?   
    I am not surprised to hear that. I would think that tourists comprise a significant portion of the escorting biz in New York. I know when I visit, which isn’t that often, I line up an escort for every evening. I would have been interested in going this fall but it doesn’t look likely at this point.
  8. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from RealAvalon in More interesting data regarding Covid   
    This is consistent with what we were being told three months ago. The aerosol-based transmission theory gained some traction later but seems to be still a tentative theory. Certainly if droplets are the main source, then the steps we are all taking are good to minimize the spread of the virus.
  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Caliboy95 in True travel sex stories. Any you're willing to share?   
    When I graduated high school, my parents surprised me with a trip to Europe. It was a tour that my French teacher had planned for her class. I begged my parents to let me go since some of my friends were also going. The trip took placed after graduation and I had just turned 18 at the time.
    During one of the nights in France, the kid I was sharing the room with asked me if it was ok for me to sleep alone since he wanted to spent the night at his girlfriend’s room. I was ok with the idea and I promised to keep the secret from our teacher. After he left, I went on Grindr and I started chatting with a Spanish guy who wasn’t too far away from my hotel. It was very late at night when I invited the guy to come over to my room.
    I met the guy near the entrance of the hotel and I told him we needed to be quiet when walking to my room since everyone in that hallway was part of my tour group. We made our way back to the room and my heart was racing because I didn’t want to be caught sneaking a person into my room. We made it safely to the room and he didn’t waste any time. We kissed right away, made out and play around a lot.
    The guy was very handsome. Over 6ft tall, muscular, dark hair and semi smooth skin. He must have been in his mid or late 30s.
    After we grew tired of playing in the small livingroom, he took me to the bed and I bottom for him. I remembered sweating and trying not to moan so no one in the other side of the wall could hear me. He finally came on my back. I was so happy to have him in my room. He asked me if he could take a shower before leaving and I agreed. We took a shower together and he went for round 2. He was more experienced at sex than I was, and it made me crazy how good it felt having his beautiful long and thick dick inside me. I couldn’t stop myself from moaning this time. When he was finally done, he changed, kissed me goodnight and left my room. I checked the time and it was 4am. I was so exhausted from all the sex and went straight to sleep.
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + carlos45 in RIP: ROMAN HEART   
    I read his story. What a strong guy to be able to call up the inner resources he had to overcome so much pain and suffering and to emerge whole again.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Helping with client's self image: yes way or no way?   
    Oh I truly feel for you. This is one issue I could not overlook in a physical relationship with another person. Oral hygiene is as important as any other aspect of one’s physical health. Since I am a very passionate kisser, I could not bring myself to kiss someone as you described. I’m 73 and have perfect teeth, but I go to a dentist 4 times a year and also have an excellent diet. Still have all my teeth except for the molars which were taken out when I was 25. I know its expensive to keep up with one’s teeth and I am fortunate in that my parents started me at an early age to have regular checkups. I think I can still remember every dentist visit I have ever made and the names of all my dentists down through the years. I was in touch with my dentist this week to start resuming visits and was shocked that I will have to wait 3 months to see him. I put myself on his cancellation list in case someone has to cancel.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from BaronArtz in Love this escort's ad text (6'6" tall and 8' dick)   
    Isn’t it though. I first visited Belgium in 1969. Later I would go there on business trips. But it’s been a long time since I went back. Loved the moules frits.
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in Virus Strains Relationships   
    Since the lockdown in mid-March the only major change in my life has been the new way of communicating and having meetings in the several groups I am involved with as a volunteer. Each of these groups are community organizations and I have executive functions in all of them, which keeps me almost as busy as before the lockdown. I now am familiar with Zoom meetings, but more recently we have been able to meet outdoors mostly but also indoors in spaces where we can physically distance (these latter meetings don’t involve more than 8 or so individuals). And so on the mental side I am keeping active and involved.
    On the physical side it was barren for the first two and a half months until May. At that point I decided i needed to get in touch with a trusted escort and had him visit me for the weekend. Making that human contact on an intimate level restored my sense of balance. Since then I have only been doing overnights mostly of two days but spaced at least 3 weeks apart. So far this has been a successful strategy. It helps that infection levels have been on a steady decline in Canada over the last 3 months and things generally are opening up.
    What is unknown is how the fall will roll out. Kids are going back to school and colleges and the colder weather means more people will need to be indoors. And the regular flu season will start up again. At this point I just don’t want to think about it too much and just enjoy the great weather we are currently having.
  14. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Hung_Cody in Pic Potpourri? HUNGMULTIPLECUMM   
    I met up with him and he's a fun aggressive top. After meeting him his name made sense
    He's on the thick side which I find sexy but the pics show that.
    He has a very nice dick and he's the best kisser I've met in a while.
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in Escorts who do rimming   
    I can see that happening. Not everyone has a gorgeous tush like me:)
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Lucky in Escorts who do rimming   
    Of course it is not really your job. I was being light-hearted. You do like to tell people what they can post and how and where they should do it. But you have to be open when others make suggestions to you. That's how we can all get along.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Lucky in Escorts who do rimming   
    I can see that happening. Not everyone has a gorgeous tush like me:)
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Escorts who do rimming   
    I can see that happening. Not everyone has a gorgeous tush like me:)
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + pitman in Best Anti-aging / Beauty / Wellness Products   
    Many decades ago I used to ride (horses) with a business partner of Charles Revson, the founder of Revlon. He operated a major branch of the Revlon empire. One day he told me he wasn’t in the cosmetics business. Rather he was selling “romance”. I don’t think much has changed:).
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Profile of a Timewaster   
    I've been a client for many years now but before I was 40 I couldn't imagine hiring anyone for sex. There was just so much of it available, either in a one night stand or in quasi-relationships that might last months. Also I didn't have the disposable income at the time for such things as I was buying a house, car, and other things like travel. Free sex was just the icing on the cake from being young and footloose. If I could go back, I would do it all over again.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Lucky in Profile of a Timewaster   
    I've been a client for many years now but before I was 40 I couldn't imagine hiring anyone for sex. There was just so much of it available, either in a one night stand or in quasi-relationships that might last months. Also I didn't have the disposable income at the time for such things as I was buying a house, car, and other things like travel. Free sex was just the icing on the cake from being young and footloose. If I could go back, I would do it all over again.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Cash4Trash in Best Anti-aging / Beauty / Wellness Products   
    I don’t use any cosmetic products. I eat well, Exercise regularly, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and sex when I can. Keeps me youthful and looking younger than my 73 years.
    I should have added that I do use a body moisturizer after taking a shower or swimming. I’ve been doing this for about 10 years after my dermatologist recommended it for dry skin. It’s become second nature to me so forgot about mentioning it. I also use sunblock and wear a hat most of the summer to protect my head after developing AK, which can be a precursor to skin cancer.
  23. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Lucky in Virus Strains Relationships   
    Since the lockdown in mid-March the only major change in my life has been the new way of communicating and having meetings in the several groups I am involved with as a volunteer. Each of these groups are community organizations and I have executive functions in all of them, which keeps me almost as busy as before the lockdown. I now am familiar with Zoom meetings, but more recently we have been able to meet outdoors mostly but also indoors in spaces where we can physically distance (these latter meetings don’t involve more than 8 or so individuals). And so on the mental side I am keeping active and involved.
    On the physical side it was barren for the first two and a half months until May. At that point I decided i needed to get in touch with a trusted escort and had him visit me for the weekend. Making that human contact on an intimate level restored my sense of balance. Since then I have only been doing overnights mostly of two days but spaced at least 3 weeks apart. So far this has been a successful strategy. It helps that infection levels have been on a steady decline in Canada over the last 3 months and things generally are opening up.
    What is unknown is how the fall will roll out. Kids are going back to school and colleges and the colder weather means more people will need to be indoors. And the regular flu season will start up again. At this point I just don’t want to think about it too much and just enjoy the great weather we are currently having.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from thomas in Best Anti-aging / Beauty / Wellness Products   
    I don’t use any cosmetic products. I eat well, Exercise regularly, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and sex when I can. Keeps me youthful and looking younger than my 73 years.
    I should have added that I do use a body moisturizer after taking a shower or swimming. I’ve been doing this for about 10 years after my dermatologist recommended it for dry skin. It’s become second nature to me so forgot about mentioning it. I also use sunblock and wear a hat most of the summer to protect my head after developing AK, which can be a precursor to skin cancer.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in Best Anti-aging / Beauty / Wellness Products   
    I don’t use any cosmetic products. I eat well, Exercise regularly, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and sex when I can. Keeps me youthful and looking younger than my 73 years.
    I should have added that I do use a body moisturizer after taking a shower or swimming. I’ve been doing this for about 10 years after my dermatologist recommended it for dry skin. It’s become second nature to me so forgot about mentioning it. I also use sunblock and wear a hat most of the summer to protect my head after developing AK, which can be a precursor to skin cancer.
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