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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Cash4Trash in Best Anti-aging / Beauty / Wellness Products   
    I don’t use any cosmetic products. I eat well, Exercise regularly, stay hydrated, get plenty of sleep and sex when I can. Keeps me youthful and looking younger than my 73 years.
    I should have added that I do use a body moisturizer after taking a shower or swimming. I’ve been doing this for about 10 years after my dermatologist recommended it for dry skin. It’s become second nature to me so forgot about mentioning it. I also use sunblock and wear a hat most of the summer to protect my head after developing AK, which can be a precursor to skin cancer.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + sniper in I just don’t understand us men sometimes....   
    I think part of it is simply you haven't been together that long . But yes he's cheap. I would have presented it to him as "i'd like to but I don't think I can quite swing it and see if he offered help with the ticket.
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from marylander1940 in Porn stars scorts in NYC   
    I take it Lucas has done rather well financially with his company. I can only judge by the photos I saw of the inside of his apartment in NYC which an escort who works for him showed me last year. The escort was staying there while Michael was away. He was sharing it with another escort also in the employ of Lucas.
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from BaronArtz in Love this escort's ad text (6'6" tall and 8' dick)   
    Antwerp is not in the same league as Brussels, the capital and only major metropolis in Belgium with all the international organizations headquartered there, such as NATO and the EU. With all the delegations that visit Brussels, escorts must do very well there. But Antwerp is charming with some great art, if you are into Rubens, Rembrandt etc.
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    Luv2play reacted to tj_forplay in Worst Ever Massage   
    Yup. It is what it is. I didn't for several months, but started again when my state started easing covid restrictions. But as someone else put it COVID is likely to be with us for a long time to come if not forever, Just like with communicable diseases, people make decisions based on acceptable risks. As time goes on, risks that people are willing to accept when it comes to COVID will change. Otherwise with all the communicable diseases that existed before covid, there should be no human to human contact at all, this industry wouldn't exist.
    Do I take precautions? Yes. Am I judging people for risks they take? No.
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Gymowner in Who would you pick between these two?   
    hire said pitter to bake mr blake!
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    Luv2play reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Slow Down in Booking?   
    I was being facetious, it was more of a metaphor. As to some businesses being in high demand during a particular period.
    I'm pretty sure there's gonna be so much surplus sanitizer, the oceans and lakes will turn into the stuff...in 20 years ?
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    Luv2play got a reaction from OneFinger in Post-Flight Muscle Pain / Weakness   
    Just reading this thread now and while I have no medical advice to offer you, I want to wish you all the best in these difficult circumstances you find yourself in.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in 411 on CharlieMiles   
    First time I have come across this escort. His ad now says he is a top. He is very good looking and if in my neck of the woods, I would be tempted as I am a bottom. But he looks to be pretty vanilla in his offerings which would weigh against him in my book. Still....
  10. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Hiring during a pandemic...   
    I understand your anxiety but I think we need to keep some perspective here. For most people who do get Covid19, they will recover with no lasting ill effects. It does cause serious illness and even death for a minority of people. A very small minority, but somewhat larger if you are over 70, have co-morbities like compromised immune systems, conditions like diabietes, servere obesity, lung conditions like COPD etc. This is not proving to be like SARS which had a much higher death rate. If you have already had it and it was mild, the evidence is starting to show that you will be immune from contracting it again (this was reported in today’s NYTimes). You might want to consider getting an antibodies test when it becomes available to you. It would certainly ease your mind. I’m pretty sure I have not had it so not getting treated but taking precautions where I can. That does not include giving up on sex though I am pacing myself carefully. Don’t have contacts anytime less than 3 weeks apart so if I do get infected I will not spread it to another. The virus does leave your body usually within 14 days, some say a few days shorter. Switzerland, which is notoriously conservative about these matters, has decreed 10 days of quarantine for people expected to have been exposed.
  11. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from maninsoma in Bed sheet protocol   
    Actually if I were to be using a friend’s beach house, I would ask in advance if it was ok to have a guest with me. Unexpected things can happen whenever you loan out your home or vacation property to a friend anyway. You tend to be less forgiving if the “accident” whatever it is, was caused by someone you weren’t aware was also going to be using your property.
  12. Like
    Luv2play reacted to MidwestCoastal in Hiring during a pandemic...   
    What's 'irresponsible' is personal opinion and decision. I'm seeing a provider who has only seen 3-4 other regular clients since the pandemic started, gets everything delivered, rarely leaves his apartment, gets regular COVID tests, and wears a mask religiously. He is also living in a state where they are opening schools in the fall because of the low transmission rates. I also match much of the same behavior. So yes, I TRUST him and he TRUSTS me.
    There is no false comparison. A variety of STIs have impacts on people differently - some severe, some not. Do you use a condom for oral sex? Some people do, most don't because they are willing to accept that risk. In rare cases, providers have turned out to engage in criminal theft or violence, also a risk, albeit considered rare by almost all of us here. Should 'essential workers' who leave the house everyday and mingle with the populace stop having sex with their partners? Exposure to the many is worse than exposure to a few.
    Life is risk @harey. We are here, on a discussion forum, sharing information about activities that a large portion of our fellow Americans would consider 'risky' and 'irresponsible'. Hell, in most parts of the world, its considered illegal. I noticed that hasn't stopped you from engaging in those activities in the past?
    Looking at your past posts, I notice your distaste for guys who PNP; an opinion we share. But on this trusting someone I have known for 4+ years, I respectfully disagree.
    From my favorite Felicia:
    Oh, for goodness sakes, get down off that crucifix. Someone needs the wood.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to RunnerGuy in Hottest Massage Video Ever?   
    Mateo Fernandez has the perfect thick uncut piece
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + honcho in A New Dog in My Life   
    I know how you feel. I kept Lucky’s collar and tags, and the hundreds of photos of him, a couple on my fridge door and others stored away in old cigar boxes. Every once in a while I will look at them and remember the good times with that dog. He was one of only three I have had over thirty years, and Storm is still with me. Sammy, my Labrador retriever, was my first, thirty years ago. My best memories of her were paddling my canoe with her in the bow, on a quiet summer morning at my cottage at a lake north of Ottawa. That and her swimming with me, she was just crazy about the water and totally at ease putting her head under water to look for frogs. In my case I have never given toys to my dogs as they seem to be happy without them.
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from chadLA in Victor Jokers in Los Angeles   
    It’s too bad there doesn’t seem a way to get these scammers thrown off of RM’s site.
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in A New Dog in My Life   
    I know how you feel. I kept Lucky’s collar and tags, and the hundreds of photos of him, a couple on my fridge door and others stored away in old cigar boxes. Every once in a while I will look at them and remember the good times with that dog. He was one of only three I have had over thirty years, and Storm is still with me. Sammy, my Labrador retriever, was my first, thirty years ago. My best memories of her were paddling my canoe with her in the bow, on a quiet summer morning at my cottage at a lake north of Ottawa. That and her swimming with me, she was just crazy about the water and totally at ease putting her head under water to look for frogs. In my case I have never given toys to my dogs as they seem to be happy without them.
  17. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in A New Dog in My Life   
    Four years ago I found a dog in a Montreal park, abandoned and left tied to a fence. I took him home and have had him ever since and he has been a wonderful companion and great dog. I named him Lucky. We have since moved and now live in a small Ontario town in an old stone house close to the St Lawrence River. We love it here.
    Three and a half weeks ago we were taking a walk at 10pm and came across a stray dog with no tags and seemingly abandoned. I took him home, thinking I would call the animal control people in the morning. There was a big storm that night and he jumped into bed with me. I decided to call him Storm.
    The next day I took him to the vets and they called the SPCA to see if any dog had been reported missing. They looked him over and pronounced him a healthy, mixed breed, and fully intact male. The check with the SPCA turned up nothing. A week later I took him in for his shots and we again checked to see if anyone had been looking for him. Nothing.
    I took him up to my cottage with Lucky and the two had a great time in the lake and running around. He never strayed and gets along well with Lucky. Storm is a loveable dog, likes to cuddle, is full of energy and gets along well with the neighbourhood children and other dogs. He is only about 8 months old and weighs 55 pounds and needs training which I am giving to him. I made one final check with the SPCA 3 weeks after finding him and they said that no dogs had been reported missing for the last month in my town and I could consider him mine, which I do now.
    I happen to believe in serendipity and things happen in life which are wonderful if you just open your heart and life to the good things that come along. There are lots of awful things that go on too but one must not let those drag you down or make you hardened and cynical. Life is too precious to waste it on the negatives. There are lots of good things around, just like my little puppy, waiting to be appreciated.
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in A New Dog in My Life   
    I was going through this old thread and thought I would provide an update on my two dogs, 9 years later. After a long and great life, Lucky passed away a year ago January. While I did not know his exact age, he had lived about two years beyond the Belgian Shepherd‘s average of 11 years. He never had a sick day after our move in 2010 from Montreal. His clock just wound down over a period of about 6 months and in the end I had to have him put down, a decision I had to steel myself for but I was with him holding him at the end. Storm will be 10 this month, I guess, as I don’t know his exact age either, being a rescue dog. I finally got him trained and he has been the best buddy for 9 years. Right now he is sitting at my feet. He sleeps at the end of my bed. Shadow might have been a more appropriate name for him, as he follows me everywhere most of the time except when he is sleeping under a bush in the back yard during the hot summer days.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from BaronArtz in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    One thing I do is look at the client profiles of providers‘ reviews on RM. Even if I don’t get in touch with the clients to check out their experiences (and if I do, some reply, others don’t), their prefs are listed usually and also other escorts they have met (not always a complete list) but still, all these factors can be taken into account. Also some reviews are very detailed (at least here in Canada) where RM doesn’t censor them as in the US.
  20. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Bearman in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    I also bottomed for the famous Claude, a Belgian in Miami during the 1990’s. His cock was the thickest of any man I have ever taken, at least 8 inches around, except for Jay Dymel, who was maybe a bit thicker.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from Bearman in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Years ago I was with a black escort in Miami and he had a 12 inch cock. I think his name was Masters but it was over 20 years ago. He used to dance at the sauna in Coral Sands. At that time I also met Bobby Blake and a couple of other black dancers who escorted on the side. I was younger then and could take a cock that size but today I’ve scaled back a couple of inches.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from bluejay775 in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Thanks for your explanation. I hadn’t realized cock and dick had that different connotation. I use both interchangeably and have never had a black escort or any other Black I have had sex with over the years bring it up. The last black escort I saw was 3 weeks ago so I try to keep up with the times. If he doesn’t want his dick fetishized perhaps a bit less emphasis should be placed in the pics in his RM ad where virtually all emphasis the phenomenal size of his (ahem) member.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + keroscenefire in Hiring during a pandemic...   
    Nothing is without risk. Seeing an escort even before COVID certainly put you at risk of contracting many diseases, some of them just as bad as COVID.
    I view it as there are actually many activities that are potentially risky: Travel, going to a crowded bar/restaurant, socializing with friends, etc. If one is actually pretty careful generally by wearing a mask, avoiding large groups, etc. Then I actually think seeing an escort in your own home is in many ways less risky. Obviously that escort has likely seen many people but the chances of one escort having COVID versus 100 people at a bar is statistically much lower.
    But everyone has to make that choice for themselves.
  24. Like
    Luv2play reacted to orville in Victor Jokers in Los Angeles   
    You do know that escorts submit bad reviews against their competitors, don't you?
    That review is from Aug 25 and client account created in Aug 27? That doesn't make any sense.
    Moreover, when you click on the client name that profile doesn't exist anymore.
    Whoever created that profile and review did it just to trash the reputation of this escort.
    HardSXStud was created in 2015 yet has several 5-star reviews of clients whose accounts were created between 2008 and 2011.
    So, even though his pics might be outdated (unlikely), this provider reputation seems solid and legit.
    My only concern is that he lists PNP, so for me is a no BUT if I were the client I would make clear that I expect him to deliver when we meet.
  25. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + Pensant in Bed sheet protocol   
    I also only ever use the queen bed in the guest room. If guests ever knew what went on in that bed...
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