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    Luv2play got a reaction from MikeBiDude in 411 on JJKNIGHTXXX   
    I would pay that. $$ for value, IMO.
  2. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + g56whiz in A hard, rough fuck!   
    Well I can skip the daily PornHub visit today!!!
  3. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in A New Dog in My Life   
    I was going through this old thread and thought I would provide an update on my two dogs, 9 years later. After a long and great life, Lucky passed away a year ago January. While I did not know his exact age, he had lived about two years beyond the Belgian Shepherd‘s average of 11 years. He never had a sick day after our move in 2010 from Montreal. His clock just wound down over a period of about 6 months and in the end I had to have him put down, a decision I had to steel myself for but I was with him holding him at the end. Storm will be 10 this month, I guess, as I don’t know his exact age either, being a rescue dog. I finally got him trained and he has been the best buddy for 9 years. Right now he is sitting at my feet. He sleeps at the end of my bed. Shadow might have been a more appropriate name for him, as he follows me everywhere most of the time except when he is sleeping under a bush in the back yard during the hot summer days.
  4. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from liubit in A New Dog in My Life   
    I was going through this old thread and thought I would provide an update on my two dogs, 9 years later. After a long and great life, Lucky passed away a year ago January. While I did not know his exact age, he had lived about two years beyond the Belgian Shepherd‘s average of 11 years. He never had a sick day after our move in 2010 from Montreal. His clock just wound down over a period of about 6 months and in the end I had to have him put down, a decision I had to steel myself for but I was with him holding him at the end. Storm will be 10 this month, I guess, as I don’t know his exact age either, being a rescue dog. I finally got him trained and he has been the best buddy for 9 years. Right now he is sitting at my feet. He sleeps at the end of my bed. Shadow might have been a more appropriate name for him, as he follows me everywhere most of the time except when he is sleeping under a bush in the back yard during the hot summer days.
  5. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Bearman in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    I also bottomed for the famous Claude, a Belgian in Miami during the 1990’s. His cock was the thickest of any man I have ever taken, at least 8 inches around, except for Jay Dymel, who was maybe a bit thicker.
  6. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Bearman in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Years ago I was with a black escort in Miami and he had a 12 inch cock. I think his name was Masters but it was over 20 years ago. He used to dance at the sauna in Coral Sands. At that time I also met Bobby Blake and a couple of other black dancers who escorted on the side. I was younger then and could take a cock that size but today I’ve scaled back a couple of inches.
  7. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from orville in A New Dog in My Life   
    Four years ago I found a dog in a Montreal park, abandoned and left tied to a fence. I took him home and have had him ever since and he has been a wonderful companion and great dog. I named him Lucky. We have since moved and now live in a small Ontario town in an old stone house close to the St Lawrence River. We love it here.
    Three and a half weeks ago we were taking a walk at 10pm and came across a stray dog with no tags and seemingly abandoned. I took him home, thinking I would call the animal control people in the morning. There was a big storm that night and he jumped into bed with me. I decided to call him Storm.
    The next day I took him to the vets and they called the SPCA to see if any dog had been reported missing. They looked him over and pronounced him a healthy, mixed breed, and fully intact male. The check with the SPCA turned up nothing. A week later I took him in for his shots and we again checked to see if anyone had been looking for him. Nothing.
    I took him up to my cottage with Lucky and the two had a great time in the lake and running around. He never strayed and gets along well with Lucky. Storm is a loveable dog, likes to cuddle, is full of energy and gets along well with the neighbourhood children and other dogs. He is only about 8 months old and weighs 55 pounds and needs training which I am giving to him. I made one final check with the SPCA 3 weeks after finding him and they said that no dogs had been reported missing for the last month in my town and I could consider him mine, which I do now.
    I happen to believe in serendipity and things happen in life which are wonderful if you just open your heart and life to the good things that come along. There are lots of awful things that go on too but one must not let those drag you down or make you hardened and cynical. Life is too precious to waste it on the negatives. There are lots of good things around, just like my little puppy, waiting to be appreciated.
  8. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Daniel84 in Anyone with experience finding no “credit” check apartments and/or renting to an escort   
    I just signed my lease and now reside in Hells Kitchen. I live in a luxury apartment very close to the subway. I could not be happier living here.
    I was able to get the apt with $250 deposit and two months free.
  9. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Kevin Slater in Anyone with experience finding no “credit” check apartments and/or renting to an escort   
    12,998. I just rented out two of my apartments.
    Kevin Slater
  10. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Enronnja in Hiring during a pandemic...   
    I thought I could hold out, but after 8 months, I'm going crazy. I thought the occasional jerk off could help, but I'm desperate for body contact, tongue in my mouth, a connection with someone, even though short. If I could choose, I would not be doing this, but I've given up. Yes, I have all right to be rebuked and yes, I will or could regret it.
  11. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + DrownedBoy in Hiring during a pandemic...   
    I've been waiting out the pandemic in rural Wisconsin since March, working from home until my office in Chicago reopens.
    I returned to Chicago twice during pandemic and hired. You can't find providers in Trump farm country. But I decided to return to Chicago at the end of August for a few weeks at least. I need to visit some regulars.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Danny-Darko in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    Who is your best go-to-guy in Montreal? If you don’t mind me asking?
  13. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Bearman in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    The reason I ask is I have found the offerings on RM in the last few months haVe been pretty slim. Last year many of my go-to’s were visiting Montreal from elsewhere but that is almost disappeared now because of the closures to borders.
  14. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Bearman in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    Who is your best go-to-guy in Montreal? If you don’t mind me asking?
  15. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + Axiom2001 in Any "does-it-all" escorts out there?   
    I find the RM reviews and general info on escorts very helpful in figuring out who does what. If the ad piques my interest I follow up with RM first and then switch to WhatsApp or texting. I haven’t been let down with this approach yet except maybe for some misleading pics, but not too often.
  16. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Epigonos in Rates for extended sessions   
    For years I used to see an escort who reveled in referring to himself as a “who” or “whore”. I have frequently referred to myself as a whoremonger. Getting upset over the use of these words is silly. In English what is hurtful is how the words are inflected NOT the words themselves. Many very neutral words can become hurtful if they are used or inflected in a certain ways. Grow a thicker skin guys and stop being so touchy about words.
    P.S. I used to shudder at the thought of someone calling me a cocksucker. Now I respond "damn right and damn good at it"
  17. Like
    Luv2play reacted to xyz48B in Bad Clients   
    My asshole wouldn’t forgive me for a week…
  18. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from HoseMaster in Rates for extended sessions   
    I actually ended up thinking there was no real way for him to compensate for the unfortunate change in the timing of his arrival, which was no fault of his. I briefly considered asking him to reduce his fee, which was quite generous, but then thought the three hour delay in getting started would throw everything off by too much. By the time we got through a leisurely dinner and relaxing after, we would not get to bed before midnight and I would be too exhausted to enjoy it very much. I do enjoy playtime in the morning before breakfast, which is a key feature for me in an overnight date, but the added time after breakfast of one hour did not appeal to me much since going straight back to bed again was something I couldn’t get my head around. I’ve paid cancellation fees before when I thought it appropriate and did so this time un begrudgingly. I’m still on good terms with this escort and I am sure we will get together in the future.
  19. Sad
    Luv2play got a reaction from harlow in RIP: ROMAN HEART   
    That’s a sad outcome to a life lived in the public view. For some reason, I am reminded of Marilyn Monroe who lived at a much higher level but ended up the same at about the same age, give or take a couple of years.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to Beancounter in Worst Ever Massage   
    I was a licensed massage therapist, having completed the prescribed course of study and subsequent state licensing test. These stories have brought back a lot of memories....both good and bad.
    First off, as a massage therapist you get used to “aromatherapy” from clients. It just happens and I have smelled some of the wettest, raunchiest farts that mankind has ever produce. And all with a smile on my face as I silently gagged myself to death. Such was the life of a student intern.
    Perhaps the thing I never got used to was the distinct smell of a menstruating woman and, in particular, the woman who spotted my brand new massage table sheets. Ugh! Those sheets subsequently took up residence in the local landfill.
    Lastly, and quite sad, was the gentleman who came to the school I was studying at to get a reduced price massage from student interns ($35 at the time). That was all he could afford. The guy was heavy-set and had a severe skin condition that wasn’t contagious or anything. His skin was simply unpleasant to look at. He confessed to me one day that he liked to get massages because that was the only human touch and interaction in his life and it made him feel like a human being. I learned something about the human condition that day.
  21. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from xyz48B in Bad Clients   
    I think in these situations, where the unexpected happens before the anticipated arrival of the escort, one has to make every effort to try to retrieve the situation. In some cases this may be possible but in others it clearly doesn’t work out. For me as a client, if the changes that happen beyond either of our control, such as a car breakdown or a train that gets cancelled, one looks to whether the escort is willing to work out a solution that meets the essential wants of the client. If there has been good communication beforehand, so the escort knows what is expected out of the date, he should try to come up with an idea that solves the problem. In some cases, this may involve offering to come back at a date in the near future that would meet the expectations of the client, such as a date involving a dinner, a performance at a theatre or other event, or something that is time sensitive and can’t be accommodated by a delay of several hours in an evening and overnight session. In the final result, the client is paying not just for time but for an experience. Simply moving a 12 hour period by several hours may skew the whole evening and not be satisfactory to the client. The escort may only see it as 12 hours of time, like punching in a clock to work. But that is not the way most clients see it, unless they are just looking for 12 hours of non-stop sex!! And what escort would be happy with that? After all, in an overnight, the escort should be able to expect to get some sleep in and as a client, I also love the prospect of cuddling up and going to sleep with my partner after a great dinner, some relaxing talk and a great toss in the sheets.
  22. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + RJD in Bad Clients   
    I think in these situations, where the unexpected happens before the anticipated arrival of the escort, one has to make every effort to try to retrieve the situation. In some cases this may be possible but in others it clearly doesn’t work out. For me as a client, if the changes that happen beyond either of our control, such as a car breakdown or a train that gets cancelled, one looks to whether the escort is willing to work out a solution that meets the essential wants of the client. If there has been good communication beforehand, so the escort knows what is expected out of the date, he should try to come up with an idea that solves the problem. In some cases, this may involve offering to come back at a date in the near future that would meet the expectations of the client, such as a date involving a dinner, a performance at a theatre or other event, or something that is time sensitive and can’t be accommodated by a delay of several hours in an evening and overnight session. In the final result, the client is paying not just for time but for an experience. Simply moving a 12 hour period by several hours may skew the whole evening and not be satisfactory to the client. The escort may only see it as 12 hours of time, like punching in a clock to work. But that is not the way most clients see it, unless they are just looking for 12 hours of non-stop sex!! And what escort would be happy with that? After all, in an overnight, the escort should be able to expect to get some sleep in and as a client, I also love the prospect of cuddling up and going to sleep with my partner after a great dinner, some relaxing talk and a great toss in the sheets.
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to + keroscenefire in Bad Clients   
    Sorry that happened to you. A good escort should've given you a discount or extended the session into the morning. This once happened to me with a regular. He drives down to Denver from Montana and then continues into New Mexico and sometimes Arizona to see clients. Last summer I hired him for an overnight experience and unfortunately he had some car troubles on the way and had to get his car fixed. He ended up being like four hours late as a result It was kind of a bummer because I actually had tickets for a play (we both enjoy watching live theater together) that we couldn't use and we also missed having dinner together. But he made it up by offering a significant discount and the next morning insisted on paying for breakfast and giving me a little bit of extra time back (though not much because he had to make it down to New Mexico for another client).
    The whole time he was very communicative and apologetic. These things happen of course and I am sure he also was upset that he lost some money on the battery and stuff. But even though I wasn't initially planning on hiring him on his return trip back to Denver, I did and gave him a nice tip so that kind of made up for it. If you treat regulars well, they will likely treat you well back in kind.
  24. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Wolfer in Rates for extended sessions   
    I actually ended up thinking there was no real way for him to compensate for the unfortunate change in the timing of his arrival, which was no fault of his. I briefly considered asking him to reduce his fee, which was quite generous, but then thought the three hour delay in getting started would throw everything off by too much. By the time we got through a leisurely dinner and relaxing after, we would not get to bed before midnight and I would be too exhausted to enjoy it very much. I do enjoy playtime in the morning before breakfast, which is a key feature for me in an overnight date, but the added time after breakfast of one hour did not appeal to me much since going straight back to bed again was something I couldn’t get my head around. I’ve paid cancellation fees before when I thought it appropriate and did so this time un begrudgingly. I’m still on good terms with this escort and I am sure we will get together in the future.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Best NYC escorts Fall 2020   
    This is a great idea right now. It will be a year this Sept. since I was in NYC and saw a couple of escorts. One is now in Spain the last I heard a couple of months ago and the other I wouldn’t recommend, altho he is highly rated on RM. I left an only slightly critical review of him on RM and took off one star because of his outdated photos and he went berserk and had RM Take off the review. Other than that there are some escorts in NY I would love to see, based on their reviews and profiles on RM.
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