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    Luv2play got a reaction from + FrankR in Rates for extended sessions   
    To fully understand my motivations, you should also know that from my previous date with him, he throws a mean fuck and I mean that in the nicest sense of the term. So I would like to see him again at some point.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from HoseMaster in Rates for extended sessions   
    I actually ended up thinking there was no real way for him to compensate for the unfortunate change in the timing of his arrival, which was no fault of his. I briefly considered asking him to reduce his fee, which was quite generous, but then thought the three hour delay in getting started would throw everything off by too much. By the time we got through a leisurely dinner and relaxing after, we would not get to bed before midnight and I would be too exhausted to enjoy it very much. I do enjoy playtime in the morning before breakfast, which is a key feature for me in an overnight date, but the added time after breakfast of one hour did not appeal to me much since going straight back to bed again was something I couldn’t get my head around. I’ve paid cancellation fees before when I thought it appropriate and did so this time un begrudgingly. I’m still on good terms with this escort and I am sure we will get together in the future.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Best NYC escorts Fall 2020   
    After more than 6 months of the pandemic, how many people do you personally know who have contracted the disease? Of course it will depend on where you live to some extent but I don’t know any and when I ask my family and friends who live elsewhere in the country they don’t know anyone either. I’m not saying it isn’t serious but one has to keep a certain perspective on the numbers and what they mean In reality to one’s own life. Certainly I have changed my behaviours when out in public spaces and washing my hands, wearing a mask when inside stores and other public places etc. IMO it’s going to be a long time until a vaccine is perfected and even then the virus will be around.Look at the flu vaccine, which I take every year. It doesn’t guarantee I won’t get the flu but if I did the symptoms may be milder. We don’t know how a future vaccine for Covid19 will operate. Meanwhile life must go on.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from MikeBiDude in Rates for extended sessions   
    He had already bought the new tickets, which had no refund feature, before advising me of the change. The original train was cancelled. I know this to be the case as it didn’t show up in town later. I have been with the escort before and he is a nice guy. He would have been out of pocket for the tickets he ended up not using which cost him $200. So I covered the cost. We both ended up losing.
  5. Like
    Luv2play reacted to xyz48B in Bad Clients   
    Seriously. Some escorts, on this forum even, consider the planning of time together as time to be comped for under the guise of “consultation fee.” What else is there? There’s some escorts seeing clients as ATMs they fuck.
    To be clear, I believe escorts desire for clients to have a good time. The vast majority of them. But there are those who seem to believe they’re doing the clients a favor and forget that the client is paying for a service.
  6. Like
    Luv2play reacted to NikoLeto in Bad Clients   
    It has made me into one of those escorts that brings their own lube. I can't say that I never use a client's lube, but the suggestion of doing so is a bit of a boner-killer. It always freaks me out a bit and makes me reassess the situation.

    I think I'm one of the most easy-going guys I know, but I really want to double-down on hygiene. Specifically, a person's breath plays a huge factor. I'm sensitive to the issue, so I always have a bottle of Listerine in the car, as well as those little breath strips (I know, hyper-prepared).
    This might move into TMI, but a conservative nature when kissing is appreciated. Better to go too small and get more aggressive as chemistry dictates. I've had many a client basically open their entire mouth and try and place it on my face centered on my lips, sometimes getting my nose! It's just so common and so jarring when it happens that I wanted to mention it.
    I mentioned this earlier, but I realized I could expand on the idea: If you have a specific fantasy in mind, or a specific execution of a specific act you want to experience, get specific. I realize this might be a me-only thing, and I would ask if there are other escorts that read this to chime in, as I know some people don't want a text trail of any kind.
    I'm the opposite. I like to know exactly what kind of experience you're after so I can fulfill that fantasy. Don't get too caught up in the moment. I don't want to feel like you're on the other end jerking off to the details, but definitely let me know that you want xyz. This is as opposed to having a specific fantasy in mind that, for example, involves rimming someone or getting rimmed in a specific way, rather than say "Do you like getting rimmed/rimming?" say something like "I have a fantasy that involves this and this while you do this." And if you don't have a specific fantasy, stating that is equally liberating. "I'm looking to bottom, but really just want to play it by ear in the moment."
    I guess good communication about expectations is how you'd TLDR that.
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    Luv2play reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Helping with client's self image: yes way or no way?   
    Thanks for replies to all. I was almost hesitant to post, thinking I'd get slammed lol. But, I just think it's an often hushed discussion. I think people feel we as escorts should be able to "take everyone as they are." As if we are doctors, dentist, and therapist ourselves. And that's just simply not the case. The difference being, we actually have to have sex, and be intimate with clients. Clients have to get approval from me lol. It gets to a point where, I realized I don't have to see every client, or perform certain services (kissing, rimming, bareback) if it's going to pose a health concern due to neglected hygiene, or gross me out beyond what I can handle. There's also a whole lot of clients out there who take very good care of themselves, even if they are 60s and 70s. So I know age alone doesn't determine someone's presentation.
    I don't care about some extra pounds (in fact, I find cubs, bears and chubs are fun sex lol), or imperfections here and there. We all have em. And many times, I can tune out and ignore those things. But considering the client and I have gotten to know each other more in depth, it was becoming very hard to ignore. And it's not some unavoidable health condition, he said it exact: it doesn't bother "HIM". And THAT actually offended me lol. It's like if someone farts in a library, or drives 20 in a 70. If it doesn't bother me, too bad for you lol. Accept me anyway.
    Anyhow: He finally responded back after a couple of days...and it wasn't pretty lol. He started off saying he didn't want to do business with me anymore and never wanted to see me again, but I made it a case that I wasn't not intending to belittle or criticize him, but rather be honest as a FRIEND and his "partner"...and realize that it's not only affecting my ability to be sexual with him, but unnecessarily detracting from his overall image. Eventually we reasoned, and I was able to get him to see he was being irrational (our business deal is beyond sex, so to cut ties now, would affect that arrangement). So, we aren't on bad terms, but he does know we have to step back from the intimate side of things for now.
    @Monarchy79 you make a good point about letting people live in delusion. But, in this case I couldn't do it because he has been offering to assist with something I've been working on, but he often would allude that I could simply just pay him back in appointments. And I needed to let him know, if that's the case: he needed to consider at-least 1 thing to help improve his looks. I'm not going to be having sex with someone who's not doing anything to be presentable. I don't even know when the last time he's had a haircut. I was physically seeing, that he was letting himself go, perhaps the coronavirus stuff isn't helping...but I wouldn't repeatedly torture myself having sex with someone who seems to not notice or care that he's looking worse than he actually is.
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    Luv2play reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Personally, I'm fine with that ?
    However- specifically to my reply- the escort in question changed the dialogue when listing his caveats.
    I will repeat: If you don't want to be pigeonholed in this industry, design your ad with great care.
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    Luv2play reacted to Danny-Darko in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    It's a BIG BEAUTIFUL COCK in all it's splendor but they guy lost me with his blurb. ? I would NEVER use the N word EVER nor would I state the obvious that his big beautiful cock was "black", but I can't guarantee that while on my knees in the heat of the moment even with my mouth full I don't whisper a sweet nothing using words he finds offensive like "cock" or "stud"! ? He's mouthwatering gorgeous and me expressing myself he might feel objectified?! Talk about walking on eggshells, its more like crawling on them and I'm paying plenty to have a good time?! Nah-ah ?
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    Luv2play got a reaction from xyz48B in Bad Clients   
    I haven’t heard the lube scenario before this. Quite disturbing. I always offer mine but accept the escort’s too if he prefers his.
  11. Sad
    Luv2play got a reaction from ericwinters in Rates for extended sessions   
    I was supposed to have an o/n tonight but it fell through at 3pm, 2 hours before he was supposed to show up. There were problems with the train he was to take but in the end it meant we would lose 3 hours of playtime in the evening which he offered to make up with one extra hour in the morning. I declined as sex after breakfast does not really do it for me. He didn’t offer a fee reduction but I paid him a $200 cancellation fee. Such goes life.
  12. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from bluejay775 in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Thanks for your explanation. I hadn’t realized cock and dick had that different connotation. I use both interchangeably and have never had a black escort or any other Black I have had sex with over the years bring it up. The last black escort I saw was 3 weeks ago so I try to keep up with the times. If he doesn’t want his dick fetishized perhaps a bit less emphasis should be placed in the pics in his RM ad where virtually all emphasis the phenomenal size of his (ahem) member.
  13. Like
    Luv2play reacted to cany10011 in My night with 5 guys   
    I wouldn’t know what to do with 5 guys.... I’m lucky if i can get a threesome to cooperate
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    Luv2play reacted to Danny-Darko in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    I beg to differ. I've been with plenty of back men and men of all shades and races. They use "cock" just like anybody else! Gay ones use "stud" just as much as anybody and in my personal experience THEY are the ones that start with the "BBC" talk when having sex. "You like my BBC white boy?!" "You like my black azz?" and so on... Something I have to politely tell them that for me it's a turn off and I like nice cock and hot men regardless of color or race. If I'm with them, it's because I like them. Sorry, I can't agree with your "explanation".
  15. Haha
    Luv2play got a reaction from lonely_john in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Sort of like not saying Elephant when there is one in the room!
  16. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from GTMike in Recent experiences with TylerLONG?   
    Sort of like not saying Elephant when there is one in the room!
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    Luv2play got a reaction from + Charlie in What's On Your Bucket List?   
    Also try to take in Lake Moraine. Near Banff but on a dead end road so you won't see it unless you take the detour in. Has a small inn there which is absolutely gorgeous. Nearby is the Kickinghorse Pass where they have white water rafting. Suitable for newbies and lots of fun. I hope these kinds of entertainments survive the pandemic.
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    Luv2play got a reaction from BSR in What's On Your Bucket List?   
    Another book you may want to read is entitled “Or I’ll Dress you in Mourning” by Dominique Lapierre. (There may have been a co-author) It is the story of Spanish bullfighters including the great El Cordobes. I only saw one bull fight in my life in Spain in 1969 on my first visit there. It was definitely on my bucket list at the time but once was enough. I can still remember the gore and death on a sunny afternoon. Really quite barbaric when all is said and done. But I greatly admire Hemingway’s obsession with it and he also wrote so movingly and knowledgeably about that subculture. I believe he tried his hand at it at least once.
  19. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from Strafe13 in Rates for extended sessions   
    I’ve been hiring for over 40 years but in the first 20 only sporadically when I saw someone I wanted and he happened to be an escort. No Internet in those days. In the last 20 years have had lots of experiences with escorts and only recently hired for overnights. Since the pandemic, that’s all I do now. I do my research and here in Canada, where infection rates are relatively low after the initial outbreak, which affected mostly the elderly in long term care, and now the migrant workers working in farms for the summer, I feel relatively comfortable meeting with guys who are local, since travelling escorts are not visiting Canada because of the border closure. The Canadian escorts are not lowering their rates, and why should they? People like me are still hiring because it helps with keeping our mental balance. Need that human contact.
  20. Like
    Luv2play reacted to former lurker in 411 on IvyLeagueHungVrs   
    I'd quibble over the term "a la carte" menu. From what's been posted, it's menu of pricing "packages" for time. Although it's probably not the best fit for the escorting context, it's not dissimilar to how a lot of services are priced. You can pay monthly at x rate, or you can pay for a year in advance at a discounted rate, or you can enroll in autopay and pay a rate in between the two. When I read "a la carte" I think of it being about paying not for a block of time but separately for each activity. In the commercial context, it's like paying for basic cable then having to pay for each movie or event as a "pay per view" or "on demand" purchase.
    Maybe I missed something, but ivyleaguehungvrs's fees seem more chock full of premium rates discounted for bulk purchase, not pay per item pricing.
  21. Like
    Luv2play reacted to former lurker in 411 on IvyLeagueHungVrs   
    Well, that get's into the post-WWII division of Europe. Western European countries and Japan promoting English as an important language to learn. Those countries in the Soviet sphere were less likely to emphasize English. The U.S. was the major trading party with most of the non-Soviet dominated countries in Europe and with Japan.
  22. Like
    Luv2play reacted to CuriousByNature in 411 on IvyLeagueHungVrs   
    There's such a thing? Please let me know where I can get one so I can put away the paper bag I normally wear...?
  23. Like
    Luv2play reacted to CuriousByNature in 411 on IvyLeagueHungVrs   
    There's such a thing? Please let me know where I can get one so I can put away the paper bag I normally wear...?
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    Luv2play reacted to Skip in 411 on IvyLeagueHungVrs   
    You make a very good point. Maybe I am just lucky, but all the bad experiences I have had, were short. Hosting? I agree completely, I want it in my hotel where I can control the cleanliness and the situation if need be, I have to say, the scammers are usually apparent before you ever get to a meeting. Now there are some old pictures and great photography, but after a few texts, the scammers are obvious. At least that has been my experience.
  25. Like
    Luv2play got a reaction from MikeBiDude in 411 on JJKNIGHTXXX   
    I would pay that. $$ for value, IMO.
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