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    ManTouch got a reaction from samhexum in Handsome former NBA MVP sued by man for sexual assault   
    I'm guessing that the timing of dismissal had something to do with this:
    Former NBA player Dwight Howard joins ‘Dancing with the Stars’
  2. Thanks
    ManTouch got a reaction from + Vegas_Millennial in Any new 411 on Javier ?   
    I saw him a few years ago when he was visiting and unfortunately my experience was similar to fancyboot.  I've had no desire to repeat when he's been in my city since.
  3. Like
    ManTouch reacted to DWnyc in Dear Clients, please don’t make assumptions about how escorts work:   
    Dear providers, don’t make assumptions about how clients should react to unnecessary and superfluous information justifying your pricing. 
    Just charge what you think right for you since that is your right, and feel free to call anyone who doesn’t make a booking after making contact in an open market where information gathering and negotiation are key components,  an “asshole”.
  4. Like
    ManTouch reacted to Trick in Big city, Small city…And why it doesn’t always make a difference:   
    As a client, I don’t care about long dissertations about a provider’s business model or his views on a city’s demographics and economics.  
    I’m not a therapist so I can’t think about all the “struggles” and “abuses” that the provider has gone through. It does give me pause though, thinking about how much of this drama will be brought into the session.
    When I contact a provider, I have one thing in mind, I want to have a good sexual encounter. So when the provider starts making it about himself—his requirements and his business model–I’m out.
    This forum is “Questions About Hiring,” not “Questions about Escorting.” It’s from the client’s POV.  It baffles me that a provider often comes in here to rant about the escorting business. Does he have questions about hiring? I think not.
  5. Like
    ManTouch reacted to Enzo Falcone in Big city, Small city…And why it doesn’t always make a difference:   
    Before commenting on your post, I decided to go through your links, to get a better idea of how you might present to a potential client. 

    Here are my observations:
    Your RMen ad has been up since 2013. Tons of positive reviews, but the last one being Nov 2013. I know it’s probably because you promote your personal website, and likely have people reach out through there, but your premium clients aren’t keeping up with the reviews. It’s something I always look at when searching a provider, and question why someone suddenly stopped receiving them.
    The most apparent thing in both your website and RM ads is that the money comes first, and is the most important thing for you. As a provider, I feel like you are having all future clients pay for the consequences for bad experiences a few previous clients might have left. Being in this since at least 2023, I’d imagine some bad experiences are par for the course. No business has a 100% success rate and a 0% loss rate. 
    Your website is rather cold. Even to have a potential client reach out and see if you’re a good fit is gonna cost him $20. 
    Tour profile basically reads as: “pay me for every minute I’m working for you, or move on”. 

    My own lived experiences:
    I live in Montreal, it’s the second biggest city in Canada. Much smaller compared to American big cities, but I think my experiences hold true here. I’ve only been a provider for a year. I don’t have the ripped body and six pack, but I carry myself well, and have an ability to connect with people, identify their needs, and provide what they are looking for. Because I only sign on for clients who I am confident I am able to help, I get to really enjoy my job, and that results in my clients really enjoying their time with me (not bragging or anything but just speaking to my strength)  
    In Montreal, I work a pretty consistent and stable number of hours from one week to the next, and each week it’s roughly 50% new clients and 50% returning (I’m a big nerd when it comes to data so I have stats and dashboard on everything). 
    I also visit Ottawa, a much smaller city, about once a month. My first time there, I only had three clients. But I connected with many more who weren’t available the weekend I was there. The following month, I reached out to many of them to let them know I was going back, and had my busiest weekend to date. 
    What seems to be happening is that I will have a higher % of returning clients in Ottawa. As it’s a smaller city, the clients I’ve connected with there will want to see me when I’m in town. I also reach out to them and don’t wait for them to message me. 
    Back home in Montreal, it continues to be 50/50 new and returning. 
    I’m going to Atlanta this weekend, and it will be the biggest city I’ve ever worked in. Part of me is intimidated by the number of beautiful providers there (and what they are packing!). The other part of me knows that the client that connects with me is going to leave with a huge smile on his face, have their needs met, and not feel like I was just doing this for the money. I don’t know how many clients I’ll see. The purpose of my trip isn’t work, but I do have a “nice to have” target I’d like to hit, which would help pay down my flight/hotel costs. 
    Outside of my work, I also make sure to create lots of downtime for my hobbies, friends, family, etc. A year in, I saw that it was getting hard to not go after every dollar at first. Then I asked myself what my goals were. Now, I have a target yearly income I’d like to make. Every week/month, I get to see if I’m on track. I base my targets on 48 weeks vs 52 so that I have a month off during the year, which also acts as a buffer when weeks are quieter. Having an actual goal makes things much easier to accept. I don’t get thrown off by a quiet week because things are still moving forward. Or, if I see that I’m having a longer quiet stretch, I look at my options. 
    This profession has turned me into a branding, marketing, operations, sales, accounting, and customer satisfaction expert 😂. I don’t always wait for clients to come to me, and I don’t push the credit card terminal in their face when they say hello. We get enough of that with the crazy tipping culture everywhere else. 
    Lastly, the definition or busy vs quiet week can also be subjective. Maybe a quiet week for you is a really busy week for me. That’s where my goals and targets come in. It gives me perspective on how I’m doing, rather than constantly worry about when the next dollar is gonna come in. 
    I hope some of this helps. Would love to hear your thoughts and if you have anything else to share! 
  6. Like
    ManTouch reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in My first non-paying client…   
    a business plan is just that - and should be altered when necessary.  not wise to make wholesale adjustments tho based on one unfortunate event.  
    the easiest way to succeed at anything is look at what very successful people do in that field & copy them.  don’t reinvent the wheel or try to change an entire industry or culture bc it won’t happen.  
    in this business, a demand for money upon arrival is crass & immediately sets up the appointment awkwardly.  I would not call that person again.  the custom is payment at the end & I expect providers to be able to screen enough that this should not be an issue.  that said, I usually offer payment at the beginning w a new provider so they don’t have to worry about it
    if a provider is constantly experiencing problematic clients & situations , then it would be helpful to look at the way the services are being advertised because it’s not happening randomly. 
  7. Eye Roll
    ManTouch reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in Preventing Deposit Scams   
    I do so because I hope to in some way, encourage non-posters who may be reading: to not buy into these “DON’T EVER SEND DEPOSIT” lines because, there’s two sides to the equation. 
    And it is sad to lose potential clients because they expect me to be willing to take more risk than they are and don’t trust me as a sex worker and non-White person in business. So $50-$100 may be small fries, but for me it could mean $50-$100 lost PLUS what I was expecting and whatever else spent.
    So yeah, I will defend it whenever I see someone trying to make it seem like guys who ask for them are scams. 
  8. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to + BenjaminNicholas in Preventing Deposit Scams   
    Perhaps looking at this routinely beaten dead horse discussion this way will help put things into perspective:
    Like gridlocked political parties, you're probably not going to sway the other side with your point of view.
    So...  Why waste your energy?  
    You keep doing whatever works for you.  Don't try to control what other people do or don't do.
    If you can follow these rules, life becomes so much easier.
  9. Like
    ManTouch reacted to BostonDadType in For those who don’t take last minute/same day bookings:   
    I spent some time on your website Jarod and I have to say all of the * and details on what has to be done BEFORE you even can have a consultation for an appointment is crazy.  If you do any of these things when someone calls you from your ad - then no wonder you're getting no appointments.   You may want to rethink your business strategy?   I hire a great deal in cities around the world - and 60 seconds on your site would make me run like hell.
    *Calls or Texts after midnight, while commuting between cities, holidays or times like Saturday night/Sunday afternoon may receive a text notifying that a consultation is requested. These tend to be "reserved" times for me. You may also text with your Venmo, Apple or Cash App # and I'll send a $25 request. For cash only, I can text a bar-code to deposit cash at any Walgreen/CVS or similar store.
     Start here to request your desired experience. **NOTE ON CONFIRMING A VISIT: Deposits are asked for most appointments, to ensure the time/expenses I spend to travel or host bookings, is confirmed.  To Request A Same or Next Day In-Call (me hosting):  Please ask to do an instant pay Phone App option to confirm (Venmo, Cash App, etc.) Deposits are included in the listed price. If I'm commuting to your city on a special visit out-call, or booking a place to host for an individual visit in certain locations: Sessions may need 75 minutes minimum or confirm added to session, to offset time/rented studio.
    Scroll Below For Complete List Of Sessions. Read my Drop-Off/Cancellation for alternate deposit options: 
  10. Eye Roll
    ManTouch reacted to Jarrod_Uncut in For those who don’t take last minute/same day bookings:   
    No they wouldn’t. Most everybody has an iPhone. Apple Pay. All we have to do is normalize it, and mitigate the scammers or no shows. If someone won’t book a reputable provider due to a deposit, then they probably not serious about paying at all.
  11. Haha
    ManTouch reacted to Simon Suraci in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    Something that truly mystifies us all.

    It’s tough love.
    See you next thread, Jarrod 👋 
  12. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to Simon Suraci in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    @musclestuduws I have much the same attitude as you. I was more sympathetic toward @Jarrod_Uncut until I came to terms with the fact he repeatedly refuses to take a lot of well-reasoned, attitude-free advice from dozens of members to heart.
    I gave up. If he wants to be a victim or a martyr, let him. Should he find interest in improving himself, he will do so on his own accord. He already has volumes worth of good forum advice to lean on. Expect more of the same to fall on deaf ears.
    My suggestion: ignore Jarrod’s complaining posts. We can’t make decisions for him or force him to recon with the world as it is. Any answer you give that doesn’t fall along the lines of “the world should conform to you, Jarrod” he will argue with until you (and he) are utterly exhausted.
    To the bullies amongst us, even those with reasonable (if not mean-spirited, comments): ignore and move on to topics you like better. Aren’t you bored?
  13. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to NYXboy in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    LOL at Jarrod now being racist and trying to act like he wasn't.  Good luck with all the potential Indian clients that do some research before hiring you buddy.  I sure as shit wouldn't.  
    I wonder if you realize how many clients do research and actually look you up here and see the energy you spit out.  Its so non-reflective of you to sit back and think - 'wow. all these people are saying this to me, maybe there is something to it?'. Take a moment to consider - what can I do to help this situation?  
    I really enjoy this community and I feel like you abuse it with your constant whining and complaining.  You don't want assistance, collaboration - you want arguments. 
    I too, prefer a late checkout, and I always request one.  most times it has been granted - sometimes with an added fee - sometimes no added fee at all.  Rarely is it not granted. Perhaps you should look at renting airbnb's which are more flexible with check in and check out?  
    Or give up the biz that seems to drain you and you despise so much.  your constant negative posting here sure as hell is not helping you.  
  14. Like
  15. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    not cyber-bullying 
    the OP comes here regularly posting his ongoing complaints about his chosen profession & he knows the type of responses he will get.  My sense is at this point is he wants attention, not a solution to his issues. 
    the other members continue to post mostly helpful suggestions, but also know that the OP won’t take any of their suggestions.  they are participants in the back/forth that they know will go nowhere.
    you guys may as well just go back to the deposit thing again and beat that dead horse one more time. 
  16. Like
    ManTouch reacted to Jamie21 in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    No, I said “it appears that your operating model doesn’t work”, based on your own comments. I’m suggesting that using hotels as a venue is a fundamental flaw. Hotels aren’t going to change their operating model because the check out time clearly works for them (as in their whole operating model makes them money). But I guess most of their clients are using the hotel for the main purpose it’s intended rather than using it to host clients. I don’t think they’ll change how they operate to appeal to the travelling escort market so you have to adjust your expectations around what’s possible within their model unfortunately. 
    Also I didn’t offer any solution because I know you don’t want suggestions (that’s based on experience). 
  17. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to jeezifonly in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    The suffering you endure bravely, without complaint. 😇
    meant “we”
  18. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to pubic_assistance in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    🙄Here we go again.....
    News flash: white people also suffer consequences for breaking rules.
    I know thst must be shocking to you. But it's true.
    11:00 am checkout means you're supposed to leave your room by 11:00 am so they can clean the room for the next person. No matter what color the person is they find in the room...the response is the same.
    GET OUT. We need to clean that room.
  19. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to Jamie21 in Hotels are wearing me out…does it take the fun out of touring for you?   
    It appears that your operating model doesn’t work? Although I guess you might come back with examples of times when it does work of course…. 
    But I’d suggest that if it doesn’t work > 80% of the time then it’s not effective and you need to change something. The world won’t change to suit you; you have to change to fit the world. I don’t travel so I’m not going to offer any ideas except to say that if I book a hotel room (I use them for filming) then I use DayUse which provides rooms by the hour. Usually at affordable rates and at convenient times. 
  20. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to Bucky in I know it’s the holidays, but I wish I could tell clients how I feel….   
    Some providers have no idea what control they have and don't have over the business they're in.  
  21. Like
  22. Like
    ManTouch got a reaction from + TheBigO in TampaBayRubDown   
    I saw him earlier this year when I was visiting St. Pete.   Decent rubdown/massage followed by generous extras.
  23. Like
  24. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to Simon Suraci in Deposits and when are they ok to ask for it?   
    @Jarrod_Uncut you know I love you man. You know I wish you success. We disagree on a lot of things and that’s ok. I’m comfortable with that and have respect for our differences.
    I’m the kind of guy who will invest his heart and soul into helping others, at the expense of his own sanity sometimes. At some point I have to give up for my own mental health because the other person isn’t interested in help or ideas or getting better, but emotionally it costs me a lot to keep caring so much. It’s just me trying to be supportive and struggling when all the other person does is continue to sabotage himself, close himself off from others who are genuinely interested in his success.
    You’re not interested in opinions or insight, or adapting or trying new things. Or taking serious advice from the forum members who have taken time out of their lives to respond genuinely and thoughtfully to your posts.
    You want the hiring world to conform to your business model and to your preferences. That ain’t gonna happen. Never. Years of promotion on these forums has not changed hearts and minds, even those most sympathetic to you. If anything, you’ve alienated many potential clients, and some of them have said that to me privately.
    You will never give up on the deposits policy, and that’s ok. You do you. You’re entitled to do business how you see fit. What we forum members find most exhausting is that you continue complain about the consequences of your own policies, where you choose to live, and how you choose to do business. If you don’t like how it’s working out for you, you’re welcome to change any of those things. But we know you won’t do that. Never. You want the world to change instead, and when it doesn’t, you complain…and then keep demanding it to change…and when you’re met with reasonable skepticism about your expectations, you try to convince the world that they’re all wrong. It’s a miserable cycle.
    You’re not going to convince others that they should charge/pay deposits as a new norm for hiring across the board. The industry is never going to change to fit how you want and think it should be. Period.
    Continue with the policies that work for you. And when they don’t work for you, feel free to complain again (and again, and again) about the same things, but don’t be shocked when it falls on deaf ears. Forum members are utterly exhausted for sympathy for you. And that’s coming from someone who genuinely cares about you and wants to see you succeed!
    I’ll be taking a step back from engaging with some of the more repetitive posts from Jarrod. It’s too exhausting for me to keep going. I don’t mean to say I won’t engage with Jarrod in general, just that I’m going to skip the topics where I already know your opinion and have heard similar complaints a zillion times already and know you aren’t interested in discussing ways to get better. There’s no point. It’s a total waste of time.
  25. Applause
    ManTouch reacted to SouthOfTheBorder in Deposits and when are they ok to ask for it?   
    There is no easy road to success in any profession.  It’s all about hard work, dedication, adapting to change, a positive mindset - and being able to overcome challenges without getting stuck in why it can’t happen. 
    The simplest way to be successful is to identify the people who are successful and do what they do.  And if those same successful people are offering specific ideas, advise & help on how to do it - even better & an invaluable resource.
    In my professional life, I had to coach lots of people on how to do better in a super competitive work environment.  It was a 50/50 chance that the employees could survive, “get it” and eventually thrive in their work.  The ones who failed could not take direction & were always making excuses about why something couldn’t happen or that they had unique circumstances - they got stuck in a negative mindset.
    I think being a successful provider is difficult because it requires an extensive sexual repertoire & being very good at all those things to appeal to broad range of client interest.  In addition, they need to excel in the business end (advertising, screening, booking, & analysis) which requires a completely different skill set.  
    How many providers can do all those things & do them well ?  
    A very few who are the real pros.

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