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  1. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + db66 in There’s a new Forum   
    For years members have been asking for a separate Forum dedicated to sports. Well, here it is!
    Description: The Sports Desk is a Forum for sports enthusiast to come together and share their points of view on topics covering the world wide of sports. Whether your game is AFL, soccer, rugby, baseball, basketball, or something that doesn't involve any balls at all.
  2. Like
    Cooper reacted to lonely_john in Forum Steering Committee - Volunteers Needed   
    It seems like people are not reading the thread before making comments in here.
  3. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from liubit in Forum Steering Committee - Volunteers Needed   
    Okay Gentlemen, Please, let’s stop these premature discussions. Is there a lawyer in the house?
    I’m sure I’m not the only one here who has dealt with being a trustee or executor of an estate. M4M is in @Guy Fawkes estate. He still owns it. Until the Probate Court finds there are no living relatives who can make claim to his estate and rules on an executor, we shouldn’t be making any decisions on who will own or run it.
    Let’s be patient. Perhaps a member lawyer can give us an idea on how long it might take for a court ruling.
  4. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from coriolis888 in Forum Steering Committee - Volunteers Needed   
    Okay Gentlemen, Please, let’s stop these premature discussions. Is there a lawyer in the house?
    I’m sure I’m not the only one here who has dealt with being a trustee or executor of an estate. M4M is in @Guy Fawkes estate. He still owns it. Until the Probate Court finds there are no living relatives who can make claim to his estate and rules on an executor, we shouldn’t be making any decisions on who will own or run it.
    Let’s be patient. Perhaps a member lawyer can give us an idea on how long it might take for a court ruling.
  5. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from BabyBoomer in Forum Steering Committee - Volunteers Needed   
    Okay Gentlemen, Please, let’s stop these premature discussions. Is there a lawyer in the house?
    I’m sure I’m not the only one here who has dealt with being a trustee or executor of an estate. M4M is in @Guy Fawkes estate. He still owns it. Until the Probate Court finds there are no living relatives who can make claim to his estate and rules on an executor, we shouldn’t be making any decisions on who will own or run it.
    Let’s be patient. Perhaps a member lawyer can give us an idea on how long it might take for a court ruling.
  6. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Lucky in Reactions borked   
    @RadioRob, When you have a chance can you check this out. Thanks.
  7. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from liubit in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  8. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from lonely_john in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  9. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from romanz in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  10. Like
    Cooper reacted to rvwnsd in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I'm happy to participate in a steering committee and act as a moderator, if we determine additional moderators are required. However, I can't have an ownership stake or serve as an officer (if a corporation or LLC is established) due to my position at my employer.
  11. Like
    Cooper reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    Thank you for posting this thought @RyanDean. My years of dealing with small businesses thinks that you are onto something here.
    I do think that a proposal outlining the plans for the site are critical, and not just the technicial and financial side of things. So far, from all of the great offers, I feel there are huge holes to what is being publicly presented as resources to support.
    Unfortunately, I'm on a contract right now and it will be a few more months before I can return to retirement. Otherwise I would be raising my hand trying to help more. At this time, I'd be willing to review any of the plans the potential next generation is interested in presenting to poke holes in it.
  12. Like
    Cooper reacted to builder boy in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    Be glad to assist
  13. Like
    Cooper reacted to Kippy in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I don't know about the rest of you, but I'm feeling better already! Thanks, guys for all the work on behalf of all Forum users. Your talent and effort are much appreciated.
  14. Like
    Cooper reacted to RadioRob in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    Works for me. Let's coordinate with Orin and Cooper, etc. That way there is a consensus. In a day or so when things settle down, I'll be able to pull together a list of estimated costs anticipated with running the site. This includes keeping the Xenforo license updated, hosting, DNS, extra security stuff (since I do cyber security for a living), etc.
  15. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Coolwave35 in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    If you want to handle the technical stuff for the forum, I’ll pay the bills. What do you say?
  16. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + José Soplanucas in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  17. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Phahared in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  18. Like
    Cooper reacted to + DERRIK in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thanks for redirecting and working above and beyond
    Suggestion for other forum users.
    I have put m4m-forum.org in my address book. Just in case the redirect stops redirecting
    that way if redirect fails/breaks/fucks up. I’ve got direct line to new site
  19. Like
    Cooper reacted to + JEC in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    @RadioRob I'd like to clarify and translate (for the non-technical) the state of the forum site.
    If I'm understanding your post(s) correctly, at this point we have copied the entire site contents - to another server which means we are no longer dependant on the site hosted in Atlanta, or the computers in Bill's apartment for the site content, for all intents and purposes the old site+content is "dead".
    Do you have backups in place for the new server/site?
    The only remaining technical dependency we have on the vestiges of Bill is the DNS, that is the subscription we pay to "own" the name www.message-forum.org and have that name (URL) point to a specific IP address (the internet address where the site is located)?
    The NEW site was set up with the DNS (URL) www.M4M-forum.org. For now, if people try to access the OLD URL www.message-forum.org, it "redirects" users to the NEW URL/IP Address (This is the internet equivalent of mail forwarding at the post office, except it happens instantly).
    If we lose access or rights, or our subscription expires to the OLD www.message-forum.org URL, we lose the redirect (mail forwarding) and the OLD URL would lead people to a "dead end" with no direction where the site now lives.
    I think we should make a strong push for people to save (and start using) the NEW URL www.M4M-forum.org in case we lose access to the OLD one. Is it possible to put up a page when ppl access the OLD URL www.message-forum.org saying "this site has moved to www.M4M-forum.org, please bookmark this this URL to access this site in the future" .... click here to access NEW site at www.M4M-forum.org?
    LMK if I have the details here correct (or not), thanks for all you are doing!
  20. Like
    Cooper reacted to wsc in Displaying images in posts   
    Geez! My first pic post! Only billions to go!
  21. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from BabyBoomer in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  22. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from marylander1940 in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  23. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Cock Eyed Optimist in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  24. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Lookin in Who Will Own and Run The Forum?   
    I just reread all the wonderful ideas and suggestions posted by concerned members. It’s a great idea to plan ahead. The sudden passing of @Guy Fawkes hit many of us hard. To me he was a mentor and strong supporter who trusted me enough with all the tools of his site. Jokingly, he used to say to me: “Cooper, when accessing the Administrator Tools, never touch the red button”. I will always miss our daily chats.
    It’s now been over a month since his passing and so much has taken place to preserve his legacy. Guy had some really good friends in Team Washington. They came to our rescue. Later today I’ll be talking with @RadioRob to discuss M4M’s future.
    There’s been a lot of good information shared in this thread. We all know that in order to move ahead we need a death certificate and a court ruling. If all goes smoothly, a new owner is needed. Hopefully, that person is tech savvy or can hire someone who is. The new owner will decide how to run the site and what needs he has. If necessary, I’ll offer my assistance but would completely understand if a new team is wanted.
    Guy was a one man operation. He knew everything about running the sites and took good care at protecting his operations. Very similar as did TotallyOz of Boy Toy and Ace Banner of Muscle Service.
    As for raising money to pay the bills, we’ve seen how it can be done. My compliments go out to @JEC for organizing a very successful GoFundMe drive. Thanks to all the members who contributed. You’ve proven how important it is to keep the site going. Also, a special thanks to @Coolwave35 for so generously offering to take care of future site expenses.
    So, what have I been up to during this transition. I’ve been working with one of our new moderators, @Daverwr. His “powers” now include every forum. Welcome aboard... With Dave on the W Coast and I on the E Coast we basically have the site covered 24/7. If you ever need to contact us just click on report and one of us will get back to you.
    A new Forum has just been created. Many of you had asked for a separate forum to discuss sports topics. I agreed and now we have “The Sports Desk.” So, stop by and tells us about your favorite teams or players and what you’re looking forward to in the Olympics.
    I have lots more to share but I don’t want to compete with one of our favorite contributors @stevenkesslar for the longest message.
    If you have any questions feel free to start a conversation with me. And, please continue sharing your thoughts and ideas on your visions for our future.
  25. Like
    Cooper reacted to + MysticMenace in Zac Efron's Tool...You Like?   
    So I was kinda liking the less bulky version of Zac recently, and lo and behold there are naked paparazzi shots of him. I guess "it" is proportional to his height and stature, but honestly, I wished it was still a mystery to me. Maybe he's a grower? ?‍♂️
    Are you happy, excited, or indifferent with this revelation?
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