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  1. Like
    Cooper reacted to builder boy in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    No words. You rock !!!!! Thank you Thank you
  2. Like
    Cooper reacted to EZEtoGRU in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thanks to Orin, RadioRob, and everyone else involved in the "rescue operation". So glad someone knows how to do all this. I would be completely clueless!
  3. Like
    Cooper reacted to builder boy in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   

  4. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Coolwave35 in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thank you!!!!!
  5. Like
    Cooper reacted to BtmBearDad in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    I don’t understand any of the tech business, but add my thank you to the chorus @Orin, @RadioRob, and everyone else who helped!
  6. Like
    Cooper reacted to bostonman in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Adding my thanks! I had tried to log in to the site a few hours ago and it was down, but so excited to see it up and running again, and so appreciative of all of your work to move to a new server.
  7. Like
    Cooper reacted to Islesguy in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thanks to both @Orin and @RadioRob for all their work getting the site back up. Very appreciative!
  8. Like
    Cooper reacted to LGatton in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    You guys are the best! Thanks for all the work you are doing. I'm a much more recent member than a lot of the guys on here but this has been an invaluable resource for me to explore this hobby. Glad you guys keeping the lights on
  9. Like
    Cooper reacted to + pdxleo in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Another voice in the chorus of "Thanks"! All your efforts are greatly appreciated!
  10. Like
    Cooper reacted to + purplekow in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Yes I just meant to day donate and used the old fashioned idea of a check. Sorry about that. The sentiment is still the same, give thanks and give coin. Thanks are great, money pays the bills.
  11. Like
    Cooper reacted to + purplekow in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    I know you guys have been thanked but I will be sending a check along with my thanks. I ask that anyone who has not done that to put your money where you thanks are.
  12. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Cash4Trash in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thank you so very much for saving the forum. I promise fewer bad jokes going forward.
  13. Like
    Cooper reacted to + José Soplanucas in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thank you, guys!
  14. Like
    Cooper reacted to RyanDean in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Adding to the chorus: THANK YOU.
  15. Like
    Cooper reacted to + poolboy48220 in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Adding my thanks as well. Good job guys!

  16. Like
    Cooper reacted to mike carey in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    My heartfelt thanks to @Orin and @RadioRob for the phoenix act on the site. The lights went out at 8pm Monday my time so I didn't have @Charlie's problem of finding a full day of mundane tasks to do, only an evening of having to watch TV undistracted. I share the profound relief others have shared in this thread.
  17. Like
    Cooper reacted to + m_writer in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thank you all for saving the forum. I already donated, but if you'll have us, each year, I'll be happy to donate again to ensure the lights remain on.
  18. Like
    Cooper reacted to Rod Hagen in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thank you for all the work and for taking care of us :-)
  19. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Charlie in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    When Lucky told me first thing this morning that the site had disappeared with no explanation, I wondered what to do with my day. So I did some chores, shopped for essentials, changed the beds, did three loads of laundry, watched some TV, and finally finished all the work on my taxes. All the while I had a kind of empty feeling in my stomach, which wasn't assuaged by going to a neighbor's home for drinks and dinner. Would I have to get through tomorrow, and the next day and the next, with the same kinds of mundane activities? When I got home this evening, opened my email, and found the message from Lucky that the site was back, a weight was lifted from my spirit: one of the most dependable pleasures of my daily routine had been restored!
    Thank you, RadioRob and Orin?
  20. Like
    Cooper reacted to Trick in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thank you
  21. Like
    Cooper reacted to + sam.fitzpatrick in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    I hadn't tried to log on earlier today, so wasn't aware of the firedrill that happened earlier. Thanks to finding a fast solution.
  22. Like
    Cooper reacted to NJF in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    This is fantastic. Thanks you for everyone involved in the rescue, or shall we call it a resurrection?
  23. Like
    Cooper reacted to + DERRIK in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thanks for performing magic
  24. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Autumnal in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Adding my thanks too! I tried to log on a few times today with no luck and got a sinking feeling in my gut - but on the plus side I got a whole lot of yard work done!?
  25. Like
    Cooper reacted to + FreshFluff in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Fantastic work, @RadioRob and @Orin! I was a little worried when the site wouldn’t load.
    I like the new set of emojis, too.
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