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  1. Like
    Cooper reacted to RadioRob in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    My personal server (and now this site) is also in Atlanta. So apparently it was not a far move! However once things settle down, I'll be setting up a separate one just for everything related to Daddy's. That way it's only me helping administer it going forward and not me owning it.
  2. Like
    Cooper reacted to + keroscenefire in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Thanks for all that you do! Happy to contribute in the future to some kind of ongoing fund.
  3. Like
    Cooper reacted to Luv2play in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    I’ve been feeling the same way since the site went off my screen. I only tried it this evening after 2 days being blank and it was back as if it had never been away, except for Orin’s explanation. All I had to do was login again and my email and password sufficed.
    Great to see everyone is still around.
  4. Like
    Cooper reacted to + jessmapex in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Isolated and distraught through the pandemic, this forum became my refuge. Although I do not know anyone in person, just reading through comments, discussions gave me a feeling of being connected with a community. When the site disappeared for a day, I missed a heartbeat. Like I lost someone to the pandemic. So glad we are back now. Heartfelt thanks to those who made it happen.
  5. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Axiom2001 in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    ...most appreciated and zillions of sincere thank you's!
  6. Like
    Cooper reacted to Bargara Leatherboy in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Tried to log In Monday night in Australia and no find. Again during our Tuesday. Sinking feeling - its gone.....
    So happy to see it alive and well on wednesday morning Sydney time.
    Much appreciate the work you do for us all
  7. Like
    Cooper reacted to LoadsOfun in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    As a long time lurker I want to thank @Orin & @RadioRob so much for getting things back "up". Bravo!!
  8. Like
    Cooper reacted to BaronArtz in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    I thought that it was all 'gone forever'. Thank you Orin and RadioRob for resurrecting this site!
  9. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + honcho in India's COVID Variant could be Deadlier & Vaccine Resistant   
    Gentlemen, the topic is “India's COVID Variant could be Deadlier & Vaccine Resistant”. Let’s respect the wishes of the OP and stay on topic.
  10. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from lonely_john in India's COVID Variant could be Deadlier & Vaccine Resistant   
    Gentlemen, the topic is “India's COVID Variant could be Deadlier & Vaccine Resistant”. Let’s respect the wishes of the OP and stay on topic.
  11. Like
    Cooper reacted to Wanderoz in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Great team work for the rescue. Thank you all.
  12. Like
    Cooper reacted to RadioRob in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    We have moved the forum to a new server as of a few minutes ago. I have not had a chance to work on the review site yet. That will eventually happen. In order to do that, I'll need to setup a different website for daddysreviews.com since we don't (yet) control the domain's DNS settings. I'll most likely set it up temporarily as https://reviews.m4m-forum.org until we can get control of the domain's DNS.
    I still need to work on a few other things such as setting up automatic backups, etc. I just wanted to get the site back online ASAP so I took a bunch of shortcuts to get things online and then going back to do the stuff I skipped.
  13. Like
    Cooper reacted to RadioRob in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Absolutely not. In terms of access, there is nothing different in terms of security or in terms of what big brother can see/do. We'll eventually have both domains. But for now, until we get control of DNS, I have a redirect in place on Daddy's server to push everyone over here. Once we have control of m4m-forum.org's DNS itself, I can have it come directly here.
    Eventually both domains will just work equally with no difference.
  14. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Reisr30 in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    @Orin and @RadioRob Thank you! I thought the site was gone...
  15. Like
    Cooper reacted to RadioRob in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    We're lucky in that we were able to save EVERYTHING. Thanks to the work of Orin and "Team Washington", they were able to get root level access to the server. That allowed me to export the entire forum entirely as-is and move it to a new server.
    I have not had a chance to export other sites such as the review site. I'll attempt to work on that later.
  16. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Orin in READ ME: Message Forum Moved to New Server   
    Early this morning, something happened at the hosting company, and the site fell through a wormhole. I'd been talking with @RadioRob about it yesterday, and contacted him. For most of the day, he's been busy rescuing the site. Since he couldn't get it to work on the old server, he copied it to another one, and set up a new URL, M4M-forum.org to point to it. Now that it's working in its new home, the old site re-directs to the new one, where you should be now. Please bookmark the new URL.
    Once we have updated the DNS entries for the old site's URL to point to the new server, the redirect will no longer be needed and the old server can be relinquished. There is other work to do for moving the review site.
    All of this means that it is time to decide who will own and run this place.
  17. Like
    Cooper reacted to JayCeeKy in Grindr code for escorts   
    That's interesting since the diamond emoji has traditionally meant meth - I wonder if that gets confusing?
    Emojis that represent drugs:
    Cocaine — Slang terms for this drug include coke, snow, dust, powder, nose candy, coco, blow, pearl, yeyo. Often represented as the following emojis:
    (Snow, Snowman, Key, Raining cloud, Rice, Sneezing Face, Eightball, coconut)
    Marijuana — People usually smoke marijuana but it can be used in a variety of ways. Dispensaries sell brownie and candy infused weed, you can purchase lotions and balms that contain CBD as well as brewing it and drinking it in a form of tea. People who use marijuana for medical purposes use it for conditions like chronic pain, muscle spasticity, anorexia, nausea, and insomnia. Often represented by the following emojis:
    (Maple Leaf, Four Leaf Clover, Palm Tree, Tree, Pine Tree, Kissy Face, Smoke, Face With Steam From Nose)
    Cough syrup — The concoction is made by mixing the prescription medication with Sprite Soda and Jolly Rancher candies. Often represented by the following emojis:
    (Grapes, Baby Bottle, Crystal Ball, Purple Heart)
    Methamphetamine — It is a popular party drug that is usually smoked with a small glass pipe, but can also be swallowed, snorted, or injected into a vein. It comes in clear crystal chunks or shiny blue-white rocks. Commonly known as; ice, glass, rocks crystal, crank, chalk, tweak, tina, Walter white, speed. Often represented by the following emojis:
    (Diamond, Snow, Snowy Mountain, Eight Ball, Rice)
    Heroin — Pure heroin is a white powder that can be snorted or smoked. “Black Tar” heroin has a very sticky texture. Black tar heroin is dark, a result from crude processing methods that leave behind impurities. Impure heroin is normally dissolved and diluted with water and injected into the veins. Commonly referred to as; H, smack, tar, junk, black, dragon, white horse, skag. Often represented by the following emojis:
    (Syringe, Direct Hit, Dragon, Horse)
    MDMA — MDMA is normally sold in pill form and can contain additives. These factors can contribute to serious and sometimes fatal health effects. MDMA can also be addictive and research suggests long-term cognitive problems may develop in some users. This drug is most popular among teens and young adults, especially at nightclubs or raves. The drug comes in a wide variety of sizes, shapes, and colors often are stamped or imprinted with unique logos (Smiley faces, Superman logo, Skull shapes, legos, hearts, stars, children’s cartoons dominoes). Street names include; X, Superman, XTC, Adam, Beans, Love Drug, Happy Pill, Scooby Snacks, Smarties, Skittles, Vitamin E or X. Often represented by the following emojis:
    (Pill, Heart with Lightning Bolt, Biohazard Sign, Exploding Head, Candy)
    Magic Mushrooms — This drug is most commonly chewed but can also be made into a tea. Mushrooms may be consumed raw and dried but cannot be smoked or cooked as this destroys the main ingredient, psilocybin. There are more than 180 species of mushrooms that contain psilocybin. Psilocybin mushrooms have a long history of use in Mesoamerica in spiritual and religious rituals and are currently one of the most popular recreational psychedelics in the U.S. and Europe. Popular street names for magic mushrooms include; shrooms, liberty caps, Alice, boomers, simple Simon. Often represented by the following emojis:
    Here are some other emoji codes that you might want to be aware if you are thinking about looking through your teen’s phone:
    The spaceship emoji is used to indicate how high the potency of a drug is.
    The plug emoji is used to refer to a drug dealer, a ‘connect’ or supplier who is going to be able to provide you with drugs.
    The pie emoji can be used to describe the punny expression of cookies pies, making a large amount of drugs to distribute.

    The fuel pump emoji is used to describe being ‘gassed,’ drunk or intoxicated. This emoji can also mean gas, a high-grade marijuana.
  18. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Coolwave35 in Grindr code for escorts   
    It’s very easy. I have multiple “hiring” accounts on Grindr. One of my accounts has a default pic of an atm, a safe, and a wallet. It gets the point across.
  19. Like
    Cooper reacted to DMICS in Grindr code for escorts   
    I always thought the diamond meant drugs, specifically crystal.

    In my experience, I've come across a handful of local RM providers on Grindr. In most cases if you go through Grindr they quote a lower rate vs. RM. One of my regs who isn't a provider I hired off Grindr.
  20. Like
    Cooper reacted to DMICS in Grindr code for escorts   
    I always thought the diamond meant drugs, specifically crystal.

    In my experience, I've come across a handful of local RM providers on Grindr. In most cases if you go through Grindr they quote a lower rate vs. RM. One of my regs who isn't a provider I hired off Grindr.
  21. Like
    Cooper reacted to cany10011 in Grindr code for escorts   
    In russian escort ads, MP stands for “material support” =$$$$
  22. Like
    Cooper reacted to cany10011 in Grindr code for escorts   
    In russian escort ads, MP stands for “material support” =$$$$
  23. Like
    Cooper reacted to + g56whiz in Grindr code for escorts   
    In Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, the term used on Grinder is "MB" standing for money boy
  24. Like
    Cooper reacted to FrancisCA in Grindr code for escorts   
    everything has already been said but 'Massage' but usually spelt different since they will ban that word
  25. Like
    Cooper reacted to RuffLeatherPig in Grindr code for escorts   
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