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    Cooper reacted to Scott Virginian in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I will indulge my own emotions for one emotional outburst: this f***ing sucks. This just sucks so bad.
    The words and emotions of the people here say all you need to know about what kind of man Bill was. He spread warmth and humor and love, he made people laugh, he helped people love, he lifted people up, and made the world a little better than it was before. I hope that his spirit is somewhere, free of care and pain, and being part of the joy that he created. May he rest in peace and may the memories and bonds and connections he inspired be a beautiful legacy.
    @Cooper, you created kindness, looking after him as he looked after others. Thank you.
    In the next few days, perhaps each of us can find someone who needs a friend, who needs a kind word, who needs a shoulder, and do it, while saying silently "I do this kindness in Bill's name". A thousand acts of kindness radiating out in honor of him. And somewhere up there he'll look down and know that he inspired good.
  2. Like
    Cooper reacted to Redwine56 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I've been reading the pages of such touching and genuine expression of gratitude and sympathy for OUR Daddy Guy Fawkes. It makes it ever so much sadder to hear that the life of such an amazing, talented and caring man had to end so tragically. The pandemic has struck yet again taking out another loving soul. Although I"ve not had the privilege of ever meeting Daddy Fawkes, I can sense that he touched the lives of many in special ways.
    I believe he was proud of this unique forum and it was a labor of love for him. He put so much into it and spent countless hours running it with the assistance of his capable admins with special kudos to Cooper. l'll be thinking of you guys as you raise a glass to Daddy at the PS weekend. I hope this forum can somehow find a way to continue as a tribute to Daddy because I know that's what he would have wanted. The exchange of personal thoughts, feelings, ideas, news, the gallery photos - where can we ever find all this? I am not on social media but this forum has become part of my daily routine. RIP Daddy Guy Fawkes. You will be sorely missed by all of your children who loved you.
  3. Like
    Cooper reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    That's a great bit to share. Thank you.
  4. Sad
    Cooper got a reaction from Casual in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am very sorry to report that Guy Fawkes/daddy passed away this evening of heart failure. For over a month he remained in the hospital unconscious and on life support.
    His passing touches us all. He was a man who dedicated his life to providing a Forum where men would feel free and comfortable talking about all sorts of topics that covered our life style.
    Having worked with daddy since he started this site I got to see first hand how much he cared about people and viewed us as his family. He was a very bright man with a love for life. He will be missed.
    RIP Daddy/Guy Fawkes
    With sympathy,
  5. Like
    Cooper reacted to + jamesdc in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Such sad news. I had the privilege of meeting Daddy at my one and only Palm Springs Party, 4 or so years ago. He was sitting alone up on the porch, watching the festivities in the pool below. I think he could "sense" I was a first timer and a little nervous. He was so kind, chatty and friendly, putting me at ease. Rest in peace, Sweet Man...thank you!
  6. Like
    Cooper reacted to orville in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I feel the lives of forum members improved thanks to the existence of this site,
    which is the product of @Guy Fawkes' work and dedication to make it a civilized community.
    He will be missed but I'm sure he's in a better place now, with no more suffering. RIP Daddy.
  7. Like
    Cooper reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    It's too soon to start talking about the future of the site, at least for me. I prefer to focus on the loss of the man, and the ways in which Cooper managed to get him care. The outpouring of respect and love are profound. He made a mark.
  8. Like
    Cooper reacted to Bryanforservice in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    As with many of you all, I feel this news is hard to hear. These forums and the folks on them have been a wonderful, good and even wholesome part of this thing, the internet. Knowing Daddy/Guy was behind it all, making it work, and keeping it afloat was a comfort we didn’t know we could miss this badly.
    I wish it were different. I wish it were easier.
    I wish you all some comfort and maybe some peace after the passing of a man who loomed large for us all.
  9. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Chuck MaxxTop in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    RIP Daddy. Extremely sad news.
  10. Sad
    Cooper got a reaction from NYCNewbie in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am very sorry to report that Guy Fawkes/daddy passed away this evening of heart failure. For over a month he remained in the hospital unconscious and on life support.
    His passing touches us all. He was a man who dedicated his life to providing a Forum where men would feel free and comfortable talking about all sorts of topics that covered our life style.
    Having worked with daddy since he started this site I got to see first hand how much he cared about people and viewed us as his family. He was a very bright man with a love for life. He will be missed.
    RIP Daddy/Guy Fawkes
    With sympathy,
  11. Like
    Cooper reacted to BaronArtz in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am truly sorry to read this news. I did not know Guy Fawkes well, but I am grateful for his efforts to keep this site going for so many years. Without it, I would not have lived through countless exciting experiences and disappointments avoided. As he has moved from the temporal to the eternal, I hope he will rest in peace. His legacy lives on through this very site. I do hope and wish it will continue ...
    Thank you, Cooper, for taking the lead during this difficult transition.
  12. Like
    Cooper reacted to Ryan Roman in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thank you for everything you did for so many of us over the years, Daddy. RIP, and know that you'll be missed by all who had the good luck to interact with you.
  13. Like
    Cooper reacted to DR FREUD in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks for my daily morning routine, starting every morning reading the reviews and forum. RIP Daddy
  14. Sad
    Cooper got a reaction from RyanCross in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am very sorry to report that Guy Fawkes/daddy passed away this evening of heart failure. For over a month he remained in the hospital unconscious and on life support.
    His passing touches us all. He was a man who dedicated his life to providing a Forum where men would feel free and comfortable talking about all sorts of topics that covered our life style.
    Having worked with daddy since he started this site I got to see first hand how much he cared about people and viewed us as his family. He was a very bright man with a love for life. He will be missed.
    RIP Daddy/Guy Fawkes
    With sympathy,
  15. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Reisr30 in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    Gentlemen, Let’s keep politics out of this thread. If you want to discuss political issues please move it to the Politics Forum.
  16. Like
    Cooper reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I'm moved. When you lose someone you actually know, it's mixed emotionally. The loss stings more, but you also have deeper memories. I imagine you added a lot to his life.
  17. Like
    Cooper reacted to + bigjoey in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I have just read the sad news. This is one of the most beautiful eulogies I have read. Thank you for pointing out not only what he did to help others but also how he did so with integrity; that is a rare trait today. Rare is the man who can not be “bought” or cut corners but as you remind us, Guy Fawkes was one such person.
    Not much can be added to the many beautiful posts of remembrance. In these pandemic days, the words “essential worker” have been bandied about. That only partly describes Guy Fawkes. His work was not only essential to maintaining this site electronically but also in creating a community where people were able to connect and make friends. As many stated, his work helped many on their life’s journey.
    While everyone has the chance to touch the lives of others, Guy Fawkes spent the extra energy to actually do that. What a wonderful man to leave such a beautiful legacy.
    Thank you Guy Fawkes for a life well spent.?
    Thank you Cooper for all you have done.
  18. Like
    Cooper reacted to former lurker in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    You do him proud. Bless you. I'd rather be amazed by an unexpected recovery, but I am at least comforted to know you made sure he was cared for as best as possible. Nothing erases this sort of loss, but having done your utmost to ensure his care should be reassuring. He is and will be missed. You have done great things for him.
  19. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from MikePDNA51 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I am very sorry to report that Guy Fawkes/daddy passed away this evening of heart failure. For over a month he remained in the hospital unconscious and on life support.
    His passing touches us all. He was a man who dedicated his life to providing a Forum where men would feel free and comfortable talking about all sorts of topics that covered our life style.
    Having worked with daddy since he started this site I got to see first hand how much he cared about people and viewed us as his family. He was a very bright man with a love for life. He will be missed.
    RIP Daddy/Guy Fawkes
    With sympathy,
  20. Like
    Cooper reacted to coriolis888 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Author - A. E. Housman
    "I promise nothing: friends will part;
    All things may end, for all began;
    And truth and singleness of heart
    Are mortal even as is man.
    But this unlucky love should last
    When answered passions thin to air;
    Eternal fate so deep has cast Its sure foundation of despair."
    He did a splendid job keeping this forum going. For that, we all owe him much.
  21. Like
    Cooper reacted to josh282282 in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    RIP, Daddy. You will be missed.
  22. Like
    Cooper reacted to + pdxleo in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Godspeed to a fine gentleman and a good man, taken away much too soon. This community he let thrive due to his interests and humanity will sorely miss him, and I look forward to seeing who, if anyone, will pick up the torch and lead us forward - a very sad basket of kittens we are right now.
  23. Like
    Cooper reacted to + WilliamM in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Daddy is already starting a message forum in heaven.
    Cary Grant is helping.
  24. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Ace in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I've been trying to "find the words" since hearing the news....
    I WILL say: he loved "his kids" as he called us...
    He was a friend, mentor, & the architect of a guy named Ace. He will be missed and ALWAYS appreciated & remembered fondly.
    Mine will be the first glass raised in Palm Springs on April 10th!
  25. Like
    Cooper reacted to mattr in RIP Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    This is such sad news. I just hope he is looking down and seeing all these kind words and heartfelt tributes and realizes how much he and his work meant to this group. Thanks Cooper for being there for Daddy and keeping us informed as these tragic events unfolded.
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