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  1. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Despardo in 411 on MagicMikexxl   
    Gentlemen, Could we please stay on topic and avoid these off topic personal comments. Like most of you I’m more interested in reading about MagicMikexxl.
  2. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Kurtkri in 411 on MagicMikexxl   
    Gentlemen, Could we please stay on topic and avoid these off topic personal comments. Like most of you I’m more interested in reading about MagicMikexxl.
  3. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from BabyBoomer in 411 on MagicMikexxl   
    Gentlemen, Could we please stay on topic and avoid these off topic personal comments. Like most of you I’m more interested in reading about MagicMikexxl.
  4. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from orville in 411 on MagicMikexxl   
    Gentlemen, Could we please stay on topic and avoid these off topic personal comments. Like most of you I’m more interested in reading about MagicMikexxl.
  5. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Wanderoz in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Update Friday, March 12th. I sent the social worker a few additional names of associates of daddy’s. Hopefully, these leads can turn up someone related to him or someone who might have POA. Thanks to those sending me this information.
    Daddy’s condition remains the same. No change from Wednesday’s report.
    It’s now over 2 weeks since the police found daddy on the floor of his home. Other than keeping him in our thoughts, prayers, or sending good karma, we just have to patiently wait for the healing/recovery process to kick in.
    I truly appreciate all the concern and love you’ve shown for daddy/Guy Fawkes. He means a lot to us. I’ll do my best to keep you posted.
    Cooper ❤️
  6. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Justice in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Latest update: Called the hospital on Sunday, 3/7. Daddy is still in ICU. His most recent covid test came back negative. One more test is required to confirm. He remains sedated and on a ventilator. An attempt to wean him off the ventilator and wake him up was unsuccessful. I’ll keep you posted if anything changes.
    I’ve heard from so many members expressing a concern for daddy and thanking me for helping out. Your kind & thoughtful words are most appreciated. Please keep daddy in your thoughts and prayers.
  7. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Justice in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I certainly can understand the interest the membership has in receiving updates on daddy’s health. Sadly, as of today, there has been no change. He’s being kept sedated as he recovers from covid.
    I realize this thread has gotten very long and perhaps some of you missed my last update where I mentioned if anything changes I’ll let you know immediately.
    Again, your kind words & concern for daddy are most appreciated. Hopefully, he’ll soon be able to read them.
    Stay well,
  8. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Charlie in Aging On The Forum   
    I don't know how to find the posts I made here back in the 20th century.
  9. Like
    Cooper reacted to MikeBiDude in Aging On The Forum   
    You made me look...found posts I made same 18 years ago as yourself @Lucky! Back in the days is Scott Adler, Braeden Casey, Chad Conners, others...Craigslist queries were frequent.
  10. Like
    Cooper reacted to + sync in Aging On The Forum   
    I've been a member here for seven years, but I was a "lurker" for several years before.
    I, too, have fond memories of the Gaiety, Eros, Stella's, Rounds, Haymarket, and so many others.
    Good times!
  11. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Lucky in Aging On The Forum   
    So I found a thread I contributed to from 18 years ago. Think about that. 18 years. I've grown old here. And, of course, I am not the only one. Our days of going to The Gaiety in New York, Stella's, etc. etc. et cetera seem so far gone, but it sure is nice to have a record of the fun we had. Present times, pandemic aside, seem so tame. My younger self was so much more active and in such better shape than I am now. I can only look with envy.
    And for all of the guys who are aging with me on the forums, thank you. I couldn't have stuck with it but for the encouragement and support from you. I won't name names, but management gets credit too.
    Thank You! Who else has been here for a long time? You can define that as you wish! ?
  12. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Lucky in New Gaiety & Strip Club Forum Moderator   
    They sure did. We soon had a "posse" of guys joining us at The G, and then we had group dinners at various Times Square restaurants. Our enthusiasm caught on here too. It was so much fun to go to The Gaiety and end up at Stella's, watching the pros work.
  13. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Lucky in New Gaiety & Strip Club Forum Moderator   
    Hooboy recognized @Cooper's talent right away and made him the moderator of this forum.
  14. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Wanderoz in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  15. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Wanderoz in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  16. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + bigjoey in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  17. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Midwestern Guy in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Update Friday, March 12th. I sent the social worker a few additional names of associates of daddy’s. Hopefully, these leads can turn up someone related to him or someone who might have POA. Thanks to those sending me this information.
    Daddy’s condition remains the same. No change from Wednesday’s report.
    It’s now over 2 weeks since the police found daddy on the floor of his home. Other than keeping him in our thoughts, prayers, or sending good karma, we just have to patiently wait for the healing/recovery process to kick in.
    I truly appreciate all the concern and love you’ve shown for daddy/Guy Fawkes. He means a lot to us. I’ll do my best to keep you posted.
    Cooper ❤️
  18. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from ozmaster in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    I certainly can understand the interest the membership has in receiving updates on daddy’s health. Sadly, as of today, there has been no change. He’s being kept sedated as he recovers from covid.
    I realize this thread has gotten very long and perhaps some of you missed my last update where I mentioned if anything changes I’ll let you know immediately.
    Again, your kind words & concern for daddy are most appreciated. Hopefully, he’ll soon be able to read them.
    Stay well,
  19. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from ozmaster in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  20. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + FreshFluff in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  21. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Phahared in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  22. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Reisr30 in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  23. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from BabyBoomer in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    March 18th Update:
    Received a call from the social worker. First off daddy’s condition remains unchanged. She called to let me know that a long time friend of daddy’s from the state of Washington was appointed by the hospital to be his decision maker for his health care. Sadly, no family member was found.
  24. Like
    Cooper reacted to MiamiLooker in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    I remember seeing him many times at Campus in the 90's. Nice guy.
  25. Like
    Cooper reacted to Luv2play in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    Dave was there into the 2000's. And I saw him at Campus during the period when they had curtains on the backrooms where pretty much anything went on, depending on the friendliness of the dancer and the amount of cash you had in your wallet. I rarely left the place with any cash left in my wallet but a big grin on my face.
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