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    Cooper reacted to Luv2play in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    I would have left early to catch Jason Markus as well. He was such a hottie and hunk. One of my favorite escorts of all time. An a really sweet guy too. And talk about a preternatural amount of pre-cum. I've never seen anything like it since.
    The thread reminded me of Dave Angelo, a dancer at the Gaiety at that time who danced in Montreal. He had the angel wings tattooed on his back. He was super hot in the backrooms in the stripper clubs in Montreal.
  2. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Charlie in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    OMG! Was that the party at Sofia's? I WAS THERE! It was the first time I met any of the Hooboy crowd, but I was present only at the beginning, because I had an appointment with Jason Markus and had to leave after the appetizers. Talk about ships that pass in the night....
  3. Like
    Cooper reacted to foxy in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    Jason Markus!!! OMG!
  4. Like
    Cooper reacted to foxy in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    It’s so hard for me to believe the Gaiety has now been gone for 16 years. How is that possible? So many fun filled memories. Aside from the obvious pleasure of watching the show and meeting the dancers I’m happy to report that Cooper and I bonded and have remained good friends all these years. Except for the pandemic we continued meeting in the city almost every Wednesday to take in a Broadway show, have lunch or dinner and continue on with cocktails. For years that was Splash Bar and when that closed (very sadly) we moved on to other bars. In the last few years that has been Hardware. Even though we haven’t been able to see each other in person this last year we text almost every day. I‘m looking forward to resuming our weekly meetings.
    I‘ve been reading some of our old reviews and have to admit they are pretty amusing. It was fun doing them and we got help from other posters like Lucky.
    Cooper and I had a standing date to meet and go to the first show on Mondays. After the show we’d head to a local bar or restaurant and compare notes. We actually took notes during the show. We took our job pretty seriously believe it or not. Although sometimes Cooper would see a dancer he liked and take off mid-show. But I would get a report later on so it was fine.
    Looking back it’s hard to believe the Gaiety existed. I guess we’ll never see anything like it again.
  5. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Atlanta_Guy in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    Here’s just one of many links to the lineups. This took place the day of our 1st Hooville Party in NYC. Some old familiar names posted.
  6. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from john1973 in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    On March 17, 2005 the last stage show took place at the Gaiety. What a sad night that was. Unfortunately, nothing in NYC ever came close to replacing it.
    So many happy memories. If you do a search on the Gaiety you’ll find many discussions and reviews. Those dancers became household names.
    Those were the days... Sure miss it. ?
  7. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Cash4Trash in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Because of this thread I now e-mail a good friend every morning and he e-mails me back. Have traded emergency contact #'s , next of kin, etc.
  8. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Atlanta_Guy in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    On March 17, 2005 the last stage show took place at the Gaiety. What a sad night that was. Unfortunately, nothing in NYC ever came close to replacing it.
    So many happy memories. If you do a search on the Gaiety you’ll find many discussions and reviews. Those dancers became household names.
    Those were the days... Sure miss it. ?
  9. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from leeper in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    Here’s just one of many links to the lineups. This took place the day of our 1st Hooville Party in NYC. Some old familiar names posted.
  10. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Lucky in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    Here’s just one of many links to the lineups. This took place the day of our 1st Hooville Party in NYC. Some old familiar names posted.
  11. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Cock Eyed Optimist in The Cooper/Foxy Gaiety Reviews   
    On March 17, 2005 the last stage show took place at the Gaiety. What a sad night that was. Unfortunately, nothing in NYC ever came close to replacing it.
    So many happy memories. If you do a search on the Gaiety you’ll find many discussions and reviews. Those dancers became household names.
    Those were the days... Sure miss it. ?
  12. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Lucky in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    @Unicorn is a great contributor to this site in multiple ways. I apologize to him for making him feel criticized.
  13. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from Wanderoz in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  14. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + Reisr30 in 2021 Palm Springs Weekend   
    Gentlemen, Let’s keep politics out of this thread. If you want to discuss political issues please move it to the Politics Forum.
  15. Sad
    Cooper got a reaction from + Midwestern Guy in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Update: 3.15.21. Called the hospital @ 8:30am NY time to inquire about daddy’s/Guy Fawkes condition. There has been no change. He remains sedated, on a ventilator, with a feeding tube. There have been several unsuccessful attempts to wake him. The hospital said they “don’t want to sugar coat his condition”. Simply put, it doesn’t look good.
    I’ll contact the social worker later today and see if she’s had any luck locating a family member or someone who can act as his legal guardian.
  16. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + bigjoey in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  17. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + keroscenefire in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  18. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + g56whiz in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  19. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + robear in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  20. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from + glutes in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  21. Like
    Cooper reacted to + Lucky in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    @Cooper is doing the best he can, but he lives in New York. I personally don't see it as his responsibility to take on Daddy's issues. He has already spent tons of time on this, both posting here and in contact with the hospital. Don't forget, he is the one who was able to get the police to do a welfare check on Daddy. He is also managing the site, at least as I understand it.
    So, my suggestion, is not to put any additional duties on Cooper that he does not voluntarily take on himself.
  22. Like
    Cooper got a reaction from orville in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Thanks @Unicorn for taking the time to post that information. Not sure how the social worker is going to proceed. As of yesterday she was still contacting his friends & business associates.
    @Lucky ? Thanks for understanding my situation.
  23. Like
    Cooper reacted to wayout in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    Keeping good thoughts and sending all my best wishes and hopes his way for his improvement, leading to a full recovery.
  24. Like
    Cooper reacted to + WilliamM in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    To be fair, we don't know the nurse's side of the story. For example, was she/he an actual nurse, or an assistant
  25. Like
    Cooper reacted to SirBillybob in Expressing a concern for Guy Fawkes/daddy   
    If a unit co-owner within a condominium corporation or syndicate, there is often an emergency contact on the Board or management records. Similarly, if renting from a company there may be a contact on the lease application as people do pass away and these companies want to make it easier to deal with belongings, etc.
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